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The objective of this study was to determine whether digesta kinetics, energy intake (EI, kcal ME intake x kg(-.75) x d(-1)), grazing behavior, or body temperature differed by breed, lactational state, or season of the year among cattle presumed to vary in adaptability to the subtropics. Two-year-old lactating and nonlactating Brahman x Angus (BA; n = 5, n = 5), Tuli x Angus (TA; n = 5, n = 4), and Angus (A; n = 4, n = 4) cows were used. During both early (ES) and late summer (LS), lactating cattle vs nonlactating cattle had greater gastrointestinal tract load (CM2) and EI (P < .01), although passage rate did not differ (P > .48). During LS, lactating cattle had decreased early morning rectal temperatures (P < .05) and spent more time grazing during the day compared with nonlactating cattle (P < .001). Among breeds, A had the largest CM2 (P < .01 compared with BA and P = .068 compared with TA) and accumulated the greatest heat during the day (P < .05). Due to greater daytime shading (P < .01) and less daytime grazing (P < .05), A had lower (P < .05) early morning and comparable (P > .26) late afternoon rectal temperatures compared with BA and TA. With data pooled over both grazing trials, BA cattle had the smallest CM2 (P < .01), and in ES they spent the least amount of time in the shade (P < .001). The TA spent more time in the shade than did BA (P < .001) during ES and less during LS (P < .001) and had similar (P > .28) early morning rectal temperatures compared with BA during ES and LS. During LS, TA spent more time in the sun and less time in the shade than did either A or BA (P < .001). During ES, EI did not differ among breeds (P > .50). During LS, EI for lactating A was greater than for BA and TA (P < .05), and EI for nonlactating BA was less than for A and TA (P < .05). Bite rate per minute for lactating cattle during ES was reduced (P < .03) by increased body condition score. Tuli x Angus cattle appear to be comparable to BA with respect to heat adaptation. It appears that EI demands are greater in a hot environment.  相似文献   
Malm  O  Guimarães  JRD  Castro  MB  Bastos  WR  Viana  JP  Branches  FJP  Silveira  EG  Pfeiffer  WC 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1997,97(1-2):45-51
Informal economy of gold mining has contaminated some important river basins in Amazon. Follow-up studies on critical compartments showed some areas with high Hg levels in fish as well as in human hair samples. Average Hg in piscivorous fish in the Madeira river itself was 846 ppb (N=284) with a maximum of 3921 ppb. Mercury in fish from non polluted areas in this basin shows high variability, even for single species. A seasonal variation in Hg content was observed, with higher values at the end of the dry season. In the upper Tapajós basin comparable values were found for fish but with a definite decreasing trend downstream. Average value for piscivorous fish in the whole Tapajós basin is 482 ppb (N=122) with a maximum value of 3770 ppb. Hair Hg was higher in fishing villages in the Tapajós (average: 17 ppm; with N=432 and maximum value of 176 ppm) than in the Madeira (average: 9 ppm; N=169; maximum 71 ppm), and data from some areas of the Tapajós suggest a decrease with time. Mercury was much higher in urine of goldshop workers in Santarém (low Tapajós) than in Alta Floresta (high Tapajbs) and show a decreasing trend in both cases, probably related to the significant decline in gold mining activities during the study period (1986–1994).  相似文献   
Global maps of thermal and fast neutron fluxes from the moon suggest three end-member compositional units. A high thermal and low fast neutron flux unit correlates with the lunar highlands and is consistent with feldspathic rocks. The South Pole-Aitken basin and a strip that surrounds the nearside maria have intermediate thermal and fast neutron flux levels, consistent with more mafic rocks. There appears to be a smooth transition between the most mafic and feldspathic compositions, which correspond to low and high surface altitudes, respectively. The maria show low thermal and high fast neutron fluxes, consistent with basaltic rocks.  相似文献   
