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We examined long-term changes in soil solution chemistry associated with experimental, whole watershed-acidification at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM). At BBWM, the West Bear (WB) watershed has been treated with bimonthly additions of ((NH4)2 SO4) since 1989. The adjacent East Bear (EB) watershed serves as a biogeochemical reference. Soil solution chemistry in the EB watershed was relatively stable from 1989?C2007, with the exception of declining SO4?CS concentrations associated with a progressive decline in SO4?CS deposition during this period. Soil solution chemistry in WB reflected a progressive change in acid-neutralization mechanisms from base cation buffering to Al buffering associated with treatment during this period. Total dissolved Al concentrations progressively increased over time and were ~4× higher in 2007 than in 1989. Treatment of WB was also associated with long-term increases in soil solution H+, SO4?CS, and NO3?CN, whereas soil solution dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was unresponsive to treatment. For solutes such as Ca, H+, and SO4?CS, changes in stream chemistry were generally parallel to changes in soil solution chemistry, indicating a close coupling of terrestrial and aquatic processes that regulate the chemistry of solutions in this first-order stream watershed. For other solutes such as Al and DOC, solute concentrations were higher in soil solutions compared with streams, suggesting that sorption and transformation processes along hydrologic flow-paths were important in regulating the chemistry of solutions and the transport of these solutes.  相似文献   
The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) can be considered as a relevant indicator species for Salmonella in the local environment and Salmonella faecal carriage was investigated in 215 red foxes in Norway shot during the winters 2002/2003 and 2003/2004. Fourteen (6.5%) of the foxes carried Salmonella. Four isolates were determined as serovars Kottbus (n=2) and Hessarek (n=2) of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica, and one as S. enterica subspecies IIIb:61:k:1,5,(7). The remaining nine isolates were S. enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium 4,12:i:1,2 and all displayed the same pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profile designated A2. This serovar regularly causes disease outbreaks amongst small passerine birds during winter and most of these outbreaks are associated with the PFGE profile A2. The results strongly indicated that the Salmonella Typhimurium infections in red foxes were primarily acquired through ingestion of infected small passerines. To investigate the capability of the A2 strain to establish a true intestinal infection in the fox an inoculation experiment with an A2 isolate from small passerines was carried out in farmed silver foxes (V. vulpes). The experiment also included one strain with an uncommonly occurring profile (X201) from small passerines. To highlight possible differences in capability of the two inoculation strains to pass the acid gastric juice in the fox, in vitro studies of their acid tolerance was carried out. Also their catalase activity and biofilm production were studied. All three foxes inoculated with the A2 strain developed sub-clinical intestinal infection of 2 weeks duration, whereas none of the three foxes inoculated with the X201 strain shed this bacterium. The X201 strain displayed a much lower capability, than the A2 strain, to survive at pH 3 in vitro. The low acid tolerance probably made it difficult for the X201 strain to pass the stomach and establish an intestinal infection in the experimental foxes. Reduced catalase activity and biofilm production were found for the X201 strain, indicating that the low acid tolerance was caused by a defect in the stationary-phase stress response system.  相似文献   


Selenium is part of the antioxidant defence system in animals and humans. The available selenium concentration in soil is low in many regions of the world. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of organic versus inorganic selenium supplementation on selenium status of ewes, their lambs, and slaughter lambs.


Ewes on four organic farms were allocated five or six to 18 pens. The ewes were given either 20 mg/kg inorganic selenium as sodium selenite or organic selenium as selenized nonviable yeast supplementation for the two last months of pregnancy. Stipulated selenium concentrations in the rations were below 0.40 mg/kg dry matter. In addition 20 male lambs were given supplements from November until they were slaughtered in March. Silage, hay, concentrates, and individual ewe blood samples were taken before and after the mineral supplementation period, and blood samples were taken from the newborn lambs. Blood samples from ewes and lambs in the same pens were pooled. Muscle samples were taken from slaughter lambs in March. Selenium concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry with a hydride generator system. In the ANOVA model, selenium concentration was the continuous response variable, and selenium source and farm were the nominal effect variables. Two-sample t-test was used to compare selenium concentrations in muscle samples from the slaughtered lambs that received either organic or inorganic selenium supplements.


