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Based on the light microscopic observations of cells' sizes, chromatin patterns, amount of lipid droplets and yolk granules, the female germ cells could be classified into four different phases, which include 1) oogonia (Oog), 2) primary oocytes (pOc), 3) secondary oocytes (sOc), and 4) mature oocyte (mOc). Oog are small oval-shaped cells with irregular-shaped nuclei sizing 4–6 μm in diameter. They rest on the connective tissue germinal cord at the tip of each ovarian pouch (lobule). Oogonia increase their number through mitotic division, and the daughter cells move into ovarian pouch where they undergo first meiotic division to become primary oocytes, which have various steps of 1st meiotic prophase accumulating at the innermost zone of the ovarian pouch. The primary oocytes are small oval-shaped cells (8.5–10 μm in diameter) with large nuclei containing chromatin in various states of condensation that finally transform into chromatids. Their nuclei are surrounded by thin rim of faint blue-stained cytoplasm. The secondary oocytes derived from 2nd meiosis and comprise five steps: Oc1 and Oc2, classified as previtellogenic oocytes, Oc3 and Oc4, classified as vitellogenic oocytes, and mature oocyte (mOc) The zones of ovarian pouch are defined based on the accumulation of various steps of developing oocytes, namely, oogenic, previtellogenic, vitellogenic and mature zones, respectively. The ovarian cycle is divided into five stages based on the number and types of oocytes present in each stage. Stage 0 and I are spawn and spent stages. Stage II and III are proliferative and premature stages, while stage IV is mature stage. During ovarian stage I, each ovarian pouch contains primarily oogonia, primary oocytes, Oc1 and a few Oc2. In stage II, the pouch contains mainly Oc2 and Oc3, while in stage III the predominant cells are Oc4. Mature oocytes appear synchronously, in stage IV. The ovulating mature oocytes pass through the thin disrupted wall of ovarian pouch into subcapsular space, that leads into the oviduct situated on the ventro-lateral side of the ovarian lobe. At spawning, the ovarian pouches break down and only connective sheaths and hemolymph sinuses remain. The germinal cords and islets of oogonia remain in the central area of stage 0 ovary. The ovarian capsule, including the muscular layer, becomes attenuated as the ovary progresses from stage 0 to IV. The hemolymph vessels become highly convoluted in the central area of the ovary, and they branch radially into smaller hemolymph sinuses around each oogenic pouch.  相似文献   
Daytime sampling using a seine net was conducted at Pak Phanang Bay (Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand) in February and July 2006, to determine differences in fish assemblage structures between a mangrove site and an adjacent site completely cleared of mangroves. The overall numbers of fish species and individuals were significantly higher at the mangrove site than the cleared site in both months. Although benthic crustacean feeders showed more species and individual numbers at the mangrove site in both months, the opposite was found for zooplankton feeders. A cluster analysis, based on the abundance of each species, demonstrated that the fish assemblage structures were distinctly different between the two sites. In addition, significant differences in length frequency distributions for each of the four most abundant species were found between the sites in February and/or July. Small individuals of Scatophagus argus, Ambassis nalua, and Tetraodon nigroviridis were more common at the mangrove site, and of Chelon subviridis at the cleared site. These results suggest that mangrove deforestation exerts marked effects on fish assemblages.  相似文献   
Parenchymal cells in adult Fasciola gigantica can be classified into three types based on their ultrastructural features and different quantities of fatty acid binding protein (FABP) being stored. Parenchymal cell type 1 (Pc1) has pale cytoplasm consisting largely of a loose network of fine fibers, and it contains few mitochondria but numerous glycogen particles. This cell type may be specialized in the storage and metabolism of glycogen and glucose. Parenchymal cell type 2 (Pc2) has similar cytoplasmic features as Pc1 but contains more numerous mitochondria, and high concentration of FABP as reflected by high density of immunostaining and immunogold labeling using specific monoclonal antibody (MoAb) to FABP as probe. Pc2 may, thus, specialize in the storage and metabolism of fatty acids and other lipids. Parenchymal cell type 3 (Pc3) has dense cytoplasm containing large amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and mitochondria, which is typical of a secretory cell. Furthermore, Pc3 has very little glycogen particles and is not stained by MoAb against FABP. It could, thus, be concerned with the synthesis of fibers, which form the scaffold of the parenchyma.  相似文献   
