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The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of presumed cerebrovascular accident in 12 dogs are described. Fourteen lesions were seen, commonly (11 of 14) within the gray matter of the cerebellar hemispheres or vermis. Thirteen lesions were hyperintense on T2-weighted images (in 11 dogs) and one was hypointense. Eleven of 14 lesions were within the region supplied by the rostral cerebellar artery or one of its main branches and there was no, or minimal, mass effect. Contrast enhancement was only seen in six lesions and was mild in all. Gradient-echo images provided additional information in two dogs. The appearance of infarction in dogs with diffusion-weighted images (DWI) is similar to that in humans, and provided supportive evidence for the diagnosis of infarction in five dogs. The use of gradient-echo and DWI is recommended for the evaluation of suspected cerebrovascular accidents in dogs. Six of the 12 affected animals were spaniels or spaniel crosses, suggesting a possible breed predisposition.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to detect pregnancy in Iraqi riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) using three different methods (rectal palpation, plasma progesterone concentration and detection of the presence of pregnancy‐specific protein B (PSPB) with the BioPRYN® enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. The aim of the study was to identify the most sensitive, early and accurate method for detecting pregnancy. Twenty‐two female riverine buffalo that were 6.0 ± 0.93 years old were used. Four blood samples per buffalo were taken via jugular venipuncture at days 22–24, 32–34, 42–44 and 58–61 post‐mating (PM) to measure the progesterone concentration (ng/ml) and to detect the presence of plasma PSPB. The rectal palpation method was employed to evaluate all buffalo on days 42–44 and 58–61 PM. The BioPRYN® test differed (p < 0.01) from the other tests with earlier accuracy for detecting pregnant and non‐pregnant buffalo. Eighty‐eight percent of pregnant and 76.9% of non‐pregnant buffalo were distinguished early (days 22–24 PM) using BioPRYN® and plasma PSPB‐ELISA level (2.09 ± 0.12 ng/ml) in relation to 66.7% and 53.9% detected using the progesterone assay at similar days (4.30 ± 0.40 ng/ml). In conclusion, these results described, for the first time, the early and accurate pregnancy detection of water riverine buffalo using BioPRYN® technology and provided the plasma levels of PSPB using an ELISA test. These findings will improve the reproductive and productive efficiency of Iraqi riverine buffalo by adapting the recent management and reproductive strategies in Iraq and in the world.  相似文献   
At small spatial scales basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) forage selectively on zooplankton along thermal fronts, but the factors influencing broader scale patterns in their abundance and distribution remain largely unknown. Using long‐term sightings data collected off southwest Britain between 1988 and 2001, we show that the number of basking sharks recorded was highly correlated with abiotic factors, principally sea surface temperature (SST) and the lagged effect of SST in the previous month, but only very weakly to zooplankton density. This suggests that the changes in number of basking sharks recorded over large spatio‐temporal scales are more closely related to the availability of climate‐driven thermal resources than prey availability, whereas the converse is supported by previous studies at local scales. Taken together, these results imply scale‐dependent behavioural responses in basking sharks, with small‐scale foraging movements linked by broad scale responses to temperature variation.  相似文献   
Zimbabwe's 1992 food crisis revealed both spatial and social contradictions associated with post-independence agricultural growth. Zimbabwe's pattern of agricultural restructuring demonstrates the need for agrarian reform programs that are more socially and environmentally sustainable. This paper examines one aspect of agricultural sustainability—the use of energy. Post-independence patterns of agricultural energy consumption are analyzed and traced historically, and the social relations of agricultural energy utilization are investigated. The energetic efficiencies of the primary farming systems are calculated as are the macro-flows of energy to agriculture generally. The data and historical analysis point to the need for a restructuring of agriculture that involves greater reliance on local renewable energy in all farming systems, and the continued resettlement of black smallholders onto former white-settler estates.  相似文献   
