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ABSTRACT:   Post-release movement and diel activity patterns of hatchery-reared and wild black-spot tuskfish were examined using ultrasonic telemetry. Five hatchery-reared and four wild fish were released in the sandy bottom of Urasoko Bay, Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, and monitored using automated monitoring receivers from November 2005 to February 2006. Both hatchery-reared and wild fish tended to stay near the release site for over two weeks, before leaving the release site. Both hatchery-reared and wild tuskfish showed diurnal rhythm intermittently; signals were recorded more frequently in the daytime and less frequently in the nighttime, suggesting that the fish of both origins were active during the day and inactive during the night. These findings indicate that the one-year-old hatchery-reared tuskfish have some consistent behavioral characteristics with those of the wild.  相似文献   
Several species of fish exhibit strong homing ability and distinct site fidelity to their original habitats and spawning sites. We have studied the homing ability, site fidelity, and diel movement patterns of three nocturnal black rockfish Sebastes inermis. The patterns were studied by radio-linked acoustic positioning system (VRAP) and fixed monitoring receivers (VR2) in Maizuru Bay, Japan from June to July 2004. All tagged fish were displaced by 80–120 m, but they returned to their respective captured sites at dusk, regardless of the time of release. The fish tagged with a depth sensor transmitter displayed active vertical movement just after the release, and subsequently swam near the bottom depth around the captured site. After homing, they displayed small home ranges [average 815 ± 265 m2 (SD)] around a single rocky area with one or two core areas (average 64 ± 30 m2). One core area was utilized during the daylight and dark periods, whereas the other was used primarily during the dark period. The depth-tagged fish primarily used the depth of the rock crevice during the daylight, and it spent its dark period between the surface and the deeper bottom depth.  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of feeding water-soluble soybean fiber (WSSF), a highly fermentable dietary fiber with low viscosity, on intestinal calcium (Ca) absorption, bone mineral content, and serum total cholesterol levels using female Sprague-Dawley rats (5 weeks old) with or without ovariectomy (OVX). The rats in each group were fed a WSSF (50 g/kg of diet) or WSSF-free diet for 4 weeks. Ca absorption was higher in OVX rats fed the WSSF diet than in OVX rats fed the WSSF-free diet. Femoral Ca content in both sham and OVX rats fed the WSSF diet was higher than that in rats fed the WSSF-free diet. The serum total cholesterol levels were elevated after OVX compared with that in the sham rats, and this elevation was prevented by the WSSF diet. In conclusion, ingestion of WSSF prevented osteopenia and hypercholesterolemia induced by ovariectomy in rats.  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed a new approach for on-site colorimetric analysis of ferrous ions (Fe2+) and ammonium-nitrogen (NH4 +-N) using a soil color meter as an alternative method to conventional spectrophotometry. The soil color meter we used can express solution color numerically on the basis of L*a*b* color space. After coloring of water by the 1, 10 phenanthroline method and the Indophenol blue method, the color of solution was measured by the soil color meter. A linear relationship between Fe2+ and a* or b* values, and systematic change of NH4 +-N with L* value, enable us to make a calibration curve. The Fe2+ and NH4 +-N concentrations in groundwater samples (Fe2+: 0.3–1.3 mg L?1; NH4 +-N: 0.02–0.62 mg L?1) determined by the proposed method agreed well with those determined by conventional spectrophotometry with the difference being ± 0.05 mg L?1 and ± 0.02 mg L?1, respectively. Since a similar apparatus is widely used in the soil science field, this technique would facilitate field surveys.  相似文献   
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major causative agent for chronic liver diseases leading to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and has also been suggested to be a possible etiologic factor for different lymphoproliferative diseases, including mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) and B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). To understand the roles of HCV core protein in the pathogenesis of HCV related diseases, we produced two lines of the transgenic mice (HC82310 and HC9053) that express the HCV core transgene. One of the lines, HC9053, developed malignant lymphoma (ML, follicular center cell type) with a high frequency (80%) at the ages over 20 months. Hepatocellular adenoma was also observed in this line of transgenic mouse. We demonstrated expression of HCV core protein and mRNA in the liver of transgenic mice, and also detected the core mRNA in the enlarged lymph nodes of the transgenic mice which developed ML. These results suggest that the core protein may play an important role in the development of ML, and that the HC9053 transgenic mice provide suitable models for understanding the mechanism of HCV-related lymphoproliferative diseases.  相似文献   
