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Summary Clones derived from thirty-one different accessions (nineteen of Argentine origin) belonging to eightSolanum species were screened for resistance to infection by potato virus X strain cp (PVX cp) by mechanical inoculation of plantlets that had been micropropagated in vitro. Estimates of PVX multiplication obtained by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and slot blot nucleic acid hybridization allowed the identification of resistant clones derived from five accessions belonging toS. commersonii S. oplocense, S. sparsipilum andS. tuberosum andigena. Resistant genotypes supported PVX concentrations 5 to 15 times smaller than did the susceptible control cultivar Spunta. Graft inoculation test confirmed the presence of extreme resistance similar to that conferred by the ‘immunity’ gene X1 (also called RXact).  相似文献   
Participatory research methods have helped scientists to understand how farmers experiment and to seek partnerships with farmers in developing technologies with enhanced relevance and adoption. This paper reports on the development of a participatory methodology to systematize long-term experimentation with agroforestry systems carried out in a hotspot of biodiversity by non-governmental organizations and local farmers. A methodological guide for systematization and techniques used for Participatory Rural Appraisal formed the basis of our work. We propose an analytical framework that recognizes systems of reflexive and learning interactions, in order to make the learned lessons explicit. At the process level, the main lessons and recommendations are as follows. It is important to establish partnerships to conduct innovative and complex experimentation with agroforest. Participatory systematization allows us to improve the methodological aspects of design, implementation and management of on-farm participatory experimentation. It also serves to synthesize the main findings and to extract lessons from agroforestry systems experiments. It fosters the technical improvement of agroforestry systems. It creates possibilities for reflection on agroforestry systems by farmers, extensionists and researchers, as well as their learning with respect to management of such systems. The findings are placed in the context of current theory on participatory experimentation in agriculture. Extractive and interactive approaches help to produce rich insights of mutual interest through collaboration by identifying local, regional and global convergences, complementarities, and conflicts of interest; which affect the advance of new eco-friendly technologies, to both improve the livelihoods and to reverse biodiversity loss and environmental degradation.  相似文献   
Subolesin/akirin is a well characterized protective antigen highly conserved across vector species and thus potentially useful for the development of a broad-spectrum vaccine for the control of arthropod infestations including hard ticks, mosquitoes, sand flies and the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Soft ticks could be also targeted by this vaccine if proved that the soft tick subolesin orthologs are conserved and induce protective immune responses too. However, to date no soft tick subolesin orthologs have been fully characterized nor tested as recombinant antigens in vaccination trials. The objectives of the present work were to clone and characterize the subolesin orthologs from two important vector species of soft ticks as Ornithodoros erraticus and O. moubata, to evaluate the effect of subolesin gene silencing by RNAi, and to test the protective value of the recombinant antigens in vaccination trials. The obtained results demonstrate that both soft tick subolesins are highly conserved showing more than 69% and 74% identity with those of hard ticks in their nucleotide and amino acid sequences, respectively. Additionally, we demonstrate that both soft ticks possess fully operative RNAi machinery, and that subolesin gene silencing by dsRNA injection inhibits oviposition indicating the involvement of subolesin in tick reproduction. Finally, vaccination with the recombinant soft tick subolesins induced a partial protective effect resulting in the reduction of the oviposition rate. These preliminary results encourage further studies on the use of recombinant subolesins as vaccines for the control of soft tick infestations, either alone or in combination with other specific molecules.  相似文献   
A novel method for infecting pigs with Taenia solium using an intramuscular innoculum of oncospheres was investigated in a series of five experiments in 18 animals. The model is simple to perform, requires a minimal number of oncospheres, permits multiple infections per animal, and decreases the variation inherent in oral infection models. This intramuscular oncosphere assay (IMOA) may provide a valuable tool to evaluate therapeutic agents or potential vaccines for cysticercosis.  相似文献   
