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Abstract. Lesions present on sea mullet, Mugil cephalus L., during the first 3 weeks of red spot disease outbreaks are described. Necrotizing dermatitis is a severe, locally extensive, granulomatous lesion associated with invasion of dermis and underlying skeletal muscle by numerous, non-septate, fungal hyphae 12–18 μm in diameter. Erythematous dermatitis is a mild to severe, focal, chronic active dermatitis without fungal involvement. Lesions intermediate between these two forms, with small to moderate numbers of fungal hyphae in dermis and skeletal muscle also occur. Findings indicate that erythematous dermatitis lesions and intermediate-type lesions subsequently resolve, while necrotizing dermatitis lesions consistently develop into dermal ulcers, with associated severe necrotizing granulomatous myositis. Generally, dermal ulcers occur significantly more often on posterior and dorsal areas of the body surface than on anterior and ventral areas. Lesions heal by combinations of epidermal and dermal repair, fibroplasia, destruction of fungi, removal of necrotic skeletal muscle and regeneration of myofibres. Atrophy of exocrine pancreas occurs in both diseased and clinically normal fish, but is generally more severe in diseased fish. The possible roles of suspected disease determinants, including falls in dissolved oxygen concentrations to sub-lethal levels prior to red spot disease outbreaks, are discussed.  相似文献   
1. 1 cm2 pieces of eggshells from a commercial battery flock were plasma etched to remove the outer shell membranes. 2. They were decalcified using EDTA (200 g/l, pH 6.9 to 7.0) in paraformaldehyde (20 g/l) and 25% gluteraldehyde (20 ml in 0.98 l) in phosphate buffer, then prepared for light and transmission electron microscopy. 3. Light microscopy revealed a differential distribution of matrix material within all 3 regions of the palisade layer at the beginning of lay. 4. Transmission electron microscopy revealed a more even distribution of matrix at the beginning of lay, although morphological differences were observed. At the end of lay all 3 regions showed an increase in % matrix and vesicles/10 cm2 of micrograph compared to the middle and beginning of lay periods. 5. It is hypothesised that matrix vesicles are involved in the regulation of the physiochemical environment within the forming eggshell and that the decline in shell quality associated with the end of lay is related to a concomitant change in matrix quality.  相似文献   
We investigate interannual variations in dispersion for the drift and retention of cod eggs and larvae on the Newfoundland Shelf using a two-dimensional Lagrangian tracking model. The velocity field for the drift model is obtained from a diagnostic calculation of objectively analysed density data. Time-dependent currents are generated using an inertial-current slab model driven by observed winds. Eggs and larvae are treated as passive drifters seeded in a dispersion model of the Newfoundland Shelf region. We identify favourable and unfavourable zones of retention on the Newfoundland Shelf. We show that northerly, shelf-break spawning locations are more favourable than southerly shelf-break spawning locations for northern cod, ( Gudus morhua , in NAFO divisions 2J3KL).  相似文献   
The Soil and Roots as Factors in Tree Stability   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
FRASER  A. I. 《Forestry》1962,34(2):117-127
The paper describes a method of studying the factors affectingtree stability by measuring the forces required to pull treesover. It indicates that Fomes annosus root rot may reduce atree's resistance to overturning by about 30 per cent, and thatdrainage in shallow peat soils can increase resistance by some25 per cent.  相似文献   
The diagnosis of discospondylitis is based mainly on diagnostic imaging and laboratory results. Herein, we describe the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in 13 dogs with confirmed discospondylitis. In total there were 17 sites of discospondylitis. Eleven (81.1%) of the dogs had spinal pain for >3 weeks and a variable degree of neurologic signs. Two dogs had spinal pain and ataxia for 4 days. Radiographs were available in nine of the dogs. In MR images there was always involvement of two adjacent vertebral endplates and the associated disk. The involved endplates and adjacent marrow were T1‐hypointense with hyperintensity in short tau inversion recovery (STIR) images in all dogs, and all dogs also had contrast enhancement of endplates and paravertebral tissues. The intervertebral disks were hyperintense in T2W and STIR images and characterized by contrast enhancement in 15 sites (88.2%). Endplate erosion was present in 15 sites (88.2%) and was associated with T2‐hypointense bone marrow adjacent to it. In two sites (11.8%) endplate erosion was not MR images or radiographically. The vertebral bone marrow in these sites was T2‐hyperintense. Epidural extension was conspicuous in postcontrast images at 15 sites (88.2%). Spinal cord compression was present at 15 sites (88.2%), and all affected dogs had neurologic signs. Subluxation was present in two sites (11.8%). MRI shows characteristic features of discospondylitis, and it allows the recognition of the exact location and extension (to the epidural space and paravertebral soft tissues) of the infection. Furthermore, MRI increases lesion conspicuity in early discospondylitis that may not be visualized by radiography.  相似文献   
