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The objectives of this study were to elucidate at which age tonsillar colonisation by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae occurs in pigs and relate this occurrence to the presence of colostral antibodies to A. pleuropneumoniae. The infection patterns were studied in an isolated cohort of pigs, which consisted of the offspring from five sows originating from a conventional pig herd. The sows were transferred to isolated research facilities before farrowing. A. pleuropneumoniae was detected on the tonsils of all sows. After a nursing period of 3 weeks, the pigs were weaned and reared isolated from other pigs until slaughter. The pigs were examined repeatedly for the presence of A. pleuropneumoniae on the tonsils and for antibodies to A. pleuropneumoniae using bacteriological and serological techniques, respectively.A. pleuropneumoniae was detected in the tonsils of one pig as early as 11 days after birth, showing that A. pleuropneumoniae can be transmitted from sow to offspring during a 3-week nursing period. The cumulative proportion of pigs carrying A. pleuropneumoniae in their tonsils increased significantly between the age of 4-12 weeks. This age period corresponded to the age at which the proportion of pigs with detectable levels of colostral antibodies to the different serotypes of A. pleuropneumoniae was declining. Since these two events take place in the same age period, we expect a possible biological association between the level of the passive immunity and the degree of tonsillar colonisation. The median duration of tonsillar colonisation was estimated to approximately 7-8 weeks.  相似文献   
The problems addressed are: (1) comparison of prevalences of Salmonella spp. in different herd types in the Danish pig population after implementation of the Danish Salmonella Control Program (DSCP), and (2) to make a reference to a study from 1993/1994 (pre-implementation) with a discussion of possible biases when diagnostic methods differ slightly. The objectives were to present the prevalences of Salmonella spp., Salmonella Typhimurium, and multiresistant S. Typhimurium DT104 in Danish pig herds in 1998. Further, to discuss how herd prevalences may be compared to a previous study.A bacteriological study in 1998 comprised: (a) a random sample of slaughter pig producing herds (N=1962); (b) a random sample of farrow-to-grower (sow) herds (N=305); and (c) all breeding and multiplying (genetic) herds (N=366). A previous bacteriological study on Salmonella presence in 1993/1994 served as a model for the present study. The results of the study were that multiresistant S. Typhimurium DT104 was detected in one herd producing slaughter pigs. The herd apparent prevalences (HAPs) of Salmonella spp. were 11.7, 16.7 and 11.4% in genetic, sow, and slaughter pig herds, respectively. The conclusion of the study was that prevalence of multiresistant S. Typhimurium DT104 was low in the examined slaughter pig herds. The herd true prevalence (HTP) of Salmonella spp. in pigs had declined from before the start of the DSCP in 1993/1994 to 4 years later (1998).  相似文献   
Contemporary genetic diversity is the product of both historical and contemporary forces, such as climatic and geological processes affecting range distribution and continuously moulded by evolutionary forces selection, gene flow and genetic drift. Predatory freshwater fishes, such as Northern Pike Esox lucius, commonly exhibit small population sizes, and several local populations are considered endangered. Pike inhabit diverse habitat types, including lakes, rivers and brackish marine waters, thus spanning from small isolated patches to large open marine systems. However, pike population structure from local to regional scales is relatively poorly described, in spite of its significance to developing conservation measures. We analysed microsatellite variation in a total of 1185 North European pike from 46 samples collected across both local and regional scales, as well as over time, to address two overarching questions: Is pike population structure associated with local and/or regional connectivity patterns, and which factors likely have the main influence on the contemporary distribution of genetic diversity? To answer this, we combined estimators of population diversity and structure to assess evidence of whether populations within (i) habitats, (ii) drainage systems and (iii) geographical regions are closer related than among these ranges, and whether patterns are temporally stable. Contrasting previous predictions that genetic drift obscures signals of postglacial colonisation history, we identified clear regional differences in population genetic signatures, suggesting a major effect of drainage divides on colonisation history and connectivity. However, several populations deviated from the general pattern, showing that local processes may be complex and need to be examined case‐by‐case.  相似文献   
Increasingly large numbers of poultry are held in production systems with access to outdoor areas. In these systems intestinal helminths are found with flock prevalences of up to 100%. Helminth infections influence chicken health negatively, which is why the following investigation has been performed.In the present experiment, 20 chickens of two inbred chicken lines containing the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes, B14 and R5, were inoculated with 500 embryonated Ascaridia galli eggs. The A. galli-specific IgG titres of serum samples and the excretion of A. galli eggs in chicken faeces were measured for a period of 81 weeks.The level of excreted A. galli eggs measured as eggs per gram chicken faeces (EPG) varied greatly between chickens in each line. Significant differences were found between the two lines and with the R5 chickens reaching the highest levels. Likewise, the A. galli-specific IgG titres in serum differed significantly between the two lines, and an inverse relationship between infection level (EPG) and antibody titres was found. Although this inverse relationship suggests that humoral immunity may be involved in protection against A. galli infection, the high antibody titres did not prevent continued infection.  相似文献   
