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A full ophthalmic examination was performed on 40 Siberian husky dogs using direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy, gonloscopy and nasolacrimal cannulation. Eight (20%) of the dogs were found to have distichia, 10 (25%) had excessive medial caruncular hairs, 8 (20%) had absence, displacement, or narrowing of the nasolacrimal puncta, 2 (5%) had bilateral corneal crystalline opacities, and 2 (5%) had unilateral areas of lateral corneal lipidosis. Fifty percent of the dogs had some abnormality of the iridocorneal (drainage) angle. However, in only one of these was the deformity severe enough to require glaucoma prophylaxis. An association between blue iris colour and malformation of the iridocorneal angle was noted.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to detect pregnancy in Iraqi riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) using three different methods (rectal palpation, plasma progesterone concentration and detection of the presence of pregnancy‐specific protein B (PSPB) with the BioPRYN® enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. The aim of the study was to identify the most sensitive, early and accurate method for detecting pregnancy. Twenty‐two female riverine buffalo that were 6.0 ± 0.93 years old were used. Four blood samples per buffalo were taken via jugular venipuncture at days 22–24, 32–34, 42–44 and 58–61 post‐mating (PM) to measure the progesterone concentration (ng/ml) and to detect the presence of plasma PSPB. The rectal palpation method was employed to evaluate all buffalo on days 42–44 and 58–61 PM. The BioPRYN® test differed (p < 0.01) from the other tests with earlier accuracy for detecting pregnant and non‐pregnant buffalo. Eighty‐eight percent of pregnant and 76.9% of non‐pregnant buffalo were distinguished early (days 22–24 PM) using BioPRYN® and plasma PSPB‐ELISA level (2.09 ± 0.12 ng/ml) in relation to 66.7% and 53.9% detected using the progesterone assay at similar days (4.30 ± 0.40 ng/ml). In conclusion, these results described, for the first time, the early and accurate pregnancy detection of water riverine buffalo using BioPRYN® technology and provided the plasma levels of PSPB using an ELISA test. These findings will improve the reproductive and productive efficiency of Iraqi riverine buffalo by adapting the recent management and reproductive strategies in Iraq and in the world.  相似文献   
The anionic ruthenium cluster carbonylates [Ru6C(CO)16]2- or [H2Ru10(CO)25]2- interspersed with bis(triphenylphosphino)iminium counterions (PPN+) are incorporated from solution into the pores of MCM-41 mesoporous silica (3 nanometers in diameter), where they form tightly packed arrays. These arrays were shown by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transform optical diffraction, and computer simulations to be well ordered both along and perpendicular to the axis of the cylindrical pores. In their denuded state produced by gentle thermolysis, the cluster carbonylates yield nanoparticles of ruthenium that are less well ordered than their assimilated precursors but show good activity as hydrogenation catalysts for hexene and cyclooctene. In both their as-prepared and denuded states, these encapsulated clusters are likely to exhibit interesting electronic and other properties.  相似文献   
Double-ended aryl dithiols [alpha,alpha'-xylyldithiol (XYL) and 4,4'-biphenyldithiol] formed self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on gold(111) substrates and were used to tether nanometer-sized gold clusters deposited from a cluster beam. An ultrahigh-vacuum scanning tunneling microscope was used to image these nanostructures and to measure their current-voltage characteristics as a function of the separation between the probe tip and the metal cluster. At room temperature, when the tip was positioned over a cluster bonded to the XYL SAM, the current-voltage data showed "Coulomb staircase" behavior. These data are in good agreement with semiclassical predictions for correlated single-electron tunneling and permit estimation of the electrical resistance of a single XYL molecule (approximately18 ± 12 megohms).  相似文献   
SUMMARY: In general, the environment limits the fitness of individual animals, and environmental limitation leads to selection for "optimal", intermediate values for all traits that matter, whether imposed by natural or artificial selection. We compared the reproduction of laboratory mice in a normal and a hot, humid environment to test this claim. Thirty males and 150 females from a non-inbred line adapted to normal conditions were mated twice (the second time after rerandomisation) to produce the experimental animals. Individual experimental mice from each litter were allocated from weaning (3 weeks) either to the normal or hot environment. At 9 to 12 weeks of age these mice were paired, 1 male with 1 female, until the female had a chance to have 2 litters. 