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Information on biofumigant-green manure vegetative biomass, nutrient, and glucosinolate content sensitivity to phosphorus (P) is lacking for species used in potato and sugarbeet production. Therefore, available P effects on field-grown condiment yellow mustard (Sinapis alba, cv. IdaGold) and oilseed radish (Raphanus sativa, cv. Colonel) were evaluated (2001–03). Low soil P was generally more limiting to radish foliage P concentrations or uptake than to the mustard, suggesting inherent differences in their ability to access and accumulate P. While radish P and S concentrations increased with higher P, concentrations in mustard were either unaffected or reduced. Foliage P concentrations were more closely related to biomass of radish (r2 = 0.46) than mustard (r2 = 0.11). Mustard exceeded radish in biomass and S accumulation. Phosphorus effects on glucosinolates producing ionic or isothiocyanates were relatively insignificant. These biofumigants differ appreciably in their ability to access and accumulate P, but P effects on nutrient content or glucosinolates were minor.  相似文献   
Mammalian herbivores regularly browse plantation seedlings. In many areas, seedlings require some form of protection if they are to survive and grow into a productive plantation. Two general approaches for reducing browsing damage to seedlings are to apply chemical repellents and tree guards. Both methods have existed for a long time, and new variations are constantly being developed. Seedling stocking guards, a type of tree guard, are being used operationally in Tasmania, Australia, but there is limited data quantifying their effectiveness and concerns with negative effects on tree performance. Conversely, although proven effective, repellents are not being used, but are potentially cheaper and less problematic. We therefore aimed to determine which is more effective under operational conditions, whether this effectiveness can be improved or extended, and if either treatment has any effects on seedling form or survival. We planted Eucalyptus nitens seedlings with combinations of repellent and stocking guards in six operational plantations to examine and compare their effectiveness. Seedlings were monitored for 12 months to examine treatment longevity. We found that both stocking guards and repellent significantly reduced and delayed browsing severity, with their effects being additive. No negative effects on growth were evident after 12 months, but adverse effects on seedling form warrant further investigation. Both of these methods can be easily and relatively cheaply applied in the nursery before planting, making them appealing options to reduce browsing. However, the ideal method for a given site will depend upon local browsing intensity.  相似文献   
–  • We aimed to better understand the genetic architecture of growth in E. globulus undergoing inbreeding by comparing families from selfing (SELF), open pollination (OP) and unrelated polymix crossing (POL) of common parents. Stem diameter at breast height (DBH) was assessed at 4, 6 and 10 years after planting in a field trial.  相似文献   
  1. A total of 25 “heat-clearing and detoxifying” herbs used in Chinese medicine were investigated for their cytopathic effects on the growth of Newcastle Disease virus (NDV) in a chicken fibroblast cell line.

  2. The 5 herbs with the highest virus inhibitory effects were Herba agastaches, Flos chrysanthemi indici, Rhizoma anemarrhenae, Astragalus root and Baikal skullcap root and these were used in herbal formulations. Anti-NDV activities of 4 formulations were tested on the growth of NDV in the DF-1 fibroblast cell line.

  3. Formulation II, containing Baikal skullcap root, Astragalus root, Anemarrhena rhizome (1:1:2) and formulation IV containing Anemarrhena rhizome, Astragalus root and Flos chrysanthemi indici (1:1:1), which had strong anti-NDV activity in vitro, were used to determine the in vivo inhibitory effects of NDV-infection in chickens. After treatment with the two formulations serum IgY titres against NDV were improved, and morbidity was reduced in the NDV-infected chickens.

  4. The results suggest that the components in formulations II and IV acted synergistically to improve resistance to Newcastle disease and provide a basis for the developing an anti-NDV herbal medicine.

Eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) is an aggressively spreading native species in Oklahoma grasslands. It decreases rangeland forage production, and has been implicated in reducing stream flow and groundwater recharge. Industrial-scale plans to use redcedar as a biofuel source are being considered. Optimal placement of redcedar-based industries requires determination of redcedar availability. Such large-area inventories of redcedar mass can be practically addressed via aircraft or satellite remote sensing. Therefore, we conducted a study in central and western Oklahoma to develop and test a remote-sensing–based allometric equation relating redcedar canopy area to aboveground dry mass (AGM). We used automated methods to measure tree canopy area from georectified, pan-sharpened, multispectral QuickBird images having a spatial resolution of 0. 45 m2 per pixel ground sample area. We also measured the canopy area and fresh and dry mass of these trees with the use of destructive sampling techniques. Regression analysis showed that satellite-derived measurements of canopy coverage explained about 85% of field-measured redcedar dry AGM in the study plots. The resulting allometric equation was applied to an independent data set, yielding dry AGM of 38.2 metric tons ? ha?1, which was well within the field-measured range of 36–43 metric tons ? ha?1. The allometric equation was then applied to Natural Resources Conservation Service measurements of redcedar canopy coverage for 17 counties in Oklahoma, to determine that the area of interest contains a median value of about 11.5 million metric tons of redcedar AGM. These results indicate that 0.45-m2 spatial resolution multispectral imagery can be a useful tool for rapid and reliable measurement of redcedar dry AGM.  相似文献   


Organisms commonly respond to their environment across a range of scales, however many habitat selection studies still conduct selection analyses using a single-scale framework. The adoption of multi-scale modeling frameworks in habitat selection studies can improve the effectiveness of these studies and provide greater insights into scale-dependent relationships between species and specific habitat components.


Our study assessed multi-scale nest/roost habitat selection of the federally “Threatened” Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) in northern Arizona, USA in an effort to provide improved conservation and management strategies for this subspecies.


We conducted multi-scale habitat modeling to assess habitat selection by Mexican spotted owls using survey data collected by the USFS. Each selected covariate was included in multi-scale models at their “characteristic scale” and we used an all-subsets approach and model selection framework to assess habitat selection.


The “characteristic scale” identified for each covariate varied considerably among covariates and results from multi-scale models indicated that percent canopy cover and slope were the most important covariates with respect to habitat selection by Mexican spotted owls. Multi-scale models consistently outperformed their analogous single-scale counterparts with respect to the proportion of deviance explained and model predictive performance.


