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A case-control study was conducted to identify herd production, housing, and hygienic and therapeutic factors associated with a diagnosis of Nocardia mastitis in dairy herds in Nova Scotia. The data were collected by on-farm interviews with owners of 54 case and 54 control herds.

Logistic regression was used to study risk factors. The use of dry cow products containing neomycin, including two specific dry cow products, was strongly associated with a diagnosis of Nocardia mastitis in a herd. Other factors which increased the risk of Nocardia mastitis were higher levels of production, larger herd size, and a large percentage of cows treated with dry cow products. These results are compared to results from a similar study carried out in Ontario.

Controlling microbial contamination on beef and lamb meat during processing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SUMMARY The microbiological quality of carcases, meat and environmental surfaces was evaluated in commercial boning rooms processing beef and lamb. There was considerable variation in the level of microbial contamination on both carcases and meat, with counts ranging from less than 20 to 108/cm2 on carcases and to 2 times 107/cm2 on meat. The level of microbial contamination on meat was influenced by the level of carcase contamination at boning and by the boning process itself. Carcase contamination was the major determinant of microbiological quality, as more than 70% of carcases had microbial counts greater than 103/cm2. Cutting boards were a major source for microbial dissemination during boning, particularly when carcase counts were less than 103/cm2. If carcases were heavily contaminated, the contamination of processing surfaces was irrelevant in determining microbial loads on meat. Where carcase contamination was at low to moderate levels, the contribution of the boning process to the contamination on meat assumed increased significance. Under these conditions, improved sanitation of cutting surfaces in the boning room resulted in a significant reduction in microbial contamination on the surface of meat. These results can form the basis for ensuring that improvements made in carcase management before boning, to improve microbiological quality, will be preserved through attention to cutting board hygiene during boning.  相似文献   
Four hundred and seventeen Canadian veterinarians were surveyed to determine their postoperative use of analgesics in dogs and cats following 6 surgical procedures, and to determine their opinions toward pain perception and perceived complications associated with the postoperative use of potent opioid analgesics. Three hundred and seventeen (76%) returned the questionnaire. The percentage of animals receiving analgesics postoperatively ranged from 84% of dogs and 70% of cats following orthopedic surgery to 10% of dogs and 9% of cats following castration. In general, with the exception of orthopedic surgery, roughly equal percentages of dogs and cats received postoperative analgesics. Opioids were used almost exclusively to provide postoperative analgesia, with butorphanol the most commonly administered drug to both dogs and cats. Analgesics were usually administered either once or twice postoperatively. With regard to the administration of potent opioid agonists, the 3 major concerns included respiratory depression, bradycardia, and sedation in dogs, and excitement, respiratory depression, and bradycardia in cats. Seventy-seven percent of veterinarians considered their knowledge of issues related to the recognition and control of postoperative pain to be inadequate. Experience in practice is currently the major source of knowledge, with undergraduate veterinary school and research articles in journals ranked as the least important sources. Lectures or seminars delivered at the regional level were the preferred format for continuing education.  相似文献   
Infectious salmon anemia (ISA) is a viral disease occurring in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) that is characterized by lethargy, anorexia, anemia and death. To control the disease in New Brunswick, Canada, 7.5 million fish from outbreak cages have been destroyed since 1997. Despite changes made by farmers, 2002 was the worst year ever for ISA losses in the region.

We evaluated the associations between potential risk factors and ISA outbreaks in the Atlantic-salmon sites in New Brunswick. This was a multilevel study in which the site-level design was a retrospective cohort study while the cage-level design was a modified case-cohort study. The questionnaire was divided into site-level questions, cage-level questions and hatchery information.

