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Tree-specific management practice related to individual tree physiological condition is necessary for higher quality and quantity in apple fruit production. Detection of apple flowering abundance based on analysis of HSL (hue, saturation, luminance) images was used to estimate the number of flower clusters (FC) of individual trees in a high density apple orchard. The image acquisition was performed with a still camera and an industrial color camera during the day and night. The FC estimation algorithm included HSL thresholding with parameter optimization. Three hypothetical, tree-specific management practices (sprayings) were assumed, using >25, >50 and >100 FC thresholds to carry out the practice. When an industrial camera was used for image acquisition during the daytime and hypothetical spraying was done by on/off criterion >100 FC per tree, 10 % incorrect executions were identified. Comparable FC counting performance was achieved by using a still camera or an industrial camera.  相似文献   
Avian bornaviruses (ABV) are known to be the causative agent of proventricular dilatation disease (PDD) in parrots and their relatives (Psittaciformes). A broad range of ABV genotypes has been detected not only in psittacine birds, but also in other avian species including canary birds (Serinus canaria forma domestica) and Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata f. dom.), which are both members of the order songbirds (Passeriformes).During this study 286 samples collected from captive and wild birds of various passerine species in different parts of Germany were screened for the presence of ABV. Interestingly, only three ABV-positive samples were identified by RT-PCR. They originated from one yellow-winged pytilia (Pytilia hypogrammica) and two black-rumped waxbills (Estrilda troglodytes) from a flock of captive estrildid finches in Saxony. The ABV isolates detected here were only distantly related to ABV isolates found in passerine species in Germany and Japan and form a new genotype tentatively called ABV-EF (for “estrildid finches”).  相似文献   
The effects of soil processes, related to the oxidation of sulphide sediments, on heavy metal concentrations in the soil and soil solution were investigated in a Norway spruce stand on a fine-textured, acidic soil rich in sulphates located on the isostatic land-uplift western coast of Finland. The age of the soil is ca. 300–400 years, and the soil texture is silt and till. The chemical properties of the soil and soil solution clearly reflected the formation of acid sulphate (AS) soil. Compared to background reference values for podzolic coniferous forest soil, the pH of the soil solution in the mineral soil (20–40 cm depth) was very low, and the Al, Fe and S concentrations extremely high. The Zn and Ni concentrations in the soil solution were also strongly elevated, and similar to the concentrations reported close to anthropogenic heavy-metal emission sources. The concentrations of Cd and Cu were also frequently elevated. In contrast, the acidity and metal concentrations of the soil solution sampled in the organic layer were not elevated. Similarly, exchangeable Zn and Ni concentrations were also elevated in the mineral soil, but not in the organic layer. Because Norway spruce has a very superficial rooting system and the zone with exceptionally high metal concentrations did not extend up to the topmost soil layers, sulphide-oxidation derived soil acidification is not likely to pose a serious threat to forest ecosystems growing on this type of site. Despite the elevated concentrations of protons and many metals in the mineral soil and soil solution (20–40 cm), the nutrient status of the spruce stand was satisfactory and the general health of the stand has been reported to be relatively good.  相似文献   
Climate change, habitat loss and fragmentation are major threats for populations and a challenge for individual behavior, interactions and survival. Predator–prey interactions are modified by climate processes. In the northern latitudes, strong seasonality is changing and the main predicted feature is shortening and instability of winter. Vole populations in the boreal Fennoscandia exhibit multiannual cycles. High amplitude peak numbers of voles and dramatic population lows alternate in 3–5‐year cycles shortening from North to South. One key factor, or driver, promoting the population crash and causing extreme extended lows, is suggested to be predation by the least weasel. We review the arms race between prey voles and weasels through the multiannual density fluctuation, affected by climate change, and especially the changes in the duration and stability of snow cover. For ground‐dwelling small mammals, snow provides thermoregulation and shelter for nest sites, and helps them hide from predators. Predicted increases in the instability of winter forms a major challenge for species with coat color change between brown summer camouflage and white winter coat. One of these is the least weasel, Mustela nivalis nivalis. Increased vulnerability of wrong‐colored weasels to predation affects vole populations and may have dramatic effects on vole dynamics. It may have cascading effects on other small rodent–predator interactions and even on plant–animal interactions and forest dynamics.  相似文献   
Winfried Schröder  Stefan Nickel  Simon Schönrock  Roman Schmalfuß  Werner Wosniok  Michaela Meyer  Harry Harmens  Marina V. Frontasyeva  Renate Alber  Julia Aleksiayenak  Lambe Barandovski  Oleg Blum  Alejo Carballeira  Maria Dam  Helena Danielsson  Ludwig De Temmermann  Anatoly M. Dunaev  Barbara Godzik  Katrin Hoydal  Zvonka Jeran  Gunilla Pihl Karlsson  Pranvera Lazo  Sebastien Leblond  Jussi Lindroos  Siiri Liiv  Sigurður H. Magnússon  Blanka Mankovska  Encarnación Núñez-Olivera  Juha Piispanen  Jarmo Poikolainen  Ion V. Popescu  Flora Qarri  Jesus Miguel Santamaria  Mitja Skudnik  Zdravko Špirić  Trajce Stafilov  Eiliv Steinnes  Claudia Stihi  Ivan Suchara  Lotti Thöni  Hilde Thelle Uggerud  Harald G. Zechmeister 《Annals of Forest Science》2017,74(2):31

Key message

Moss surveys provide spatially dense data on environmental concentrations of heavy metals and nitrogen which, together with other biomonitoring and modelling data, can be used for indicating deposition to terrestrial ecosystems and related effects across time and areas of different spatial extension.


