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Objective— To describe anatomic considerations and arthroscopic technique in horses for arthroscopic removal of palmar/plantar osteochondral fragments from the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint. Study Design— Retrospective study. Animals— Adult horses (n=4) with osteochondral fragments of the palmar/plantar PIP joint. Methods— Arthroscopic removal of palmar/plantar osteochondral fragments within the PIP joint was performed with horses in dorsal recumbency under general anesthesia. Medical records of affected horses were reviewed to determine history; physical, lameness, and radiological findings; surgical technique; complications and outcome. Results— Two horses had lameness localized to the PIP joint. Two other horses had lameness suspected, but not confirmed to the pastern region. One of these horses had a history of intermittent lameness, but was not lame on admission. All horses had radiographic evidence of palmar/plantar osteochondral fragmentation within the PIP joint. Fragmentation was located abaxially in 2 horses in the hind limb and axially in 2 horses in the left forelimb. Osteochondral fragments were successfully removed via a palmar/plantar arthroscopic approach in all horses. Three horses returned to previous levels of athletic performance; 1 horse was used for trail riding instead of reining. Conclusions— Arthroscopy of the palmar/plantar pouch of the PIP joint allowed limited assessment of the joint and removal of osteochondral fragments. Clinical Relevance— Arthroscopy of the palmar/plantar PIP joint pouch for assessment and removal of osteochondral fragments is possible and should be considered when lameness is localized to this joint.  相似文献   
Use of amphiphilic triblock copolymers to direct the organization of polymerizing silica species has resulted in the preparation of well-ordered hexagonal mesoporous silica structures (SBA-15) with uniform pore sizes up to approximately 300 angstroms. The SBA-15 materials are synthesized in acidic media to produce highly ordered, two-dimensional hexagonal (space group p6mm) silica-block copolymer mesophases. Calcination at 500 degrees C gives porous structures with unusually large interlattice d spacings of 74.5 to 320 angstroms between the (100) planes, pore sizes from 46 to 300 angstroms, pore volume fractions up to 0.85, and silica wall thicknesses of 31 to 64 angstroms. SBA-15 can be readily prepared over a wide range of uniform pore sizes and pore wall thicknesses at low temperature (35 degrees to 80 degrees C), using a variety of poly(alkylene oxide) triblock copolymers and by the addition of cosolvent organic molecules. The block copolymer species can be recovered for reuse by solvent extraction with ethanol or removed by heating at 140 degrees C for 3 hours, in both cases, yielding a product that is thermally stable in boiling water.  相似文献   
Nasopharyngeal and laryngeal evaluation is important when examining horses with upper airway signs for poor performance. Currently endoscopy is the most common method to evaluate the equine upper airway. Ultrasonography of the equine larynx has not previously been described. Using six cadaveric specimens and four standing horses, the ultrasonographic appearance of the equine larynx was established. A scanning technique, including useful acoustic windows and the normal ultrasonographic appearance at each site, is described. Ultrasound allowed visualization of portions of the hyoid apparatus, laryngeal cartilages, associated soft tissues, and intrinsic and extrinsic laryngeal musculature, that are not seen using endoscopy. Additionally, real-time ultrasound allowed observation of the movement of the vocal folds and the arytenoid cartilages during respiration. In three horses with arytenoid chondritis, ultrasonography aided in the diagnosis and localization of arytenoid abcessation and perilaryngeal inflammation. The establishment of this technique will serve as the basis for future investigations in the evaluation of clinical patients with upper airway abnormalities.  相似文献   
Reason for performing study: The necessary degree of arytenoid cartilage abduction (ACA) to restore airway patency at maximal exercise has not been determined. Objectives: Use computational fluid dynamics modelling to measure the effects of different degrees of ACA on upper airway characteristics of horses during exercise. Hypothesis: Maximal ACA by laryngoplasty is necessary to restore normal peak airflow and pressure in Thoroughbred racehorses with laryngeal hemiplegia. Methods: The upper airway was modeled with the left arytenoid in 3 different positions: maximal abduction; 88% cross‐sectional area of the rima glottis; and 75% cross‐sectional area of the rima glottis. The right arytenoid cartilage was maximally abducted. Two models were assumed: Model 1: no compensation of airway pressures; and Model 2: airway pressure compensation occurs to maintain peak airflow. The cross‐sectional pressure and velocity distributions for turbulent flow were studied at peak flow and at different positions along the airway. Results: Model 1: In the absence of a change in driving pressure, 12 and 25% reductions in cross‐sectional area of the larynx resulted in 4.11 and 5.65% reductions in peak airflow and 3.68 and 5.64% in tidal volume, respectively, with mild changes in wall pressure. Model 2: To maintain peak flow, a 6.27% increase in driving tracheal pressure was required to compensate for a cross‐sectional reduction of 12% and a 13.63% increase in driving tracheal pressure was needed for a cross‐sectional area reduction of 25%. This increase in negative driving pressure resulted in regions with low intraluminal and wall pressures, depending on the degree of airway diameter reduction. Conclusion: Assuming no increase in driving pressure, the decrease in left ACA reduced airflow and tidal volume. With increasing driving pressure, a decrease in left ACA changed the wall pressure profile, subjecting the submaximally abducted arytenoid cartilage and adjacent areas to airway collapse. Clinical relevance: The surgical target of ACA resulting in 88% of maximal cross‐sectional area seems to be appropriate.  相似文献   