Efficacy of future habitat selection studies will benefit by taking a multi-scale approach. In addition to potentially providing increased explanatory power and predictive capacity, multi-scale habitat models enhance our understanding of the scales at which species respond to their environment, which is critical knowledge required to implement effective conservation and management strategies.
The early interaction of Lawsonia intracellularis with host cells was examined with the use of porcine ileum models. Two conventional swine were anesthetized, and ligated ileum loops were prepared during abdominal surgery. The loops were inoculated with 108 L. intracellularis or saline. After 60 min, samples of each loop were processed for routine histologic and electron microscopic study. Histologic and ultrathin sections of all the loops appeared normal, with no apposition of bacteria and host cells or bacterial entry events in any loop. Portions of ileum from a single gnotobiotic piglet were introduced as xenografts into the subcutis of each flank of 5 weaned mice with severe combined immunodeficiency disease. After 4 wk, 108 L. intracellularis were inoculated into each of 4 viable xenografts with a sterile needle; the other 3 viable xenografts received saline. Histologic and ultrathin sections of all the xenografts 3 wk after inoculation showed relatively normal porcine intestinal architecture, with normal crypts, crypt cell differentiation, and low villous structures; the xenografts treated with the bacteria also showed intracytoplasmic L. intracellularis within crypt and villous epithelial cells. Thus, entry of L. intracellularis into target epithelial cells and multiplication may not be sufficient alone to directly cause cell proliferation. A proliferative response may require active division of crypt cells and differentiation in conjunction with L. intracellularis growth.  相似文献   
Toona ciliata (Australian red cedar), a valuable hardwood species, requires a nurse-tree overstorey to prevent damage from frost and drought in some regions of north-eastern Argentina. Different nurse-species offer different degrees of protection, resource competition, and thinning revenues. In addition, choice of nurse-species will influence trade-offs between T. ciliata establishment success, stem quality and productivity as well as revenue from intermediate and final harvests. We tested the effects of overstorey species and planting density on underplanted T. ciliata survival, stem morphology and growth. Initial stand densities of nurse-species Pinus taeda (625 stems/ha), P. elliottii × P. caribaea (625 stems/ha), and Grevillea robusta (833 stems/ha) were thinned by 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% in three experiments, each using a randomized block design. Initial mortality, light availability and growth of T. ciliata, as well as growth of its nurse-trees, were measured before and two years after thinning. In the third year, we characterized T. ciliata stem morphology (straightness and height-to-diameter-ratio) and destructively harvested a subsample of T. ciliata in order to investigate T. ciliata biomass production and allocation patterns in response to overstorey species, thinning density and light availability. T. ciliata mortality was lower when planted under G. robusta than the pines, and increased in plots with greater exposure to solar radiation. T. ciliata productivity was also greater under G. robusta than under the pines, and was generally greatest where any of the nurse-species were thinned by 75%. Stem form was best when growing under P. taeda and in stands thinned by 50%, regardless of nurse-species. With the exception of early mortality, light levels appeared to have limited effects on T. ciliata growth dynamics. Neither growth rate nor stem morphology was strongly correlated with light availability. Total overstorey basal-area was highest in P. taeda stands and individual overstorey tree growth generally increased with decreasing stand densities, except for slower height growth of G. robusta in more open stands. Thinning operations resulted in sawn-wood revenue for the pine species only. Because stand productivity and stem quality were optimized under different nurse-species and thinning treatments, we conclude that the choice of nurse-species and thinning intensity will depend on management objectives and will change with market preferences and conditions.  相似文献   
The foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is a member of the picornavirus family, possessing an 8-kb single-stranded RNA genome of positive polarity. It is highly contagious among several livestock species and can lead to severe economic consequences, as evidenced by the UK outbreak in 2001. The usage of real-time polymerase chain reaction has facilitated rapid detection of FMDV. Several real-time PCR instruments are available with various capabilities, such as portability and high sample volume analysis. Primers and a dual-labeled TaqMan probe were optimized to detect a single, highly conserved 88-bp segment of the FMDV 3D (RNA polymerase) gene. To increase the confidence of the RT-PCR result, a positive amplification control was synthesized to detect potential false-positive results due to contamination if a wild-type virus is used as positive control. In addition, a preventative measure against false-negative results was developed in which endogenous beta actin mRNA is coamplified by RT-PCR. Assay performance was compared on the LightCycler1.2 (Roche), the SmartCyclerII (Cepheid), and the SDS 7900HT (ABI). These assays successfully identified the FMDV genome and beta actin mRNA from several sources of infected nasal and oral swabs, as well as probang samples.  相似文献   
Climate change is a threat to the stability and productivity of forest ecosystems throughout the Asia-Pacific region. The loss of forests due to climate-induced stress will have extensive adverse impacts on biodiversity and an array of ecosystem services that are essential for the maintenance of local economies and public health. Despite their importance, there is a lack of decision-support tools required to evaluate the potential effects of climate change on Asia-Pacific ecosystems and economies and to aid in the development of regionally appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies. The project Adaptation of Asia-Pacific Forests to Climate Change, summarized herein, aims to address this lack of knowledge and tools and to provide support for regional managers to develop effective policy to increase the adaptive capacity of Asia-Pacific forest ecosystems. This objective has been achieved through the following activities: (1) development of a high-resolution climate downscaling model, ClimateAP, applicable to any location in the region; (2) development of climate niche models to evaluate how climate change might affect the distribution of suitable climatic conditions for regionally important tree species; (3) development and application of forest models to assess alternative management strategies in the context of management objectives and the projected impacts of climate change; (4) evaluation of models to assess forest fire risk and the relationship between forest fire and climate change; (5) development of a technique to assess ecosystem carbon storage using LiDAR; and (6) evaluation of how vegetation dynamics respond to climate change using remote sensing technology. All project outputs were developed with a focus on communication and extension to facilitate the dissemination of results to regional forest resource managers to support the development of effective mitigation and adaptation policy.  相似文献   
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