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Land allocation has been an important issue in land use planning research studies. Land allocation involves different multifunctional activities of maximizing environmental, economic and social benefits. Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method is the most popular tool to optimize land allocation problems by considering decision variables, conflicting objectives, and criteria. Hence, decision-makers face problems on how to optimize the land allocation while minimizing the conflicting trade-offs existing in the decision analysis. With this review study, we aim at identifying and extracting information on MCDM methods to solve land allocation problems from English language articles published between 2000 and 2019 and indexed by four scientific literature databases (Web of Science, Science Direct, Scopus, Google scholar). To this end, we applied a systematic literature review approach, i.e. the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis procedure (Moher et al., 2009), with a structured database search expression. 120 articles were selected of which, after careful screening of title, keywords and abstract, 69 were retained for detailed review. This review study report compiles comprehensive information by classifying the papers into application area, optimization objectives, criteria used, decision techniques, publication year and study region. In summary, we found that in the last two decades, the use of the MCDM method has increased, particularly in Europe and China. AHP (analytical hierarchal process) is frequently used for multi-attribute land allocation problems with reference to ecotourism and ecosystem management. LP (linear programming) and SA (simulating annealing) methods are predominantly used to optimize multi-objectives complex agricultural and forest land allocation problems respectively.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of storage time (ST) and packaging method (PM) on tenderness and changes in intramuscular connective tissue (IMCT) strength of chevon. Spanish does (8 mo of age, average BW 25 kg) were harvested (n = 12), chilled at 4 degrees C for 24 h, and then fabricated into 2.5-cm-thick leg, shoulder/arm, and loin/rib cuts. The cuts from six carcasses were vacuum-packed and aged at 2 degrees C for 0, 4, 8, or 12 d. To assess the influence of a packaging method that favors oxidation on postmortem tenderization, the cuts from the remaining six carcasses were placed on styrofoam trays, overwrapped with polyvinyl-chloride film, and stored at 2 degrees C for similar periods. At each ST, longissimus (LM), semimembranosus (SM), and triceps brachii (TB) muscles were assessed for Warner-Bratzler shear (WBS) values. The WBS of uncooked meat, myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI), and collagen solubility were assessed on LM. The IMCT samples were prepared to assess changes in mechanical strengths and for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Intact honeycomb structures of endomysium, with no muscle fiber elements, were observable under SEM. The PM or ST did not influence the mechanical strength of IMCT preparations, as measured by a texture analyzer. Collagen solubility of LM muscles also did not change during aging. For both PM, cooked meat WBS values were higher (P < 0.01) in SM and TB than in LM. In the SM samples, the average WBS values were higher (P < 0.01) at d 0 than at other ST. Although MFI of LM increased with increasing aging time (P < 0.05), changes in WBS over ST were minimal in TB and LM samples. The WBS of uncooked LM decreased sharply up to 8 d postmortem in both PM (P < 0.05). However, there was no PM x ST interaction to indicate any adverse influence of packaging on tenderization of chevon. The results suggest that aging chevon cuts for more than 4 d may not result in significant additional improvement in tenderness.  相似文献   
The study was conducted in eight districts of Ethiopia with the objectives of determining the seroprevalence and associated risk factors of infectious bursal disease (IBD). From the total of 2,597 chicken serum samples examined using ELISA, 83.1 % were found positive. The highest seroprevalence was found at Mekele (90.3 %) while the lowest was recorded at Gondar district (69.8 %). These differences among the study areas were statistically significant (p?<?0.05). Highest seroprevalence was found in crossbreed of chicken (91.4 %) while the lowest was recorded in indigenous breed of chicken (81.4 %). This difference was statistically significant (p?<?0.05) among the three breeds of chickens, but sex was not statistically significant (p?>?0.05). The seroprevalence of the disease was found high in young (≤8 weeks) age group (86.6 %) while the lowest prevalence was recorded in adults (>8 weeks) (72 %). This is also statistically significant (p?<?0.05) between young and adult age groups. The prevalence of IBD in different production system indicated that higher seroprevalence was recorded in intensive production system (85.9 %) while the lowest was recorded in extensive production system (81.6 %). This difference is also statistically significant (p?<?0.05).  相似文献   
