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Sodium selenite was mixed in a commercial pig food so as to increase the original selenium content (0.126 ppm) by 1.2 ppm. The supplemented food was given to 7 pigs during 78 days. A control group of as many pigs was given the non-supplemented commercial food. The pigs were killed, starting 4 hours after the last selenium-supplemented food had been given and then with intervals during the next 14 days. Small but significant increases of tissue selenium were noticed in liver and striated muscle as compared with the control animals. The kidneys showed no increase.  相似文献   
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) females (2 SW), maturing for the first time, were reared under one of three temperature regimes (high: 14.3 ± 0.5°C; natural: 10.6 ± 1.0°C; and cold: 6.9 ± 1.0°C) in combination with one of two experimental treatments; an injection of GnRH analogue (GnRHa) contained in biodegradable microspheres, or a sham injection (microspheres only). The six experimental groups were then reared under simulated natural photoperiod for 4 weeks. Blood samples were drawn for analysis of plasma steroid levels and the fish were inspected for ovulation weekly. Batches of stripped eggs were incubated in triplicate incubators in raceways until the eyed stage. Treatment with GnRHa resulted in a substantial advancement and synchronization of ovulation at all temperatures, while exposure to cold water also appeared to advance ovulation slightly. While 75% (warm and cold) to 90% (natural) of GnRHa fish ovulated during the 4-week trial, only 30% of sham-treated females exposed to cold water, and none of the sham-treated fish held at higher temperatures, ovulated during this period. Survival rates of embryos to the eyed-stage were significantly higher for broodstock exposed to cold water. Plasma levels of testosterone (T), 17β-oestradiol (E2), and 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20βP) were all significantly affected by treatment with GnRHa and, to a lesser extent, temperature. The efficiency of GnRHa in counteracting the negative effects of high temperature on ovulation and the associated changes in circulating sex steroids suggest that temperature inhibition operates at least in part at the brain or pituitary.  相似文献   
The human-specific bacterial pathogen Neisseria meningitidis is a major cause of sepsis and/or meningitis. The pili of N. meningitidis interact with CD46, a human cell-surface protein involved in regulation of complement activation. Transgenic mice expressing human CD46 were susceptible to meningococcal disease, because bacteria crossed the blood-brain barrier in these mice. Development of disease was more efficient with piliated bacteria after intranasal, but not intraperitoneal, challenge of CD46 transgenic mice, suggesting that human CD46 facilitates pilus-dependent interactions at the epithelial mucosa. Hence, the human CD46 transgenic mice model is a potentially useful tool for studying pathogenesis and for vaccine development against meningococcal disease.  相似文献   
A group of juvenile Atlantic halibut (mean, SD, 199.5 g, 44.7) was split into two experimental groups: one group was fed in excess twice a day and later five days a week (i.e. Control group), and the other group was starved for 5 weeks and then subsequently re-fed for 10 weeks (i.e. 5/10 starvation/re-fed group). This treatment was repeated for three years until the fish were harvested (mean final weight, 4.4 kg). A size +specific compensatory response was seen; partial compensation was observed in halibut weighing less than 500 g whereas full recovery growth was seen in halibut over 2 kg. Food consumption and feed conversion efficiency was measured during two full 5/10 starvation/re-fed cycles. The Control group consumed 86% more food in the measurement period, whereas the FCE 40% higher in the 5/10 starvation/re-fed group (FCE = 0.95) compared to the Control group (FCE = 0.68). In males lower gonadosomatic index (2.2 vs. 3.0) and plasma 11-ketotestosterone (0.22 vs. 1.26 ng ml− 1) levels in the 5/10 starvation/re-fed group were observed during late winter and spring of 2006 (age 3 years) indicating higher age at 1st maturity. Starvation had a significant effect for improving the quality as starved fish had higher muscle pH (6.4 vs. 6.2), less gaping (0.1 vs. 0.3) and harder texture (61.4 vs. 57.6 N). Overall, the rearing on a repeated 5/10 starvation/re-fed regime for 3 years led to full growth compensation, higher feed conversion efficiency, lower male maturation and improved flesh quality.  相似文献   
LANNEK, BIRGITTA and PAUL LINDBERG: Toxicity of halogenated oxyquinolines in dogs. A clinical study. III. Intoxication experiments. Acta vet. scand. 1974, 15, 398–418. — Oxyquinoline drugs, which are normally well tolerated by dogs, will cause disease when a dog’s resistance is occasionally lowered. In a series of experiments in dogs we tried to reproduce the disease pattern of spontaneous cases of poisoning. Most of these experiments, using even high single or repeated oral doses, failed. It was observed, more or less by chance, that the intestinal absorption of 125I-labelled vioform was greatly increased when the dog was not fasted. The consumption of fat, but not of protein or carbohydrates, was found to be the responsible factor. When the oxyquinoline drug was given in a fat emulsion, approx. 1/3 of the dogs fell ill. When fouled fish was also added, the dose necessary to produce disease was lowered to the range used in vioform therapy. We believe that phenolic substances, which may be produced from bacterial degradation of proteins in intestinal disorders, compete with oxyquinolines in metabolic and elimination processes.vioform; oxyquinolines; dogs; convulsions; heart injury; liver injury; poisoning; diarrhoea; phenolic substances.  相似文献   
