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Soil N mineralization is affected by microbial biomass and respiration, which are limited by available C and N. To examine the relationship between C and N for soil microbial dynamics and N dynamics, we conducted long-term laboratory incubation (150 days) after C and N amendment and measured changes in C and N mineralization, microbial biomass C, and dissolved C and N throughout the incubation period. The study soil was volcanic immature soil from the southern part of Japan, which contains lower C and N compared with other Japanese forest soils. Despite this, the area is covered by well-developed natural and plantation forests. Carbon amendment resulted in an increase in both microbial biomass and respiration, and net N mineralization decreased, probably due to increasing microbial immobilization. In contrast, N amendment resulted in a decrease in microbial respiration and an increase in net N mineralization, possibly due to decreased immobilization by microbes. Amendment of both C and N simultaneously did not affect microbial biomass and respiration, although net N mineralization was slightly increased. The results suggested that inhibitory effect on microbial respiration by N amendment should be reduced if carbon availability is higher. Thus, soil available C may limit microbial biomass and respiration in this volcanic immature soil. Even in immature soil where C and N substrate is low, soil C, such as plant root exudates and materials from above- and belowground dead organisms, might help to maintain microbial activity and N mineralization in this study site.  相似文献   
Research on sex-determining region Y-box 2 (SOX2)-positive pituitary stem/progenitor cells, as a source of hormone-producing cells, is progressing rapidly in rodents. However, the stem/progenitor cells supplying hormone-producing cells that are essential for growth, reproduction, and lactation in bovines have not yet been identified. In this study, we characterized SOX2-positive cells in the pituitary gland of dairy cattle (Holstein heifers) after sexual maturity. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that the localization pattern of SOX2-positive cells in the dairy cattle pituitary gland was similar to that observed in the rodent pituitary gland; the marginal cell layer (MCL), dense cell clusters, and single cells scattered in the parenchyma of the anterior lobe. Furthermore, most of the SOX2-positive cells were positive for the pituitary stem/progenitor cell niche markers E-cadherin and cytokeratin 8+18, which have been reported in rodents. In addition, in the MCL of the anterior lobe, there was a subpopulation of SOX2-positive cells positive for paired-related homeobox 1 and 2, whereas negative for S100β. Moreover, in the parenchyma of the anterior lobe, co-localization of SOX2 and pituitary hormones was infrequent. In summary, this study reveals the localization of putative pituitary stem/progenitor cells positive for SOX2 in dairy cattle. These results provide valuable information to support further investigation of cell supply in the dairy cattle pituitary gland.  相似文献   
A 179-day-old calf, which was weak and stunted, showed neurological signs and was euthanized. Postmortem examination revealed extensive and severe cloudy area in the meninges, and pleural pneumonia. Gram-positive cocci were isolated from systemic organs. Biochemical and 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses identified the isolate as Streptococcus gallolyticus, and its subspecies was suggested to be gallolyticus (SGG). The isolate was classified as a novel sequence type (ST115) by the multilocus sequence typing scheme for SGG and showed susceptibility to penicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, florfenicol, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, and chloramphenicol. Histopathologically, suppurative meningoencephalitis and perineuritis were detected. As SGG has been isolated solely from a cow with mastitis in Japan, this is the first SGG infection in a calf with suppurative meningoencephalitis and perineuritis in this country.  相似文献   
At the Takayama deciduous broadleaved forest Asiaflux site in Japan, the ecosystem carbon dynamics have been studied for more than two decades. In 2005, we installed non-dispersive infrared CO2 sensors in the soil below the site’s flux tower to systematically study vertical soil–air CO2 dynamics and explain the behavior of soil surface CO2 efflux. Soil–air CO2 concentrations measured from June 2005 through May 2006 showed sinusoidal variation, with maxima in July and minima in winter, similar to the soil CO2 effluxes measured simultaneously using open-flow chambers. Soil–air CO2 concentrations increased with soil depth from 5 to 50 cm: from 2,000 to 8,000 ppm in the summer and from 2,000 to 3,000 ppm in the winter under snow. Summer soil–air CO2 concentrations were positively correlated with soil moisture on daily and weekly scales, indicating that the Oi, Oe, and A horizons, where decomposition is accelerated by high-moisture conditions, contributed substantially to CO2 emissions. This result is consistent with the short residence time (about 2 h) of CO2 in the soil and larger emissions in shallow soil layers based on our diffusion model. We revealed for the first time that soil–air CO2 concentrations in winter were correlated with both snow depth and wind speed. CO2 transfer through the snow was hundreds of times the gas diffusion rates in the soil. Our estimate of the CO2 efflux during the snow-cover season was larger than previous estimates at TKY, and confirmed the important contribution of the snow-cover season to the site’s carbon dynamics.  相似文献   
Fisheries Science - Tidal flats are ecologically important as they support a large community of animals (e.g., crabs, mollusks, and polychaetes) and restore water quality. However, information...  相似文献   
