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The development of biofloc production technology has generated significant commercial and research interest directed toward the inland culture of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Most work to date has been conducted in greenhouses, where photoautotrophic organisms are significant contributors to system functionality. In more temperate locations, operations in insulated buildings would reduce heating costs. This experiment was designed to evaluate the effect of light on shrimp cultured in intensive biofloc systems. A 92‐d experiment was conducted in 3.8‐m3 tanks. There were five light treatments: (1) natural sunlight (SUN) as a control (midday: 718 lx); (2) one metal halide light (MHL) (1074 lx); (3) one fluorescent light (1FL) (214 lx); (4) two fluorescent lights (2FL) (428 lx); and (5) three fluorescent lights (3FL) (642 lx). Artificial light treatments operated on a 12:12 daily cycle. There were three replicate tanks per treatment and each was separated by black plastic to prevent light transmission between replicates. Each tank was stocked at 465 shrimp/m2 of tank bottom (initial mean weight = 0.4 g). Light treatment had a significant (P≤ 0.05) impact on average individual weight, survival, harvest yield (kg/m2), and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Harvest yield and survival among shrimp in the SUN, MHL, and 1FL treatments were not significantly different. However, there was an inverse linear relationship (P≤ 0.05; R2 = 0.76) between the number of fluorescent fixtures and survival, which was related to greater concentrations of filamentous bacteria as the intensity of fluorescent light increased, causing gill fouling. Natural light and MHL did not result in high concentrations of filamentous bacteria. These results indicate that natural light, metal halide lighting, and/or relatively low levels of fluorescent lighting are suitable for indoor production of Pacific white shrimp in biofloc systems. Light spectrum and intensity can affect bacterial community structure, which has a profound effect on shrimp survival and production.  相似文献   
Pregnancy‐associated glycoproteins (PAGs) isolated from the placenta of various ruminant species are enzymatically inactive members of the aspartic proteinase family. The measurement of these proteins in the maternal blood can be a good indicator of the presence of a live embryo. As certain aspartic proteinases are present in biological fluids in physiological and pathological conditions at various concentrations, it was necessary to determine the specificity of three radioimmunoassay (RIA) systems currently used for the detection of PAG molecules. Commercially available members of the aspartic proteinase family like pepsinogen, pepsin, chymosin, rennet, cathepsin D and renin were tested in a wide concentration range (10 ng/ml – 1 mg/ml). Pepsinogen cross‐reacted in RIA 1, RIA 2 and RIA 3 over 1 mg/ml, 50 μg/ml and 500 μg/ml concentrations, respectively. In the presence of pepsin, cross‐reaction was observed in RIA 1, RIA 2 and RIA 3 over 1 mg/ml, 500 μg/ml and 1 mg/ml concentrations, respectively. Chymosin and rennet could cross‐react in RIA 2 and RIA 3, while renin and cathepsin D did not decrease the binding of the tracer to antisera more, than that of the minimal detection limit. As the plasma/serum concentrations of the examined aspartic proteinases reported in the literature were outside the concentration range where cross‐reaction was observed, it can be concluded that these RIA systems were specific for the detection of PAGs in biological fluids.  相似文献   
During summer 1997, hundreds of thousands of emaciated short-tailed shearwaters ( Puffinus tenuirostris ) died in the south-eastern Bering Sea. Using strip transect methodology, we documented the distribution and abundance of short-tailed shearwaters during cruises conducted prior to, during, and after the die-off, as well as the distributions and abundances of floating carcasses. The distributions and abundances of short-tailed shearwaters in 1997 were similar to those found during the 1970s and early 1980s. In August–September 1997, we observed 163 floating shearwater carcasses, most of which were between St Paul Island and Nunivak Island. We estimated ≈ 190 000 carcasses were afloat in the study area, about 11% of the surveyed population. Between spring (June) and autumn (August/September), mean net body mass of shearwaters decreased by 19%, mean pectoral muscle mass decreased by 14%, and mean percentage body lipid content decreased by 46%, from 15.6% in spring to 8.4% in autumn. Compared with spring, short-tailed shearwater diets broadened in autumn 1997, to include, in addition to adult euphausiids Thysanoessa raschii, juveniles of T. inermis, T. raschii and T. spinifera, crab megalops, fish and squid. We discuss how the ecosystem anomalies in the south-eastern Bering Sea during spring and summer 1997 relate to the mortality event and suggest possible implications of long-term climate change for populations of apex predators in the south-eastern Bering Sea.  相似文献   