The disinfection effect of slightly acidic electrolyzed water (SAEW) use in a farm where Pseudomonas mastitis has spread was evaluated. Despite the application of antibiotic therapy and complete cessation of milking infected quarters, numerous new and recurrent Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical mastitis infections (5.8–7.1% of clinical mastitis cases) occurred on the farm from 2003 to 2005. Procedural changes and equipment modifications did not improve environmental contamination or the incidence of Pseudomonas mastitis. To more thoroughly decontaminate the milking parlor, an SAEW system was installed in 2006. All milking equipment and the parlor environment were sterilized with SAEW (pH 5–6.5, available chlorine 12 parts per million) before and during milking time. After adopting the SAEW system, the incidence of clinical and subclinical Pseudomonas mastitis cases decreased significantly (< 0.0001) and disappeared. These findings suggest that SAEW effectively reduced the incidence of mastitis in a herd contaminated by Pseudomonas species. This is the first report to demonstrate the effectiveness of disinfection by SAEW against mastitis pathogens in the environment.  相似文献   
The horizontal and vertical movements of eight immature hatchery-reared (F2) Mekong giant catfish Pangasianodon gigas were monitored using acoustic telemetry in the Mae Peum reservoir, Thailand, from September to December 2005. All tagged fish were successfully monitored throughout the study period. All fish moved throughout the reservoir for approximately 1 month after release. Subsequently, their utilized areas became small, and the fish utilized deep areas of the reservoir. The fish displayed diel spatial movement patterns between deep areas in the day and shallow areas in the night. The vertical movements of the fish were related to the environment declination such as existence of hypoxic water and thermocline. Our results suggest that the establishment of a protected area in addition to conventional fisheries regulations may sustain the fish population in this reservoir.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate fixation potential of schwertmannite for fluvial transport of various toxic elements, we examined bottom precipitates and stream waters collected from the rivers contaminated with acid mine drainage (AMD), which arose from the abandoned Nishinomaki mine (Shimonita, Gunma, Japan). Mineralogical and morphological observations revealed that schwertmannite was the main mineral of the precipitates. The affinity of various toxic ions to schwertmannite was evaluated on the basis of (1) apparent solid?Cliquid partition coefficients (K d??s) between precipitates and stream waters, (2) coprecipitation behaviors during schwertmannite formation in a laboratory test, and (3) consideration on coprecipitation processes using partial charge model (PCM). As a result, oxyanions of V, As, Mo and Sb, K d??s of which were relatively large (>104 (ml g?1)), were considered to be immobilized by schwertmannite precipitates. A laboratory test also demonstrated that these ions except Mo coprecipitated with schwertmannite. In addition, partial charges and average electronegativities predicted on the basis of PCM suggested that the oxyanions of V, As, Mo, and Sb could create stable inner sphere complexes with schwertmannite embryos, which results in their high affinity to schwertmannite. On the other hand, cationic ions of Mn, Cu, Zn, Sr, Cs, and U, K d??s of which were relatively small (<104 (ml g?1)), were thought to have a tendency to flow downstream without uptake by schwertmannite precipitates. All these results suggested that schwertmannite has high fixation potential for fluvial transport of various toxic oxyanions in AMD-contaminated rivers.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   In order to establish techniques for the stock enhancement of red tilefish Branchiostegus japonicus , it is important to understand the behavioral characteristic of both hatchery-reared and wild fish. Four hatchery-reared and six wild fish were released and tracked using acoustic biotelemetry in Maizuru Bay, Kyoto, Japan, from August 2003 to February 2004. Data for the four wild fish released and tracked from January 2003 to May 2003 were also referred to for analysis. The released fish moved around in relatively large areas within about 10 days after the release, and then three hatchery-reared and two wild fish settled and stayed within limited areas. Fish of both origins showed strong site fidelity and diel activity patterns, i.e. they were detectable in the day but not at night, probably due to hiding behavior in their burrows at night. However, some discrepancies between fish of both origins were detected by comparing their track terms and activity patterns in detail. These discrepancies are probably attributable to the differences in environmental conditions that the fish had experienced before release.  相似文献   
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