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This paper reports on an unusual case of pleural epitheloid mesothelioma in a nine-month-old male, mixed breed dog. The dog was presented in-extremis and, on post mortem examination, multiple, exophytic, frequently pedunculated, yellowish-red, soft to firm masses ranging from 3 mm to 6 cm in diameter were diffusely distributed over, and attached to, the pericardial and parietal pleural surfaces. Microscopically, these masses consisted of round to partially polygonalshaped, anaplastic cells with minimal cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei covering papillomatous projections or as part of more densely cellular masses. A supporting fibrovascular stroma and mitotic figures were also evident. Constituent tumour cells were labeled positively with antibodies against both vimentin and cytokeratin. In contrast, the same cells exhibited equivocal labeling with an antibody directed against calretinin antigen and did not label with antibodies against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and milk fat globule-related antigen (MFGRA). Such tumours are rare in dogs, particularly in such a young animal.  相似文献   
Over the last decade, comparative molecular profiling studies between compatible and incompatible plant-pathogen interactions have shown that susceptible response of the host to a pathogen requires factors that promote disease development. In this study, we examined proteome profiles during a compatible interaction between wheat and stripe rust. A 2D-LC system (ProteomeLab PF2D) was used for protein separation and to compare the proteome from infected and control samples. More than 700 protein peaks at each time point were compared between pathogen- and mock-inoculated samples. Selected proteins, with significant differences in abundance were identified by nanoLC-ESI- MS/MS and generated spectra were searched against the wheat protein databases from UniProt, and NCBI and the Puccinia database from The Broad Institute. In total, the identified proteins comprised of 62 % wheat and 38 % Pst proteins. All identified proteins were searched by bioinformatics-based algorithms to detect their subcellular localization and signal peptide motifs which have the potential to catch the candidate effector proteins. The wheat proteins were classified based on their function. Although a compatible interaction, many wheat proteins, such as antioxidants, PRs and cold-responsive proteins, are implicated in defense and stress tolerance. On the pathogen side, 64 proteins were identified, and included some important pathogenicity proteins that can play role in pathogen virulence and suppress the host defense. In addition, we discovered that nine proteins have a signal sequence and three of the hypothetical fungal proteins, PGTG_11681T0, PGTG_07231T0 and CBH50687.1, have been tentatively identified as candidate effectors.  相似文献   
Berseem clover hay was compared to alfalfa hay provided at 0, 25, and 50% of the diet DM in mixtures with corn crop residues to wether lambs. Berseem clover hay had lower (P < .05) concentrations of NDF, ADF, and CP than alfalfa hay. The digestibility of DM, DMI, and N balance did not differ (P > .05) between diets containing alfalfa hay or berseem clover hay. To evaluate stockpiled berseem clover as a supplement for grazed corn crop residues, berseem clover and oats were incorporated into a corn-corn-oat/berseem clover crop rotation for 3 yr in replicated 6.1-ha fields. Two cuttings of oat-berseem clover hay were harvested each summer before forage was stockpiled for winter grazing. After corn grain harvest, multiparous and primiparous crossbred cows in midgestation were allotted to each field at 1.01 ha/cow to strip-graze corn crop residues with or without stockpiled berseem clover or allocated to replicated drylots for 98 to 140 d. Each group was offered alfalfa-grass hay as large bales to maintain a mean body condition score of 5 on a 9-point scale. Mean rates of total and digestible OM disappearance from grazed and ungrazed field areas of berseem clover and corn crop residues did not differ over the 3 yr. In vitro organic matter disappearance (IVOMD) tended to decrease more rapidly (P = .13) and NDF and ADF concentrations increased more rapidly (P < .05) in berseem clover than in corn crop residues. Seasonal BW change did not differ (P > .05) between winter management systems in any year, and seasonal body condition score changes did not differ (P > .05) between cows grazing corn crop residues and berseem clover and those maintained in a drylot in yr 2 and 3. Cows grazing corn crop residues with or without berseem clover required less (P < .05) hay than those maintained in drylot. Although the effects of berseem clover hay supplementation on the intake and digestibility of corn crop residues do not differ from alfalfa hay, the nutritional value of stockpiled berseem clover decreases rapidly during winter, limiting its value as a standing supplement for corn crop residues in late winter.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the spermatological characteristics in male L. abu during the spawning season. Semen was collected weekly by abdominal massage from 26 males in March. In collected semen, volume, motility, duration of motility, concentration and pH were determined. In the L. abu sperm, volume (μl), motility (%), duration of motility (s), concentration (×109/ml), and pH values were found 45.76 ± 3.55, 54.25 ± 2.93, 330.15 ± 37.92, 4.27 ± 0.40 and 7.87 ± 0.05, respectively. A correlation was found between semen volume and semen pH. Semen volume and the duration of sperm motility were higher in the 2nd and 3rd sampling dates than in the 1st and 4th sampling dates (P < 0.05; P < 0.01, respectively). Neither sperm motility nor sperm concentration was affected by sampling dates. Major changes in semen pH were observed in the 4th sampling date (P < 0.001). The Pearson correlation test presented significant relationships with the duration of motility, semen volume, and motility. Semen pH values were significantly correlated with the sperm concentration and semen volume. Sperm concentration was inversely correlated with semen volume. Sperm motility and duration significantly correlated with total weight. Total length significantly correlated with the duration of motility and total weight. In conclusion, these characteristics represent a valuable baseline dataset for establishing a semen quality standard and provide background information that may be useful for assisted breeding programs in this species.  相似文献   
Selamectin, a novel avermectin compound, was evaluated for its efficacy against naturally occurring infestations of Psoroptes cuniculi and Sarcoptes scabiei. A total of 42 New Zealand rabbits with psoroptic mange and 37 Angora rabbits with sarcoptic mange were used in the present study. On day 0, infested rabbits were treated topically with either selamectin at minimum dose of 6 mg kg(-1) (6-18 mg kg(-1) for New Zealand rabbits, n = 31 and 10-12 mg kg(-1) for Angora rabbits, n = 23) or vehicle only (control groups, n = 11 for New Zealand rabbits, n = 14 for Angora rabbits). The efficacy of selamectin was assessed both clinically and parasitologically by the presence or absence of viable mites. Rabbits were scraped for sarcoptic mites on days 7, 14, 28, 42 and 56 and had otoscopeic and/or microscopic examination for the detection of Psoroptes mites on days 7, 14, 42 and 56. Fisher's exact test was used to assess differences between the vehicle and selamectin treatment in the number of rabbits without mites (cure rates) on each assessment date. It was found that significantly fewer selamectin-treated rabbits had mites detected on skin scrapings (for S. scabiei) or otoscopeic and/or microscopic examination (for P. cuniculi) (P < 0.01) than the vehicle group. Results of the present study suggest that selamectin is effective against naturally infestations of P. cuniculi and S. scabiei in rabbits.  相似文献   
Shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.) is regarded as a promising new candidate for Mediterranean mariculture but specifically formulated feeds are not yet available due to knowledge gaps in its basic nutritional requirements. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the effects of dietary lipid levels on growth and feed utilization in shi drum (72.6 g average weight). Four isonitrogenic diets differing in dietary lipid levels between 10 and 19% (named 10L, 13L, 16L, and 19L, respectively) were fed to triplicate groups of fish for 8 weeks. Growth was not affected by treatment whereas feed efficiency was significantly deteriorated in fish fed diets containing lipid higher than 13%. Whole body dry matter and lipid contents were significantly higher in fish fed 19L compared with fish fed the 10L, while whole body protein, ash, and total carbon (C) were statistically unaffected by the dietary treatment. A significant increase in feed, lipid, energy, nitrogen (N), and carbon (C) intake was recorded in fish fed 16L and 19L when compared with 10L. Carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio was significantly higher in fish fed 19L than 10L. Moreover, the N and C losses significantly increased in fish fed 19L compared with 10L and 13L. It was concluded that high dietary lipid did neither had any protein-sparing effect nor other positive result, and diets for shi drum are not recommended to contain more than 13% lipid.  相似文献   
Background: In the last decade, Parascaris spp. resistance to anthelmintics has been recorded in many countries. In Saudi Arabia, there are limited data available on Parascaris spp. resistance to anthelmintics.

