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The lion's paw scallop, Nodipecten subnodosus (Sowerby) has considerable aquacultural potential due to its fast growth and large adductor muscle. Prior investigations throughout northwestern Mexico's littoral have reported highly variable growth rates; furthermore, no studies are available of the environment on growth and gametogenesis in this species under culture conditions. This investigation assesses the effect of food availability and temperature on the growth and gametogenesis of N. subnodosus in a suspended culture system at Guerrero Negro lagoon, Mexico. After 1 year of cultivation, N. subnodosus reached 69.13 mm in shell height (SH) (0.196 mm day?1, 14 months old). Two significant growth spurts were observed: over the two first months of culture (August and September 2001, mean growth rate 0.4 mm day?1) and in September 2002 (0.3 mm day?1), both related to high temperatures and chlorophyll a concentrations. The onset of gametogenesis occurred in April 2002, with an increase in temperature (10‐month‐old scallops, 54.5 mm SH). The first spawning occurred in October and November (86.2 and 93 mm SH), with peak temperatures. These results, together with the analysis of previous reports, indicate that N. subnodosus has a higher preference for temperate areas; therefore, the Guerrero Negro lagoon appears to be a suitable site to culture this species.  相似文献   
Wild and feral medium-sized mammals were live trapped at two natural protected areas within the Mexico City limits to determine antibody prevalence for the most common infectious diseases (rabies, toxoplasmosis, and canine parvovirus) in dogs and cats. Mammals were trapped during the dry (March-April) and rainy seasons (July-August) of 1996 and 1997. A total of 68 individuals were captured, representing 8 species: opossums (Didelphis virginiana), ringtails (Bassariscus astutus), spotted skunks (Spilogale gracilis), weasels (Mustela frenata), rock squirrels (Spermophilus variegatus), Mexican gray squirrels (Sciurus aureogaster), feral cats (Felis catus), and feral dogs (Canis familiaris). There was marked seroprevalence for parvovirus (86.6%) and lower seroprevalences for both toxoplasma (23.9%) and rabies (17.9%). There were no significant prevalence differences among mammals in both protected areas, which were of contrasting size and isolation (i.e., small and isolated versus large and nonisolated). We suggest that high seroprevalence of these three infectious agents in wild mammals is a result of the high densities of feral dogs and cats in the two areas sampled. Feral dogs are able to maintain the infectious agents in these localities regardless of the protected area size and isolation. However, the native mammals of the small and isolated reserve are more vulnerable to infectious diseases because of small population size and genetic bottlenecks. Our results indicate that natural areas in and around Mexico City are a refugium for latent infectious agents, several of which are zoonotic. These findings suggest that conservation measures, such as eradication of feral mammals and vaccination programs, in the protected areas and surrounding areas could be beneficial.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to elucidate the genetic cause for the lack of express ion of the gene Ht2 against Exserohilum turcicum race 2 on certain genetic backgrounds related to the inbred line B14. Two such inbreds (A635Rp and B59), susceptible to this pathogen were crossed onto the inbred Oh43—-Ht2Ht2. The following generations: F1, F2, F3, F4, backcrosses to both parents, selfings of the backcrosses, in addition to the parent lines, were evaluated for Ht2 expression in this study. Plants of each generation were inoculated with E. turcicum race 2 and evaluated for the expression of the chlorotic-lesion resistance determined by the gene Ht2. In spite of the reported dominance of Ht2 on some genetic backgrounds, the F1 generations studied here did not show Ht2 resistant lesions. The data presented herein suggest that B14 and related inbred lines carry a dominant gene(I) that inhibits the expression of the Ht2 gene. Chi-square analyses of the reactions of 108 progeny families studied supported this hypothesis.  相似文献   
We evaluate the role of intensive beach management, meaning intense patrolling and nest reburial to a central hatchery, as a strategy for improving the success of sea turtle conservation at nesting sites in Mexico. We report the results of an experimental program at Playa Cuixmala, Jalisco, western Mexico. Sea turtle conservation efforts in Mexico have, in general, poor results because of lack of funds, which leads to insufficient beach protection and severe negative effects of nest removal on hatching success and sex ratios. Alternative strategies are needed to optimize limited resources. We predicted that intensive beach management, which included intense patrolling and careful nest reburial, could be an effective way to maximize nest survival and hatchling release under limited financial and human resources. The results of our 9-year study were very positive. Survival rate increased several fold during the study period. Hatching success and sex ratios were not significantly different between in-situ and removed nests. Survival in removed nests was, however, much higher that in-situ nests, because of predation and beach erosion. In total, the small (3 km length) Playa Cuixmala became the second most productive sea turtle nesting beach in the region because of these concentrated efforts. Intense beach management can be an important technique for sea turtle conservation, and can be properly applied to small beaches or the most productive sections of large beaches.  相似文献   
Resistance to benzimidazole anthelmintics in the nematode Haemonchus contortus has been correlated with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on the β-tubulin isotype 1 gene. Three mutations can be used as markers for the detection of resistance, namely SNPs at position 200 and 167 (both TTC to TAC) or at position 198 (GAA to GCA). Harbouring a resistance genotype at any one of these codons can lead to a resistant phenotype. Our objective in this study was to analyse the frequencies of the three mutations when the albendazole dose rate and selection pressure were increased. We used adult H. contortus (males and females) collected directly from the abomasum of untreated lambs, or lambs treated with the manufacturer's recommended dose rate (5mg/kg), three times the recommended dose rate (15 mg/kg), or nine times the recommended dose rate (45 mg/kg). Anthelmintic efficacy was determined by worm and egg count reductions. For the surviving worms of the four treatment groups, the frequencies of each resistance SNP at codons 167, 200 and 198 were measured using pyrosequencing. Our results showed a strong relationship between an increasing dose rate and an increase in the frequency of the (TAC)(200) SNP and a decrease in the (TAC)(167) SNP. All worms genotyped were GAA at codon 198.  相似文献   
