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Thermal stratification negatively affects water quality, and thus is a threatto fish culture in deep water ponds and reservoirs. To prevent and controlit, a device based on an underwater propeller that vertically transportsoxygen rich warm water from the epilimnion down to the anoxic and colderhypolimnion was assembled. The empirical results so far obtained in Israelidual purpose reservoirs for field crop irrigation and fish culture aresummarized herein, and a mathematical model of the device's effect onreservoir thermal structure is presented.  相似文献   
The effects of adding the nonlethal bird repellent methyl anthranilate (MA), at levels of 100 and 1000 mg kg?1, to fish feed on the bioaccumulation and growth of juvenile (10 g) hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops×M. saxatilis) and juvenile (1 g) African cichlid fish Aulonocara jacobfreibergi were investigated under laboratory conditions. The bird repellent did not have any effect on the fish growth or survival over a period of 6 weeks. MA residues at low levels of 11.2±2.6 μg g?1 were found in lipophilic tissues (liver) of MA‐fed fish. Control fish, which had no MA added to their diet, had a much lower level of 0.6±0.3 μg g?1 MA in their liver. Fish muscle was found to contain negligible MA residues, while the outer body surface mucus did not contain any MA. Following a 6‐week depuration period, during which the previously MA‐fed hybrid striped bass were fed a feed to which no MA was added, the levels of MA residues detected were reduced by one order of magnitude.  相似文献   
A simulation of the effects of predation intensity on zooplankton composition in brackish water nursery ponds was carried out in order to address the problem that commercial fish nurseries encounter in obtaining enough zooplankton of adequate species composition and size when fish larvae start to feed. The experimental system consisted of twelve 130 l containers with treatments of four densities (0, 1, 2, or 4 larvae l−1) of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), stocked on the 6th day after filling the containers. Zooplankton-environment relationships were explored using factor analysis. Factor analysis allowed identifying several groups of zooplankters that responded in different ways to fish larvae predation pressure. The first factor represented a general measurement of rotifer abundance, and the second identified the direct effect of size-selective fish predation. Since no rotifers were present in the filling water, all these species were autochthonous populations that hatched from resting forms in the sediment and reproduced. In the absence of fish predation, this led to a steep rotifer increase. Fish predation started when the rotifer concentration was just starting to increase and their direct predation reduced and delayed the rotifer abundance peak. This effect increased with the increase in fish larvae density. Estimations of rotifer consumption by fish larvae in this experiment were higher than similar calculations from data of the literature, which led us to test the hypothesis that factors other than direct predation were affecting rotifer population dynamics. The mechanisms involved in rotifer population regulation are discussed. It was concluded that in commercial nurseries, increased larvae production can be achieved by keeping the larvae density at an intermediate level and stocking fish to match the increasing phase of the rotifer peak. Under reasonable larvae density (up to 2 l−1) it seems that the direct predation effect of fish larvae on rotifer dynamics is minor, compared to fish induced self regulation.  相似文献   
We conclude (i) that the marker-card method is as reliable a measure as the ordinary Q-sort method; (ii) that Q and the marker-card score are measuring very nearly the same thing-in this case, presumably conflict; and (iii) that the use of marker cards permits comparison of judgments about a given quantity in the context of different situations and may even permit comparison of results obtained by different research teams if the different teams use the same marker decks. A fundamental issue involved in scoring the entries on the cards in this study by either Q-sort or marker cards is the "judgability" of the items as indicators of conflict. We noted above that items with the highest variances in scoring, from judge to judge, were concentrated at the low-conflict end of the scale. A possible explanation is that judges are able to make finer distinctions concerning an attribute when it is present than when it is absent. Differences in scoring could also arise from a lack of unidimensionality in the attribute being scaled. If juidges find that conflict has several distinct aspects, the task of placing items in a single order becomes more difficult. Difficulties in making judgments also arose from the fact that the actions were being judged out of context, or in contexts that varied from judge to judge, since no standard context was supplied. But these difficulties lie outside our problem, which was to find an alternative to Q-sorting which would permit intersituational