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The combined and separate effects of Cd and wood ash on Archaea from coniferous forest humus were studied in a microcosm experiment. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling of the denaturing gradient gel analysis of polymerase chain reaction amplified 0.9 kb 16S ribosomal DNA fragments revealed changes in archaeal communities due to the ash treatments. Cd with or without ash did not further influence the result. Representatives of the ash and control communities were cloned, grouped by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and finally sequenced. All sequences belonged to non-thermophilic Crenarchaea.  相似文献   
The possible ameliorative effects of selenium (Se) addition to soil on the detrimental effects of enhanced UV-B radiation were tested on strawberry and barley during 4 months of field experiment in Kuopio, Central Finland. Control plants were exposed to ambient levels of UV radiation, using arrays of unenergized lamps. A control for UV-A radiation was also included in the experiment. Added Se, applied as H2SeO4, at the level of 0.1 mg kg−1 soil (low dosage) and 1 mg kg−1 soil (high dosage) increased Se concentrations in plants more than 10 and 100 times, respectively. After 4 months of exposure, strawberry and barley plants were harvested for biomass analysis. Chlorophyll fluorescence was measured using the Hansatech FMS2 fluorescence monitoring system. Leaf anatomy and ultrastructure were observed by light and transmission electron microscope. Several effects of UV and Se as well as their interaction were found, mostly for strawberry, but not for barley, indicating species-specific responses. Our results provided evidence that the high Se concentration in soil had no ameliorative effect but increased the sensitivity of strawberry to enhanced UV-B radiation in the field. Under ambient radiation, Se did not alter leaf growth of strawberry, whereas under UV-B radiation, the high Se addition significantly decreased leaf growth. Strawberry runner biomass was affected by the interaction of Se and UV. Under ambient radiation Se did not change dry weight of runners, but in combination with UV-A or UV-B radiation the high Se dosage decreased dry weight of runners by about 30%. Although the high Se concentration positively influenced on quantum efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) in strawberry leaves, it reduced runner biomass, leaf number and ratio of starch to chloroplast area. This suggests that the harmful effects of the high Se dosage on photosynthetic processes occurred as a result of changes in activity or/and biosynthesis of enzymes, rather than alteration of PSII. At the low concentration, Se effects were slight and variable.Although barley leaves accumulated higher Se concentrations than strawberry, there were no apparent changes in their growth, biomass or chlorophyll fluorescence due to Se effect either alone or in combination with UV-B. However, at the ultrastructural level, an enlargement in the peroxisome area was found due to combination of UV radiation with Se, suggesting the activation of antioxidative enzymes, possibly catalase. Decrease in mitochondrial density in barley cells in response to Se might be attributed to alteration of mitochondrial division. Increase in the proportion of cells with cytoplasmic lipid bodies due to combined effect of UV-B and Se indicated the alteration of lipid metabolism and the acceleration of cell senescence in barley. Main UV-B effects were found, mostly at the tissue and ultrastructural level in strawberry, but not in barley, indicating species-specific susceptibility to enhanced UV-B radiation. UV-B-treated strawberry plants developed marginally thinner leaves with reduced ratio of starch to chloroplast area in their cells, suggesting negative influence of UV-B on photosynthetic processes.  相似文献   


Human–nature interactions are reflected in the values people assign to landscapes. These values shape our understanding and actions as landscape co-creators, and need to be taken into account to achieve an integrated management of the landscape that involves civil society.


The aim of this research was to increase the current knowledge on the most and least common landscape values perceived by local stakeholders, the patterns in the spatial distribution of values, and their connection to different socio-economic backgrounds and landscape characteristics across Europe.


The research consisted of a cross-site comparison study on how landscape values are perceived in six areas of Europe using Public Participation GIS surveys. Answers were analysed combining contingency tables, spatial autocorrelation and bivariate correlation methods, kernel densities, land cover ratios, and viewshed analyses. Results were discussed in the light of findings derived from other European participatory mapping studies.


We identified shared patterns in the perception of landscape values across Europe. Recreation, aesthetics, and social fulfilment were the most common values. Landscape values showed common spatial patterns mainly related to accessibility and the presence of water, settlements, and cultural heritage. However, respondents in each study site had their own preferences connected to the intrinsic characteristics of the local landscape and culture.


