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We examined the geochemistry and micromorphology of the soils on a suite of morphologically well-defined and visually distinct fluvial terraces, up to 40 m elevation above the current riverbed, at Thangbi in the upper Bumthang Valley, Bhutan. The alluvia forming each of the terraces are lithologically and structurally similar, with shallow or moderately deep, clast-free sandy loam overbank deposits capping deep clast-supported beds of rounded boulders and interstitial sand. The topsoils on the 40 m terrace have more silt than those on the lower terraces. The soils are interpreted mainly as a monoclinal post-incisive chronosequence. Features that indicate progressive pedogenesis with increasing elevation include subsoil rubefaction, crystallinity of free Fe sesquioxides, and weathering of susceptible primary minerals, such as biotite and hornblende. However other soil attributes show no systematic trends and the overall impression is of limited pedogenesis, even in the soils on the higher terraces. We examine possibilities that the immaturity of the soils is due to pedogenic rejuvenation by post-incision additions to the soil parent materials.  相似文献   
全球气温变暖和高温事件的频繁出现,水稻遭受高温热害而造成严重损失的概率随之增加。笔者基于星-地结合的方法研究水稻高温热害监测模型,模型利用遥感的手段提取水稻种植区、反演水稻抽穗开花期、估算最高气温和平均气温,同时结合自动气象站的数据与遥感估算气温重构更精确、更完整、更客观的最高、平均气温的数据,最终根据水稻高温热害指标判断水稻高温热害并完成模型的构建。此模型能实现水稻抽穗开花期高温热害的定性、定量、程度的监测。对2017年安徽省高温热害的监测和检验结果显示,模型达到了较好的使用效果。  相似文献   
版纳甜龙竹(Dendrocalamus hamiltonii)是一个体型巨大的丛生竹类。它的竹笋味道鲜美且营养丰富,竹茎被广泛用做编织和建筑用材。版纳甜龙竹生长迅速,对改善不丹南部的贫穷现状具有很大的潜力。由于版纳甜龙竹是当地较好的可以用作商业用途的树种,所以为了防止不可持续的采伐,研究最大限度地提高版纳甜龙竹产量的营林措施时,要确保它的可持续发性。我们基于农民对竹产量的要求确定了3种版纳甜龙竹的采伐方式:择伐、U型伐(horseshoe cut)和皆伐,以无采伐为对照,试验对比了不同采伐方式的效果,试验期超过2个生长季。虽然3种采伐方式对竹笋产量没有差异,但采用U型伐时竹笋的产量最高。无采伐的竹林,竹材产量高于采伐过的竹林。在采伐的竹林中,竹材产量最高的是U型伐的竹林,但其产量与采用皆伐方式的竹林没有明显的差异。因此,U型伐技术能使竹笋和竹材产量最大化,虽然U型伐对新竹笋的萌发有促进作用,但其长期收获的可持续性仍需要进一步评估。即使竹材产量和当年的新竹数量似乎影响了新竹笋的发生,本研究仍发现竹材的收获量和竹笋的再生量有更强的关系,这表明补偿生长机制影响了竹笋的再生。  相似文献   
In the highlands of Bhutan shifting cultivation remains an important land use practice, covering an area of approximately 200,000 ha. Two systems, bush fallow and grass fallow, are described and discussed. The traditional methods used in the two systems are well adapted to available resources. The systems differ in fallow vegetation, altitude range, major crops, fallow period, farming tools, clearing method, labour inputs, and erosion risks. Soils used for the grass fallow system are low in P and N. Major limitations for the bush fallow system are weed competition and the steep terrain. Returns from labour wereapproximately 10.6 and 4.2 kg grain per day for the bush fallow and the grass fallow system, respectively. Access to market through a recently built road system provides some cultivators with lucrative alternatives in the form of timber, livestock and potato production. Alternative options are more limited in the bush fallow system.This work was supported by the Department of Agriculture, Royal Government of Bhutan and the Swiss Association for Technical Assistance  相似文献   
Regolith and soils in Bhutan, Eastern Himalayas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bhutan lies at altitudes of 100–7500 m on the steep, long and complex southern slopes of the Eastern Himalayas. Soil surveys show that, despite steep gradients, there are many moderately or deeply weathered soils. Many slopes are mantled with polycyclic, layered drift materials, so soil horizons owe as much to regolith heterogeneity as to pedogenesis. In the limited arable areas soil profiles are further complicated by rice cultivation and the construction, maintenance and irrigation of flat terraces on steep slopes. Some natural pedogenic horizonation is apparent, and there is an altitudinal zonation of soil types. Although the climate is warm and seasonally wet, most soils on the subtropical southern foothills are not particularly weathered and leached. The foothills are seismically active, and many soils are formed in unstable landslide debris. Elsewhere the regoliths are more stable. The main soils up to about 3000 m in the inner valleys are moderately weathered and leached, and have bright subsoil colours and thin dark topsoils. Above these there is a zone of bright orange‐coloured non‐volcanic andosolic soils. Further upslope there are acid soils with thick surface litter, stagnogleyic topsoils, and drab brown subsoils with organic cutans. These grade to weak podzols, which extend from about 3500 m up to the treeline, around 4000 m. Above this, alpine turf soils, with deep, dark, and friable topsoils and yellowish friable subsoils, are intermixed with unweathered glacial deposits. The interactions between pedogenesis and the deposition of the varied and layered drift materials complicate mapping and classification of the soils.  相似文献   
A total of 210 chicken samples, from seven strains, were genotyped using 20 microsatellite loci of which 16 are recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization. The genetic variability and divergence of four Thai indigenous strains and three commercial lines were assessed to generate baseline information for conservation, promotion, and make sustainable utilization of indigenous chicken resources in Thailand. A total of 227 alleles were distributed ranging from six (MCW 111) to 16 (MCW 183 and LEI 166) alleles per locus. The highest (0.81) and lowest (0.77) average of expected heterozygosities were observed in indigenous chicken (Dang) and commercial layer (Isa Brown), respectively. All microsatellite loci were in the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, except for MCW111 and ADL372 in the Isa Brown line. The subpopulation division coefficient (F ST ) was strong with the value of 0.183 indicating the genetic differentiation among the studied groups. Four genetic clusters were detected: the first group consisted of layers (Isa Brown and White Leghorn); the second group was broiler; the third group consisted of non-black feather indigenous chicken (Chee, Dang, and Leung Hang Khoa); and the fourth group was black feather indigenous chicken (Pradu Hang Dam). The results of this study also suggested that Pradu Hang Dam is suitable to be developed as a meat type chicken due to lower genetic distance between Pradu Hang Dam and broiler.  相似文献   