Largemouth bass (LMB), Micropterus salmoides, are a highly desirable food fish especially among Asian populations in large cities throughout North America. The primary production method for food‐size LMB (>500 g) has been outdoor ponds that require two growing seasons (18 mo). Indoor, controlled‐environment production using recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) technologies could potentially reduce the growout period by maintaining ideal temperatures year‐round. Researchers conducted a 26‐wk study to evaluate optimal stocking densities for growout of second‐year LMB to food‐fish size in an indoor RAS. LMB fingerlings (112.0 ± 38.0 g) were randomly stocked into nine 900‐L tanks to achieve densities of 30, 60, or 120 fish/m3 with three replicate tanks per density. The RAS consisted of a 3000‐L sump, ¼ hp pump, bead filter for solids removal, mixed‐moving‐bed biofilter for nitrification, and a 400‐watt ultraviolet light for sterilization. Fish were fed a commercially available floating diet (45% protein and 16% lipid) once daily to apparent satiation. At harvest, all fish were counted, individually weighed, and measured. Total biomass densities significantly increased (P ≤ 0.05) with stocking rate achieving 6.2, 13.2, and 22.9 kg/m3 for fish stocked at 20, 60, and 120 fish/m3, respectively. The stocking densities evaluated had no significant impact (P > 0.05) on survival, average harvest weight, or feed conversion ratio which averaged 92.9 ± 5.8%, 294.5 ± 21.1 g, and 1.8 ± 0.3, respectively. After approximately 6 mo of culture, LMB did not attain target weights of >500 g. Observed competition among fish likely resulted in large size variability and overall poor growth compared to second‐year growth in ponds. Additional research is needed to better assess the suitability of LMB for culture in RAS.  相似文献   
Potatoes are an important staple crop, grown in many parts of the world. Although ozone deposition to many vegetation types has been measured in the field, no data have been reported for potatoes. Such measurements, including the latent-heat flux, were made over a fully grown potato field in central Scotland during the summer of 2006, covering a 4-week period just after rainfall and then dry, sunny weather. The magnitude of the flux was typical of many canopies showing the expected diurnal cycles. Although the bulk-canopy stomatal conductance declined as the field dried out (~300 mmol-O3 m?2 s?1 to ~70 mmol-O3 m?2 s?1), the total ozone flux did not follow the same trend, indicating that non-stomatal deposition was significant. Over a dry surface non-stomatal resistance (Rns) was 270–450 s m?1, while over a wet surface Rns was ~50% smaller and both decreased with increasing surface temperature and friction velocity. From the variation with relative humidity (RH) it is suggested that three processes occur on leaf surfaces: on a very dry surface ozone is removed by thermal decomposition, possibly enhanced by photolytic reactions in the daytime and so Rns decreases as temperature increases; at 50–70% RH a thin film of liquid blocks the “dry” process and resistance increases; above 60–70% RH sufficient surface water is present for aqueous reactions to remove ozone and resistance decreases.  相似文献   
Under production conditions freshwater prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii are supplied nutrients by a combination of prepared diets and natural pond organisms. For maximum production efficiency and profitability it is important that the nutritional contributions of natural foods be identified and quantified. In this study the relative importance of forage organisms previously identified as important natural foods for prawns in ponds were evaluated under controlled conditions. Juvenile prawns (average weight 1.80 ± 0.06 g) were stocked into 18 37.5-L aquaria at a density of 10 prawns per tank. The six dietary treatments tested were: 1) unfed (negative control); 2) commercially prepared diet (positive control); 3) oligo-chaetes; 4) chironomids; 5) zooplankton; and 6) a combination of the latter three. Each treatment was evaluated in triplicate aquaria for 7 wk. The growth rate of prawns in the unfed treatment was statistically lower than in fed treatments ( P < 0.05). There were no significant differences ( P > 0.05) between growth rates and survivals among prawns in the five fed treatments. Selective retention of arachidonic acid (20:4n-6), eicosapentanoic acid (22: 5n-3), and docosahexanenoic acid (22:6n-3) in unfed prawns likely indicates the relative nutritional importance of these fatty acids. Comparisons of whole-body fatty acid and amino acid concentrations of prawns and food organisms indicate that zooplankton and oligochaetes may have the most appropriate biochemical compositions as prawn food sources.  相似文献   
