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The cardiopulmonary consequences of diazepam (0.5 mg/kg, IV) followed by ketamine (10 mg/kg, IV) were evaluated in 11 dogs. Diazepam did not exhibit a tranquilizing effect and was frequently associated with excessive excitement. It produced minimal cardiopulmonary effects, except for a significant increase in heart rate. Ketamine administration was associated with less cardiovascular stimulation when administered after diazepam than it did when administered alone; the respiratory depression was greater. Compared with ketamine alone, the diazepam-ketamine combination was associated with more vomition, less muscle hypertonus, less seizure activity, and less salivation.  相似文献   
Metabolic and production responses are reported for 72 cows treated with bovine somatotropin (BST) for 30 days starting at day 70 of lactation. Of these 72 cows, 48 had been exposed in the preceding lactation to long-term treatment with BST at 3 dosages and 24 (controls) had not been given BST. Approximately half of the cows in each group were parity-2 cows, the rest were older. Comparisons between groups were made separately for parity-2, and older cows. Analyses, using pretreatment values of each variable as a covariate, indicated that older cows, but not parity-2 cows, significantly (P less than 0.05) increased milk production during treatment. Parity-2 cows, however, had a significantly higher milk fat percentage than controls following treatment. Cows treated with 51.6 or 86 mg BST/d in both parity groups had significantly higher serum-free fatty acids than controls. Estimated net energy balances were significantly lower for older treated cows, but did not significantly differ from controls for parity-2 treated cows. Older cows in the 86 mg of BST/d group tended to have higher concentrations of blood glucose than did older control-group cows. Treatment with BST did not significantly increase serum ketone concentrations in any group of animals, and none of the cows developed clinical ketosis during this period. Estimated net energy balance (ENEB) during treatment was a significant (P less than 0.05) covariate for free fatty acid concentrations in older cows and for milk fat percentage in parity-2 cows. Covariate adjusted analyses, using ENEB during treatment as a covariate, indicated that lipolytic stimuli already acting may be enhanced by treatment with BST, but a negative energy balance was not a necessary precondition for free fatty acid concentrations to increase following somatotropin treatment. Similarly, milk fat percentages for parity-2 treated cows were significantly (P less than 0.05) higher during treatment than controls when ENEB during treatment was used as a covariate. Increased milk fat concentrations in parity-2 treated cows were not associated with significant increases in the ratio of C18:C4-10 milk fatty acids, indicating that increased milk fat resulted from either an increase in incorporation of C18 fatty acids into milk fat coupled with an increase in de novo mammary synthesis of C4-10 milk fatty acids or an increase in C12-16 fatty acids that may arise either from increased tissue mobilization, from diet, or from de novo mammary synthesis.  相似文献   
It is unknown whether overlapping or sequential use of nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory (NSAIDs) results in an increased risk for gastrointestinal (GI) ulceration. The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the GI effects of various combinations of an injectable NSAID followed by an oral NSAID, a scenario often employed clinically for management of the pre‐ and post‐operative canine patient. Six healthy Walker hounds received four treatment regimens in a randomized, cross‐over design with a 2 week washout period between each treatment week: carprofen (4 mg kg–1, SQ) followed by placebo (PO, q24 × 4 days); placebo (SQ) followed by deracoxib (3–4 mg kg–1, PO, q24 × 4 days); carprofen (4 mg kg–1, SQ) followed by carprofen (4 mg kg–1, PO, q24 × 4 days); carprofen (4 mg kg–1, SQ) followed by deracoxib (3–4 mg kg–1, PO, q24 ×4 days). Weekly bloodwork (CBC, biochemistry panel, fecal evaluation, fecal occult blood) and daily clinical scoring (TPR, vomiting, diarrhea, appetite) were obtained. GI endoscopy was performed on days –2, 1, 2, 5, and 11 days post treatment of each treatment period and lesions scored using a previously reported 6‐point scale. Data was analyzed using a mixed anova for repeated measures. There were no significant differences in clinical or clinicopathologic data between groups. Within the carprofen‐carprofen and carprofen‐deracoxib groups, lesions worsened by Day 5 (1 day after last oral dose) for the fundic and antral regions (p < 0.05). Fundic, antral and lesser curvature lesions improved by Day 5 in the carprofen‐placebo group and lesser curvature lesions improved in the placebo‐deracoxib group (p < 0.05). No significant within‐group differences were noted for the esophagus, cardia or duodenum. The small number of dogs precludes general conclusions about the safety of sequential NSAID use, but these results suggest that a larger scale study is warranted.  相似文献   