Forty-five soil samples were collected from aquaculture areas in 23 provinces of Thailand to include six soil orders and wide variation in physical and chemical properties. Soil-water microcosms were prepared containing 5 g of soil and 150 mL of distilled water. Microcosms were held on an oscillating table shaker (150 rpm) for 1 wk at 25 C in the dark. Water pH and concentrations of dissolved nutrients, total alkalinity, and total hardness were measured. Differences in properties within soil orders caused wide variation in composition of solutions and differences in concentrations of dissolved substances and pH were not related to soil order. Regression analyses revealed significant correlations between concentrations of soil nutrients extractable in dilute acid (0.05 N HCI plus O.025 N H2SO4) or in neutral, 1 N ammonium acetate and aqueous concentrations. Regression coefficients usually were higher for dilute-acid extractable nutrients than for ammonium acetate extractable ones. Regression coeficients based on dilute-acid extractable nutrients follow: soluble reactive phosphorus ( r = 0.816); calcium ( r = 0.685); magnesium ( r = 0.470); potassium ( r = 0.959); sodium ( r = 0.977); manganese ( r = 0.462); boron ( r = 0.399). The correlation between soil and solution iron was not significant and aqueous concentrations of copper and zinc were below detection limit. Hardness was correlated with soil carbon ( r = 0.710) and soil pH was a good predictor of alkalinity ( r = 0.877). Soil pH and aqueous pH were highly correlated (r = 0.939). Findings suggest that soil characteristics can be used to predict pH and concentrations of several dissolved substances in soil-water systems under aerobic conditions.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5HT) on ovarian development in Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man. Adult female prawns at the ovarian stage I (spent) were injected with 5HT at 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 μg g− 1 body weight (BW) intramuscularly on days 0, 5 and 10, and sacrificed on day 15. The doses as related to the effect could be categorized into three levels: low (1 and 5 μg g− 1 BW of 5HT), medium (10 and 20 μg g− 1 BW of 5HT) and high (50 μg g− 1 BW of 5HT). The low-dose, especially at 1 μg g− 1 BW, caused prawns to exhibit a significant increase in ovarian index (ovarian weight/body weight × 100) (5.79 ± 0.09%) as compared to the control (1.49%). The ovaries of most of these prawns could develop to stage IV (mature) and contained synchronously mature oocytes while most of the control ovaries remained at stage I and II (proliferative), and contained only oogonia to previtellogenic (Oc1, Oc2) and early vitellogenic oocytes (Oc3). The medium- and high-dose treated prawns exhibited ovaries that could reach stages III and IV and contained various types of oocytes of different maturity. Pretreatment with 5HT receptor antagonist, cyproheptadine (CYP), at 10 μg g− 1 BW before 5HT injection significantly suppressed the effect of 5HT. Intramuscular injection of the 5HT-primed thoracic ganglion culture medium into CYP-pretreated prawns resulted in the increase of ovarian index about 5–6 times more than in the control, and in the groups injected with 5HT-primed media from muscle strip, eyestalk and brain. The ovaries of most prawn could develop up to stage IV and contained synchronously developed vitellogenic (Oc4) and mature oocytes (Oc5). These findings suggest that 5HT indirectly induces ovarian development and oocytes maturation in M. rosenbergii, probably via a putative ovarian stimulating factor released from the thoracic ganglia.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To examine the prevalence and risk factors of vitamin deficiencies among older Thai adults. METHODS: The cross-sectional study was conducted in four rural communities, one from each of the four main regions of Thailand. In total, 2336 subjects aged 60 years and over were recruited. Anthropometric variables, demographic data, blood glucose and lipid profile, albumin, globulin and blood levels of vitamin A, beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin B1 were all measured. RESULTS: The prevalence of vitamin deficiencies was 0.6% for vitamin B12, 6.1% for vitamin A, 9.9% for vitamin C, 30.1% for vitamin B1, 38.8% for erythrocyte folate, 55.5% for vitamin E and 83.0% for beta-carotene. Male gender was a common risk factor for at least three vitamin deficiencies, i.e. beta-carotene, folate and vitamin E. Being a manual worker was a common risk factor of beta-carotene and vitamin B1 deficiency. Poor income was found as a risk factor only in erythrocyte folate deficiency while increasing age was a significant factor only in vitamin C deficiency. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of vitamin deficiencies among older Thai people was quite different from that found in Western countries, reflecting different socio-economic backgrounds. Vitamin deficiency was not only from poor food intake but also from the dietary habit of monotonous food consumption in older people. Some common associated factors of atherosclerosis were also significantly related to folate and vitamin E deficiencies.  相似文献   