In 2011, following severe flooding in Eastern Australia, an unprecedented epidemic of equine encephalitis occurred in South-Eastern Australia, caused by Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV) and a new variant strain of Kunjin virus, a subtype of West Nile virus (WNVKUN). This prompted us to assess whether a delta inulin-adjuvanted, inactivated cell culture-derived Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) vaccine (JE-ADVAX™) could be used in horses, including pregnant mares and foals, to not only induce immunity to JEV, but also elicit cross-protective antibodies against MVEV and WNVKUN. Foals, 74–152 days old, received two injections of JE-ADVAX™. The vaccine was safe and well-tolerated and induced a strong JEV-neutralizing antibody response in all foals. MVEV and WNVKUN antibody cross-reactivity was seen in 33% and 42% of the immunized foals, respectively. JE-ADVAX™ was also safe and well-tolerated in pregnant mares and induced high JEV-neutralizing titers. The neutralizing activity was passively transferred to their foals via colostrum. Foals that acquired passive immunity to JEV via maternal antibodies then were immunized with JE-ADVAX™ at 36–83 days of age, showed evidence of maternal antibody interference with low peak antibody titers post-immunization when compared to immunized foals of JEV-naïve dams. Nevertheless, when given a single JE-ADVAX™ booster immunization as yearlings, these animals developed a rapid and robust JEV-neutralizing antibody response, indicating that they were successfully primed to JEV when immunized as foals, despite the presence of maternal antibodies. Overall, JE-ADVAX™ appears safe and well-tolerated in pregnant mares and young foals and induces protective levels of JEV neutralizing antibodies with partial cross-neutralization of MVEV and WNVKUN.  相似文献   
Two feeding trials were conducted with juvenile largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides to evaluate alternative plant and animal source proteins for their ability to replace fish meal in practical diets. The first trial was designed to identify the most promising candidates. The second trial was conducted to evaluate how much of the fish meal could be replaced by those candidates. In Study 1, feed‐trained largemouth bass (3.1 ± 0.7 g) were randomly stocked into 18114‐L glass aquaria at 25 fish per aquarium. Fish were fed one of six experimental diets, each containing approximately 38% crude protein and 10% crude lipid, to apparent satiation twice daily. The control diet (CTL) contained 30% fish meal and 34.5% soybean meal. Diets 2–6 each contained 15% fish meal and at least 34.5% soybean meal with the remainder of the protein made up of either meat and bone meal (MBM), soybean meal (SBM), poultry by‐product meal (PBM), a 50150 mixture of blood meal and corn gluten meal (BM/CG), or 50150 mixture of hydrolyzed feather meal and soybean meal (FMISBM). There were three replicate aquaria per dietary treatment. After 12 wk, there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) among treatments in survival which averaged 92% overall. Only fish fed the PBM or BM/CG diets had average individual weights and feed conversion efficiencies that were not significantly different (P > 0.05) from the control diet (CTL). In Study 2, the formulation of the control diet (CTL) remained the same. Based on their performance in the first trial, PBM and BM/CG were chosen to now replace 75 or 100% of the fish meal. Fish were stocked at an average weight of 6.9 ± 1.7 g. After 11 wk, fish fed diets containing the BM/CG mixture at both levels were significantly smaller (P 5 0.05) than fish fed other diets and at 100% replacement survival was reduced. Fish fed diets containing poultry meal as the primary protein source performed as well as those fed the control diet (CTL). It appears that PBM can completely replace fish meal in diets for juvenile largemouth bass without adverse effects on growth, feed efficiency, or body composition.  相似文献   
Abstract— The freshwater prawn Macrobrachiurn rosenbergii is a commercially important culture species in the South Central United States. Two major constraints in the commercial culture of the freshwater prawn in the U.S. are poor survival during live transportation of seed‐stock to growout ponds, and live transportation of pond harvested prawn to distant live markets due to the territorial and cannibalistic nature of prawn. The use of anesthetics could possibly improve transport survival; however, to date anesthetic agents have not been evaluated for use with prawn. Two trials were conducted with juvenile freshwater prawn to compare the efficacy of anesthetics commonly used on fish. The first trial was designed to identify the most promising candidates. In Study 1, tricaine methanesulfonate (MS‐222), 2‐phenoxyethanol, quinaldine sulfate (quinaldine), clove oil, and Aqui‐STM were evaluated at 25 and 100 mg/L for 1 h in three replicate 10‐L glass containers, containing five juvenile prawn each. Relative sedation level was determined every 3 min for 1 h, then recovery time and survival were measured. In Study 1, MS‐222 and 2‐phenoxyethanol were determined to be ineffective on prawn at all rates tested. Based on their performance in Study 1, quinaldine, clove oil, and AquiSTM were evaluated at 100, 200, and 300 mg/L in Study 2. Observations were determined as in Study 1. Clove oil and Aqui‐STM induced anesthesia faster and at lower concentrations than quinaldine. At the highest treatment rate (300 mg/L) prawn suffered 60% mortality in the Aqui‐STM treatment, 13% mortality in the quinaldine treatment, and 0% mortality in the clove oil treatment and control following a 1‐h exposure to these concentrations. Based on these data, Aqui‐STM and clove oil applied at 100 mg/L may be suitable anesthetic treatments for prawn. Additional research is needed to determine optimal time and dose relationships to minimize stress during holding, handling, and transportation of prawn.  相似文献   
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