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In January 1997, Tanzania requested international assistance against rinderpest on the grounds that the virus had probably entered the country from southern Kenya. Over the next few months, a variety of attempts were made to determine the extent of the incursion by searching for serological and clinical evidence of the whereabouts of the virus. At the clinical level, these attempts were hampered by the low virulence of the strain, and at the serological level by the lack of a baseline against which contemporary interpretations could be made. Once it became apparent that neither surveillance tool was likely to produce a rapid result, an infected area was declared on common-sense grounds and emergency vaccination was initiated. The vaccination programme had two objectives, firstly to prevent any further entry across the international border, and secondly to contain and if possible eliminate rinderpest from those districts into which it had already entered. On the few occasions that clinical rinderpest was subsequently found, it was always within this provisional infected area. Emergency vaccination campaigns within the infected area ran from January to the end of March 1997 but were halted by the onset of the long rains. At this time, seromonitoring in two districts showed that viral persistence was still theoretically possible and therefore a second round of emergency vaccination was immediately organized. Further seromonitoring then indicated a large number of villages with population antibody prevalences of over 85%. These populations were considered to have been `immunosterilized'. Although no clinical disease had been observed in them, it was decided to undertake additional vaccination in a group of districts to the south of the infected area. Serosurveillance indicated that rinderpest could have been present in a number of these districts prior to vaccination. Serosurveillance in 1998 suggested that numerous vaccinated animals had probably moved into districts outside the infected and additional vaccination areas, but did not rule out the continued presence of field infection.  相似文献   
Some land-use systems in Saskatchewan, Canada include the nitrogen-fixing trees buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea Nutt.), caragana (Caragana arborescens Lam.) and sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.). These species provide various ecological functions such as ameliorating soil moisture, light and temperature but little work has been done quantifying biological nitrogen fixation by these species. Greenhouse experiments were conducted to quantify N2-fixation using the 15N natural abundance and the 15N dilution methods. Buffaloberry failed to form nodules in all but one of the four replicates in the natural abundance experiment. Using the 15N dilution method, the percentage of N derived from atmosphere (%Ndfa) in the shoot of buffaloberry averaged 64 %. For caragana, the mean  %Ndfa was 59 and 65 % and seabuckthorn was 70 and 73 % measured using the natural abundance and dilution methods, respectively. Because of large variability in biomass production between plants grown in the natural abundance experiment and the dilution experiment, the amounts of N2 fixed also were very variable. Buffaloberry fixed an average of 0.89 g N m?2; the average for caragana ranged from 1.14 to 4.12 g N m?2 and seabuckthorn ranged from 0.85 to 3.77 g N m?2 in the natural abundance and dilution experiments, respectively. This corresponds to 16 kg N ha?1 year?1 for buffaloberry; an average of 15–73 kg N ha?1 year?1 in caragana and 11–67 kg N ha?1 year?1 in seabuckthorn. The substantial amounts of N2 fixed by these species indicate that they have the potential to contribute to the overall N balance in land-use systems in which they are included.  相似文献   
Fipronil, (±)-5-amino-1-(2,6-dichloro-∝,∝,∝-trifluoro-p-tolyl)-4-trifluoromethysulfinylpyrazole-3-carbonitrile, is used as an effective insecticide for the control of rice pests in China. Although many studies examining the fate of fipronil in the soilenvironment have been conducted, there are no studies on the microbial degradation of fipronil in the soil environment. Fipronil was degradedby microorganisms in the non-sterile clay loam soil, which resulted in the formation of metabolite, MB45950. The degradation of fipronil in non-sterile clay loam soil was mainly influenced by the soil microbes. The half-lives in non-sterile clay loam soil were 9.72 and 8.78 d at 25 and 35 °C, respectively compared to 33.51 and 32.07 d at 25 and 35 °C, respectively in the sterile soil. The microbial viability test showed that non-sterile clay loam soil had viable microorganisms throughout the experiment. Fipronil did not adversely affect the microbes once soil microbes adapted to the presence of fipronil in the clay loam soil.  相似文献   