The important factors identified by this study can be categorized as environmental, farmer controlled or industry controlled according to the capacity to change or eliminate them. Environmental risk factors such as increasing the depth of the net (if nets were ≤9 m, odds ratio (OR) = 3.34) and decreasing the depth of water underneath the net (if depth of water underneath the net >3 m, OR = 3.34) are for the most part dictated by site location. Wild pollock (Pollachius virens) in the cage reflects the number of wild pollock that live in the site location. If there were ≥1000 pollock in the cage, the odds of disease in the cage increased 4.43-fold. Risk factors that are under farm control include increasing the number of times that the salmon are treated for sea lice (OR = 3.31 if lice treatments are ≤2 times), transferring small smolts into seawater (OR = 2.40 if smolts weighed >99 g) and improving on the adaptation of smolts to seawater to reduce post-transfer mortalities (OR = 4.52 if there was at least one cage with post-transfer mortalities >5%). The industry-controlled factors need to be addressed by the industry as a whole. Organizing boat travel to minimize the time and frequency of boats travelling to or by sites currently is being reviewed. This will be extremely important because the OR = 9.43 if processing boats travel within 1 km of the site and the OR = 4.03 if the site has dry feed delivered by the feed company. Because the hazard ratio increased stepwise from 1 if the nearest neighbor with ISA was ≥5 km up to 5.5 if the nearest site with ISA was within 0.5 km, increasing the distance between sites might be necessary for effective control.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the agreement between ELISA tests conducted using three O. ostertagia antigens: crude adult worm, larval stage 4 (L4) excretory/secretory (ES) and adult ES. This study was carried out on 289 Holstein cows from five herds in Prince Edward Island and one herd in Nova Scotia. Composite milk samples of these cows were collected (between May and September 2002) from the respective provincial laboratories and sent to the Atlantic Veterinary College where each sample was tested for antibodies to O. Ostertagi using an indirect microtitre ELISA test. Results were expressed as optical density ratio (ODR) values. Each milk sample was tested with three ELISA tests, with each test using a different O. ostertagi antigen. There was a slight rise in ODR values of both adult antigens, between May and August, with higher values obtained using the adult ES antigen. L4 ES ODR values were generally higher than those for both adult antigens during the study period, except for May. There was a more dramatic rise in L4 ES ODR values between May and August. Rises in ODR in May and end of July coincided with periods of mass maturation of L4 to adult worms. The results of the study showed that the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) between tests performed using both ES and the crude antigens were low (crude adult versus adult ES=0.31, crude adult versus L4 ES=0.30). The highest CCC was observed between tests done using both ES antigens (CCC=0.56). Generally, the study results suggest that the antibody response (detectable by the ELISA) is mainly directed against ES antigens (especially L4) than the crude adult worm antigen.  相似文献   
The general objective of this study was to evaluate a crude Ostertagia ostertagi antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for monitoring gastrointestinal parasites in lactating dairy cattle. A longitudinal study of gastrointestinal parasites in lactating dairy cows was carried out in 38 herds in four provinces of Canada (Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario and Saskatchewan) from September 1999 to October 2000. Bulk tank milk, cow milk, serum and fecal samples were collected monthly or quarterly from all these farms. Information on herd management factors was collected by a standard questionnaire and individual cow production data were obtained from an electronic database. The overall mean optical density ratio (ODR) was 0.30 and ranged from -0.05 to 1.55. Although a clear seasonal pattern was not observed, the ODR values tended to decrease during the housing period and start increasing in the spring before the cows went out to pasture. The second and third or greater lactation cows had significantly higher ODR values compared with first lactation animals. The individual cow ODR had a very low correlation with individual squared root fecal egg counts but showed a reasonably high correlation when herd averages values were computed (r=0.73). A moderate correlation (r approximately 0.50) between the bulk tank and herd average ODR was observed. Milk yield was negatively associated with individual cow milk ODR and a quadratic effect on ODR was observed for days in milk. Twenty-eight of the herds participated in a clinical trial of eprinomectin (Ivomec Eprinex) treatment at calving. The cow level ODR values determined late in the previous lactation had a marginally significant effect (P=0.07) on treatment response, suggesting that high OD cows responded better to the anthelmintic treatment. However, because of the small sample size available in this model, more research is needed to better understand this relationship. In conclusion, the indirect ELISA using an O. ostertagi crude antigen appears useful as a technique for monitoring gastrointestinal parasite burdens in adult dairy cows and holds promise as a potential predictor of response to anthelmintic treatment.  相似文献   
A field trial was conducted to determine the effect of premilking teat disinfection (predipping) on several measures of mastitis in a commercial dairy farm where the predominant organisms isolated from intramammary infections were coagulase negative Staphylococcus spp. Cows were randomly assigned to a treated (predipped with 0.5% iodine germicide plus "good udder preparation") or a control group ("good udder preparation" alone). Sterile composite milk samples were collected at the initiation of the trial and on an approximately bimonthly basis throughout the duration of the trial. There was no difference in the prevalence of isolation of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp. from composite milk samples obtained during the 6 herd cultures. The incidence rate for clinical mastitis in the control group was 1.38 cases per 1000 cow days. The incidence rate for clinical mastitis in the treatment group was 1.06 cases per 1000 cow days. The ratio of these 2 was 1.3, suggesting a higher rate in the control group, but the ratio was not statistically significant (P = 0.34). Logistic regression analysis indicated that the effect of treatment group was not significant, although the coefficient suggested that predipping reduced the risk of clinical mastitis. The benefit to cost ratio of 0.37 indicated that the benefit of reduced incidence of clinical cases of mastitis would not have justified the added expense required to predip the herd.  相似文献   
Monthly bulk-tank milk samples were obtained from 415 Nova Scotia dairy herds in each of the months of July-September 1998 and tested using an indirect microtitre ELISA against a crude saline-extract, whole-worm Ostertagia ostertagi antigen. ELISA results (optical densities (ODs)) were consistent across months (r=0.85) but there was considerable variation among herds. A questionnaire was sent by mail to all producers; information on management factors that would potentially influence parasite burdens in the herds was obtained from 239 farms. Data on annual milk production, summer milk production (July-September) and seasonal decline in milk production were obtained from the Animal Productivity and Health Information Network (APHIN) database. Associations between management practices and ODs, and between ODs and milk-production parameters were studied. Some management practices known to be associated with parasite burdens had expected directions of association with the ODs, giving supporting evidence that the ELISA is a reasonable measure of parasite burden. Most notably, ODs were increased with greater exposure of heifers or milking cows to pasture. ODs were not associated with either annual milk production or seasonal decline in milk production. However, there was a substantial relationship between the herd OD value and the level of milk production during the summer. An increase in the OD from 0.58 to 0.83 (the interquartile range of ODs) was associated with a reduction in production of 1.25kg/cow/day.  相似文献   
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