Prevalence of udder infections and mastitis in 50 California dairy herds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The California mastitis test (CMT) and bacteriologic culture were performed on samples of bulk-tank milk and cow-composite milk (n = 23,138 cows) from 50 California dairies, 19 of the 50 with known mastitis problems. Thirty-eight (76.0%) bulk-tank milk samples and 12,334 (53.3%) cows were positive by results of the CMT. Potential mastitis agents were isolated from 5,085 (22%) cows. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from all 50 herds, Streptococcus agalactiae was isolated from 47 herds, and Mycoplasma sp was isolated from 24 herds. For cow-composite milk samples, the prevalences were 9.3% for Str agalactiae, 9.1% for S aureus, 0.9% for Mycoplasma sp, 1.2% for coliform bacteria, 0.9% for other streptococci, 0.8% for coagulase-negative staphylococci, and 1.3% for other organisms. The relative sensitivity and the relative specificity of the CMT performed on cow-composite milk samples were 83.4% and 55.2%, respectively, and the predictive value of positive CMT results was 34.2%.  相似文献   
The relationship of anthelmintic treatment for subclinical gastrointestinal nematode parasitism with resultant milk production was studied on 3 California dairies where animals were maintained on a pasture-based nutritional program. All of the animals that started lactating (freshened) during a 12-month period participated in trials in which coumaphos was given as a feed top dressing to animals averaging 30 days into lactation. All of the animals that freshened during the subsequent 12-month period from 2 of the same 3 dairies participated in trials in which thiabendazole was administered at or within 2 weeks before freshening. Anthelmintic administration during 2 consecutive lactation cycles under the conditions of the present study resulted in no consistent reproducible significant changes in milk production.  相似文献   
Cows from 2 California dairies were tested for paratuberculosis at the end of lactation by using fecal culture and a commercially available serum enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test kit. Individual cow characteristics and production variables were evaluated along with ELISA testing results as predictors of fecal culture status. In multivariable logistic regression analysis, age and a herd-standardized version of 305-day mature equivalent (305 ME) milk production were significant predictors of fecal culture status after adjusting for herd, quarter of the study year, and ELISA sample-to-positive (S/P) ratio. The area under a nonparametric receiver operating characteristic curve was significantly greater for a multivariable model that included age and the level of milk production when compared with a model without these covariates. In conclusion, consideration of cow-level covariates was useful as an aid in predicting Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) fecal culture status. For a given ELISA S/P ratio, older cows and those with lower 305 ME milk production relative to other cows in the herd were significantly more likely to be shedding MAP in their feces at the end of lactation.  相似文献   
Sampling herds in staggered panels is proposed as a way to increase the precision of estimates of the number of incident cases of diseases in food animal populations. A components of variance model is offered as a parsimonious alternative to the somewhat intractable model underlying staggered-panel sampling. Evaluation of these methods using California National Animal Health Monitoring System data showed a gain in efficiency with staggered panel for seven of the eight diseases studied with little loss in efficiency for the eighth condition. The components of variance model was able to predict the gain in efficiency.  相似文献   
An equation was developed that describes the probability of eliminating egg-borne Mycoplasma meleagridis (MM) of turkeys by egg treatment. Probability (P) of MM elimination was described in terms of four parameters: pretreatment prevalence of MM, alpha; treatment failure rate, beta; number of eggs treated, n; and hatching rate, h. The eradication equation, based on the Poisson probability distribution, was P(0) = e-n alpha beta h. Probabilities derived from 12 hypothetical MM-eradication situations showed that increasing the size of any or all of the parameters decreased the likelihood of eradication. Use of the predictive equation as a planning tool in a successful MM-eradication program is demonstrated.  相似文献   
A mixed breed flock of lambs, consisting of Suffolks, Hampshires, Columbias and Finnish breeds, were vaccinated with binary ethylenimine inactivated bluetongue virus (BTV) serotypes 11, 17 and a mixture of 11 and 17 in aluminum hydroxide. Agar gel precipitin antibodies were used as an indicator of immunity. Sero-conversion of Hampshires and Suffolk lambs was poor at 43% as compared to 84% in the Columbia and Finn lambs. These results indicate a breed difference in immunological response to inactivated BTV vaccine.  相似文献   
To determine risk factors for development of diarrhea in litters of preweaned piglets, data were analyzed from records of 4,397 litters of swine farrowed on a central California ranch 1978-1982. Sixty-four percent of litters were treated for diarrhea. Statistical analysis by multiple logistic regression showed that litters born to young sows (parity less than or equal to 2) were 1.7 times more likely to develop diarrhea before weaning than were litters born to older sows (parity greater than or equal to 3) and that litters born on one end of farrowing barns were 1.3 times more likely to develop diarrhea than were litters born in the other end. The association of diarrhea with other variables--dam breed, sire, gestation group, gestation length, size of litter, number of mummies, runts or stillbirths per litter, farrowing barn of birth or day of the week farrowed--was weak or nonexistent (P greater than 0.01).  相似文献   
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