Our understanding of the processes influencing the storage and dynamics of carbon (C) in soils under semi-arid agroforestry systems in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is limited. This study evaluated soil C pools in woodlot species of Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth., Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit, Melia azedarach (L.), and Gmelina arborea Roxb.; and in farmland and Ngitili, a traditional silvopastoral system in northwestern Tanzania. Soil organic carbon (SOC) was analyzed in the whole soil to 1 m depth and to 0.4 m in macroaggregates (2000–250 μm), microaggregates (250–53 μm), and silt and clay-sized aggregates (<53 μm) to provide information of C dynamics and stabilization in various land uses. Synchrotron-based C K-edge x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy was also used to study the influence of these land use systems on the soil organic matter (SOM) chemistry to understand the mechanisms of soil C changes. Whole soil C stocks in woodlots (43–67 Mg C ha?1) were similar to those in the reserved Ngitili systems (50–59 Mg C ha?1), indicating the ability of the planted woodlots on degraded lands to restore SOC levels similar to the natural woodlands. SOC in the woodlots were found to be associated more with the micro and silt-and clay-sized aggregates than with macroaggregates, reflecting higher stability of SOC in the woodlot systems. The continuous addition of litter in the woodlots preserved recalcitrant aromatic C compounds in the silt and clay-sized aggregates as revealed by the XANES C K-edge spectra. Therefore establishment of woodlots in semi-arid regions in Tanzania appear to make significant contributions to the long-term SOC stabilization in soil fractions.  相似文献   
Primordial, pre-vitellogenic and vitellogenic follicles were present in the ovary of the immature ostrich. The oocytes of these follicles were composed of a nucleus surrounded by ooplasm. Central, intermediate and cortical regions formed the ooplasm. The organelles present in these ooplasmic regions varied depending on the stage of follicular development. In primordial and small pre-vitellogenic (100-150 microm in diameter) follicles the central region of the ooplasm was dominated by an accumulation of organelles, which formed Balbiani's vitelline body. In contrast, the central region in vitellogenic follicles was filled with numerous large yolk spheres, many of which contained lining bodies. Numerous lipid droplets interspersed with mitochondria and small yolk spheres formed the intermediate ooplasmic region in primordial and small pre-vitellogenic follicles. In large pre-vitellogenic (150-400 microm in diameter) and vitellogenic follicles the intermediate region contained a greater density of mitochondria and small yolk spheres. Small yolk spheres were observed in the cortical region of pre-vitellogenic follicles. An interesting feature of the cortical region in vitellogenic follicles was the frequent occurrence of Golgi complexes. The results of the study indicate that although the ovarian follicles in the immature ostrich are not ovulated, the components and composition of the ooplasm are similar to those observed in the mature follicles of other avian species.  相似文献   
The conversion of tropical forests to agricultural land use is considered as a major cause for a decline in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. However, the extent and impact of different land uses on SOC stock development is highly uncertain, especially for tropical Africa due to a lack of reliable data. Interactions of SOC with the soil mineral phase can modify the susceptibility of SOC to become mineralized. Pedogenic Fe‐, Al‐oxides and clay potentially affect SOC stabilization in highly weathered soils typically found in the humid tropics. The aim of our study was to determine the impact of different land uses on SOC stock on such soils. For that purpose, 10 pedologically similar, deeply weathered acidic soils (Acrisols, Alisols) in the Eastern Usambara Mountains (Amani Nature Reserve, NE Tanzania) under contrasting land use were sampled to a depth of 100 cm. The calculated mean SOC stocks were 17.5 kg C m?2, 16.8 kg C m?2, 16.9 kg C m?2, and 20.0 kg C m?2 for the four forests, two tea plantations, three croplands, and one homegarden, respectively. A significant difference in mean SOC stock of 1.3 kg C m?2 was detected between forest and cropland land use for the 0–10 cm depth increment. No further significant impacts of land use on SOC stocks were observed. All soils have a clearly clay‐dominated texture. They are characterized by high content of pedogenic oxides with 29 to 47 g kg?1 measured for the topsoils and 36 to 65 g kg?1 for the subsoils. No positive significant relationship was found between SOC and clay content. Statistically significant positive relationships existed between oxalate‐extractable Fe, Al, and SOC content for cropland soils only. Compared to data published in literature the SOC stocks determined in our study were generally high independent of the established land use. It appears that efficient SOC stabilization mechanisms are counteracting the higher disturbance regime under agricultural land use in these highly weathered tropical soils.  相似文献   