For enhancing the spatial resolution of measuring and mapping atmospheric deposition by technical devices and by modelling, moss is used complementarily as bio-monitor.


This paper investigated whether nitrogen and heavy metal concentrations derived by biomonitoring of atmospheric deposition are statistically meaningful in terms of compliance with minimum sample size across several spatial levels (objective 1), whether this is also true in terms of geostatistical criteria such as spatial auto-correlation and, by this, estimated values for unsampled locations (objective 2) and whether moss indicates atmospheric deposition in a similar way as modelled deposition, tree foliage and natural surface soil at the European and country level, and whether they indicate site-specific variance due to canopy drip (objective 3).


Data from modelling and biomonitoring atmospheric deposition were statistically analysed by means of minimum sample size calculation, by geostatistics as well as by bivariate correlation analyses and by multivariate correlation analyses using the Classification and Regression Tree approach and the Random Forests method.


It was found that the compliance of measurements with the minimum sample size varies by spatial scale and element measured. For unsampled locations, estimation could be derived. Statistically significant correlations between concentrations of heavy metals and nitrogen in moss and modelled atmospheric deposition, and concentrations in leaves, needles and soil were found. Significant influence of canopy drip on nitrogen concentration in moss was proven.


Moss surveys should complement modelled atmospheric deposition data as well as other biomonitoring approaches and offer a great potential for various terrestrial monitoring programmes dealing with exposure and effects.
T-shaped molecules with a rod-like aromatic core and a flexible side chain form liquid crystal honeycombs with aromatic cell walls and a cell interior filled with the side chains. Here, we show how the addition of a second chain, incompatible with the first (X-shaped molecules), can form honeycombs with highly complex tiling patterns, with cells of up to five different compositions ("colors") and polygonal shapes. The complexity is caused by the inability of the side chains to separate cleanly because of geometric frustration. Furthermore, a thermoreversible transition was observed between a multicolor (phase-separated) and a single-color (mixed) honeycomb phase. This is analogous to the Curie transition in simple and frustrated ferro- and antiferromagnets; here spin flips are replaced by 180° reorientations of the molecules.  相似文献   
In this article, the effects of the artificialrecharging of groundwater by infiltrating surface water throughforest soil, i.e. sprinkling infiltration, on the acidity andbase cation status of the soil are described. The study wascarried out in the Ahvenisto esker area, Hämeenlinna,southern Finland, during 1996–1998. The sample plots werelocated in a 110- to 160-yr-old Scots pine (Pinussylvestris L.) stand. The site was classified as the Oxalis-Maianthemum type. The soil consisted of a mixture oftill and glaciofluvial sediments. The pH of the organic layerincreased from 4.7 to >6.5 soon after the start of irrigationon the infiltration plot. The pH of the 0–10 cm mineral soillayer also increased from 4.9 to 6.4 as a result ofinfiltration. Sprinkling infiltration increased theexchangeable Ca and Mg concentrations in the organic anduppermost mineral soil layers. The output of Ca and Mg inpercolation water from the 0–100 cm thick layer was lower thanthe input to the soil surface via irrigation in 1996. Theretention of Ca and Mg on cation exchange sites took placewithin a relatively short period of time, since retention wasobserved only in 1996 but no longer in 1997 or 1998 indicatingsaturation of the cation exchange sites by base cations. Lakewater infiltration leads to the neutralisation of forest soilacidity, and increases the capacity of the soil to withstandacidic inputs by increasing the concentrations of exchangeablebase cations on cation exchange sites in the soil.  相似文献   
The semi-intensive system of carp farming is dominant in inland aquaculture. Although it appears to be simple, this system has a whole range of options, from those based on traditional rearing methods with use of plants from the region where the fish are reared to production based on the use of high-quality concentrated feeds. In this paper, we conduct a comparative analysis of the effect of using cereal grains as opposed to compound feed (pelleted and extruded) on the quantity of fish produced, flesh quality, histological changes in the digestive tract, water quality, and structure of the biocoenosis in the pond ecosystem. When the fish are fed cereal grains, production ranges from 500 to 1500 kg/ha, while using compound feed gives production that is twice as great. The proportions of protein and water are higher and that of lipids lower in flesh of common carp reared on compound feed in relation to fish fed cereal grains. Use of extruded feed gives better content of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and a better n-3/n-6 ratio than when pelleted feed and cereal grains are used. Comparison of water quality in carp ponds under conditions of using various types of feed indicates that there are no significant differences. Although it was expected that feed with a higher percentage of proteins would cause disturbances in the aquatic ecosystem, their continual incorporation into the cycling of matter in the water contributes to maintenance of ecological equilibrium and even indirectly promotes growth of the common carp.  相似文献   
Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium africanum was diagnosed in an adult female hyrax (Procavia capensis). Pathologic examination revealed disseminated tuberculous lesions. The same pathologic changes were also found in a male hyrax that died a year later. Both animals were imported from the United Arab Emirates and were held in captivity at the Zagreb Zoo in Croatia. The source of infection remains unknown. The acid-fast bacteria isolated from the lungs of the female hyrax were identifyed by polymerase chain reaction as Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and Geno Type MTBC test confirmed the strain to be M. africanum I.  相似文献   
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - The evaluation of the level of alkaloids in edible Lupinus species is crucial from a food safety point of view. Debittering of lupin seeds has a long history;...  相似文献   
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