In all ewe pens the whole blood selenium concentrations increased during the experimental period. In addition, ewe pens that received organic selenium had significantly higher whole blood selenium concentrations (mean 0.28 μg/g) than ewe pens that received inorganic selenium (mean 0.24 μg/g). Most prominent, however, was the difference in their lambs; whole blood mean selenium concentration in lambs from mothers that received organic selenium (mean 0.27 μg/g) was 30% higher than in lambs from mothers that received inorganic selenium (mean 0.21 μg/g). Slaughter lambs that received organic selenium had 50% higher meat selenium concentrations (mean 0.12 mg/kg wet weight) than lambs that received inorganic selenium (mean 0.08 mg/kg wet weight).


Organic selenium supplementation gave higher selenium concentration in ewe and newborn lamb blood and slaughter lamb meat than inorganic selenium supplementation.  相似文献   
Faecal samples were collected from 1,190 wild cervids in Norway and analyzed for cysts/oocysts of the protozoan parasites Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Samples were from calves, yearlings and adults of moose (Alces alces), red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) shot during the hunting season. Cryptosporidium was found in 15 (3.3%) of 455 moose, 1 (0.3%) of 289 red deer, 18 (6.2%) of 291 roe deer, but was not found in any of 155 reindeer. Giardia was found in 56 (12.3%) moose, 5 (1.7%) red deer, 45 (15.5%) roe deer and 11 (7.1%) reindeer. The calves had the highest prevalence of infection, but this was only statistically significant for Giardia in moose and for Cryptosporidium and Giardia in roe deer. Calves generally had the highest intensity of infection, but this difference was only statistically significant for calves with Giarda and the highest intensity of infection. Both Giardia and Cryptosporidium were found in samples from several geographical areas, indicating that these parasites are distributed among the cervid population in all parts of Norway, especially in moose and roe deer. This is the first published report of Cryptosporidium in moose and of Giardia in reindeer.  相似文献   
Herbage selenium (Se) concentration is generally low in Norway. It is unknown whether feeding practices on Norwegian organic farms fulfil the dietary needs of Se and vitamin E for sheep and dairy cattle. Therefore we analysed Se in soil and herbage, and Se and vitamin E in animal blood in the indoor feeding season at 14 organic dairy and 14 organic sheep farms. The herbage Se concentration was low. Approximately 50 and 35% of all samples in the first and second cut, respectively, had Se concentrations below the detection limit of 0.01 mg/kg dry matter (DM). The median (10th, 90th percentile) Se concentrations were <0.01 (<0.01, 0.03) and 0.02 (<0.01, 0.06) mg/kg DM in the first and second cuts, respectively. Whole blood Se concentrations were 0.10 (0.04, 0.15) μg/g in dairy cattle and 0.14 (0.03, 0.26) μg/g in sheep. Vitamin E concentrations were 4.2 (2.7, 8.4) mg/l in dairy cattle and 1.3 (0.9, 2.4) mg/l in sheep. None of the soil or plant variables explained the variation in herbage Se concentration, although Se in soil and plant tended to be correlated. Herbage Se concentration was inadequate to meet the dietary Se requirements. Vitamin E requirement was only met in dairy herds. We recommend Se and vitamin E supplementation to ruminants on organic farms.  相似文献   
The aim of this project was to compare the hygienic quality of the bedding, as well as the parasitic load, cleanliness and lying behaviour in heifers kept on either straw or wood chip deep bedding. Fourteen heifers kept in two pens were housed on straw or wood chip bedding for 43 days, after which the bedding material was switched for 43 additional days. Significantly more mould was found in wood chip than in straw and there was a tendency towards less yeast in wood chip. The heifers had a low faecal parasitic load. The results indicate that the wood chip treatment resulted in somewhat cleaner animals. The heifers had a significantly longer total lying time when kept on straw. In conclusion, wood chip deep bedding could be an option as bedding material, but the impact on hygiene of bedding material and lying behaviour needs to be further investigated.  相似文献   
