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Fishes are sensitive to their thermal environment and face an uncertain future in a warming world. Theoretically, populations in novel environments might express greater levels of phenotypic variability to increase the chance of surviving—and eventually thriving—in the new conditions. Most research on the effect of the early thermal environment in fish species focuses on average phenotypic effects rather than phenotypic variability, but to understand how fishes will respond to rising temperatures we need to consider both the average response of the population, as well as the breadth of individual responses. Here we present the first meta‐analysis on the effects of developmental temperature in fishes. Using data from 43 species and over 6,000 individual fish, we show that a change in developmental temperature induces a significant change in phenotypic means and variability, but differently depending on whether the temperature is increased or decreased. Decreases in temperature (cool environments) showed a significant decrease in phenotypic means and no change in phenotypic variability. Increases in temperature (warm environments) showed a non‐significant increase in phenotypic means and a marginally significant increase in phenotypic variability. Larger increases in temperature saw greater increases in phenotypic variability, but no increase in the mean phenotypic response. Together, our results suggest that fishes exhibit both directed and stochastic developmental plasticity in response to warming temperatures, which could facilitate or accelerate adaptation to a changing environment.  相似文献   
We have shown previously that riboflavin is stored in chloragosomes of chloragocyte-derived earthworm eleocytes what may have an adaptive value for worms vulnerable to soil-derived pathogen invasion. Thus, it is important to determine whether riboflavin stores are also present in earthworm species with low eleocyte counts, especially in the chloragocytes of their chloragogen tissue that surrounds the coelomic site of the intestine, and find out its putative roles in earthworm immunity. Experiments were performed on adult worms from 6 species. Freely floating coelomocytes (consisting of amoebocytes plus species-specific numbers of eleocytes) were extruded by mild electric shock and then chloragocytes from the same anaesthetized worm were mechanically detached into buffer. Both cell suspensions were analyzed by spectrofluorometry for riboflavin content. It turned out that riboflavin is stored in species-specific quantities in all investigated species. Riboflavin storage predominates in free coelomocytes of eleocyte-rich species (Eisenia andrei, Dendrobaena veneta, Allolobophora chlorotica) while in chloragocytes of species with few eleocytes (Lumbricus terrestris, L. rubellus, and Aporrectodea caliginosa). Upon a massive microbial impact, the coelomocytes (both amoebocytes and eleocytes) are involved in the formation of multicellular bodies encapsulating soil-derived pathogens, what is connected with enhanced coelomocyte mobility. Thus the second aim of the present investigation was to check if riboflavin can participate in coelomocyte accumulations. Tests performed in a 48-well chemotaxis chamber revealed that riboflavin behave as chemoattractant for coelomocytes of all investigated earthworm species, which may be one of mechanisms underpinning its immunomodulatory functions.  相似文献   
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, as an ubiquitous phytopathogenic Ascomycete fungus capable of infecting a wide range of plants, has increased in importance for oilseed rape production worldwide in recent years. The objective of this research was to determine the effectiveness of two measurements of disease rating in predicting the field reaction of cultivars to sclerotinia stem rot. One hundred and ten cultivars or lines of oilseed rape were repeatedly evaluated the disease severity index (DSI) and lesion length for their resistance to nine isolates of S. sclerotiorum in two field stations.There were greatly significant differences between two stations, among isolates, among population of cultivars for the disease severity index and lesion length, and also significant station×isolate interaction for lesion length and population×isolate interactions for DSI and lesion length, but interactions of station×isolate for DSI were not significant.Cultivars such as Pomorzanin and Lisek consistently had the lowest disease severity ratings in the field tests. However,most of cultivars were susceptible to sclerotinia stem rot in the field test. A positive correlation between the mean DSI and lesion length was found for both isolates (Sc23 and B1). The correlations ranged from 0.23 to 0.83 at various plots, with nine of the twelve correlations significant. The correlations for disease caused by different fungal isolates were statistically significant difference. These correlations ranged from -0.44 to 0.90, with nine of the thirty-two correlations significant. It indicated that resistance to some isolates was significantly correlated and selection of some varieties for resistance to one isolate appeared to improve resistance to other isolates.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Auf Grund von 1968–1970 in Polen durchgeführten Untersuchungen wurden als bisher nicht bekannte Parasiten der in Lärchensamen lebendenMegastigmus pictus (Förster) (=M. seitneri Hoffm.) (Hymen., Torymidae) die ChalcidoidenEupelmus urozonus Dalm. (Hymen., Eupelmidae) undMesopolobus zetterstedtii (Dalla Torre) (Hymen., Pteromalidae) nachgewiesen.Die Zuchten aus Samen und Zapfen von 69 polnischen Oberförstereien (104 Standorte) zeigten, daß die beiden Parasiten eine beträchtliche Rolle bei der Einschränkung der Population vomMegastigmus pictus spielen können. Die Untersuchungen bilden die Grundlage für einen eventuellen Einsatz beider Parasitenarten zur biologischen Bekämpfung des Samenschädlings.
Summary The autor demonstrates, as a result of investigation carried out in the years 1968–1970, thatEupelmus urozonus Dalm. (Hymen., Eupelmidae) andMesopolobus zetterstedtii (Dalla Torre) (Hymen., Pteromalidae) being parasites ofMegastigmus pictus (Förster) (=M. seitneri Hoffm.) (Hymen., Torymidae), an insect damaging the seeds of the European and Polish larch.It was stated from 69 forest districts (104 localities) in the area of Poland, that these parasites are able to play a considerable role in the limitation ofMegastigmus pictus populations. An indication of the se parasites may presage the possibility of a biological restriction of damages caused by this harmful insect.
