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A rostrocaudal (RCd) nasal view was developed in large breed mesaticephalic dogs using a complete, subsequently sectioned, skull and cadaver specimens to optimise the radiographic technique and evaluate normal anatomic features. Gelatin was placed in one nasal passage of the cadaver specimens to mimic the effects of nasal pathology. The latter specimens and 18 clinical cases with suspected nasal disease were evaluated to determine the usefulness of the RCd view compared to standard nasal views. An optimal RCd view was obtained with the dog in dorsal recumbency and the head symmetrically positioned with the hard palate perpendicular to the table using a table top technique with 8:1 grid, collimating to the nasal region and centring the primary beam on the philtrum. The dorsolateral aspects of the maxillary bone, the nasal bones, septal sulcus of the vomer, mucosa lined nasal septum and conchae could be seen. A centrodorsal more radiolucent area representing the ethmoid bone region was also visible. Gelatin soft tissue opacification of the nasal passage could be seen more clearly in RCd nasal view than in occlusal dorsoventral view. In clinical cases the RCd view was useful to build up a 3-dimensional image of nasal passage pathology as well as to detect nasal septum and osseous nasal border pathology not visible in other views. This view is particularly useful in cases where cross-sectional imaging modalities are not available or where the nasal investigation is limited by cost considerations.  相似文献   
The study was conducted in a peri-urban agricultural system at Botshabelo, a city in the south-eastern Free State. A questionnaire survey revealed that 88.5% of cattle farmers in the area experienced problems related to ticks and tick-borne diseases. Because of the cost of commercial acaricides the Botshabelo farmers use alternative, cheaper methods of tick control, including the application of used engine oil. The specific aim of the study was to determine whether used engine oil can effectively control ticks on cattle. From March to August 1996 the tick burdens of ten control animals and six animals treated by their owner with used engine oil were compared. The total tick burdens for the 6 month period differed significantly between the two experimental groups. The efficacy of the used engine oil on the treated group varied between 15.1% and 64.8% with a mean of 38.1%. Although commercial acaricides can be more cost-effective, the application of used engine oil can be useful to reduce tick numbers on cattle during periods of peak abundance. Another advantage in that the use of the oil will not influence existing endemic stability of Anaplasma marginale and Babesia bigemina infections because of the residual tick burdens after treatment.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to determine the diversity, seasonal dynamics and abundance of ticks infesting cattle in urban, small-scale farming communities in and around Botshabelo and Thaba Nchu in the eastern Free State Province, South Africa. A total of ten cattle, ear-tagged for individual identification, were investigated monthly at each of five localities. Adult ticks were removed from the right hand side of each animal and placed in containers filled with 70% ethanol. They were subsequently identified and their numbers quantified. Immature Otobius megnini were counted but not removed. A total of 244,538 adult ticks of ten different species were collected over the 12-month study period. The tick species, in decreasing order of relative abundance, were: Boophilus decoloratus (87.26%), Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi (6.86%), Hyalomma marginatum rufipes (2.42%), Otobius megnini (1.85%) Rhipicephalus follis (0.76%), Rhipicephalus gertrudae (0.54%), Rhipicephalus sp. (0.21%), Ixodes rubicundus (0.08%), Hyalomma truncatum (0.01%) and Margaropus winthemi (0.004%). The three most abundant species, namely B. decoloratus, R. evertsi evertsi and H. marginatum rufipes, occurred at all localities but with significant differences in abundance. M. winthemi ticks occurred only in the Thaba Nchu area and were not found at any of the there localities in Botshabelo. Significant differences in tick burdens between the six warm months (September to February) and the six cooler months (March to August) were found for most of the species recorded. Boophilus decoloratus occurred in significantly higher numbers in autumn (March to May) and winter (June to August) compared to spring (September to November) and summer (December to February), with 76.8% of the total B. decoloratus burden occurring during the cooler months.  相似文献   