Objective: To determine the current status of ivermectin, abamectin and praziquantel combined, and fenbendazole resistance to Parascaris spp. in horses in Saudi Arabia.

Methods: Three hundred and forty-one foals from eleven different farms were examined by faecal egg count (FEC). The foals were all Arab horses aged 17.2 ± 4.5 (SD) months. Ivermectin (n = 46 foals), abamectin and praziquantel combined (n = 46), and fenbendazole (n = 46) were administered on day 0 and faeces were collected on day 14. The study comprised 41 untreated foals as controls. Animals that have FEC of ≥100 eggs per gram (EPG) were used to measure anthelmintic efficacy. Parascaris spp. populations were considered susceptible when faecal egg count reduction (FECR) was ≥95% associated with a lower 95% confidence limit (LCL) >90%, suspected resistant when FECR ≤90% or LCL <90% and resistant when FECR <90% and LCL <90%.

Results: Prevalence of Parascaris spp. infection was 53% (179/341 horses). Anthelmintic resistance to Parascaris spp. were highest following fenbendazole (55% of farms and 65% of foals) and to a lower extent following ivermectin or the combination of abamectin and praziquantel which comprised 27% of farms (and 46% of foals) and 18% of farms (and 10% of foals), respectively.

Conclusion: These data indicate that anthelmintics-resistant Parascaris spp. populations are present on horse farms in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

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