comparisons. Our sLIccess in finding an alternative is apparent in our results, but problems of judgability remain with both techniques. Beyond providing a standard for intersitLiational comparisons, the markercard technique has other advantages. It is possible that the use of marker decks will be of help in training judges to score such a variable as conflict. In our study it permitted identification of a judge inadequately trained to do so. Possibly the marker cards will be useful in assigning scale values to hatches of data too small for Q-sort, or even to individual items. It further appears that the marker cards should be useful in discriminating among highconflict items which heretofore would all have tended to appear in the top Q-sort category. The marker-card technique has given us a reliable alternative to Q-sort for scaling conflict. The method should be capable of extension to dimensions other than conflict.  相似文献   
A periphyton biofiltration system of mariculture effluents was studied to identify ecological processes and management procedures that strongly affect the biofilter functioning, in order to attain optimal biomass production and nutrient removal. The multivariate statistical technique of factor analysis allowed reducing the large amount of data available into three main factors. The first factor, which accounted for 49% of the overall data variability, was herein called “biological activity” as it represents the joint effects on the variables measured of photosynthesis, N and P uptake, respiration and decomposition of organic matter. The second and third factors were “autotrophic biomass density” and “nitrite and phosphate uptake/release balance”, which, respectively, accounted for further 20% and 14% of the data variability. A conceptual model, describing the functioning of the periphyton biofilters, revealed a delicate equilibrium among the different processes, whose understanding help to manage the biofilters towards optimal production of periphytic biomass and nutrient removal. Raising flow rate raised the overall nutrient uptake rate but reduced uptake efficiency and diluted nitrifying particles. A reduced flow rate led to sedimentation of organic particles, decomposition and nutrients re‐mineralization. Apparently, control of water flow and nutrient content, periphyton substrate area and the cleaning of the effluent supply system are key management elements for the operation of a periphyton‐based biofilter system that maximizes both periphyton biomass production and nutrient removal.  相似文献   
Neoplasia is common in pet dogs but accurate figures for the incidence of tumours in this, as in other species, are sparse. The purpose of this study was to document the occurrence of tumours in a defined population of dogs. From a database of 130,684 insured dogs, claims relating to the investigation or treatment of tumours or tumour-like lesions during a 12-month period were accessed and followed up. A total of 2,546 claims were tumour related and were classified according to tumour site and type. Because the demographics of the insured population were skewed towards younger animals, a standard population, as described in the veterinary literature, was used in the calculation of tumour incidence rates. The skin and soft tissues were the most common sites for tumour development, with a standardised incidence rate of 1,437 per 100,000 dogs per year, followed by alimentary (210), mammary (205), urogenital (139), lymphoid (134), endocrine (113) and oropharyngeal (112). Canine cutaneous histiocytoma was the most common single tumour type, with a standardised incidence rate of 337 per 100,000 dogs per year, followed by lipoma (318), adenoma (175), soft tissue sarcoma (142), mast cell tumour (129) and lymphosarcoma (114). These data are unique and provide a valuable basis for future research into the aetiology and epidemiology of canine tumours.  相似文献   
The effects of introducing common carp (CC) and of adding artificial feed to fertilized rohu ponds on water quality and nutrient accumulation efficiency were studied. All ponds were stocked with 15 000 rohu ha?1. Treatments included ponds with rohu alone, rohu plus 5000 common carp ha?1 and rohu plus 10 000 CC ha?1. A comparison was also made between supplementally fed and non‐fed ponds. The overall highest nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations were observed in ponds with 5000 CC ha?1, followed by ponds with 10 000 and 0 CC ha?1. The largest fractions of N and P inputs accumulating in fish, phytoplankton and zooplankton were observed in ponds with 5000 CC ha?1, followed by ponds with 10 000 CC ha?1 and subsequently ponds without CC. Relatively more nutrients accumulated in benthic organisms in ponds without than in ponds with CC. A smaller fraction of the nutrient input was retained in fish, plankton and benthic organisms in ponds without CC compared with ponds with CC. Compared with 5000 CC ha?1, stocking 10 000 CC ha?1 can be considered as overstocking, because this leads to lower fish production and relatively less nutrients retained in plankton and benthic organisms.  相似文献   
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