Concentrations of dialysable silica in equilibrium with Al2O3-SiO2-H2O sols at pH 4.5–5.0 confirm the formation of a poorly ordered non-dialysable proto-imogolite species with an Al : Si ratio near 2, close to that of imogolite. Sols with Al : Si>2 give nearly constant levels of free silica in solution in the range 2–6 μg/cm3, indicating equilibrium between proto-imogolite and aluminium hydroxide species. These findings indicate that imogolite-like precipitates in acid soils will buffer silica in solution to within this range during leaching episodes. Imogolite is more stable than a previous estimate suggested, and a revised value for its free energy of formation is proposed: ΔG0f(298.15) = -2929.7 kJ/mol. In Fe2O3-SiO2-H2O sols, the Fe : Si ratio of the non-dialysable species varies smoothly from 11 to 3 as free silica in solution ranges from 4 to 35 μg/cm3. Such sols are much less colloidally stable than hydroxyaluminium silicate sols, but mixed Al2O3—Fe2O3—SiO2—H2O sols are almost as stable as iron-free sols up to a Fe : Al ratio of 1.5. Thus migration of Al and Fe as mixed hydroxide sols can account for the almost constant ratio of Al to Fe with depth in oxalate extracts from Bs horizons of podzols.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the effects of different horizons and soil solution compositions on dissolved organic matter retention in a moorland podzol and compares the results with previous studies of forest podzols. Adsorption isotherms were constructed for each of the major horizons of a freely draining, upland, moorland, humic podzol from north-east Scotland, to investigate processes of retention and release of dissolved organic matter (DOM). Carbon retention of a range of solute types was studied, and phthalate was chosen as a model compound to measure carbon retention at three different pH values (3, 4.5 and 6). Retention and release of DOM was related to chemical, physical and mineralogical characteristics of the different soil horizons. All the mineral horizons retained DOM, with the Bs horizon most retentive. Solution pH did not significantly affect DOM retention in the O and A horizons. At pH 3 and 4.5 organic matter was weakly retained in the Bhs horizon, but strongly retained in the Bs and the Cx horizons. At pH 6 reversal of surface charge occurred in the Bs and Cx horizons resulting in the release of similar amounts of organic matter to that released from the O horizon at the same pH. The results demonstrate how podzols act as a ‘valve’ in controlling the input of dissolved organic compounds into surface and ground water, and how sensitive the controlling mechanisms are to pH change.  相似文献   
A soil of the Countesswells series was repeatedly methylated by the Hakomori procedure and a chloroform-soluble product isolated after each methylation. Ninety-two per cent of the material engendered by seven methylations was released during the first four methylations. This had a methoxyl content of about 20% and contained 2% N. Later fractions had lower methoxyl and N contents. Residual carbohydrate in the soil had reducing sugar content on hydrolysis, equivalent to about 3% of the original value. The extracted material had the infrared spectrum of a methylated soil polysaccharide and, on hydrolysis by 2 m trifluoracetic acid, released methylated sugar derivatives of which 68 were characterised by GC-MS. Derivatives corresponding to (1→4) linked sugars predominated for both hexose and pentose sugars but there was also a large proportion of (1→3) linkages, (1→3) linkages predominated for the deoxyhexose sugars. There were more sugars with only one or two methylated hydroxyl groups than could be accounted for as branching points because of the relatively small numbers of end groups. Prior reduction of the soil with sodium borohydride had no measurable effect on the nature or yield of the methylated product. This indicates that amino acid sugar linkages susceptible to β-elimination reactions can have only a very small influence on the reaction. The isolated sugar derivatives accounted for 70% of the total soil sugars. The methylated material before hydrolysis had a low nominal molecular weight on diafiltration, with 68% < 10000. Some of the sugars unaccounted for were probably lost during the dialysis stage necessary to remove dimethyl sulphoxide.  相似文献   
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