The Lunar Prospector neutron spectrometer data correlate well with iron and titanium abundances obtained through analysis of Clementine spectral reflectance data. With the iron and titanium dependence removed, the neutron spectrometer data also reveal regions with enhanced amounts of gadolinium and samarium, incompatible rare earth elements that are enriched in the final phases of magma crystallization. These regions are found mainly around the ramparts of the Imbrium impact basin but not around the other basins, including the much larger and deeper South Pole-Aitken basin. This result confirms the compositional uniqueness of the surface and interior of the Imbrium region.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to define the patterns of organogenesis and foetal haemodynamics during the normal gestation of healthy agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) kept in captivity. Thirty pregnant agoutis that ranged in size from small to medium and weighed between 2.5 and 3 kg underwent B‐mode and Doppler ultrasonography for the biometric evaluation of the foetal organs. The foetal aortic blood flow proved to be predominantly systolic, and the measured flow velocity was 78.89 ± 2.95 cm/s, with a maximum pressure gradient of 2.12 ± 0.27 mmHg. The liver was characterized by its large volume, occupying the entire cranial aspect of the abdominal cavity, and it was associated cranially with the diaphragm and caudally with the stomach. The flow velocity in the portal vein was estimated to equal 12.17 ± 2.37 cm/s, with a resistivity index of 0.82 ± 0.05. The gallbladder was centrally located and protruded cranially towards the diaphragm. The spleen was visualized as an elongated structure with tapered cranial and caudal extremities, and the foetal kidneys were visualized bilaterally in the retroperitoneal region, with the right kidney positioned slightly more cranially than the left. The morphological characterization and hemodynamic analysis of the foetal organs of black‐rumped agoutis via B‐mode and Doppler ultrasonography allow determination of the vascular network and of reference values for the blood flow required for perfusing the anatomical elements essential for maintaining the viability of foetuses at different gestational ages.  相似文献   
Inhibitors of cyclin‐dependent kinases, as roscovitine, have been used to prevent the spontaneous resumption of meiosis in vitro and to improve the oocyte developmental competence. In this study, the interference of oil overlay on the reversible arrest capacity of roscovitine in sheep oocytes as well as its effects on cumulus expansion was evaluated. For this, cumulus‐oocyte complexes (COCs) were cultured for 20 h in TCM 199 with 10% foetal bovine serum (Control) containing 75 μm roscovitine (Rosco). Subsequently, they were in vitro matured (IVM) for further 18 h in inhibitor‐free medium with LH and FSH. The culture was performed in Petri dishes under mineral oil (+) or in 96 well plates without oil overlay (?) at 38.5°C and 5% CO2. At 20 and 38 h, the cumulus expansion and nuclear maturation were evaluated under stereomicroscope and by Hoechst 33342 staining, respectively. No group presented cumulus expansion at 20 h. After additional culture with gonadotrophins, a significant rate of COCs from both Control groups (+/?) exhibited total expansion while in both Rosco groups (+/?) the partial expansion prevailed. Among the oocytes treated with roscovitine, 65.2% were kept at GV in the absence of oil overlay while 40.6% of them reached MII under oil cover (p < 0.05). This meiotic arrest was reversible, and proper meiosis progression also occurred in the Control groups (+/?). So, the culture system without oil overlay improved the meiotic inhibition promoted by roscovitine without affecting the cumulus expansion rate or the subsequent meiosis progression.  相似文献   
The 351-nanometer photoelectron spectrum of the planar cyclooctatetraene radical anion (COT·-) shows transitions to two electronic states of cyclooctatetraene (COT). These states correspond to the D4h 1A1g state, which is the transition state for COT ring inversion, and the D8h 3A2u state. The electron binding energy of the 1A1g transition state is 1.099 ± 0.010 electron volts, which is lower by 12.1 ± 0.3 kilocalories per mole than that of the 3A2u state. The photoelectron spectrum shows that the singlet lies well below the triplet in D8h COT and confirms ab initio predictions that the molecule violates Hund's rule. Vibrational structure is observed for both features and is readily assigned by use of a simple potential energy surface.