354 pairs in the normal and 362 pairs in the hot environment were mated. All living progeny were weaned at 3 weeks. Average values of reproductive traits, phenotypic correlations between traits, and heritability estimates for many traits were found in each environment. Negative correlations (trade-offs) between litter number and weight of individual progeny in both environments demonstrated clearly that fitness was limited even in the normal laboratory situation. All quantitative measures of reproduction were lower in the hot room showing that it was more stressful. Yet size of individual young and their survival was not reduced. This may be an adaptive mechanism restricted to housemice. Lower heritability estimates in first than in second parities for quantitative measures of litter size show that while the mouse is still growing she has fewer resources available for reproduction, making her more susceptible to environmental stress. This challenges accepted wisdom that animal breeders should select their animals when they are young. They are least likely to respond then. We believe that natural selection causes animals always to push their fitness (reproduction and survival of the progeny) against a limit set by their particular environment. Each environment selects animals that optimally allocate environmental resources there. Problems arise when inappropriate genetic settings cause phenotypes to misallocate metabolic resources. In relatively difficult environments productive animals, including successful transgenics, allocate insufficient resources to fitness. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Begrenzung der Fitne? durch die Umwelt: Reproduktion von Laborm?usen in günstigen und schwierigen ("tropischen") Bedingungen Im Normalfall soll die Umwelt der Fitne? eine obere Grenze setzen. Diese Begrenzung führt zu Selektion auf mittlere "Optimalwerte" bei alien wichtigen Merkmalen. Wir untersuchten die Fortpflanzung von Laborm?usen in entweder normaler oder hei?er Umwelt. Aus einer an erstere angepa?ten, nichtingezüchteten Linie wurden 30 M?nnchen mit 150 Weibchen zweimal verpaart (beim zweiten Mal neu randomisiert) um die Versuchstiere zu erzeugen. Individuen aus jedem Wurf wurden zufallsm??ig an die zwei Umwelten verteilt, worin sie ab 3 Wochen aufgezogen wurden. Im Alter zwischen 9 und 12 Wochen wurden sie zufallsm??ig 1:1 verpaart bis die Paare Zeit für zwei Würfe gehabt hatten. An 354 und 362 Paaren im normalen und hei?en Zimmer wurden Daten ihrer Reproduktion erhoben. Alle lebendgeborenen Jungen wurden bis 3 Wochen alt verfolgt. In beiden Umwelten wurden Durchschnittswerte der einzelnen Merkmale, ph?notypische Korrelationen wichtiger Merkmale, und Heritabilit?tswerte der Merkmale errechnet. Starke negative Korrelationen zwischen Anzahl der Jungen im Wurf und Gewicht der einzelnen Jungen im Wurf, in beiden Umwelten, zeigen da? Fitne? auch in normalen Laborverh?ltnissen begrenzt war. Alle quantitativen Ma?e der Würfe waren betr?chtlich niedriger im hei?en Raum, was zeigt, da? diese Umwelt mehr Stre? bot. Jedoch die Gr??e und überlebensrate der einzelnen Jungen im hei?en Raum wurden nicht beeintr?chtigt. Diese adaptive Anpassung an schwierige Bedingungen k?nnte einmalig bei Mus musculus sein. Niedere Heritabilit?ten von quantitativen Ma?en der Wurfgr??e im ersten gegenüber dem zweiten Wurf zeigen, da? noch selbst wachsende Weibchen nur wenig Ressourcen für Fortpflanzung einsetzen k?nnen und deshalb mehr von Umweltdruck abh?ngen. Paradoxerweise versuchen Tierzüchter meistens so Jung wie m?glich Tiere zu selektieren, die solcher Selektion auf Reproduktion am wenigsten folgen k?nnen. Diese Situation sollte erneut durchdacht werden. Uns scheint, da? Tiere, weil natürliche Selektion andauernd fortwirkt, jederzeit ihre Fitne? bis an eine obere Grenze, von der Umwelt gesetzt, schieben. Jede Umwelt selektiert Tiere, die ihre metabolischen Ressourcen darin optimal einsetzen. Probleme entstehen, wenn genetische Information Ph?notype erzeugt, die Ressourcen fehl einsetzen. In relativ schwieriger Umwelt haben Leistungstiere, und auch erfolgreiche transgenische Tiere, ungenügend Ressourcen übrig für Fortpflanzung.  相似文献   
Studies of heritability in thoroughbred populations are confounded somewhat by the presence of assortative mating. Although assortative mating itself will not make great changes to the magnitude of the assessment of heritability, it can exert a significant impact upon the accuracy of any conclusions made from the study. In order to remove the effects of assortative mating from the data available, use was made of the best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) method. This procedure was followed using two combinations: sire and dam, and sire and damsire. Due to the size of the datasets it was not possible to directly solve the matrices produced; instead they were solved by approximation over fifty iterations.  相似文献   
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