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Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is a conceptually and experimentally simple yet highly versatile tool for thin-film and multilayer research. Its advantages for the film growth of oxides and other chemically complex materials include stoichiometric transfer, growth from an energetic beam, reactive deposition, and inherent simplicity for the growth of multilayered structures. With the use of PLD, artificially layered materials and metastable phases have been created and their properties varied by control of the layer thicknesses. In situ monitoring techniques have provided information about the role of energetic species in the formation of ultrahard phases and in the doping of semiconductors. Cluster-assembled nanocrystalline and composite films offer opportunities to control and produce new combinations of properties with PLD.  相似文献   
A number of insecticides used for ectoparasite control in the livestock industry were screened for their efficacy against larvae of the screw-worm fly, Chrysomya bezziana, using in vivo and laboratory tests. Proprietary screw-worm fly treatments (after exposure to outdoor conditions for up to 10 days) were also tested against eggs and adults of C bezziana. Three of these were also evaluated on naturally acquired screw-worm infestations. Residual protection was generally of short duration. Among the organophosphorus compounds, the most effective formulations contained relatively high concentrations (3 to 4% al) of coumaphos, 2.5% fenchlorphos or low concentrations (0.05 to 0.5% al) of diazinon, chlorfenvinphos and fenthion methyl. Two chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides containing 3% lindane and 5% dieldrin were very effective but are now prohibited for use in Australia. Preparations had serious deficiencies when used under field conditions, especially for treating large, deepseated myiases for which systemic insecticides are recommended. A comparison of methods demonstrated that a laboratory test could supersede live animal experimentation, at least for the initial screening of potential insecticides.  相似文献   
The effect of organic phosphorus on metabolic, haematological and hormonal status, restoration of ovarian functions and conception rate in anoestrous Farafra ewes in subtropics were evaluated. Anoestrous Farafra ewes (n  = 24; 34.72 ± 0.52 kg body weight) were allocated into two equal groups: control and phosphorus groups. The ewes of phosphorus group were treated with sodium 4‐dimethylamino‐2‐methyl‐phenyl‐phosphonate as an organic bound phosphorous twice a week for successive 3 weeks. Ovarian follicle development and corpora lutea were checked three times a week till occurrence of oestrus using ultrasonography while pregnancy was confirmed at 30 days post‐service. Plasma metabolites, reproductive hormones, thyroid hormones and minerals were detected at weeks ?2, ?1, 0 (mating day) and + 4 weeks post‐oestrus. Phosphorus group had significantly (p  < .05) short interval to oestrous resumption if compared to control ewes (2.1 ± 0.8 weeks vs . 4.6 ± 1.1 weeks). In addition, phosphorous supplementation significantly (p  < .05) increased the number of antral follicles (developed and their sizes in addition to sizes of corpora lutea (8.72 ± 0.3 mm vs . 7.46 ± 0.9 mm) as well. Number of services per conception (2.6 vs . 1.4; p  < .01) was higher in control group than that of phosphorus group. Pregnancy rate (80 vs . 50%) was significantly (p  < .01) higher in phosphorus group when compared to control. White blood cells in treated ewes (10.8 ± 0.44; p  < .05) and monocytes (2.93 ± 0.13; p  < .01) were higher than that of control group (white blood cells; 9.53 ± 0.50 and monocytes; 2.24 ± 0.14). Metabolic parameters did not differ between phosphorus and control groups during different times of treatment. It could be concluded that phosphorous administration to anoestrous Farafra ewes in subtropics could improve reproductive performance and restore ovarian activity at the end of spring and early summer.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Phloem-feeding insects are among the most devastating pests worldwide. They not only cause damage by feeding from the phloem, thereby depleting the plant from photo-assimilates, but also by vectoring viruses. Until now, the main way to prevent such problems is the frequent use of insecticides. Applying resistant varieties would be a more environmental friendly and sustainable solution. For this, resistant sources need to be identified first. Up to now there were no methods suitable for high throughput phenotyping of plant germplasm to identify sources of resistance towards phloem-feeding insects. RESULTS: In this paper we present a high throughput screening system to identify plants with an increased resistance against aphids. Its versatility is demonstrated using an Arabidopsis thaliana activation tag mutant line collection. This system consists of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and the circulative virus Turnip yellows virus (TuYV). In an initial screening, with one plant representing one mutant line, 13 virus-free mutant lines were identified by ELISA. Using seeds produced from these lines, the putative candidates were re-evaluated and characterized, resulting in nine lines with increased resistance towards the aphid. CONCLUSIONS: This M. persicae-TuYV screening system is an efficient, reliable and quick procedure to identify among thousands of mutated lines those resistant to aphids. In our study, nine mutant lines with increased resistance against the aphid were selected among 5160 mutant lines in just 5 months by one person. The system can be extended to other phloem-feeding insects and circulative viruses to identify insect resistant sources from several collections, including for example genebanks and artificially prepared mutant collections.  相似文献   
