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One hundred and eighty one cats living in central Italy were tested for the presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium infection by IFAT test and specific PCRs. Overall eight (4.4%) samples were IFAT-positive for Giardia. All the IFAT-positive samples for Giardia scored positive for the PCRs, and three more samples IFAT-negative generated PCR products leading to a total 6.1% molecular positivity rate for Giardia. All the examined samples were negative for Cryptosporidium. Sequencing of samples molecularly positive to Giardia indicated that three cats harbored the zoonotic Giardia duodenalis Assemblage A, whereas all other positive animals were infected with the feline-specific G. duodenalis Assemblage F. Phylogenetic analysis carried out on the sequences obtained supported the clustering of the isolates within Assemblages A and F. The results here presented provide data on the occurrence of Giardia genotypes in cats living in close contact with humans highlighting the potential importance of this protozoan disease for the public health.  相似文献   
The prophylactic efficacy of microdoses of injectable and pour-on ivermectin formulations against larval stages of Przhevalskiana silenus was assessed in naturally infected goats in the region of Calabria (southern Italy).Sixty-eight goats from two goat farms were divided into five groups: one group remained untreated, while the other four groups were treated with microdoses of ivermectin (5 and 10 microg/kg injectable formulation and 10 and 20 microg/kg pour-on formulation).The microdoses of ivermectin were fully effective in the treatment of goat warble fly infestation (GWFI) as no larvae emerged from the warbles in the treated groups, while all the larvae emerged in the control groups. Irrespective of the type of formulation used, the difference between the treated groups and the control group was statistically significant (P< 0.001). By contrast, no statistical differences were found between the goats treated with the injectable formulation and those receiving the pour-on applications, and between the two doses of the injectable and pour-on formulations used. Given the plasma concentrations it attains at its lowest dose (0.052 - 0.042 ng/ml for the injectable formulation and 0.030 ng/ml for the pour-on) the injectable formulation seems to offer the most reliable route for the administration of ivermectin microdoses and it is acceptable for milk consumption. The introduction of ivermectin in the early eighties and the use of microdoses in some cases have made it possible to control cattle hypodermosis in large areas of Europe. As with cattle hypodermosis, the administration of ivermectin microdoses in goats is particularly interesting because of the low costs involved and the low levels of residues found in goat milk; it may thus constitute the basis for GWFI control campaigns in areas where the disease is prevalent.  相似文献   
The first epidemiological survey of Border disease virus (BDV) was undertaken in small ruminants in Japan. Ovine sera, collected from the northern prefectures of Hokkaido, Aomori and Iwate, were examined for the presence of antibodies against BDV using the neutralization peroxidase-linked antibody test. Twenty-nine (17.6%) of one hundred and sixty-five samples were seropositive for BDV. Results were specific, excluding cross-reactions with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). Only one sample (0.6%) was positive for BVDV, and was negative for BDV. Despite serological evidence of virus circulation, there have been no clinical cases of border disease in sheep in Japan. Although no diagnostic measures were performed, the infection did not appear to be associated with a reduction in ewe fertility nor with lamb mortality.  相似文献   
Seven farms, two in Central Italy and five in Southern Italy, were visited for the presence of larvae-infested wounds. Ninety-six (3%) out of 3129 sheep examined had a traumatic myiasis with a very high percentage of infested animals found only in a farm (10.5%). Wounds were mainly localized on the vulva and prepuce. Infested animals were restless, anxious, and reluctant to graze. None of the 10 goats in one infested flock had wounds, whereas a shepherd dog from another flock presented a wound on the ear. All the larvae and adults reared from them in the laboratory were identified as Wohlfahrtia magnifica (Schiner, 1862) (Diptera, Sarcophagidae). The cases presented here are the first clinical cases of wohlfahrtiosis in sheep and dogs reported in Italy, and indicate that this myiasis is endemic in this country. A wider epidemiological investigation on the prevalence, incidence and seasonality of W. magnifica infestation of Italian W. magnifica population/s would be useful to understand its geographical provenience and the likely risk for its spreading throughout Italy and other non-endemic areas.  相似文献   