Quality changes of vacuum-packed Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) fillets during 12 months’ frozen storage at ?27°C and 9 days’ chilled storage at +4°C were evaluated. Freezing at ?27°C preserved the long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFAs), both in light and dark muscle, vitamin D, and the low molecular weight metabolites (LMW) (studied by high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, HR NMR). Protein oxidation took place, especially between 1 and 7 months, decreasing water holding capacity and protein extractability. During chilled storage, no lipid or protein oxidation was observed, but lipolysis increased, and several LMW metabolites relevant for sensory and nutritional quality degraded into non-favorable compounds. The content of biogenic amines was high at day 9 (e.g., 18 mg histamine/100 g), jeopardizing safety. Preservation of mackerel fillets by freezing at ?27°C is thus a better option compared to prolonged chilled storage at +4°C; the quality was well preserved for 12 months’ frozen storage.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to non-invasively determine fat and pigment concentrations in salmon muscle based on visible and near infrared (VIS/NIR) spectroscopy measurements of live/whole fish and fillets, and by means of digital photography (DP) of fillets. The fish used were two populations of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) consisting of 46 salmon averaging 0.7 kg (range 0.17–1.7 kg, Group S) and 30 salmon averaging 2.3 kg (range 1.4–4.1 kg, Group L). Chemical analyses (fat and pigment content) and computerized tomography, CT (fat content) were used as reference methods. Group L was analysed in the live state (VIS/NIR), after gutting (VIS/NIR and CT), and as fillets (VIS/NIR and DP). Group S was analysed in the gutted state (VIS/NIR) and as fillets (VIS/NIR and DP). VIS spectroscopy predictions of pigment in whole salmon from Group S were obtained with a root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 0.9 mg kg− 1 astaxanthin, and a correlation between VIS spectroscopy predicted and chemically measured pigment of r = 0.85 (p < 0.0001). The fat concentration was determined by the NIR spectroscopy in live fish with RMSEP = 1.0 fat% unit, and a correlation with chemical reference values of r = 0.94 (p < 0.0001). Fat predictions from NIR spectroscopy correlated also well with predictions from CT analyses, r = 0.95 (p < 0.0001). VIS spectroscopy and DP were equally well suited to determine pigment concentrations in salmon fillets, with prediction errors of only 0.4 mg kg− 1 astaxanthin, and a correlation with chemically determined pigment of r = 0.92 (p < 0.0001). The results obtained in the present study are the first to demonstrate successful non-invasive pigment predictions in whole salmon using VIS/NIR spectroscopy, and the possibility for simultaneous, rapid and non-destructive quantification of fat and pigment concentrations.  相似文献   
Serum samples from 4339 wild cervids collected in Norway were tested for antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii using the direct agglutination test. The association between seroprevalence and species, sex, age, and geographic region was investigated. Positive titers (> or =1:40) were found in 33.9% of 760 roe deer (Capreolus capreolus); 12.6% of 2142 moose (Alces alces); 7.7% of 571 red deer (Cervus elaphus); and 1.0% of 866 reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). The seroprevalences were significantly different between the species. There was a significant increase in prevalence with age in roe deer, moose, and red deer, except from yearling to adult in red deer. A significant age-sex interaction was found in moose, and the effect of age was most distinct for females. No association between seropositive animals and sex was found for roe deer and red deer. There were significant differences in prevalence between geographic regions in roe deer and male moose. A widespread exposure to T. gondii in Norwegian cervids is documented, and meat from Norwegian cervids, particularly roe deer, should be regarded a potential source of infection for humans.  相似文献   
 Effects of increased soil temperature on soil microbial biomass and dehydrogenase activity were examined on organic (O) horizon material in a low-elevation spruce-fir ecosystem. Soil temperature was maintained at 5  °C above ambient during the growing season in the experimental plots, and soil temperature, moisture, microbial biomass, and dehydrogenase activity were measured during the experiment. An incubation study was also conducted under three temperature regimes, 5, 15, and 25  °C, and under four moisture regimes of 20, 120, 220, and 320% to further evaluate these environmental factors on dehydrogenase activity and microbial biomass. Soil moisture content and microbial biomass controls were significantly lower (30% and 2 μg g–1 soil, respectively) in the heated plots during the treatment period, suggesting that moisture content was important in controlling microbial biomass. In the incubation study, temperature appeared more important than moisture in controlling microbial biomass and dehydrogenase activity. Increasing temperature between 5  °C and 25  °C resulted in significant decreases in microbial biomass and dehydrogenase activity. Received: 7 August 1998  相似文献   
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