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A total of 68 barrows, 4-way-crosses with a Piétrain × Hampshire sire and a Large White × German Landrace dam were used in this study. The pigs were divided into 4 groups regarding the MHS (malignant hyperthermia syndrome) genotype (NN and Nn) and feeding regime (intensive and restrictive). The piglets were genotyped by DNA test; data on muscle and fat growth were obtained by repeated measurements of body composition at 4 weeks intervals by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Differential growth analysis showed that muscle tissue grew proportionally with the increase of live weight (allometric coefficient, b ≈ 1); fat grew faster in relation to live weight (b > 1) in all investigated groups of pigs. Significant differences in growth coefficients for fat were found only between feeding groups. The analysis by asymmetric S-function showed different patterns of live weight growth of pigs from two feeding regimes. Within the feeding regimes, no significant differences in live weight growth patterns between the pigs of different MHS genotype (NN and Nn) were found. Muscle growth pattern significantly differed between the groups of investigated pigs: Nn pigs from the intensive feeding group were significantly superior to NN pigs in the same group and to Nn pigs fed restrictively (p < 0.05), but only in the phase of progressive growth (b-coefficient of the S-function). In this respect Nn pigs performed better under intensive feeding than under restrictive feeding regime, while no difference was found between NN pigs from two feeding regimes. By combining information on live weight and muscle growth, the optimal slaughter weight of pigs was calculated: 130 and 126 kg for intensively fed NN and Nn pigs, respectively, and about 114 kg for both genotypes from the restricted group of pigs. From fat growth analysis by asymmetric S-function, no influence of genotype on fat deposition in both feeding systems could be observed. Growth patterns of fat differed significantly only between the feeding groups. This study showed that the growth of body components fits a sigmoid curve and that the asymmetric S-function proved to be a more accurate and informative model than a simple allometric function, providing a base for important decisions in fattening of pigs. A practical consequence of this study is that the more cost-effective restrictive feeding regime can be recommended as more appropriate in fattening of pigs, since intensive feeding generally failed to improve their growth traits. Similarly, inclusion of MHS-gene did not enhance muscle growth characteristics of investigated pigs, so MHS-negative pigs (NN) can be considered as more desirable fatteners, especially when fed restrictively.  相似文献   
An anatomic study of the equine digit using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed. Seventeen isolated forelimbs and one hindleg of nine warmblood horses were imaged in transverse, sagittal, and dorsal planes with a 1.5 Tesla magnet using T1-, T2- proton density-weighted spin echo sequences as well as T2 gradient echo sequences. One scan plane in each horse was compared with corresponding anatomic and histologic sections. The best imaging planes to visualize various anatomic structures were determined. Fibrocartilage was visualized in the insertion of the deep digital flexor tendon and the suspensory ligament as well as in the distal sesamoidean ligaments. The correlation of MRI images with anatomic and histologic sections confirmed that all of the anatomic structures in the equine digit could be evaluated in PD and T2 studies.  相似文献   
The crested breed of domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos f. dom.) has been described as a variety which has high pre- and postnatal mortalities, malformations in skull and brain anatomy, and several central nervous deficiencies. In addition, intracranial tissue accumulations have been diagnosed in purebred Crested ducks. The incidence, heredity and inheritance of these accumulations as well as their pathogenesis are still generally unknown. The aims of this study were to examine the head of Crested ducks, plain-headed duck breeds, and their crossbreeding relating to the incidence of intracranial alterations. These examinations were performed using magnetic resonance imaging. We found a high incidence of intracranial tissue accumulations in domestic ducks with feather crests. Creasted ducks had more intracranial tissue deposits than plain-headed ducks (p < 0.001). In the present study a correlation between the volume of the crest cushion and the volume of the intracranial tissue deposit could not be found (r = 0.014). Some of the Crested ducks had encephaloceles in addition to the crest cushion.  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to validate methods that assess the belly composition of stationary tested progenies of Piétrain boars. In German performance test stations, there are currently three methods of determining belly compositon in use: 1) a regression equation that contains different carcass characteristics, such as fat thickness and muscle area; 2) planimetric analysis of video or digital images acquired at the cut between the 13th and 14th ribs; and 3) estimation of the belly composition using ultrasound data from a three-dimensional ultrasound image produced an online carcass-grading system. Validation of these techniques was performed on 400 carcasses of stationary-tested Piétrain and Piétrain-sired crossbred pigs, which were slaughtered at a mean carcass weight of 85 and 97 kg. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) served as a reference to determine the lean content of the bellies. The correlation to MRI lean content ranged from 0.71 to 0.81, and corresponding correlation values were 0.62 to 0.64 for the digital imaging technique, and 0.53 to 0.59 for the AutoFOM online carcass-grading system. An increase in precision was achieved when information from digital imaging and linear carcass measures were included in the regression equation. Accuracy of the AutoFOM system does not seem to be sufficient to assess the belly composition for the special breeds in performance testing. However, extracting and combining 127 AutoFOM-base recordings into modified equations using partial least squares techniques yielded an improvement in the prediction accuracy for all tested breed and/or weight groups.  相似文献   
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