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A triangular plot of heather moor at Kindrogan was used for teaching botanical analysis for eight years, using the same set of random coordinates to locate sample points. Because of the method of point location, there was a gradient of trampling pressure across the plot, and there were also parts of the plot that were never analysed. At the end of the eight-year period heather cover and mean height were found to have declined with increasing levels of trampling. Mean numbers of species/m2 did not however decline, and were actually minimal on untrampled ground. With moderate levels of trampling, quadrats that had been analysed for eight years contained more heather litter than those that had not been analysed before. No decline in species frequencies was found in previously analysed quadrats. The value of the plot for teaching purposes does not seem to have declined, and may have actually increased over the period of use.  相似文献   
Landscape Ecology - In the original publication of the article, the third author name has been misspelt. The correct name is given in this Correction. The original version of this article was revised.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to detect pregnancy in Iraqi riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) using three different methods (rectal palpation, plasma progesterone concentration and detection of the presence of pregnancy‐specific protein B (PSPB) with the BioPRYN® enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. The aim of the study was to identify the most sensitive, early and accurate method for detecting pregnancy. Twenty‐two female riverine buffalo that were 6.0 ± 0.93 years old were used. Four blood samples per buffalo were taken via jugular venipuncture at days 22–24, 32–34, 42–44 and 58–61 post‐mating (PM) to measure the progesterone concentration (ng/ml) and to detect the presence of plasma PSPB. The rectal palpation method was employed to evaluate all buffalo on days 42–44 and 58–61 PM. The BioPRYN® test differed (p < 0.01) from the other tests with earlier accuracy for detecting pregnant and non‐pregnant buffalo. Eighty‐eight percent of pregnant and 76.9% of non‐pregnant buffalo were distinguished early (days 22–24 PM) using BioPRYN® and plasma PSPB‐ELISA level (2.09 ± 0.12 ng/ml) in relation to 66.7% and 53.9% detected using the progesterone assay at similar days (4.30 ± 0.40 ng/ml). In conclusion, these results described, for the first time, the early and accurate pregnancy detection of water riverine buffalo using BioPRYN® technology and provided the plasma levels of PSPB using an ELISA test. These findings will improve the reproductive and productive efficiency of Iraqi riverine buffalo by adapting the recent management and reproductive strategies in Iraq and in the world.  相似文献   
Soil pH is one of the most influential variables in soil, and is a powerful factor in influencing the size, activity and community structure of the soil microbial community. It was previously shown in a century old artificial pH gradient in an arable soil (pH 4.0-8.3) that bacterial growth is positively related to pH, while fungal growth increases with decreasing pH. In an attempt to elucidate some of the mechanisms for this, plant material that especially promotes fungal growth (straw) or bacterial growth (alfalfa) was added to soil samples of the pH gradient in 5-day laboratory incubation experiments. Also, bacterial growth was specifically inhibited by applying a selective bacterial growth inhibitor (bronopol) along the entire pH gradient to investigate if competitive interaction caused the shift in the decomposer community along the gradient. Straw benefited fungal growth relatively more than bacterial, and vice versa for alfalfa. The general pattern of a shift in fungal:bacterial growth with pH was, however, unaffected by substrate additions, indicating that lack of a suitable substrate was not the cause of the pH effect on the microbial community. In response to the bacterial growth inhibition by bronopol, there was stimulation of fungal growth up to pH 7, but not beyond, both for alfalfa and straw addition. However, the accumulation of ergosterol (an indicator of fungal biomass) during the incubation period after adding alfalfa increased at all pHs, indicating that fungal growth had been high at some time during the 5-day incubation following joint addition of alfalfa and bronopol. This was corroborated in a time-series experiment. In conclusion, the low fungal growth at high pH in an arable soil was caused to a large extent by bacterial competition, and not substrate limitation.  相似文献   
Worldwide, there are more than 1100 species of the Order Chiroptera, 45 of which are present in Europe, and 16 in the UK. Bats are reservoirs of, or can be infected by, several viral diseases, including rabies virus strains (in the Lyssavirus genus). Within this genus are bat variants that have been recorded in Europe; European bat lyssavirus 1 (EBLV-1), European bat lyssavirus 2 (EBLV-2) and, four currently unclassified isolates. Since 1977, 783 cases of EBLVs (by isolation of viral RNA) have been recorded in Europe. EBLV-1 or EBLV-2 has been identified in 12 bat species, with over 95% of EBLV-1 infections identified in Eptesicus serotinus. EBLV-2 is associated with Myotis species (Myotis daubentonii and Myotis dasycneme). A programme of passive surveillance in the United Kingdom between 1987 and 2004 tested 4871 bats for lyssaviruses. Of these, four M. daubentonii (3.57% of submitted M. daubentonii) were positive for EBLV-2. Potential bias in the passive surveillance includes possible over-representation of synanthropic species and regional biases caused by varying bat submission numbers from different parts of the UK. In 2003, active surveillance in the UK began, and has detected an antibody prevalence level of 1-5% of EBLV-2 in M. daubentonii (n = 350), and one bat with antibodies to EBLV-1 in E. serotinus (n = 52). No cases of live lyssavirus infection or lyssavirus viral RNA have been detected through active surveillance. Further research and monitoring regarding prevalence, transmission, pathogenesis and immunity is required to ensure that integrated bat conservation continues throughout Europe, whilst enabling informed policy decision regarding both human and wildlife health issues.  相似文献   