Surveys were undertaken in six districts of southwestern Ethiopia from July to October 2003 to investigate farmers’ perceptions and management practices of insect pests on traditionally stored sorghum. The survey involved 138 randomly selected farmers who were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Storage insect pests were perceived as the major insect pests of sorghum. The majority of the farmers estimated sorghum yield losses of up to 50% due to insect damage during storage. High temperature and lack of storage hygiene were cited as the major factors resulting in insect infestation of stored sorghum. Infestations of stored sorghum insect pests were common on different forms of sorghum, which stored in various types of farm storage. Farmers classified sorghum varieties according to the level of resistance to stored sorghum insect pests. Only about 32% of the farmers had access to chemical insecticides for the control of stored sorghum insect pests, while the majority of them used cultural practices and locally available plant materials as storage protectants.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of short-term, preslaughter stress on physiological responses and meat quality in goats of different age groups. The goats (n = 28) were classified into young (6 to 12 mo of age) and old (24 to 30 mo of age) groups, feed deprived overnight, and slaughtered at three different times (replicates). On each slaughter day, goats were either subjected to a 2-h transportation stressor (TS) or remained unstressed in holding pens (NS) before slaughter. Blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture from TS and NS goats at 2, 1, and 0 h before slaughter. Muscle glycogen and pH were measured on samples from longissimus muscle (LM) collected at 15 min and 24 h postmortem, and instrumental measures of meat color were obtained on the LM after a 24-h chilling period at 4 degrees C. The TS goats had higher plasma cortisol (P < 0.01) and glucose (P < 0.05) concentrations than NS goats. The rates of increase in plasma cortisol, glucose, and nonesterified fatty acid concentrations were greater in TS than in NS goats (stressor treatment x blood sampling time, P < 0.01). Muscle glycogen concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) in NS than in TS goats and higher (P < 0.01) in old vs. young goats; however, pH measured at 15 min and 24 h postmortem was not (P > 0.05) influenced by stressor treatment. Water-holding capacity of meat was not (P > 0.05) influenced by stressor treatment. Older goats had lower (P < 0.01) L* values and greater (P < 0.01) a* and chroma values than the younger goats. The a* and chroma values of loin cuts from young goat carcasses were lower in the TS than NS treatment groups, but this effect was absent in the old goat carcasses (stressor treatment x age, P < 0.05). Cooking loss percentages and shear force values for loin chops aged for 7 d were not (P < 0.05) affected by stressor treatment; however, old goats produced tougher (P < 0.01) loin chops than young goats. These results indicate that short-term preslaughter transport can cause noticeable changes in stress responses and muscle metabolism in goats.  相似文献   
Photoperiod modulates reproduction in goats. We tested the hypothesis that the excitatory glutamatergic tone is reduced in the photoinhibited goat. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of photoperiod and glutamatergic stimulation on LH, GH, and testosterone (T) secretion in goat bucks. Eight mature, intact bucks were used in two simultaneous 4 x 4 Latin square designs. Variables were two photoperiod regimens (short day; SD, 10 h light:14 h dark, n = 4; vs long day; LD, 16 h light:8 h dark, n = 4) and four doses of N-methyl-D-L-aspartate (NMA; 0, 1, 2 and 4 mg/kg BW, i.v.). Venous blood was obtained for 2 h before and after NMA injection, followed by GnRH injection and then a final 1 h of sampling. Injection of NMA increased (P < 0.002) LH secretion within 20 min. This increase was sustained for 120 min, but the response was most pronounced in LD goats. The increase in mean LH was associated with a concomitant dose-dependent increase in pulse frequency (P < 0.006). However, NMA treatment had no effect (P > 0.10) on LH pulse amplitude. The release of LH after injection of GnRH was not affected by photoperiod. Exposure of bucks to LD reduced T secretion relative to that of SD bucks (P < 0.01). However, GH secretion was enhanced in LD bucks (P< 0.001). The response of GH to NMA was dependent on photoperiod history. A highly significant immediate and sustained increase (P < 0.001) was observed in LD but not in SD bucks within 10 min. Overall, a dose-dependent increase (P < 0.01) in T secretion was stimulated by NMA in both LD and SD bucks. These results indicate that NMA receptors may be involved in the regulation of LH, GH, and testosterone secretion in the goat. Furthermore, length of day influences GH secretion in the goat and NMA receptor activation had divergent effects on the secretion of this hormone.  相似文献   
Infection with gastrointestinal nematodes, particularly Haemonchus contortus, is a major constraint to goat production in the southeastern United States. Non-anthelmintic control alternatives are needed due to increasing resistance of these nematodes to available anthelmintics. Two studies were completed in Central Georgia in August 1999, and April–May 2000, using Spanish does naturally infected with Haemonchus contortus, Trichostongylus colubriformis, and Cooperia spp. to evaluate effectiveness of nematode-trapping fungi as a biological control agent. In the first experiment, five levels of Duddingtonia flagrans spores were mixed with a complete diet and fed once daily to the does (three per treatment) in metabolism crates. The treatment concentrations were (1) 5×105, (2) 2.5×105, (3) 105, and (4) 5×104 spores per kilogram body weight (BW), and (5) no spores. Fungal spores were fed for the first 7 days of the 14-day trial, and fecal samples were collected daily from individual animals for analysis