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We present spatial coherence measurements of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light generated through the process of high-harmonic up-conversion of a femtosecond laser. With a phase-matched hollow-fiber geometry, the generated beam was found to exhibit essentially full spatial coherence. The coherence of this laser-like EUV source was shown by recording Gabor holograms of small objects. This work demonstrates the capability to perform EUV holography with a tabletop experimental setup. Such an EUV source, with low divergence and high spatial coherence, can be used for experiments involving high-precision metrology, inspection of optical components for EUV lithography, and microscopy and holography with nanometer resolution. Furthermore, the short time duration of the EUV radiation (a few femtoseconds) will enable EUV microscopy and holography to be performed with ultrahigh time resolution.  相似文献   
Nonlinear optics plays a central role in the advancement of optical science and laser-based technologies. We report on the confinement of the nonlinear interaction of light with matter to a single wave cycle and demonstrate its utility for time-resolved and strong-field science. The electric field of 3.3-femtosecond, 0.72-micron laser pulses with a controlled and measured waveform ionizes atoms near the crests of the central wave cycle, with ionization being virtually switched off outside this interval. Isolated sub-100-attosecond pulses of extreme ultraviolet light (photon energy approximately 80 electron volts), containing approximately 0.5 nanojoule of energy, emerge from the interaction with a conversion efficiency of approximately 10(-6). These tools enable the study of the precision control of electron motion with light fields and electron-electron interactions with a resolution approaching the atomic unit of time ( approximately 24 attoseconds).  相似文献   
AIMS: To serotype a subset of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) isolates from cattle and sheep to determine whether any corresponding serotypes have been implicated in human diarrhoeal disease, both in New Zealand and worldwide, and to examine the distribution of STEC and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) amongst cattle (calves, heifers and dairy) and sheep (lambs, rams and ewes), to assess whether carriage of identified bacterial genotypes may be associated with a particular age of animal. METHODS: Recto-anal mucosal swabs (RAMS) were taken from 91 calves, 24 heifers and 72 dairy cattle, and 46 lambs, 50 ewes and 36 rams, from four sites in the Manawatu and Rangitikei regions of New Zealand. Strains of E. coli selected from primary isolation plates were subjected to a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), to determine the presence of Shiga toxin genes (stx1 and stx2) and the E. coli attaching and effacing gene (eae). RESULTS: Overall, 186/319 (58.3%) animals sampled were positive for stx1, stx2, or eae isolates. More sheep (43.9%) were stx1-positive than cattle (2.7%; p = 0.036), and amongst sheep more lambs and ewes were stx1-positive than rams (p = 0.036). Amongst cattle, more calves and heifers were eae-positive than dairy cows (p = 0.030). Two or more different STEC were isolated from at least 28 (9%) animals (three cattle and 25 sheep), based on their stx/eae genotype. Enterohaemolysin genes were found in 39/51 (76%) isolates serotyped. Twenty-one different serotypes were detected, including O5:H-, O9:H51, O26:H11, O84:H-/H2 and O149:H8 from cattle, and O26:H11, O65:H-, O75:H8, O84:H-, O91:H-, O128:H2 and O174:H8 from sheep; O84:H-, O26:H11, O5:H-, O91:H- and O128:H2 serotypes have been associated with human disease. CONCLUSIONS: If nationally representative, this study confirms that cattle and sheep in New Zealand may be a major reservoir of STEC serotypes that have been recognised as causative agents of diarrhoeal disease in humans. Distribution of STEC and EPEC in cattle and sheep indicates that direct contact with, in particular, calves or their faeces, or exposure to environments cross contaminated with ruminant faeces, may represent an increased risk factor for human disease in New Zealand.  相似文献   
The first assessment of the baited remote underwater video system (BRUVs) for monitoring rock lobster Jasus lalandii (Milne‐Edwards) in South Africa was compared to annual ring net and trap survey data. Count data from 58 BRUVs, 36 ring net and 95 trap samples were fitted with generalised additive models using depth, habitat, time and spatial gradient as independent variables. A power analysis was used to determine the number of samples needed per annum to detect a 5 and 10% increase and decrease in population size. The BRUVs outperformed the nets and traps in terms of sampling effort and were better at detecting changes in abundance of lobster than abundance of three fish species. Considering factors such as cost, analysis time, additional data and environmental impact, traps are the most feasible method in deeper waters but BRUVs could replace nets and traps in depths less than 60 m, low‐density areas and marine reserves.  相似文献   
