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李洪帆  吴颖 《国际木业》2004,34(10):10-15
在全球 2000年太尔公司的前身Neste Chemicals OY及Dyno ASA由北欧最大的工业投资集团IK通过资本运作合并成为新公司--Dynea.  相似文献   
于萍  吴颖 《国际木业》2004,34(10):2-5
在中国的木工机械领域.无论是苏福马企业和产品本身的硬功夫.还是市场竞争中所体现出来的服务.创新.都让业内刮目相看。此次.我们很荣幸的采访了苏福马股份有限公司常务副董事长刘群先生.在本期中我们跟随刘群先生走近苏福马。  相似文献   
The molecular profile and the biological response of isolates of Pyricularia oryzae Cavara obtained from ctenanthe to two strobilurins (azoxystrobin, kresoxim-methyl) and the phenylpyridinamine fungicide fluazinam were characterized, and compared with isolates from rice plants. Five different isozymes (alpha-esterase, lactate, malate, isocitrate and sorbitol dehydrogenases) and five random decamer primers for RAPD-PCR were used to generate molecular markers. Using unweighted pair-group with arithmetic average analysis, ctenanthe isolates were found to form a separate group distinct from that of the rice isolates for both sets of markers. Amplified polymorphic sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome b that were digested with Fnu4HI or StyI revealed no differences among Pyricularia isolates at amino acid positions 143 or 129 which confer resistance to strobilurins in several fungi. In absence of the alternative respiration inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) the three fungicides showed inferior and variable efficacy, with a trend toward the rice isolate being less sensitive. The addition of SHAM enhanced the effectiveness of all fungicides against isolates regardless of their origin. Appressorium formation was the most vulnerable target of action of the respiration inhibitors and azoxystrobin the most effective. This is the first report of a comparison between the molecular profiles and sensitivities to respiration inhibitors for Pyricularia oryzae isolates from a non-gramineous host and from rice.  相似文献   
Although protected for nearly a century, California’s sea otters have been slow to recover, in part due to exposure to fecally-associated protozoal pathogens like Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis neurona. However, potential impacts from exposure to fecal bacteria have not been systematically explored. Using selective media, we examined feces from live and dead sea otters from California for specific enteric bacterial pathogens (Campylobacter, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, C. difficile and Escherichia coli O157:H7), and pathogens endemic to the marine environment (Vibrio cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus and Plesiomonas shigelloides). We evaluated statistical associations between detection of these pathogens in otter feces and demographic or environmental risk factors for otter exposure, and found that dead otters were more likely to test positive for C. perfringens, Campylobacter and V. parahaemolyticus than were live otters. Otters from more urbanized coastlines and areas with high freshwater runoff (near outflows of rivers or streams) were more likely to test positive for one or more of these bacterial pathogens. Other risk factors for bacterial detection in otters included male gender and fecal samples collected during the rainy season when surface runoff is maximal. Similar risk factors were reported in prior studies of pathogen exposure for California otters and their invertebrate prey, suggesting that land-sea transfer and/or facilitation of pathogen survival in degraded coastal marine habitat may be impacting sea otter recovery. Because otters and humans share many of the same foods, our findings may also have implications for human health.  相似文献   
吴颖 《国际木业》2004,34(11):31-32
“三分靠技术,七分靠管理”这句话在如今这个经济高速发展的时期,已经被很多经济学家认可,尤其在国外,管理更是与技术相提并论,成为西方工业现代化发展的两个主要依靠。众多的企业通过改进管理.创新求实,取得了很好的成效,有些甚至一跃成为世界知名企业。  相似文献   
吴颖 《国际木业》2004,34(12):19-20
年度盛会 规模空前。在大连香格里拉大酒店三层的多功能会议厅内,来自世界各地的近400位木制品行业业内人士济济一堂.参加为期四天的2004年度中国木制品进出口贸易洽谈会。本次会议的国外公司参会人员更是达到了170人.整个香格里拉大酒店住满了全球木业专家,无论是在大堂酒廊.餐厅.还是在手扶梯上.不时都能听到“胶合板”、“木地板”、“门”、“木线”等词汇.会议举办期间,处处都充溢这木业的气息。  相似文献   
于萍  吴颖 《国际木业》2004,34(11):2-5
2004年10月26日,经过中国木业国际公司和加拿大R.E.Taylor & Associates Ltd.近一年的策划准备,通力合作,本年度的中国木制品进出口贸易洽谈会在美丽的海滨城市大连隆重举行,本次盛会云集了近400位全球业内人士,其中国外公司的参会人员达到了170人,会议更是吸引了Home Depot(家得宝)、Weyerhaeuser(惠好)、Stora Enso等众多国际知名企业的加盟,一场持续4天的中国木制品行业的国际贸易盛会呈现在我们面前.  相似文献   
吴颖 《国际木业》2004,34(10):16-19
以装饰家私厂起家的陈伟康先生,一直盼望着有一天康达木业能生产出世界一流的地板,并在世界的任何角落都能看到她的身影。  相似文献   
吴颖 《国际木业》2004,34(12):10-18
2004年10月26日至29日,由中国木业国际公司、中国木业国际网和加拿大R.E.Taylor & Associates Ltd共同主办的本年度中国木制品进出口贸易洽谈会在美丽的海滨城市大连隆重举行,本次盛会云集了近400位全球业内人士,其中国外公司的参会人员达到了170人。  相似文献   
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