The results encourage land planners and researchers to approach landscape values in relation to socio-cultural and bio-physical land characteristics comprehensibly, acknowledging the complexity in the relationship between people’s perception and the landscape, to foster more effective and inclusive landscape management strategies.
Correlations between leaf abscisic acid concentration ([ABA]), stomatal conductance (gs), rate of stomatal opening in response to an increase in leaf water potential (si), shoot hydraulic conductance (L) and photosynthetic characteristics were examined in saplings of six temperate deciduous tree species: Acer platanoides L., Padus avium Mill., Populus tremula L., Quercus robur L., Salix caprea L. and Tilia cordata Mill. Species-specific values of foliar [ABA] were negatively related to the mean values of gs, si, L and light- and CO2- saturated net photosynthesis (P(max)), thus providing strong correlative evidence of a scaling of foliar gas exchange and hydraulic characteristics with leaf endogenous [ABA]. In addition, we suggest that mean gs, si, L and Pmax for mature leaves may partly be determined by the species-specific [ABA] during leaf growth. The most drought-intolerant species had the lowest [ABA] and the highest gs, suggesting that interspecific differences in [ABA] may be linked to differences in species-specific water-use efficiency. Application of high concentrations of exogenous ABA led to large decreases in gs, si and P(max), further underscoring the direct role of ABA in regulating stomatal opening and photosynthetic rate. Exogenous ABA also decreased L, but the decreases were considerably smaller than the decreases in gs, si and Pmax. Thus, exogenous ABA predominantly affected the stomata directly, but modification of L by ABA may also be an important mechanism of ABA action. We conclude that interspecific variability in endogenous [ABA] during foliage growth and in mature leaves provides an important factor explaining observed differences in L, gs, si and Pmax among temperate deciduous tree species.  相似文献   
Objective To estimate mean Schirmer tear test (STT) and intraocular pressure (IOP) values in healthy koalas both conscious and anesthetized. Methods Data were gathered from koalas in Victoria, Australia. Conscious examinations were performed on captive koalas. Free‐ranging (wild) koalas were examined under anesthesia. Anesthesia was induced using alfaxalone, and animals were maintained on oxygen and isoflurane if required. All animals were healthy and had no surface ocular pathology detectable during slit lamp biomicroscopy. STT I tests were performed using commercial STT test strips placed in the lower fornix for 1 min. IOP was measured using an applanation tonometer after topical anesthesia. The higher value of the two eyes for both STT and IOP was analyzed. STT was measured in 53 koalas (34 conscious, 19 anesthetized) and IOP was measured in 43 koalas (30 conscious, 13 anesthetized). A two‐sample t‐test was used to compare means. A P‐value <0.05 was regarded as significant. Mean ± SD is presented. Results The mean higher STT in conscious koalas was 10.3 ± 3.6 mm wetting/min and in anesthetized koalas it decreased to 3.8 ± 4.0 mm wetting/min (P < 0.0001). The mean higher IOP in conscious koalas was 15.3 ± 5.1 mmHg, and in anesthetized koalas it was 13.8 ± 3.4 mmHg (P = 0.32). There was no effect of sex on either STT or IOP. Conclusions The mean and SD of STT and IOP values for koalas both conscious and anesthetized were reported. The mean STT was significantly reduced by alfaxalone anesthesia.  相似文献   
Elbow incongruity is a form of elbow dysplasia that causes osteoarthritis, pain, and lameness, and it is common in chondrodystrophic dog breeds. The objective of this retrospective secondary analysis study was to evaluate the intra‐ and interobserver repeatability of a novel radiographic incongruity grading system for assessing elbow incongruity in three chondrodystrophic dog breeds—the dachshund, Skye Terrier, and Glen of Imaal Terrier. We conducted an observer agreement study that included 220 mediolateral antebrachial radiographs from 110 dogs with the elbow in 90° flexion. The radiographs were independently assessed by three observers at three time points, using a four‐stepped grading scale. The proportion of agreement and Kappa coefficient were calculated. Both the intra‐ and interobserver proportions of agreement were substantial when three grades were required to be identical (.705‐.777 and .609, respectively), and almost perfect for two identical grades (.991‐1.000 and .991, respectively). Some differences in repeatability between breeds were noted; specifically, the intraobserver repeatability was higher in the dachshund, and the interobserver repeatability was lower in the Glen of Imaal Terrier. Our study showed that the radiographic imaging protocol and incongruity grading system have high repeatability when assessing elbow incongruity in chondrodystrophic dog breeds.  相似文献   
The adequate growth of plants can be achieved only by a balanced ratio of biologically active nutrients in soil along with its readily availability. Linseed seems to be an advantageous secondary oilseed crop widely used in industrial purposes, which can serve additional purpose of phytoextraction of heavily infested soils with heavy metals. In this study, we have made an effort to find out the optimum dose of heavy metals necessary as micronutrients like copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) for the enhancement of linseed yield along with the distribution of heavy metals in different plant parts. Quantitative enhancement in different traits of linseed plant due to Cu, Fe and Zn fertilization especially for capsules per plant after maturity suggested positive association between heavy metal supply and morphological traits, which indirectly enhanced seed yield. There was a positive correlation between Zn supply and seed yield. In the treatments with Cu and Fe fertilization, seed yield was positively correlated to plant height, capsules per plant and seeds per five capsules. According to this study, it is concluded that linseed has the ability to accumulate majorly Fe followed by Cu and Zn.  相似文献   
With data from 33 nations, we illustrate the differences between cultures that are tight (have many strong norms and a low tolerance of deviant behavior) versus loose (have weak social norms and a high tolerance of deviant behavior). Tightness-looseness is part of a complex, loosely integrated multilevel system that comprises distal ecological and historical threats (e.g., high population density, resource scarcity, a history of territorial conflict, and disease and environmental threats), broad versus narrow socialization in societal institutions (e.g., autocracy, media regulations), the strength of everyday recurring situations, and micro-level psychological affordances (e.g., prevention self-guides, high regulatory strength, need for structure). This research advances knowledge that can foster cross-cultural understanding in a world of increasing global interdependence and has implications for modeling cultural change.  相似文献   
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