Reasons for performing study: The success rate of prosthetic laryngoplasty is limited and may be associated with significant sequelae. Nerve muscle pedicle transplantation has been attempted but requires a year before function is restored. Objective: To determine the optimal parameters for functional electrical stimulation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in horses. Methods: An experimental in vivo study was performed on 7 mature horses (2–21 years). A nerve cuff was placed on the distal end of the common trunk of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN). In 6 horses the ipsilateral adductor branch of RLN was also transected. The electrodes were connected to programmable internal stimulator. Stimulation was performed using cathodic phase and then biphasic pulses at 24 Hz with a 0.427 ms pulse duration. Stimulation‐response experiments were performed at monthly intervals, from one week following implantation. The study continued until unit failure or the end of project (12 months). Two of the horses were stimulated continuously for 60 min to assess onset of fatigue. Results: Excellent arytenoid cartilage abduction (mean arytenoid angle of 52.7°, range 48.5–56.2°) was obtained in 6 horses (laryngeal grades I or II (n = 3) and III (n = 2). Poor abduction was obtained in grade IV horses (n = 2). Arytenoid abduction was maintained for up to a year in one horse. Technical implant failure resulted in loss of abduction in 6 horses at one week to 11 months post operatively. Mean tissue impedance was 1.06 kOhm (range 0.64–1.67 kOhm) at one week, twice this value at 2 months (mean 2.32, range 1.11–3.75 kOhm) and was stable thereafter. Maximal abduction was achieved at a stimulation range of 0.65–7.2 mA. No electrical leakage was observed. Constant stimulation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve for 60 min led to full abduction without evidence of muscle fatigue. Conclusions: Functional electrical stimulation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve leading to full arytenoid abduction can be achieved. The minimal stimulation amplitude for maximal abduction angle is slightly higher than those for man and dogs. Clinical relevance: This treatment modality could eventually be applicable to horses with recurrent laryngeal neuropathy.  相似文献   
Reasons for performing study: Caudal descent of the larynx has been proposed to be associated with intermittent dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP) as it leads to a loss of the seal between the epiglottis and soft palate but further investigation of this theory is required. Objectives: To evaluate laryngohyoid position of horses with persistent DDSP in comparison to horses with intermittent DDSP and evaluate the outcome of treatment. Hypotheses: Horses with persistent DDSP have a different laryngohyoid position compared to those with intermittent DDSP. Horses with persistent DDSP can be returned successfully to racing with a laryngeal tie‐forward procedure. Methods: Medical records of 15 racehorses presented for persistent DDSP between 2002 and 2007 were reviewed. Age, sex and breed matched horses diagnosed with intermittent DDSP were used as a comparison group. Treatment of all horses was performed by laryngeal tie‐forward, 8/15 horses with persistent DDSP had a subsequent laser staphylectomy. Preoperative laryngohyoid position was compared between the 2 groups using a radiographic reference system. Surgical effect on position was assessed by comparing pre‐ and post operative radiographic measurements. Outcome was assessed by return to racing and comparison of pre‐ and post operative race earnings ($). Results: Thirteen of 15 horses with persistent DDSP returned to racing. Seven of 15 horses were treated with laryngeal tie‐forward alone while 8/15 horses were also treated with a laser staphylectomy. Horses with persistent DDSP had a more caudal larynx (ossification of the thyroid cartilage) (13 mm, P = 0.014), a more caudal (10 mm, P = 0.044) and dorsal (7 mm, P = 0.01) basihyoid bone, and a more dorsal thyrohyoid‐thyroid articulation (10 mm, P = 0.002) than horses with intermittent DDSP. Conclusions and potential relevance: Racehorses with persistent DDSP can be treated successfully by laryngeal tie‐forward or by laryngeal tie‐forward followed by laser staphylectomy. Horses with persistent DDSP have a more caudal larynx and more caudal and dorsal basihyoid bone than horses with intermittent DDSP.  相似文献   
Porous silica, niobia, and titania with three-dimensional structures patterned over multiple length scales were prepared by combining micromolding, polystyrene sphere templating, and cooperative assembly of inorganic sol-gel species with amphiphilic triblock copolymers. The resulting materials show hierarchical ordering over several discrete and tunable length scales ranging from 10 nanometers to several micrometers. The respective ordered structures can be independently modified by choosing different mold patterns, latex spheres, and block copolymers. The examples presented demonstrate the compositional and structural diversities that are possible with this simple approach.  相似文献   
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