Pavetamine, the active principle of plants causing gousiekte in ruminants, was found in this study to be an inhibitor of protein synthesis in the rat heart. Sprague-Dawley rats were injected intra-peritoneally with 8-10 mg/kg pavetamine and the levels of protein synthesis in different organs determined utilizing L-[4-3H]phenylalanine incorporation. In contrast to the more than 23% inhibition found in heart tissue at 4, 24 and 48 h after administration of pavetamine, the effect on the kidney, liver, spleen, intestine and skeletal muscle was minimal or returned to pretreatment levels within 48 h. These results may offer an explanation for the clinical signs observed in ruminants with gousiekte, where the heart only is affected.  相似文献   
There are only two species worldwide within the genus Rhipicentor, namely Rhipicentor bicornis and Rhipicentor nuttalli and both occur only in Africa. Rhipicentor nuttali has a widespread distribution in South Africa and the present investigation was initiated to elucidate its host preference, seasonality and life cycle. Rock elephant shrews, Elephantulus myurus were examined for ticks at four localities in the Free State Province, one in Gauteng Province and two in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Cape elephant shrews, Elephantulus edwardii were examined at two places in the Western Cape Province, and a single specimen of the bushveld elephant shrew, Elephantulus intufi was examined in central Namibia. Small mammals of other species were also examined at two of these localities. The majority of E. myurus at two sites in the Free State, at the locality in Gauteng and both sites in Limpopo Province were infested with larvae and/or nymphs of R. nuttalli, while the single E. edwardii examined at one site in the Western Cape Province and the single E. intufi examined in Namibia were infested with nymphs of this tick. Not one of the other small animals was infested. Although larvae and nymphs of R. nuttalli were present on E. myurus throughout the year, the former were generally most numerous during the period March to September, and the latter during May to October. The preferred hosts of the adults are domestic dogs, leopards, Panthera pardus and South African hedgehogs, Atelerix frontalis. Adult females engorged on Atelerix frontalis in 16-32 days and, after a preoviposition period of 2-4 days, produced approximately 170,00 eggs during the following 60-70 days. The average incubation period of the eggs was 59 days. Larvae engorged on E. myurus in 4-10 days and moulted to nymphs 12-20 days later. Nymphs required 11-15 days to engorge on E. myurus and moulted to adults 32-47 days later. Allowing 14 days for the exoskeletons and mouthparts of each of the three parasitic stages to harden before they can attach to a host, the life cycle took approximately 214 days to complete in the laboratory. The length of this period, considered in conjunction with the times of maximum seasonal occurrence of the immature stages, indicates that the life cycle probably takes a year to complete in the field.  相似文献   
A 28-day study was conducted to assess the dynamic of blood feeding by Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks on dogs treated or not with a novel topical combination of fipronil, amitraz and (S)-methoprene. Dogs were infested weekly through exposure to ticks in crates for 4 h. Ticks were then counted in the crates at 2 h and 4 h post dog exposure. Ticks were also counted and removed from the dogs at 2 h, 4 h, 6 h, 12 h and 24 h post tick exposure. The inhibition of blood feeding was assessed by both tick quantification and designing and performing a quantitative PCR (qPCR) to detect the canine hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS) gene in ticks. The percentage of repellency sensu lato based on the ticks collected in crates at 2 h varied from 4.7% at day 28 to 48.3% at day 7. The immediate mortality rate of the ticks expelled at 2 h varied from 1.5% at day 21 to 31.7% at day 7. The efficacy calculation showed that the acaricidal combination started to kill ticks in as little as 2 h. The average efficacy reached 90.0% at 12 h post crate challenges and 100% at 24 h post exposure in crates. The inclusion of an internal amplification control was used to ensure that no significant template-derived PCR inhibition (≤6.2%) affected the overall results. The reduction of blood feeding was significant at 4 h (>80.0%) and >99.0% at 24 h post tick exposure in the crate. The high repellency rate and the lethal efficacy of CERTIFECT® resulted in significantly fewer live attached ticks, consequently reducing blood intake and fluid exchanges.  相似文献   