Based on individual cow live weight gain, feeding strategies were designed for individual feeding of dairy cows in loose-housing systems, and examined in a four-year production trial including 115 Danish Red (DR), 91 Danish Holstein (DH), and 93 Danish Jersey (DJ). The objective of the present paper was to examine the milk yield obtained in response to three feeding strategies. The interrelationship between feed intake and live weight changes is presented in a companion paper.Cows were stalled in a loose-housing system based on automatic milking, automatic recording of feed intake and automatic weighing of the cows. All cows had 3 kg of individually separately offered concentrate (ISC) in addition to a mixed ration (MR). Cows were either allowed a medium energy MR during whole lactation (strategy MR1) or a high energy MR during early lactation, which was reduced to a low energy MR either early or late (strategy MR2-E and MR2-L). The early and late changes were defined as a live weight gain after live weight minimum at 15 and 35 kg, respectively, for DR/DH and 11 and 25 kg, respectively, for DJ. When MR energy concentration was changed, cows on the MR2 strategies were offered 3 kg per day of extra concentrate. The total allowance of 6 kg ISC was stepwise reduced to 3 kg per day as live weight continued to increase until 50 and 35 kg for DR/DH and DJ, respectively.Compared to feeding the MR1 strategy, the analysis showed that feeding the MR2 strategies did not significantly affect milk yield within primiparous DR and DH or within any DJ, as total lactation feed energy intake within these groups of cows was not significantly affected by the feeding strategy. Results obtained for multiparous DH showed that it is possible to increase milk yield without reducing the milk:feed ratio, when MR2 strategies were applied compared to the MR1 strategy. Feeding high energy rations during early lactation caused a higher peak feed energy intake within multiparous cows of DH and DR, but only multiparous DH obtained higher peak ECM yield in response to higher feed energy intake in early lactation. Across breed the results suggested that cows offered the MR2-E strategy might obtain higher lactation ECM yield compared to cows offered the MR2-L strategy due to a higher ECM yield persistency obtained by cows offered the MR2-E strategy. Results on feed intake and live weight changes presented in a companion paper indicated, that cows offered the MR2 strategies obtained a lower extent of mobilization compared to cows offered the MR1 strategy, and feeding the MR2-E strategy significantly increased duration of the mobilization period, which might have increased MR2-E cows' ability to maintain a high milk production during mid lactation.  相似文献   
This study was conducted over a 7-month period in the south-west of Mauritius and investigates the diet of the endemic flying fox Pteropus niger and its potential role as pollinator and seed disperser. The identification of food plants and seed dispersal events were made by direct observations of bats or indirectly by the analysis of ejecta found on the ground. P. niger was observed to visit 22 plant species for food of which 20 were visited for fruit, two for floral resources, and one for foliage (one species was visited for both fruit and floral resources). Two thousand thirty-two P. niger fruit ejecta from 16 species were collected containing 2460 seeds. Ejecta from eight of these species (including five endemic to Mauritius) contained seeds, all of which were mature and intact (with one possible exception) and some were germinating. Forty-seven observations were made of the dispersal of seeds in fruit, ejecta and faeces, including seeds from three endemic and one native plant species. All seeds in dispersed ejecta were found to be mature and undamaged by bats. Pollen smears from the lips of six dead and 12 captured bats showed that these animals carried a minimum of 18 pollen species. Each smear had an average of 2.2 pollen species and a pollen load of 17.7 grains. Our results suggest that P. niger plays an important role in maintaining plant diversity in the heavily fragmented landscape of Mauritius.  相似文献   
Oxygen microsensors were used to determine oxygen profiles in situ from the top to the bottom layer of the growing medium for potted plants of Rosa sp. ‘Dior’. The growing medium was peat- based and compacted uniformly to 3 different bulk densities of 0.14, 0.18 and 0.23 g cm−3 (0, 20 and 40% compacted, respectively). The water distribution in the pot was determined as water content (g cm−3) in the top, middle and bottom layers of the peat. Oxygen content was also determined after a standard subirrigation cycle and after excessive irrigation where the bottom of the pots were left waterlogged for 24 h. Measurements were carried out at 5.5 weeks during the production phase and at 12 weeks at the end of the production. The results showed that with increasing compaction and density, more water was transported to the upper layers of the pot. After a standard irrigation cycle there was no effect of the level of medium compaction on the oxygen distribution, whereas after excessive irrigation, the oxygen contents at the bottom of the pots were strongly reduced and the level of compaction significantly affected oxygen availability. The most compacted medium had the lowest oxygen content at 5.5 weeks, with anoxic conditions in the bottom 30 mm. Plant quality measured as fresh weight, dry weight, height and number of shoots with flowers and buds was not affected by the different levels of compaction. The use of oxygen microsensors provided a new insight into the spatial and temporal distribution of oxygen in growing media and how this was affected by the physical characteristics of the growing media.  相似文献   
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