Plant-induced germination of Plasmodiophora brassicae resting spores was studied in a laboratory experiment. Spore reaction was analysed in nutrient solution with exudates from growing roots of different plant species – one host plant (Brassica rapa var. pekinensis) and four non-host plants (Lolium perenne, Allium porrum, Secale cereale and Trifolium pratense) – and in controls with distilled water and nutrient solution. It was found that root exudates from L. perenne stimulated spore germination more than exudates from the other plants, including those from the host plant. The effect could not be explained by differences in the nutritional composition of the solutions due to differential uptake of the plant species, or by differences in root activity, measured as exudation of soluble sugars. This is the first time such a separation of factors has been done in analysing the influence of plants on P. brassicae germination. Although stimulation of P. brassicae resting spore germination is not restricted to the presence of host plants, it seems to vary depending on the plant species.  相似文献   
Four two-year field trials, arranged in randomised split-plots, were carried out in southern Sweden with the aim of determining whether reduced N fertiliser dose in winter wheat production with spring under-sown clover cover crops, with or without perennial ryegrass in the seed mixture, would increase the clover biomass and hence the benefits of the cover crops in terms of the effect on the wheat crop, on a subsequent barley crop and on the risk of N leaching. Four doses of nitrogen (0, 60, 120 or 180 kg N ha−1) constituted the main plots and six cover crop treatments the sub-plots. The cover crop treatments were red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) in pure stands and in mixtures. The winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was harvested in August and the cover crops were ploughed under in November. The risk of N leaching was assessed in November by measuring the content of mineral N in the soil profile (0–30, 30–90 cm). In the following year, the residual effects of the cover crops were investigated in spring barley (Hordeum distichon L.) without additional N. Under-sowing of cover crops did not influence wheat yield, while reduced N fertiliser dose decreased yield and increased the clover content of the cover crops. When N was applied, the mixed cover crops were as effective in depleting soil mineral nitrogen as a pure ryegrass cover crop, while pure clover was less efficient. The clover content at wheat harvest as well as the amount of N incorporated with the cover crops had a positive correlation with barley yield. Spring barley in the unfertilised treatments yielded, on average, 1.9–2.4 Mg DM ha−1 more in treatments with clover cover crops than in the treatment without cover crops. However, this positive effect decreased as the N dose to the preceding wheat crop increased, particularly when the clover was mixed with grass.  相似文献   
Contents: Blood samples were taken in ten heifers every two hours during prooestrus and oestrus for determination of the LH peak, which was used to calculote the time of expected ovulation. Artificial insemination with frozen/thawed semen was performed at different times from the beginning of oestrus and the animals were slaughtered two, twelve or 24 hours after insemination. The genital tract was flushed and the spermatozoa recovered from the flushing solution by microscopic investigation. Heifers slaughtered two hours after insemination and more than 19 hours before ovulation had more spermatozoa in the uterotubal junction (UTJ) than in the isthmus and ampulla. This sperm distribution differed from that in the other animals. In animals which were slaughtered closer to ovulation and in those who had already ovulated at slaughter, approximately the same number of spermatozoa were recovered from the UTJ and isthmus and only a few spermatozoa were recovered from the ampulla. Motile spermatozoa were found in both the isthmus, UTJ and uterus at two and twelve hours after insemination and approximately ten hours before ovulation. Their number decreased with time but some motile spermatozoa were also recovered 24 hours after insemination and after ovulation. The distribution of spermatozoa in the oviducts ipsi-and contralateral to the corpus haemorrhagicum-bearing ovary was compared in heifers that had ovulated. There were no differences in the number of oviductal segments containing spermatozoa, nor were there any differences within animal in the number of spermatozoa in the oviducts. It was concluded that ovulation does not seem to cause great changes in the distribution of spermatozoa in the oviducts. Inhalt: Spermienverteilung und deren Beziehung zur Ovulation bei kunstlich besamten Jungrindern Von 10 Färsen wurden wahrend des Diöstrus und Östrus Blutproben im Abstand von 2 Std. entnommen, um den LH-Gipfel festzustellen. Dieser wurde jür die Bestimmung des erwarteten Ovulationstermins herangezogen. Inseminationen mit Gefriersperma wurden von Brunstbeginn an in verschiedenen Intervallen vorgenommen. Die Tiere wurden 2, 12 oder 24 Std. nach der Besamung getötet, die Geschlechtsorgane gespült und die Spermien in den Spülflüssigkeiten mikroskopisch nachgewiesen. Färsen, die 2 Std. nach der Besamung und mehr als 19 Std. vor der Ovulation getötet wurden, hat-ten mehr Spermien im Ostium uterinum des Eileiters (OU) als im Isthmus und Ampulle. Diese Verteilung war von jener der anderen Tiere verschieden. Tiere, die kürzere Zeit vor der Ovulation getötet wurden, oder bei der Schlachtung schon ovuliert hatten, zeigten etwa dieselbe Anzahl von Spermien in OU und Isthmus, in der Ampulle wurden nur wenig Spermien gefunden. Bei Färsen, die ovuliert hatten, wurde die Sper-mienverteilung in den ipsi- und contralateralen Eileitern zum Corpus haemowhagicum des Ovars verglichen. Die Spermienxahlen in den Eileitersegmenten waren nicht verschieden und auch im rechten und linken Eileiter gleich. Es wurde gefolgert, daβ die Ovulation keinen groβen Einfluβ auf die Spermienverteilung in den Eileitern bewirkt.  相似文献   
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