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Amprolium, a coccidiostat added to poultry feed, occurs in excreta at concentrations of 204 μ g?1 and investigations were made of the effect of this quantity of amprolium on the biochemistry of soil to which manure had been applied.Greenhouse experiments showed that 0.8 μg g?1 amprolium was found in soil pots 80 days after treatment with manure at the equivalent of 56.1 t ha?1 and was detectable 20 days following treatment at the equivalent of 11.2 t ha?1.Laboratory experiments indicated that amprolium was differentially adsorbed to two complexing media, soil and manure. Since amprolium was a constituent of treated manure, it was expected that the amprolium manure-soil system would offer various sites for adsorption of amprolium. Mixing amprolium with soil and with soil plus untreated manure yielded approximately the same effect on amprolium adsorption based on recoveries in water solution, and as methanol extractable. However, total recovery of amprolium from treated manure added to soil was only a fraction of the above, indicating the high complexing capacity of the manure.No effect on soil respiration was observed by either pure amprolium or amprolium as a constituent of treated manure. The higher rate of manure application caused greater respiration due to the presence of more readily oxidizable organic matter, but the respiration pattern attributed to the manure component was not unlike the respiration pattern of the Guelph loam soil.  相似文献   
The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is essential for follicular development by promoting follicular angiogenesis, as well as for the proliferation and survival of granulosa cells. The biological effects of VEGF are regulated by two membrane receptors, VEGFR1 and VEGFR2, and two soluble receptors, sVEGFR1 and sVEGFR2, which play an antagonistic role. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify the mRNA expression pattern of total VEGF, VEGFR1, VEGFR2, sVEGFR1 and sVEGFR2 in bovine preselected follicles (PRF) and post‐selected follicles (POF). The mRNA expression of these five genes in both granulosa cells (GC) and theca cells (TC) was compared between follicles classified as PRF and POF based on their diameter and on their ratio of estradiol/progesterone (E2/P4). Results showed a lower expression of mRNA of sVEGFR1 and sVEGFR2 in POF than in PRF (p < .05). Regarding the mRNA expression of total VEGF, VEGFR1 and VEGFR2, there was no difference between POF and PRF follicles (p > .05). Our results showed that the mRNA expression of VEGFR2 and sVEGFR1 was more abundant than the expression of VEGFR1 and sVEGFR2, while GC was the main source of mRNA for total VEGF. On the other hand, TC was the follicular compartment where the receptors were most expressed. Our results suggest that non‐dominant follicles maintain a greater concentration of the mRNA expression of both membrane and soluble VEGF receptors. On the other hand, follicular dominance is related to a reduction in the mRNA expression of sVEGFR1 and sVEGFR2, which may favour VEGF binding with VEGFR2 and, hence, improve the follicular health and development.  相似文献   
The arylsulfatase activity of soil and humic arylsulfatase complexes extracted from soil were measured using the substrates p-nitrophenyl sulfate and low molecular weight (500–10000) soil ester sulfate compounds. Soil samples from the Aphorizon of a Podzol from S-amended wheat plots and a Regosol from dykeland hayfield plots were investigated. Soil arylsulfatase activity (assayed with p-nitrophenyl sulfate) in the fall was significantly higher than spring samples; however, no seasonal differences were observed when humic-arylsulfatase complexes were assayed with p-nitrophenyl sulfate. The discrepancy between arylsulfatase activity in soil and soil extracts was probably due to inhibitors which were found in soil materials. These results appear to support the theory that abiotic arylsulfatase is a relatively stable and persistent component of soil. There was a marked difference in the response by humic-arylsulfatase complexes to the artificial substrate p-nitrophenyl sulfate and natural low molecular weight soil substrates. Humic-arylsulfatase complexes hydrolysed 35–80% of added low molecular weight substrates depending on the treatment. The molecular size, concentration, and chemical composition of the low molecular weight ester sulfate compounds affected hydrolysis of the low molecular weight substrates. The response by humic-arylsulfatase complexes to the chromogenic ester sulfate, p-nitrophenyl sulfate did not reflect the ability of these complexes to hydrolyse natural soil substrates. In an experiments we examined arylsulfatase activity and soil S status in relation to the total S in plant tissue and grain from wheat plants grown in the Podzol. Tissue S was more strongly associated with soil S than the wheat grain. Hydriodic acid-S, Ca(H2PO4)2-extractable sulfate, and hydrolysable ester sulfates in the high molecular weight (>10000) and low molecular weight (500–10000) fractions of soil organic matter extracts were strongly positively correlated with tissue S. Arylsulfatase activity in soil and humic-arylsulfatase extracts assayed with p-nitrophenyl sulfate were also strongly correlated with tissue S, while humic-arylsulfatase activity assayed with the low molecular weight substrate was negatively correlated with tissue S.  相似文献   
CASE HISTORY A 3-year-old male Labrador retriever was presented with a history of dietary indiscretion followed by vomiting and abdominal pain.