The present study compared the quality of sperm collected by artificial vagina or pharmacologically induced ejaculation from a 10-year-old thoroughbred stallion with seminal vesiculitis. The pharmacological protocol involved intravenous administration of detomidine (0.01 mg/kg) and oxytocin (20 IU) and successfully induced ejaculation in all attempts of semen collection. Sperm motility, plasma membrane and acrosome integrity (PMAI), reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) percentage, and bacterial profiles of fresh and cooled semen (5°C for 24 hr) were evaluated. Semen obtained by the pharmacological method presented reduced seminal volume, decreased PMN percentage and superior sperm motility in cooled samples. Moreover, higher PMAI and lower ROS levels were observed in semen collected by the pharmacological method. Therefore, pharmacologically induced ejaculation is an alternative to obtain semen with minimal contamination and with sperm of superior quality and longevity from stallions with seminal vesiculitis.  相似文献   
Andean potato varieties are cultivated in the northwest of Argentina and constitute the most important staple food for the local farmers. The genetic diversity of 155 accessions conserved at the Genebank of Balcarce (INTA) was tested using four microsatellites. Three commercial potato varieties of Tuberosum group and one accession of Curtilobum group were used as outgroups. The presence of bands was scored for each microsatellite and for each accession and the data were analysed by principal coordinate analysis. The polymorphism information content was obtained for each molecular marker from banding patterns. Analysis of molecular variance was carried out with a variable number of accessions for each landrace, from different departments and sites within departments. More than one genotype was detected in the majority of the potato landraces. Some accessions within each landrace did not differentiate. AMOVA revealed that most of the genetic variation occurred among sites within departments and among local varieties. These findings are discussed considering the agricultural practices carried out in the Andean farming system.  相似文献   
The inflammatory toxicity of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a component of bacterial cell walls, is driven by the adaptor proteins myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) and Toll-interleukin 1 receptor domain-containing adapter inducing interferon-beta (TRIF), which together mediate signaling by the endotoxin receptor Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). Monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA) is a low-toxicity derivative of LPS with useful immunostimulatory properties, which is nearing regulatory approval for use as a human vaccine adjuvant. We report here that, in mice, the low toxicity of MPLA's adjuvant function is associated with a bias toward TRIF signaling, which we suggest is likely caused by the active suppression, rather than passive loss, of proinflammatory activity of this LPS derivative. This finding may have important implications for the development of future vaccine adjuvants.  相似文献   
Ehrlichia ruminantium is the causative agent of Heartwater, a fatal tick-borne disease affecting ruminants in African countries and West Indies and can be used as an inactivated vaccine for wild and domestic animals. In order to improve E. ruminantium production yields we characterize E. ruminantium growth kinetics in terms of duplication time, maximum production yield, and peak of infectivity. After a 24 h period for E. ruminantium attachment/internalization and a lag phase of 12 h, the exponential growth occurred within 36-108 h post-infection (hpi) with a net increase of up to 2.2 orders of magnitude. Maximum E. ruminantium infectivity was observed at 120 hpi and was defined as the best time of harvesting (TOH) for propagation of E. ruminantium cultures. This study showed that considering the quality constraint of the final product (E. ruminantium vaccine), the E. ruminantium suspension should be harvested at 113 hpi. Overall, the characterization of E. ruminantium progression through the average infection cycle, not only can contribute to the maximization of E. ruminantium production yield, with important consequences for the large scale production and utilization of an inactivated Heartwater vaccine, but also to elucidate growth mechanisms of some of the other ehrlichial species, with emerging impact in human and animal health.  相似文献   
In Mexico, there are no commercial alternatives for the immunoprophylaxis of bovine Anaplasmosis, a disease responsible for great economic losses. Blood derived Anaplasma marginale used for immunizing susceptible cattle has shown promising results for homologous protection and controversial results against unrelated strains. The present study examined, under controlled conditions, the cross-protective potential of an immunogen composed of blood derived A. marginale of three strains against challenge with strains not included in the immunogens. Groups 1 and 2 were immunized with blood derived Anaplasma from strains Mexico, Morelos and Yucatan, group 4 with strains Morelos, Veracruz and Yucatan, two more groups (2 and 5) of equal conditions were inoculated with an adjuvant alone. Groups 1, 4 and 5 were challenged with Mexico strain; groups 2 and 3 were challenge-inoculated with strain Veracruz; groups 3 and 5 with strains Veracruz and Mexico as controls. Only animals in group 1, immunized and challenged with strain Mexico showed adequate protection. Both groups challenged with strains not included in the immunogens developed poor protection, while all the controls had to be treated to prevent death.  相似文献   
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