of fecal egg count and establishment of fecal cultures. Efficacy of the fungus at reducing development of infective larvae (L3) in the fecal cultures was evaluated. The mean reduction in L3 from day 2 of the treatment period until the day after treatment stopped (days 2–8) was 93.6, 80.2, 84.1, and 60.8% for animals given the highest to lowest spore doses, respectively. Within 3–6 days after termination of fungal spore feedings, reduction in L3 development was no longer apparent in any of the treated animals. In a second experiment, effectiveness of 2.5×105 spores of D. flagrans per kilogram BW fed to does every day, every second day, and every third day was evaluated. Reduction in L3 development by daily feeding was less in the second experiment than in the first experiment. Daily fungal spore feeding provided more consistent larval reduction than intermittant feeding (every second or third day). When fed daily under controlled conditions, D. flagrans was effective in significantly reducing development of L3 and appears to be an effective tool for biocontrol of parasitic nematodes in goats.  相似文献   
The management of food animals prior to slaughter influences both profitability and animal well-being. This experiment was conducted as a split-unit design to determine live weight shrink and stress responses in goats due to differences in stocking density during transportation and holding. A total of 150 Spanish does were transported on two different days (replicate) and held overnight (18 h) without feed in low- (LD) or high-density (HD) groups. On each day, 75 does were transported 2.5 h with floor spaces of .18 m2 and .37 m2/animal in LD (25 does) and HD (50 does) groups, respectively. The average temperatures in the trailer during transportation were 34.6 and 35 degrees C, respectively, on d 1 and 2. All animals were blood-sampled before loading (PRELOAD) and four does from each treatment were sampled immediately after loading (POSTLOAD). Animals were blood-sampled in holding pens either at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 18 h after transportation (time) to assess the time course (n = 8 does per time per replicate) of stress responses. Individual animals were weighed just before loading onto a trailer and after overnight holding to assess shrinkage. Treatment or treatment x time did not have a significant effect on any of the dependent variables studied. There were significant effects of time (P < .01) on plasma cortisol, glucose, and urea nitrogen (PUN) concentrations. Time also had significant effects (P < .01) on plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity, differential leukocyte counts (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, and eosinophils), and ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes (N:L). However, plasma leptin concentrations were not influenced by time. Cortisol concentrations increased at POSTLOAD sampling, peaked at 0 h, and decreased thereafter before spiking again at 18 h of holding. The PUN was higher at 18 h than at other time periods studied. Plasma glucose concentrations increased and remained at higher levels at 0, 1, and 2 h and began decreasing at 3 h, reaching PRELOAD levels at 18 h. Plasma CK kinase activity peaked at approximately 2 h after transportation. The N:L ratio was higher at all time periods after transportation than prior to starting the journey, indicating a prolonged effect of transportation stress on the immune system. The mean (+/- SE) shrinkage losses were 10.2 +/- .68 and 9.8 +/- .68 in HD and LD treatment groups, respectively. The results indicate that the stress responses of goats due to transportation begin decreasing within 3 h after transportation. However, prolonged holding periods without feed may increase stress responses and bring about metabolic changes.  相似文献   
Cross-sectional serological study and questionnaire survey were conducted in Borana pastoral and agro-pastoral area to determine seroprevalence and risk factors associated with foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) infection and to assess community perceptions as to importance of the disease. A multistage random sampling was carried out to select cattle for seroprevalence and households for interviews. Totally, 768 sera were collected from 111 herds. The overall individual level seroprevalence of 23.0% (n = 177) and herd level seroprevalence of 58.6% (n = 65) were recorded using 3ABC ELISA test. The variation of individual level seroprevalence in districts were statistically significant (P < 0.05) which was 29.9% in Arero, 24.0% in Yabello, and 15.7% in Teltele. From multivariate logistic regression analysis, herd size and age were seen to be significantly (P < 0.05) associated with FMD seroprevalence. The result of the questionnaire survey based on 120 respondents indicated that, the daily milk yield of cows infected with FMD during outbreaks is reduced to an average of 0.5 L for 25.5 days while cows developing heat-intolerance syndrome after acute infection gave an average 0.67 L for 3.8 months and their calving interval prolonged about 12 months. The questionnaire survey in agro-pastoral area of Borena also indicated that FMD-infected oxen remained off-plough for one season when outbreaks occur in cropping time, whereas heat-intolerant oxen were no longer used for traction. These findings of the present study indicated that FMD is a highly prevalent and economically important disease in the Borana pastoral and agro-pastoral production systems which need effective control strategy for the disease.  相似文献   
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