The potential of selenium-enriched rye/wheat sourdough bread as a route for supplementing dietary selenium intakes is reported. In addition to their normal diets, 24 female volunteers (24 to 25 years old) were fed either selenium-enriched bread or non-enriched bread each day (68.02 and 0.84 μg selenium day−1 respectively) for 4 weeks. The chemical form of the selenium in the bread had been characterised using HPLC-ICP-MS, which showed that 42% of the extractable selenium was present as selenomethionine. Plasma selenium levels and plasma platelet glutathione peroxidase (GPx1) activity were measured in the volunteers’ blood over a 6-week period. A statistically significant difference (p = 0.001) was observed in the mean percentage change data, calculated from the plasma selenium level measurements for the enriched and control group, over the duration of the study. A comparable difference was not observed for the platelet GPx1 activity (p = 0.756), over the same period. Two weeks after cessation of the feeding stage, i.e., at t = 6 weeks, the mean percentage change value for the selenium plasma levels in the enriched group was still significantly elevated, suggesting that the absorbed selenium had been incorporated into the body’s selenium reserves, and was then being slowly released back into the volunteers’ blood.  相似文献   
Earthworm immune-competent cells (coelomocytes) can be adversely affected by soil metal contamination. The aim of the present paper was to perform comparative studies on the coelomocytes of four lumbricid species dermally exposed for 2 days to filter paper soaked with Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, or Pb chlorides (1 mM). Coelomocytes were expelled by electro-stimulation, counted, and assayed ex vivo by flow cytometry and spectrofluorometry. The coelomocytes of Allolobophora chlorotica and Dendrobaena veneta contain both amoebocytes and riboflavin-storing eleocytes; consequently, they were subjected to assays based on flow cytometric quantification of autofluorescent eleocytes and spectrofluorometric measurement of riboflavin content in coelomocyte lysates. In Al. chlorotica, the number of coelomocytes, the percentage of eleocytes, and the amount of riboflavin were significantly lower in Cu-exposed worms although these cytometric parameters were less affected by Ni, Zn, Cd exposure, and entirely unaffected by Pb exposure. In D. veneta, such cellular effects were also only observed in Cu-exposed worms. The coelomic fluids of Aporrectodea caliginosa and Lumbricus rubellus are constitutionally impoverished of eleocytes; therefore, these species could not be subjected to assays measuring the riboflavin content of these granular cells. Rather, the amoebocytes of Ap. caliginosa and L. rubellus were subjected to flow cytometric measurements of in vitro neutral red uptake (NR). However, the NR uptake assay was technically demanding, requiring a strictly normalized incubation period over all samples to yield useful comparative data. In contrast, the riboflavin content in the coelomocyte lysates of eleocyte-rich species appears to be a robust and convenient immune-function biomarker of environmental stress.  相似文献   
High plasma vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) concentrations are associated with radiation resistance and poor prognosis. After an exposure to ionizing radiation in cell culture an early phase and a late phase of increased VEGF have been documented. The activation was dependent on the radiation dose. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure baseline plasma VEGF and changes in VEGF over the course of fractionated radiation therapy in dogs with spontaneous tumors. Dogs with tumors had a significantly higher pretreatment plasma VEGF than did dogs without tumors. Immediately after irradiation no increased plasma VEGF was observed. Over the course of radiation therapy there was an increased plasma VEGF in dogs treated with low doses per fraction/high total dose, whereas plasma VEGF remained stable in dogs irradiated with high doses per fraction/low total dose. The regulatory mechanisms are very complex, and therefore the value of plasma VEGF measurements as an indirect marker of angiogenesis induced by radiotherapy is limited.  相似文献   
The sites of oestrogen action can be shown by the localisation of their receptors in the target tissues. The aim of the present study was to show the localisation of oestrogen receptors in porcine embryos and fetuses obtained on days 18, 22, 32, 40, 50, 60, 71 and 90 post coitum (p.c.). The visualisation of proteins was conducted in embryos and various fetal organs such as gonads, uterus, lung, kidney, intestine and adrenal gland. Both ERs were observed in the blastocysts on day 18 p.c. In the male, ERbeta was detected in the testis and epididymis, whereas ERalpha was present in the efferent ductules. In the female, ERbeta was detected in the ovarian stromal cells investing the oocyte nests, while ERalpha protein was detected in the surface epithelium. In the uterus, ERs were present in the stromal cells, while ERbeta was present in the luminal epithelium. In the non-reproductive fetal porcine tissues ERbeta was localised in the lungs, kidneys, adrenal glands and in the umbilical cords. Both ERs were observed in the intestine. It is possible that ERbeta may play important roles in the development of the adrenal gland, testis, kidney and lungs, while both ERs are involved in the development of the ovary, uterus, epididymis and intestine of the porcine fetus.  相似文献   
PTK787/ZK 222584 is an inhibitor of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor tyrosine kinases. In this study, the effectiveness of PTK787/ZK 222584 and radiation on canine oral melanoma xenografts was assessed. Xenografts were treated with radiotherapy (4x6Gy), or with PTK787/ZK 222584, or with a combination of both. Treatment efficacy was assessed using a tumour growth delay assay, serial power Doppler and pO(2) measurements during and after therapy. There was a significant growth delay for the group treated with radiation alone and for the combined treatment group. However, tumour growth delay was similar in both groups. Tumours were hypoxic before irradiation and no significant re-oxygenation occurred during therapy. In all tumours, vascularity and perfusion were significantly lower at the end of the study but no significant differences in perfusion, vascularity and oxygenation status were observed between and within treatment groups. The combination of PTK787/ZK 222584 and radiotherapy did not perform better than radiotherapy alone in this model.  相似文献   
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