Double mashing for wort production is a time‐consuming process that can be reduced if pregelatinized adjuncts are used. Optimal extruding conditions were determined to obtain brewing adjuncts from corn and sorghum starch. For corn starch extrusion, a Box–Behnken design was devised in which moisture, screw speed, temperature of the barrel, and concentrations of sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL) were varied, and sorghum starch was extruded according to a 23 model in which the modified variables were moisture, SSL concentration, and temperature. The aim was to maximize starch damage and minimize resistant starch and final viscosity as determined with a Rapid Visco Analyzer. The treatments that satisfied these requirements were mashed, and wort extract yield was determined. Glucose, maltose, and maltotriose concentrations in the resulting worts were determined by HPLC with a refractive index detector. Feedstock tempering and SSL content were the most important factors affecting the response; for corn starch, treatments with lower moisture (20%) and middle levels of SSL (0.5%) or with high levels of both moisture (40%) and SSL (1%) produced the most desirable samples for mashing, whereas for sorghum starch the best treatment was tempering to 20% moisture and containing middle levels of SSL (0.5%). No statistical differences were found between these experimental treatments and the control.  相似文献   
Following reports of human cases of Lyme borreliosis from the Ossola Valley, a mountainous area of Piemonte, north‐western Italy, the abundance and altitudinal distribution of ticks, and infection of these vectors with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato were evaluated. A total of 1662 host‐seeking Ixodes ricinus were collected by dragging from April to September 2011 at locations between 400 and 1450 m above sea level. Additional 104 I. ricinus were collected from 35 hunted wild animals (4 chamois, 8 roe deer, 23 red deer). Tick density, expressed as the number of ticks per 100 m2, resulted highly variable among different areas, ranging from 0 to 105 larvae and from 0 to 22 nymphs. A sample of 352 ticks (327 from dragging and 25 from wild animals) was screened by a PCR assay targeting a fragment of the 16S rRNA gene of B. burgdorferi s.l. Positive samples were confirmed with a PCR assay specific for the 5S‐23S rRNA intergenic spacer region and sequenced. Four genospecies were found: B. afzelii (prevalence 4.0%), B. lusitaniae (4.0%), B. garinii (1.5%) and B. valaisiana (0.3%). Phylogenetic analysis based on the ospC gene showed that most of the Borrelia strains from pathogenic genospecies had the potential for human infection and for invasion of secondary body sites.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo determine the minimal electrical threshold (MET) necessary to elicit appropriate muscle contraction when the tip of an insulated needle is positioned epidurally or intrathecally at the L5-6 intervertebral space (phase-I) and to determine whether the application of a fixed electrical current during its advancement could indicate needle entry into the intrathecal space (phase-II) in dogs.Study designProspective, blinded study.AnimalsThirteen (phase-I) and seventeen (phase-II) dogs, scheduled for a surgical procedure where L5-6 intrathecal administration was indicated.MethodsUnder general anesthesia, an insulated needle was first inserted into the L5-6 epidural space and secondly into the intrathecal space and the MET necessary to obtain a muscular contraction of the pelvic limb or tail at each site was determined (phase-I). Under similar conditions, in dogs of phase-II an insulated needle was inserted through the L5-6 intervertebral space guided by the use of a fixed electrical current (0.8 mA) until muscular contraction of the pelvic limb or tail was obtained. Intrathecal needle placement was confirmed by either free flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or myelography.ResultsThe current required to elicit a motor response was significantly lower (p < 0.0001) when the tip of the needle was in the intrathecal space (0.48 ± 0.10 mA) than when it was located epidurally (2.56 ± 0.57). The use of a fixed electrical stimulation current of 0.8 mA resulted in correct prediction of intrathecal injection, corroborated by either free flow of CSF (n = 12) or iohexol distribution pattern (n = 5), in 100% of the cases.Conclusion and clinical relevanceNerve stimulation may be employed as a tool to distinguish epidural from intrathecal insulated needle position at the L5-6 intervertebral space in dogs. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using an electrical stimulation test to confirm intrathecal needle position in dogs.  相似文献   
Striga hermonthica can cause as high as 100% yield loss in maize depending on soil fertility level, type of genotype, severity of infestation and climatic conditions. Understanding the mode of inheritance of Striga resistance in maize is crucial for introgression of resistance genes into tropical germplasm and deployment of resistant varieties. This study examined the mode of inheritance of resistance to Striga in early‐maturing inbred line, TZdEI 352 containing resistance genes from Zea diploperennis. Six generations, P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2 derived from a cross between resistant line, TZdEI 352 and susceptible line, TZdEI 425 were screened under artificial Striga infestation at Mokwa and Abuja, Nigeria, 2015. Additive‐dominance model was adequate in describing observed variations in the number of emerged Striga plants among the population; hence, digenic epistatic model was adopted for Striga damage. Dominance effects were higher than the additive effects for the number of emerged Striga plants at both locations signifying that non‐additive gene action conditioned inheritance of Striga resistance. Inbred TZdEI 352 could serve as invaluable parent for hybrid development in Striga endemic agro‐ecologies of sub‐Saharan Africa.  相似文献   
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