Cultivating with a flexible tine harrow in the autumn reduced densities of Stellaria media (L) Vill., Galium aparine L. and Brassica napus L. plants and thinned the wheat crop. Effects were more severe with two passes at right angles (plant stands were approximately halved) than with a single cultivation. Despite crop thinning, wheat yields were not reduced by autumn harrowing owing to compensatory increases in 1000-grain weights. Summer biomass of S. media and G. aparine was reduced more by spring than by autumn harrowing, while biomass of B. napus was only reduced by autumn harrowing. It was concluded that weakly rooted climbing or scrambling species are more easily controlled by cultivating in the spring, while species that develop a tap-root are more readily controlled by cultivating at an early growth stage in the autumn. L'effet de différentes fréquences d'hersage en automne on au printempssur le blé d'hiver, etsur les controles suivants Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Galium aparine L. et Brassica napus L. Les façons culturales effectuées à 1'automne avec une herse à trilles flexibles réduisaient le nombre de Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Galium aparine L. et Brassica napus L. et éclaircissaient la culture de blé. Les effets étaient plus importantes après deux passages perpendiculaires (densité des plantes divisée par environ 2) que par un seul passage. En dépit de l'éclaircissement, les rende-ments du blé n'ont pas été réduits par le hersage d'automne grâce à une compensation par le poids de 1000 grains. La biomasse d'été de S. media et G. aparineétait plus réduite par un hersage de printemps que d'automne, alors que la biomasse de B. napus n'était réduite que par un hersage d'automne. Les espéces grimpantes et faible-ment enracinées sont done plus facilement com-battues par des travaux de printemps, alors que celles qui présentent un racine pivotante sont plus facilement combattues par un hersage d'automne, à un stade précoce. Die Wirkung verschieden häufigen Eggens im Herbst oder im Frühjahr auf Wintenveizen und auf die Bekämpfung von Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Galium aparine L. und Brassica napus L. Eggen im Herbst mit einer beweglichen Zinkenegge verringerte die Dichte von Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Galium aparine L. und Brassica napus L. und reduzierte den Weizenbestand. Die Wirkungen waren durch 2 Arbeitsgänge im rechten Winkel zu einander, wobei der Pflanzenbestand ungefähr halbiert wurde, gegenüber einer einzelnen Bearbeitung ver-stärkt. Aufgrund eines ausgleichenden Anstiegs des Tausendkorngewichts wurden die Weizenerträge trotz Ausdünnung der Bestände nicht durch Eggen im Herbst reduziert. Die Sommerbiomasse von S. media und G. aparine wurde mehr durch Eggen im Frühjahr als durch Eggen im Herbst verringert, während die Biomasse von B. napus nur durch Eggen im Herbst reduziert wurde. Daraus folgt, daß schwach wurzelnde und kletternde Arten einfacher durch Eggen im Frühjahr bekämpfbar sind, Arten mit einer Pfahlwurzel besser im Herbst zu einem früheren Entwicklungsstadium.  相似文献   
Male camel infertility is a heterogeneous disorder. A variety of factors may adversely affect sperm production and function and impair fertility. This study was designed to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonography and testicular biopsy in the evaluation of the breeding soundness of male dromedaries compared with results obtained by clinical examination and semen analysis. Eighty‐four male dromedary camels (5–15 years old) were used in this study during the rutting season (November–May). Four sexually mature male camels were used as controls. These animals were apparently healthy and had histories of normal fertility. Eighty infertile male camels were subjected to an algorithmic approach based on information collected during careful examinations of the camels' breeding histories, clinical examinations, testicular evaluations, testicular ultrasonographies, the results of the semen analyses and testicular biopsies to diagnose the camels' infertilities. The differences in the semen parameters between the control and infertile male camels were highly significant (p < 0.01). Regarding the diagnoses of male camel infertility, the results of testicular ultrasonographies and biopsies were compared with those from the semen analyses, and the accuracies of these tests were 92.5% and 90%, respectively. Additionally, the results of the testicular ultrasonographies were matched with those of the testicular biopsies of the infertile animals, and this comparison resulted in 85% accuracy. Testicular biopsy is a promising method that, along with a carefully performed history, clinical examination, an appropriate testicular ultrasonography procedure and semen analysis, can afford veterinarians the opportunity for more precise diagnosis and treatment of many dromedary infertility disorders.  相似文献   
The original article to which this Correction refers was published in Pest Management Science 58 (7): 649–662 (2002).Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
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