Bovine papillomavirus types 1 or 2 (BPV-1/2) are involved in the aetiopathogenesis of bovine urinary bladder cancer. BPV-1/2 E5 activates the platelet-derived growth factor β receptor (PDGFβR). The aim of this study was to analyse the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway in relation to activation of PDGFβR in natural bovine urinary bladder carcinomas. Co-immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis demonstrated that recruitment of growth factor receptor bound protein 2 (GRB-2) and Sos-1 to the activated PDGFβR was increased in carcinomas compared to normal tissues. Higher grade bovine urinary bladder carcinomas were associated with activation of Ras, but not with activation of downstream mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Mek 1/2) or extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk 1/2).  相似文献   
Over a 1-year period, we carried out an analysis for the presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium (oo)cysts in 934 specimens taken from four species of shellfish farmed in the Varano Lagoon. We also studied the chemical, physical and meteo-climatic parameters in the same environment, to evaluate the possible effects of environmental conditions on protozoan contamination in farmed shellfish. Using both IF and molecular tests, all 38 pools of shellfish gave negative values for Giardia and Cryptosporidium oo/cysts, thus confirming previous investigations. The environmental factors considered having a negative influence on the survival of Giardia and Cryptosporidium are high water temperatures (8–29°C) and high salinity levels (23–32?ppt). However, the small amount of freshwater discharged into the lagoon (up to 0.0091?m3 s?1), the long-lasting solar irradiation (mean of 896?W?m?2) and the shallowness of the lagoon (mean 2.5?m) may also have a synergic effect in limiting the presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in the lagoon.  相似文献   
Apple is among the most consumed fruits worldwide. It is available on the market for the whole year being a major source of dietary polyphenols. Several studies suggested that apple polyphenols could play a role in prevention of degenarative diseases. The action of these compounds has been partially ascribed to their antioxidative ability, and fruit antioxidants profile is influenced by apple variety and by the postharvest storage. In this work, the polyphenols composition of the flesh of four apple varieties cultivated in southern Italy were investigated by HPLC, and a flow injection MS/MS procedure to quantify cholorogenic acid and catechins was set up. Phenolic composition and the radical scavenging activity were monitored during a postharvest storage of four months. The quantification by flow injection procedure gives results comparable to those obtained by HPLC, and the increase of the antioxidant activity during storage correlated with an increase of the concentration of catechin and phloridzin. This trend is particularly evident for the variety "Annurca" which is a typical product cultivated in the area around Naples. The genetic characteristics of the Annurca variety together with the anticipated harvest time and the peculiar postharvest conditions are likely responsible for this increase of the antioxidant activity.  相似文献   
In equids, bovine papillomaviruses of type 1 (BPV-1) and less frequently type 2 induce common, locally aggressive skin tumours termed sarcoids. Whereas BPV infection in cattle usually involves the epidermis and is productive in this skin layer, infection in equids is currently thought to be abortive, with virus solely residing as multiple episomes in dermal fibroblasts. Based on recent observations that do not agree with this assumption, we hypothesised that BPV also infects equid epidermis and is active in this skin layer. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a proof-of-principle study on eight distinct sarcoids. Presence of viral DNA was addressed by qualitative and quantitative BPV-1 PCR from microdissected sarcoid epidermis, and by subsequent amplicon sequencing. Viral activity was assessed by screening sarcoid epidermis for BPV-1 protein expression using immunohistochemistry (IHC) or immunofluorescence (IF). Virus-free equine skin served as negative control throughout the assays. BPV-1 DNA was demonstrated in all sarcoid epidermis samples, with viral DNA loads ranging between 2 and 195 copies/cell. Identical BPV-1 E5 genes were identified in epidermis and dermis of each of two sarcoids, yet different E5 variants were found in individual lesions. IHC/IF revealed the presence of E5 and E7 protein in sarcoid epidermis, and L1 capsomers in the squamous layer of one lesion. These findings indicate that BPV infection also involves the epidermis, where it may occasionally be productive.  相似文献   
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