A Chemoautotrophically Based Cave Ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microbial mats discovered in a ground-water ecosystem in southern Romania contain chemoautotrophic bacteria that fix inorganic carbon, using hydrogen sulfide as an energy source. Analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes showed that this chemoautotrophic production is the food base for 48 species of cave-adapted terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates, 33 of which are endemic to this ecosystem. This is the only cave ecosystem known to be supported by in situ autotrophic production, and it contains the only terrestrial community known to be chemoautotrophically based.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to identify and analyse the expression of gametogenesis‐associated genes and proteins in foetal and adult buffalo gonads of both the sexes. Relative quantification of the genes was determined by qPCR and Western blotting. Immunohistochemistry was also performed for various gametogenesis‐associated proteins in foetal and adult gonads of both the sexes. We observed significantly (p < 0.05) increased expression of primordial germ cell‐specific, meiotic as well as genes associated with oocyte maturation and development in foetal ovaries as compared to the adult ones. However, significantly (p < 0.05) increased expression of proteins associated with oocyte maturation like GDF9 and ZP4 was found in adult ovaries, indicating temporal regulation of mRNA translation during oogenesis. Meiotic genes showed significantly (p < 0.05) increased expression in adult testes as compared to foetal testes and ovaries, indicating onset of meiosis at a later stage in spermatogenesis. In general, the expression of primordial germ cell‐associated as well as meiotic genes was higher in adult testes, indicating the increased biological activity in the organ. Immunohistochemistry revealed localized expression of gametogenesis‐associated proteins in ovarian follicles and seminiferous tubules of testes, while the surrounding somatic tissues were devoid of these proteins. The study gives an understanding of the sequential and temporal events of gene expression as well as mRNA translation during male and female gametogenesis. It could also be concluded that follicles and seminiferous tubules are the functional units of the female and male gonads, respectively, and their function could be enhanced by appropriate chemical and genetic intervention of the somatic tissue immediately surrounding them. This assumes importance in the context that buffalo attains sexual maturity at an older age of 2–3 years and have smaller ovaries with lesser number of primordial follicles in comparison with cattle, which is suggested to be the main reason of their poor breeding performance.  相似文献   
Numerous culture-based diagnostics are available on the Australian and international markets for on-farm detection of bacterial pathogens in milk. Use of such diagnostics may provide an opportunity to improve the prudent use of antimicrobials in udder health management. Farms are low-resource settings in terms of diagnostic microbiology capacity. The World Health Organisation has identified criteria for the evaluation of diagnostic tests in low resource settings based on Accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, User-friendliness, being Rapid or Robust, Equipment-free and being Deliverable (ASSURED). Here, we review how those criteria can be interpreted in the context of microbiological diagnosis of mastitis pathogens, and how on-farm diagnostics that are currently available in Australia perform relative to ASSURED criteria. This evaluation identifies multiple trade-offs, both with regard to scientific criteria and with regards to convenience criteria. More importantly, the purpose of testing may differ between farms, and test performance should be evaluated relative to its intended use. The ability of on-farm mastitis diagnostics to inform mastitis treatment decision-making in a timely and cost-effective manner depends not just on test characteristics but also on farm-specific pathogen prevalence, and on the farm enterprise's priorities and the farm manager's potential courses of action. With most assay evaluations to date conducted in professional laboratories, there is a surprising dearth of information on how well any of the diagnostic tests perform on-farm and, indeed, of the on-farm decision-making processes that they aim to inform.  相似文献   
Many soils in sub-Saharan Africa, which are farmed by smallholders, are P deficient and highly P fixing. Furthermore, P inputs supplied as farmyard manure (FYM) or inorganic P fertilizer are normally too small to replace P offtakes by crops. Consequently most soils are in a negative P balance, which is reflected in small, and often declining, crop yields. The obvious solution of simply applying adequate P is seldom an option due to shortages of manure, which is usually low in nutrients in any case, and the high cost of inorganic P fertilizer relative to the likely cash value of the harvest. Our aim was to see if we could devise practical methods to increase soil P availability in this situation and to investigate the mechanisms involved. Two approaches were adopted. Firstly, to attempt to saturate the P-fixing sites in the soils by applying a large annual application of P (75 kg P ha−1), which should serve for several seasons. Secondly, to attempt to keep the fertilizer P in biological forms by supplying fertilizer P and cattle manure (FYM) in combination. Here, the aim was to promote the cycling of P through the soil microbial biomass and associated metabolite pools, with the expected result of decreasing P fixation and increased plant availability of this P. These treatments were investigated using two field sites on smallholder farms in Kenya: one, considered a ‘high P fixing’ soil at Malava (Kakamega District) and one considered a ‘low P fixing’ soil at Mau Summit (Nakuru District). The following treatments were applied in 1997 and 1998: nil; 75 kg P ha−1 as super phosphate (P); 25 kg P ha−1; FYM at 1.9 t ha−1 dry matter; FYM+25 kg P ha−1. All treatments also received 100 kg inorganic N ha−1. Maize was the test crop. There was no significant correlation in either year at either site between soil P, measured as NaHCO3-extractable P, resin P or NaOH-extractable P and maize yield. However, the different soil P fractions were closely correlated with each other. Yields at the high P rate (75 kg ha−1y−1) were often little better than the control. There was, however, a significant positive relationship (P<0.05) between soil microbial biomass P and crop yield, again at both sites and in both years. The treatment giving the best yield and the largest biomass P was always FYM+P. Our results indicate that the combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizers in these low input systems may promote increased biological cycling, enhanced availability and consequently improved plant uptake of soil and fertiliser P, to the advantage of the small scale farmer. The results also indicate that biomass P measurements may provide a better indicator of soil P availability in these soils than some more conventional chemical extractants. However, both findings require further evaluation.  相似文献   
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