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the cardiovascular, analgesic, and sedative effects of IV medetomidine (M, 20 µg kg?1), medetomidine–hydromorphone (MH, 20 µg kg?1 ? 0.1 mg kg?1), and medetomidine–butorphanol (MB, 20 µg kg?1 ? 0.2 mg kg?1) in dogs. Using a randomized cross‐over design and allowing 1 week between treatments, six healthy, mixed‐breed dogs (five males and one female) weighing 20 ± 3 kg, were induced to anesthesia by face‐mask administration of 2.9% ET sevoflurane to facilitate instrumentation prior to administration of the treatment combinations. Dogs were intubated and instrumented to enable measurement of heart rate (HR), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), diastolic arterial pressure (DAP), mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP), pulmonary arterial occlusion pressure (PAOP), central venous pressure (CVP), pulmonary arterial temperature (TEMP), and cardiac output via thermodilution using 5 mL of 5% dextrose, and recording the average of the three replicate measurements. Cardiac index (CI) and systemic (SVR) and pulmonary vascular resistances were calculated. After instrumentation was completed, administration of sevoflurane was discontinued, and the dogs were allowed to recover for 30 minutes prior to administration of the treatment drugs. After collection of the baseline samples for blood gas analysis and recording the baseline cardiovascular variables, the test agents were administered IV over 10 seconds and the CV variables recorded at 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes post‐injection. In addition, arterial blood was sampled for blood gas analysis at 15 and 45 minutes following injection. Intensity and duration of analgesia (assessed by toe‐pinch response using a hemostat) and level of sedation were evaluated at the above time points and at 75 and 90 minutes post‐injection. Data were analyzed using anova for repeated measures with posthoc differences between means identified using Bonferroni's method (p < 0.05). Administration of M, MH, or MB was associated with increases in SAP, MAP, DAP, PAP, PAOP, CVP, SVR, and TEMP and with decreases in HR and CI. No differences in CV variables between treatment groups were identified at any time. PaO2 increased over time in all groups and was significantly higher when MH was compared with M. At 45 minutes, PaO2 tended to decrease over time and was significantly lower when MH and MB were compared with M at 15 minutes. Analgesia scores for MH and MB were significantly higher compared with M through 45 minutes, while analgesia scores for MH were significantly higher compared with M through 90 minutes. Sedation scores were higher for MH and MB compared with M throughout 90 minutes. Durations of lateral recumbency were 108 ± 10.8, 172 ± 15.5, and 145 ± 9.9 minutes for M, MH, and MB, respectively. We conclude that MH and MB are associated with improved analgesia and sedation and have similar CV effects when compared with M.  相似文献   
40Ar/39Ar dating of fine-grained alunite that formed during cave genesis provides ages of formation for the Big Room level of Carlsbad Cavern [4.0 to 3.9 million years ago (Ma)], the upper level of Lechuguilla Cave (6.0 to 5.7 Ma), and three other hypogene caves (11.3 to 6.0 Ma) in the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico. Alunite ages increase and are strongly correlative with cave elevations, which indicates an 1100-meter decline in the water table, apparently related to tectonic uplift and tilting, from 11.3 Ma to the present. 40Ar/39Ar dating studies of the hypogene caves have the potential to help resolve late Cenozoic climatic, speleologic, and tectonic questions.  相似文献   
Relative travel time delays of teleseismic P and S waves, recorded during the Mantle Electromagnetic and Tomography (MELT) Experiment, have been inverted tomographically for upper-mantle structure beneath the southern East Pacific Rise. A broad zone of low seismic velocities extends beneath the rise to depths of about 200 kilometers and is centered to the west of the spreading center. The magnitudes of the P and S wave anomalies require the presence of retained mantle melt; the melt fraction near the rise exceeds the fraction 300 kilometers off axis by as little as 1%. Seismic anisotropy, induced by mantle flow, is evident in the P wave delays at near-vertical incidence and is consistent with a half-width of mantle upwelling of about 100 km.  相似文献   
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