CLINICAL FINDINGS AND TREATMENT: Abdominal ultrasonography revealed the presence of a fluid-filled cystic structure in the region of the pancreas. Flocculent, dark fluid was drained from the cystic structure during exploratory celiotomy prior to resection of the lateral cystic wall. Omentum was sutured into the cystic cavity to provide drainage and enhance immune response. A jejunostomy feeding tube was placed. Post-surgical care consisted of antibiotic therapy. The dog was clinically normal at 1 and 7 months post-operatively and the pancreas appeared normal on final ultrasonographic examination.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This case describes the use of omentum to provide physiological drainage of a pancreatic pseudocyst. This surgical technique may help clinicians manage patients with this condition in the future.  相似文献   
 Humic substances are the most dynamic component of agricultural soils. In this study, humic substances were extracted from soils based on standard acid/base solubility and by gel filtration using Sephadex G25. Organic P is a component of humic substances, and inositol phosphates are considered to have high prominence in organic P. The objectives of the study were to determine the effects of municipal solid waste (MSW) compost on the amount of inositol phosphates (IP) present in soils, and compare methods of extracting humic substances from soils. Total IP (IPT) in soil extracts was determined following separation using a AG-1× 8 anion exchange resin, acid digestion and ICAP analysis for P. The percentage of IP (%IP) of the total P in the soil was also determined by colorimetric analysis. The soils were part of an experiment to study the effects of three rates of MSW compost and fertilizers on three crops grown in a Pugwash sandy loam (Humo-Ferric Podzol). The data were compared using ANOVA atP≤0.05; extraction methods, fractions [humic/fulvic, high/low molecular (MW)], and five treatments (three different rates of compost, fertilizer, and untreated soil) were compared. The gel filtration method extracted significantly more IPT and %IP than the solubility method. In the solubility method, humic and fulvic acids contained the same amounts of IPT and %IP, while the high MW fraction always contained more IPT and %IP than the low MW fraction in the gel filtration method. Fulvic acids and the low MW fraction contained similar amounts of IPT and %IP. There were differences in %IP between compost-treated soils and the non-compost-treated soils, although there were no differences in IPT due to rate of compost addition. Received: 20 October 1999  相似文献   
Summary Organic matter was extracted from three soils, a Berwick sandy loam, a Franklin loamy sand, and a Cumberland silty loam. The extracts were separated into high (>8000 daltons) and low-molecular-weight (<8000 daltons) fractions using gel filtration. Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography at 214 nm was used to separate the peptides into low-molecular-weight fractions. Peptide samples were collected with an integrated fraction collector and hydolyzed with an immobilized protease column reactor. High performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection was used to determine the amino-acid contents of the collected samples. The results indicated that peptide intermediates are present in soil size fractions. Greater quantities of several amino acids were released from the peptide hydrolyzates of the Berwick sandy loam and Franklin loamy sand, compared with the Cumberland silty loam, an uncultivated soil. These findings indicate that organic intermediates (e.g., peptides) are more prevalent in biologically active soils than in relatively inert soils.  相似文献   
Intensive farming has contributed to the serious declines in abundance and geographic range suffered by several bumblebee species in Europe and North America. Recent UK agri-environmental policy aims to conserve and restore bumblebee populations by providing foraging habitats on arable field margins. We examined the effectiveness of strategies to achieve this, including sowing seed mixtures of (1) tussocky grass species, (2) wildflowers and (3) pollen- and nectar-rich plants. These were compared to conventionally managed cereal crops. Sampling was undertaken in 32 10 × 10 km squares throughout England, each containing a sample of the different field margin types. Bumblebee abundance in July and August was significantly higher on pollen and nectar margins (86 ± 14 bees per 100 m) compared with wildflower margins (43 ± 14), mature grass margins (6 ± 14) and recently sown grass margins (8 ± 4). Bees were virtually absent from the cereal crop (0.2 ± 0.1). Bumblebee species richness was significantly higher on margins sown with either wildflowers or the pollen and nectar mix. There was evidence that richness of the bumblebee assemblage at the 10 × 10 km square scale was positively correlated with land use heterogeneity, the proportion of grassland, and the abundance and richness of dicotyledon flowers. The abundance of long-tongued bees per margin was explained by the number of pollen and nectar agreements per 10 × 10 km square, together with flower abundance. Future research is required to determine the quantity and location of foraging habitat required to sustain bumblebee populations at the landscape scale.  相似文献   
Summary Amino acids were extracted from fertility plots of a loamy sand soil with 0.05 M HF-HCl and with a 10% ethanol solution (free amino acids) and analysed by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The total quantities of amino-N compounds analysed were 4.4 g/g soil for the acid treatment and 22.6 g/g soil for the 10% ethanol extract. Glycine and glutamic acid were the most abundant of 15 amino-N compounds in the HF-HCl extracts, whereas glutamic acid and ornithine + NH+ 4 were found in the highest concentration in the 10% ethanol extracts. The HF-HCI pretreatment is used to increase the efficiency of the extraction of soil organic matter. Although this pretreatment removed some amino acids, the acids extract less than 1% of the total amino-N content of the crude soil extracts. The pretreatment, therefore, was not overly destructive. Comparisons between the amino acids extracted from the fertility plots were not conclusive, except for glycine, which was greater in concentration in the higher fertilizer N plots of the same crop rotation.  相似文献   
CASE HISTORY: A 3-year-old male Labrador retriever was presented with a history of dietary indiscretion followed by vomiting and abdominal pain. CLINICAL FINDINGS AND TREATMENT: Abdominal ultrasonography revealed the presence of a fluid-filled cystic structure in the region of the pancreas. Flocculent, dark fluid was drained from the cystic structure during exploratory celiotomy prior to resection of the lateral cystic wall. Omentum was sutured into the cystic cavity to provide drainage and enhance immune response. A jejunostomy feeding tube was placed. Post-surgical care consisted of antibiotic therapy. The dog was clinically normal at 1 and 7 months post-operatively and the pancreas appeared normal on final ultrasonographic examination. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This case describes the use of omentum to provide physiological drainage of a pancreatic pseudocyst. This surgical technique may help clinicians manage patients with this condition in the future.  相似文献   
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