Several surveys of ticks infesting dogs belonging to owners in resource-limited and more affluent communities have been conducted in South Africa, but no such investigation has been carried out in the Free State Province of this country. The present study was initiated to meet this shortcoming. Ticks were collected from dogs at six localities in, and to the east of the city of Bloemfontein in the central region of the province. Three of these localities could be classed as resource-limited and two as affluent, while the sixth locality was an animal shelter serving all members of the public. Adult ticks belonging to nine ixodid tick species were collected, of which Rhipicephalus sanguineus was the most numerous. Significantly more R. sanguineus was collected from dogs at resource-limited than at more affluent localities. The greatest proportions of these ticks attached to the backs and necks of the dogs, with the proportions being larger in long-haired than in short-haired dogs. Most R. sanguineus were collected during the warmer months particularly from January to April. The greatest proportions of Haemaphysalis leachi, the next most numerous species, were also collected from the backs and the necks of the dogs. Most of these were present during the period September to November.  相似文献   
Fleas collected from the elephant shrews Elephantulus edwardii (A. Smith, 1839) in the Western Cape Province, Elephantulus myurus Thomas & Schwann, 1906 in Free State Province, and an Elephantulus of undetermined species in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa are recorded in this paper. Five flea species were recovered of which Demeillonia granti (Rothschild, 1904) was the most numerous and prevalent. It was followed by Macroscelidopsylla albertyni De Meillon & Marcus, 1958, collected only from E. edwardii. Both this elephant shrew and the locality are new records for M. albertyni. Chiastopsylla octavii (Rothschild, 1904), Listropsylla agrippinae (Rothschild, 1904), and a female flea of the Ctenocephalides felis group were accidental infestations. The sex ratio of D. granti was 0.86 on both male and female elephant shrews, while that of M. albertyni on E. edwardii was 0.83.  相似文献   
Ixodid ticks were collected from 104 wild carnivores belonging to 23 species in various nature reserves and on several farms in all nine provinces of South Africa. Seven feral cats in a nature reserve were also examined. Twenty-four tick species belonging to seven genera were recovered and identified. Amongst these ticks we consider the adults of Haemaphysalis leachi, Haemaphysalis spinulosa, Haemaphysalis zumpti, Ixodes rubicundus, Rhipicentor nuttalli, Rhipicephalus simus and Rhipicephalus turanicus to be true parasites of wild carnivores. Although numerous adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Rhipicephalus zambeziensis were collected from some lions these were either sick or old animals. The immature stages of seven species regularly utilized wild carnivores as hosts on an opportunistic basis.  相似文献   
Petri disease of grapevine is primarily caused by Phaeomoniella chlamydospora. This pathogen affects mostly young grapevines, but is also implicated in esca disease of older grapevines. Little is known about the disease cycle of this fungus. Infected propagation material was identified as a major means of dissemination of the pathogen. Recently, the pathogen was also detected from soil in South Africa and airborne conidia have been found in vineyards. The aim of this study was to use a molecular detection technique to test different samples collected from nurseries in South Africa at different nursery stages for the presence of P. chlamydospora. A one-tube nested-PCR technique was optimised for detecting P. chlamydospora in DNA extracted from soil, water, callusing medium and grapevine wood. The one-tube nested-PCR was sensitive enough to detect as little as 1 fg of P. chlamydospora genomic DNA from water and 10 fg from wood, callusing medium and soil. PCR analyses of the different nursery samples revealed the presence of several putative 360 bp P. chlamydospora specific bands. Subsequent sequence analyses and/or restriction enzyme digestions of all 360 bp PCR bands confirmed that all bands were P. chlamydospora specific, except for five bands obtained from callusing media and one from water. Phaeomoniella chlamydospora was positively detected in 25% of rootstock cane sections collected from mother blocks, 42% of rootstock cuttings and 16% of scion cuttings collected during grafting, 40% of water samples collected after pre-storage hydration, 67% of water samples collected during grafting, 8% of callusing medium samples and 17% of soil samples collected from mother blocks. These media can therefore be considered as possible inoculum sources of the pathogen during the nursery stages.  相似文献   
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