Frequent nutrient removals accompanying wood and crop harvests from rotational woodlot systems may contribute to declining site productivity and sustainability because of soil nutrient depletion. However, selecting for nutrient-efficient tree species may well sustain productivity under this system. To test this hypothesis, a randomized complete block experiment was adopted to assess effects of five tree species on soil nutrients status, nutrient use efficiency and wood yield in semi-arid Tanzania. After 5 years rotation, top soils under Gliricidia sepium (Jaqua), Acacia polyacantha Willd. and Acacia mangium Willd. were the most fertile with soil organic carbon and exchangeable cation status raised close to those in natural Miombo systems. Soil inorganic N and extractable P levels reached sufficiency levels for subsequent maize culture. Wood productivity in tree fallows averaged three times higher than that of Miombo woodlands indicating the high potential of the woodlot system to supply fuelwood, and consequently relieve harvesting pressures on the natural forests. Acacia crassicarpa A. Cunn. ex Benth. produced the most wood (51 Mg ha−1) at low nutrient “costs” presumably due to high nutrient use efficiency. Wood yield of this species was 42 and 120% greater than that of A. polyacantha and A. nilotica, respectively, but contained comparatively less nutrients (42–60% less for P, K, and Ca). Gliricidia sepium and A. polyacantha returned the largest amount of nutrients through slash at harvests. Of all test species, A. crassicarpa exhibited the most promise to sustain wood production under rotational woodlot systems due to relatively high productivity and low nutrient export at harvest.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to describe the ultrastructural features of atresia in follicles of the immature ostrich (12–14 months old); a ratite that displays seasonal, precocious ovarian activity. The early stage of atresia in primordial, pre-vitellogenic and vitellogenic follicles was characterized by the accumulation of lipid droplets in the granulosa cells. Granulosa cells with condensed cytoplasm and nuclei were a prominent feature during the intermediate phase of atresia. The degenerating follicles were then infiltrated by stroma during the terminal stages of atresia. The results of this study provide further information on the morphology of atretic ovarian follicles in the immature ostrich.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic control of Fusarium wilt resistance is crucial in pigeonpea breeding programme. This study aimed to study the gene action controlling Fusarium wilt resistance, yield and yield components and select promising crosses possessing resistance to Fusarium wilt along with important agronomic yield traits. Six lines were crossed with four testers in a line x tester mating design. For Fusarium wilt reaction, F1’s progenies were evaluated in a sick field having inoculums of Fusarium wilt at one location for two seasons and in a pot as well. The F1’s and parents were evaluated for yield and yield components at two locations for two seasons using a row-column design with two replications. Results indicated that parents and crosses had highly significantly difference for yield and important agronomic traits. General combining ability (GCA) effects of lines and testers were also significant. Specific combining ability (SCA) was also significant for some crosses. Non-additive gene action was more important than additive gene action except for days to maturity and plant height. Crosses ICEAP 00932?×?TZA 2439 and ICEAP 00932?×?TZA 197 displayed small effects of SCA for Fusarium wilt and large SCA for most of yield traits and should be used for integrated disease management.  相似文献   
The morphology of healthy and atretic follicles in the ovary of the sexually immature ostrich was described in the present study. In addition, the distribution of the intermediate filaments desmin, vimentin and smooth muscle actin, in these ovarian follicles, was demonstrated. Healthy and atretic primordial, pre-vitellogenic and vitellogenic follicles were present in the ovaries of the sexually immature ostrich. Atresia occurred during all stages of follicular development. Atretic primordial and pre-vitellogenic follicles were characterized by the presence of a shrunken oocyte surrounded by a multilayered granulosa cell layer. Two forms of atresia (types 1 and 2) were identified in vitellogenic follicles. In the advanced stages of type 1 atresia the follicle was dominated by a hyalinized mass. In contrast, in type 2 atresia the granulosa and theca interna cells differentiated into interstitial gland cells. Positive immunostaining for desmin was observed in the granulosa cells of only healthy primordial and pre-vitellogenic follicles. Atretic primordial and pre-vitellogenic follicles were immunonegative for desmin. Vimentin immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the granulosa cells of all follicles except the vitellogenic atretic follicles. The results of the present study indicate that ovarian follicles in the sexually immature ostrich undergo a cycle of growth and regression, which is similar to that reported in other avian species. Furthermore, based on the results of the immunohistochemical study, it would appear that the distribution and immunostaining of intermediate filaments changes during follicular development and atresia.  相似文献   
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