Acquired tricuspid valve stenosis (TVS) is a rare complication of endocardial lead placement in humans that has not been described in the veterinary literature. We describe a 6.5-year-old Border terrier that was presented with right-sided congestive heart failure 5.5 years after placement of a transvenous pacemaker. Severe TVS was confirmed by cardiac ultrasonography and appeared to be secondary to excessive endocardial pacemaker lead within the right atrium. Repositioning of the lead proved impossible and subsequent postmortem examination demonstrated fusion of the tricuspid valve (TV) leaflets around the endocardial lead with associated narrowing of the tricuspid valve orifice. In addition, the loop of the endocardial lead was anchored by thick fibrous tissue to the right atrial wall. This case report suggests that if sufficient endocardial lead is left inside the heart, in dogs undergoing transvenous pacemaker therapy, the redundant lead can become adherent to the tricuspid valve apparatus and cause valvular stenosis.  相似文献   
Shelf waters of southern Australia support the world's only northern boundary current ecosystem. Although there are some indications of intense nitrate enrichment in the eastern Great Australian Bight (GAB) arising from upwelling of the Flinders Current, the biological consequences of these processes are poorly understood. We show that productivity in the eastern GAB is low during winter, but that coastal upwelling at several locations during the austral summer–autumn results in localized increases in surface chlorophyll a concentrations and downstream enhancement of zooplankton biomass. Sardine (Sardinops sagax) and anchovy (Engraulis australis) eggs and larvae are abundant and widely distributed in shelf waters of the eastern and central GAB during summer–autumn, with high densities of sardine eggs and larvae occurring in areas with high zooplankton biomass. Egg densities and distributions support previous evidence suggesting that the spawning biomass of sardine in the waters off South Australia is an order of magnitude higher than elsewhere in southern Australia. Sardine comprised >50% of the identified prey species of juvenile southern bluefin tuna (SBT, Thunnus maccoyii) collected during this study. Other studies have shown that the lipid content of sardine from the GAB is relatively high during summer and autumn. We suggest that juvenile SBT migrate into the eastern and central GAB during each summer–autumn to access the high densities of lipid‐rich sardines that are available in the region during the upwelling period. Levels of primary, secondary and fish production in the eastern GAB during summer–autumn are higher than those recorded in other parts of Australia, and within the lower portion of ranges observed during upwelling events in the productive eastern boundary current systems off California, Peru and southern Africa.  相似文献   
Objective – The aim of this article is to review Angiostrongylus vasorum infection in dogs, including the life cycle, signalment, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment. Apparent changes in the epidemiology of this unique parasite are considered, alongside information available regarding its recent geographic spread.
Etiology – A. vasorum is a metastrongyloid parasite capable of causing an array of clinical problems in dogs, including cardiorespiratory, coagulopathic, and neurologic signs. Currently, the parasite has a worldwide distribution; however, it usually arises in small pockets of enzootic foci. Recent reports suggest a changing distribution of this parasite, which has renewed interest in its epidemiology and in the risk of expansion to new areas including mainland North America.
Diagnosis – A definitive diagnosis of angiostrongylosis is usually made using the modified Baermann technique either using feces or tracheobronchial secretions; however, this review also discusses novel methods such as serologic and molecular techniques.
Therapy – Once a diagnosis of angiostrongylosis is made, prompt treatment should follow with anthelmintic drugs (such as moxidectin/imidacloprid, milbemycin oxime, or fenbendazole) and supportive care dependent upon the patient's clinical signs. Currently, there is no proven prophylactic regime.
Prognosis – The prognosis appears to be very dependent upon the severity of clinical signs at presentation. A. vasorum can be fatal and death may be sudden. However, if a prompt diagnosis is made and appropriate treatment is administered complete clinical resolution is possible.  相似文献   
用4种热处理方法处理腺瘤豆心材,可有效去除异味,替代珍贵绿柄桑木材使用.处理后的木材经白腐菌侵染 12星期,平均质量损失率与未经处理的试材相比变化不大,天然耐久性等级保持不变,而且其中2种处理方法还能够明显提高木材的耐腐性能,木材的天然耐久性等级因此也由Ⅱ类提高到Ⅰ类.  相似文献   
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