In the present study, we evaluated the histological morphology of the adult Paramphistomum (P.) gracile. Adult flukes with bodies 5~15 mm in length and 2~7 mm in width were subjected to histological analysis. Longitudinal and transversal serial-sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and examined. The body surface and longitudinal section of P. gracile were also assessed using scanning electron microscopy. In this species, the anterior sucker and posterior sucker (acetabulum) were present on an anterior and posterior part of the body, respectively. The major folds were located in the areas of the anterior sucker, genital canal, and posterior sucker. The fluke membrane was spineless at the tegument surface and in the tegument tissue. Histological data showed structural-systematic characteristics of the digestive tract, reproductive tract, excretory tract, copulatory organs, connective tissues, and muscle tissues. We attempted to elucidate the histological characteristics of P. gracile that might increase the knowledge and understanding of rumen fluke morphology.  相似文献   
Analyses of bottom soils from three recently-established (newer) and three older ponds on each of two, semi-intensive shrimp farms near Choluteca, Honduras, revealed that the 0 to 2.5 cm layer had greater concentrations of most variables than deeper layers. Concentrations of total carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, and zinc were greater in older than in newer ponds on one or the other of the farms. After 8–11 y of continuous production, total carbon concentrations varied over pond bottoms, and concentrations usually were greatest (1.5–2.5%) in inlet sections. Nitrogen concentrations were about 20% those of carbon and changes in nitrogen concentration closely followed those of carbon. Precipitation of iron pyrite (FeS2) in anaerobic soil layers was the apparent cause of sulphur accumulation in older ponds. Phosphorus accumulated in older ponds on the farm where heavy doses of fertilizer were applied. Soils of both older and newer ponds on both farms had large accumulations of major cations, a large portion of which were water-soluble salts. There was no evidence of development of adverse soil quality in older ponds.  相似文献   
Mangrove crabs play a crucial role in the carbon cycle in forests by consuming large amounts of mangrove litter, which is mainly composed of cellulose. However, the detailed mechanism of cellulose digestion remains to be elucidated. We tested endogenous hepatopancreatic cellulase activity in eight species of crabs, including three mangrove sesarmid crabs (Episesarma versicolor, Perisesarma indiarum, and Episesarma palawanense) native to Thailand. Endo-??-1,4-glucanase activity was significantly higher in the enzyme extract from mangrove crabs than in that from Japanese marsh crabs. A ??-glucosidase assay revealed particularly high endo-??-1,4-glucanase activity for E. versicolor, whereas little activity was observed for the Japanese marsh crabs. In a zymogram analysis for endo-??-1,4-glucanase activity, endo-??-1,4-glucanase had a similar molecular mass (30.7?C33.1?kDa) among the mangrove crabs, whereas various sizes (44.3?C84.8?kDa) were found in Japanese crabs depending on the species. These results suggest that mangrove crabs efficiently digest cellulose endogenously.  相似文献   
Cortical rods (CRs), precursors of egg jelly investment in many penaeoid shrimp, are composed of different proportions of proteins and carbohydrates, the physiological role of which still requires extensive investigation. In this study, we demonstrated the biochemical properties of the CRs and their role in the induction of the acrosome reaction (AR). Profiles of the isolated CRs revealed a number of major protein bands ranging from 35 to 230 kDa. These CR proteins were extensively glycosylated and sulfated. Lectin-based carbohydrate analysis further revealed the highest reactivity of concanavalin A (Con A) among other lectins used. In addition, the selective interference of Con A binding with mannose but not glucose indicated that CR glycoproteins were of high-mannose type. Using immunoblotting with anti-CR antibody, we further demonstrated that part of egg water (EW, a natural AR inducer) was derived from miscible components of the CRs. Physiological tests of water-soluble CR (wsCR) revealed its high AR inducing competency comparable to that of EW, which was far superior to that of acid-urea treated CR (auCR). Furthermore, the wsCR-induced AR was selectively inhibited by Con A, suggesting the significance of the exposing mannose residues in regulating P. monodon sperm AR response.  相似文献   
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