随着全球气温变暖和高温事件的频繁出现,水稻遭受高温影响的概率也随之增加.稻田气温是研究水稻遭受高温热害及其影响的数据基础.因此,大范围地反演稻田气温,有助于相关部门短时间内获取大范围的稻田气温数据并进行水稻高温热害的研究和决策部署.本文利用MOD09A1 8天合成数据对安徽省水稻种植区域提取,水稻种植区内的自动气象站气...  相似文献   
Grazing is regarded as one of the most important factors influencing rangeland ecosystems. Many previous studies have used indirect measures (proxies) of grazing intensity, such as the distance from congregation areas and the number of herbivore excreta, to estimate effects of grazing on vegetation parameters in rangeland ecosystems. However, little is known about how such proxies reflect the true grazing intensity, and if their suitability is consistent across landscape conditions. We measured grazing intensity based on the amount of plant ramets being grazed in 75 plots positioned across a rangeland landscape in central Tibet. Several grazing intensity proxies (distance from pastoral camp sites, number of yak dung patches (old and fresh), sheep and goat dropping piles, and pika (Ochotona curzoniae) burrows (active and abandoned)) were also measured in each plot. Regression models were used to examine the suitability of these proxies in predicting our measure of real grazing intensity. None of the examined proxies satisfactorily predicted real grazing intensity in our study system. The distance from camp sites was the best proxy for grazing intensity (P<0.001), but it explained only 30% of its variation. Fresh yak dung and active pika burrows explained only 10% and 3% of the variation in grazing intensity, respectively. The suitability of using proxies for grazing intensity did not significantly differ along landscape parameters (elevation, aspect directions, and slope angle) (P>0.05), except that the number of animal excreta and pika burrows functioned better as proxies at low, compared to high, elevation (P<0.05). Our results should be of concern since many studies use proxies to estimate effects of grazing on vegetation dynamics and ecosystem properties. We recommend awareness of potential limitations and suitability of proxies, when real grazing intensity is not measured.  相似文献   
Soil aggregate stability (SAS) is an indicator for soil condition and is greatly influenced by land use or land cover (LULC) type and other soil and environmental attributes. This study investigated the soil aggregate-size distribution, SAS, aggregate-associated organic carbon (AAOC) and the relative importance of factors affecting SAS and AAOC. Based on conditioned Latin hypercube sampling, soil aggregate samples were collected from the “A” horizon and wet sieved into large macroaggregates (>2.0 mm), small macroaggregates (0.25–2.0 mm), microaggregates (0.053–0.25 mm) and mineral fraction (<0.053 mm). The large macroaggregates accounted for 86% to 93% of the total aggregates under all LULC types except under dry land (64%) and paddy land (35%). The SAS under different LULC decreased in the order fir > shrubland > natural grassland > orchard > blue pine > broadleaf > mixed conifer > dry land > paddy land. The AAOC of the large macroaggregates constituted for 76%–90% of the total AAOC under all LULC types except under dry land (65%) and paddy land (38%). While SAS was largely influenced by the AAOC of small macroaggregates, microaggregates and large macroaggregates and LULC type, the AAOC of different aggregate fractions was mostly affected by LULC type, altitude and slope. SAS did not exhibit any significant relationship with the AAOC of different aggregate fractions under the natural LULC types but showed a strong relationship under the agricultural land indicating that AAOC is more critical for SAS under the agricultural land than under the natural LULC.  相似文献   
An assessment of nonequilibrium rangeland dynamics was conducted in the Aru basin, a semiarid site located in the very dry northwest part of the Chang Tang Nature Reserve, Tibet, China. A grazing gradient approach was used to examine the effects of different livestock grazing intensities on vegetation, providing data to determine if plant–herbivore interaction has been a major structuring force of the plant community and thus to indicate what type of dynamic might apply in the study area. No significant differences were found between a highly grazed site and a lightly grazed site in vegetation cover, standing biomass, and Shannon–Wiener species diversity index of total, graminoid, forb, and tomtza (Oxytropis glacialis Benth. ex Bunge) functional groups, with the exception that tomtza coverage was significantly higher at the highly grazed (1.04%) than at the lightly grazed site (0.02%). Grazing intensity alone did not explain a significant amount of variation in the plant species data. These results indicate that a dominance of nonequilibrium dynamics appears to be the case in the basin, probably one of the least-arid sites in the northwest Chang Tang region of the Tibetan Plateau. Thus, opportunistic livestock management strategies adapted to variable vegetation production from year to year, rather than the setting of a rigid stocking rate that assumes a stable carrying capacity, is probably the most plausible approach for managing livestock and its relationship to biodiversity values in this region.  相似文献   
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