It is believed that milk production is determined by the number and activity of mammary secretory cells. Secretory activity, as assessed by milk volume, depends on secretion of the major osmole in milk, lactose, which is produced by lactose synthase. The amount of either of the two proteins in lactose synthase may regulate milk production. The objective of this study was to determine whether the concentrations in milk of the two components of lactose synthase, α‐lactalbumin (α‐LA) and β1,4‐galactosyltransferase (B4GALT), were related to genetic background, stage of lactation, breed or parity of dairy cows. α‐Lactalbumin and B4GALT concentrations were measured by ELISA and by enzyme assays, respectively, from single milk samples. Two herds with a total of 279 cows were used in the analysis. One herd contained Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Holstein and Jersey cows; the second herd contained two groups of cows; Holsteins selected for high milk production and Holsteins with 1960s genetics. The α‐LA concentration in milk was greater in Jerseys and Ayrshires than in Holsteins and Brown Swiss. However, no difference in α‐LA concentration was observed in milk from high and low genetic merit cows in the Minnesota herd or among different genetic backgrounds in the Illinois herd. β1,4‐Galactosyltransferase concentrations were similar for all groups that were analyzed. α‐Lactalbumin concentrations were positively correlated with milk protein concentration, milk fat concentration and lactose concentration. β1,4‐Galactosyltransferase concentration in milk exhibited a strong positive correlation with number of days in milk. Although the concentration of B4GALT increased as lactation progressed, the values did not show any correlation with persistency of lactation or late lactation milk production. In conclusion, this survey shows that the two components of lactose synthase are each correlated to protein concentration and individually correlated to the concentration of other milk components and stage of lactation.  相似文献   
The sperm‐mediated gene transfer method is applicable to transgenesis in many species that use spermatozoa for reproduction recently, which has been shown various results. In the current study, we show that transgenic porcine embryos can be efficiently produced by employing a simple transfection method that uses magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs). The complexes formed between plasmid DNA and MNPs were bounded on ejaculated boar spermatozoa at a higher efficiency compared to methods using DNA alone or lipofection. Using confocal microscopy, rhodamine fluorophore‐labelled MNPs were detected on external surfaces of the spermatozoa membrane, which were bounded on zona pellucida of in vitro maturated oocyte during in vitro fertilization. Electron microscopy revealed that clusters of MNPs were detected in inside of plasma membrane and nucleus of the spermatozoa head. Additionally, we found that magnetofected boar spermatozoa could be fertilized with oocytes in vitro and that the resulting gene of green fluorescent protein was detected in fertilized eggs by genomic PCR analysis. Taken together, these results suggest that MNPs can be used to efficiently introduce a transgene into embryo via spermatozoa.  相似文献   
An experimental silo unit consisting of four silos, each capable of holding 1000 kg. fresh grass, is described. The silos are suspended from a weighing apparatus enabling weight recordings to be taken at all stages during ensilage. The weighing apparatus is sufficiently sensitive to record a change in weight in the silo and contents of 100 grams.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to define the patterns of organogenesis and foetal haemodynamics during the normal gestation of healthy agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) kept in captivity. Thirty pregnant agoutis that ranged in size from small to medium and weighed between 2.5 and 3 kg underwent B‐mode and Doppler ultrasonography for the biometric evaluation of the foetal organs. The foetal aortic blood flow proved to be predominantly systolic, and the measured flow velocity was 78.89 ± 2.95 cm/s, with a maximum pressure gradient of 2.12 ± 0.27 mmHg. The liver was characterized by its large volume, occupying the entire cranial aspect of the abdominal cavity, and it was associated cranially with the diaphragm and caudally with the stomach. The flow velocity in the portal vein was estimated to equal 12.17 ± 2.37 cm/s, with a resistivity index of 0.82 ± 0.05. The gallbladder was centrally located and protruded cranially towards the diaphragm. The spleen was visualized as an elongated structure with tapered cranial and caudal extremities, and the foetal kidneys were visualized bilaterally in the retroperitoneal region, with the right kidney positioned slightly more cranially than the left. The morphological characterization and hemodynamic analysis of the foetal organs of black‐rumped agoutis via B‐mode and Doppler ultrasonography allow determination of the vascular network and of reference values for the blood flow required for perfusing the anatomical elements essential for maintaining the viability of foetuses at different gestational ages.  相似文献   
AIM: To genotype Escherichia coli cultured from the faeces of healthy cattle and sheep in the lower North Island, in order to investigate the possible role of ruminants as a reservoir for Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) in New Zealand. METHODS: A total of 952 strains of E. coli were isolated on selective media, from faecal swabs from 319 animals (187 cattle and 132 sheep) from four sites in the Manawatu and Rangitikei regions of New Zealand. A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to genotype the E. coli isolates, using amplification of Shiga toxin genes (stx1 and stx2) and the E. coli attaching and effacing gene (eae). RESULTS: Isolates of E. coli were cultured from swabs from 178/187 (95.2%) cattle and all 132 (100%) sheep. Ninety-nine (10.4%) of the isolates were stx1 only, 83 (8.7%) stx2 only, 33 (3.5%) stx1 and stx2, 23 (2.4%) stx1 and eae, one (0.1%) stx2 and eae, and 115 (12.1%) were eae only. Overall, 51 (27.3%) cattle and 87 (65.9%) sheep were stx-positive, whereas 69 (36.9%) cattle and 36 (27.3%) sheep were eae-positive. CONCLUSIONS: Both healthy cattle and sheep are asymptomatic reservoirs of STEC in New Zealand. Direct contact with cattle and sheep or consumption of water or foodstuffs contaminated with cattle of sheep faeces may represent a significant source of infection for humans.  相似文献   
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