Stable isotope analysis is a powerful tool in the study of soil organic matter formation. It is often observed that more decomposed soil organic matter is 13C, and especially 15N-enriched relative to fresh litter and recent organic matter. We investigated whether this shift in isotope composition relates to the isotope composition of the microbial biomass, an important source for soil organic matter. We developed a new approach to determine the natural abundance C and N isotope composition of the microbial biomass across a broad range of soil types, vegetation, and climates. We found consistently that the soil microbial biomass was 15N-enriched relative to the total (3.2 ‰) and extractable N pools (3.7 ‰), and 13C-enriched relative to the extractable C pool (2.5 ‰). The microbial biomass was also 13C-enriched relative to total C for soils that exhibited a C3-plant signature (1.6 ‰), but 13C-depleted for soils with a C4 signature (−1.1 ‰). The latter was probably associated with an increase of annual C3 forbs in C4 grasslands after an extreme drought. These findings are in agreement with the proposed contribution of microbial products to the stabilized soil organic matter and may help explain the shift in isotope composition during soil organic matter formation.  相似文献   
In an effort to determine genus- or species-level taxonomic profiles and diversity of bacterial consortia in the Tama River around urban Tokyo, next-generation sequencing technology targeting a 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene amplicon was employed. Metagenomic analysis performed by an Ion Personal Genome Machine after sequentially filtering samples through 5-, 0.8- and 0.2-μm filters yielded 1.48 Gb of 16S sequences (average 2.38 M reads/sample). The results indicated that half of the bacterial sequences belonged to Proteobacteria, followed by Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Cyanobacteria. Flavobacterium (Bacteroidetes), possibly including a potential fish pathogen, was the most numerous genera in the Tama River metagenome, and accounted for?~?16% of assigned 16S reads, followed by Mycobacterium. Other dominant bacterial genera including Zoogloea, Sediminibacterium, Hyphomicrobium, Sphingopyxis, Thiothrix and Lysobacter, were thought to be associated with waste water and sludge. MiSeq metagenomic analysis revealed that environmental factors, particularly water temperature, influenced the bacterial composition throughout the year, with a strong negative correlation observed for Proteobacteria and a positive correlation for Bacteroidetes. In terms of bacterial genera, Flavobacterium was positively correlated with temperature, while Polaromonas, Pseudomonas and Bradyrhizobium were negatively correlated with this, suggesting dynamic change in the free-living bacterial population throughout the year and versatile adaptation strategies in relation to environmental factors.  相似文献   
Although cryopreservation of mammalian oocytes is an important technology, it is well known that unfertilized oocytes, especially in pigs, are highly sensitive to low temperature and that cryopreserved oocytes show low fertility and developmental ability. The aim of the present study was to clarify why porcine in vitro matured (IVM) oocytes at the metaphase II (MII) stage showed low fertility and developmental ability after vitrification. In vitro matured cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were vitrified with Cryotop and then evaluated for fertility through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Although sperm‐penetrated oocytes were observed to some extent (30–40%), the rate of pronuclear formation was low (9%) and none of them progressed to the two‐cell stage. The results suggest that activation ability of cryopreserved oocytes was decreased by vitrification. We examined the localization and expression level of the type 1 inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate receptor (IP3R1), the channel responsible for Ca2+ release during IVF in porcine oocytes. Localization of IP3R1 close to the plasma membrane and total expression level of IP3R1 protein were both decreased by vitrification. In conclusion, our present study indicates that vitrified‐warmed porcine COCs showed a high survival rate but low fertility after IVF. This low fertility seems to be due to the decrease in IP3R1 by the vitrification procedure.  相似文献   
Germ-cell transplantation has many applications in biology and animal husbandry, including investigating the complex processes of germ-cell development and differentiation, producing transgenic animals by genetically modifying germline cells, and creating broodstock systems in which a target species can be produced from a surrogate parent. The germ-cell transplantation technique was initially established in chickens using primordial germ cells (PGCs), and was subsequently extended to mice using spermatogonial stem cells. Recently, we developed the first germ-cell transplantation system in lower vertebrates using fish PGCs and spermatogonia. During mammalian germ-cell transplantation, donor spermatogonial stem cells are introduced into the seminiferous tubules of the recipient testes. By contrast, in the fish germ-cell transplantation system, donor cells are microinjected into the peritoneal cavities of newly hatched embryos; this allows the donor germ cells to migrate towards, and subsequently colonize, the recipient genital ridges. The recipient embryos have immature immune systems, so the donor germ cells can survive and even differentiate into mature gametes in their allogeneic gonads, ultimately leading to the production of normal offspring. In addition, implanted spermatogonia can successfully differentiate into sperm and eggs, respectively, in male and female recipients. The results of transplantation studies in fish are improving our understanding of the development of germ-cell systems during vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   
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