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Four Holstein cows were used to determine the effect of timing of the feeding of a corn silage (CS)‐based supplement on the feed intake, milk production and nitrogen utilization of grazing dairy cows. The cows were fed the supplement 2 h before grazing (pre‐grazing) or immediately after grazing (post‐grazing). Cows were grazed for 5 h per day under a rotational grazing system. There was no difference in the herbage and total feed intake between treatments. The milk protein yield for pre‐grazing tended to be higher than that for post‐grazing, whereas the milk yield did not differ between treatments. The total nitrogen intake for pre‐grazing tended to be higher than that for post‐grazing (P = 0.06). There was no difference in the urinary nitrogen output between treatments, whereas the proportion of urinary nitrogen output : total nitrogen intake for pre‐grazing tended to be lower than that for post‐grazing (P = 0.06). The milk nitrogen output and nitrogen retention for pre‐grazing tended to be higher than that for post‐grazing (milk nitrogen, P = 0.06; nitrogen retention, P = 0.05). Nitrogen utilization of grazing dairy cows was improved by feeding a CS‐based supplement before grazing.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   Age and growth of alfonsino Beryx splendens (Lowe) were studied using counts of presumed daily incremental growth rings on the transverse section of otoliths of fish collected from the Kanto District, central Japan. Microstructural growth increments were observed from the core to the outermost margin of the broadest of approximately 50 branches formed on the surface of an otolith. Of 98 otoliths examined, 46 were readable. The number of increments and fish lengths ranged from 448 (218 mm fork length [FL]) to 3701 (411 mm FL). The ages of these fish were estimated to be 1 year, 2 months and 10 years, 2 months, respectively, assuming that an increment was formed daily. The von Bertalanffy growth equation combined for males and females was expressed as follows: L t  = 542 {1 −  exp  [−0.133( t  + 2.00)]}, where L t is fork length (mm) at yearly age t . The results of the present study were compared with those of other researchers who had studied alfonsino from central Japan.  相似文献   
We assess the effect of drifting seaweed (Sargassum sp.) biomass, geography and hydrography on juvenile yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) abundance variation off the southeast coast of Japan, near the Kuroshio Current. The amount of drifting seaweed mats progressively increased northeastward into the cooler, coastal waters. Frontal structure indexed using a station‐to‐station ΔSST did not explain spatial variation in the seaweed mat distribution, although the western extent of the Kuroshio Current appeared to act as a boundary. Juvenile yellowtail constituted 51–62% of the fish collected in association with drifting seaweed mats in April 1996 and 1997 and 29% in June 1996. The abundance of juvenile yellowtail was positively correlated with seaweed biomass. The geographic distribution of juvenile yellowtail associated with drifting mats varied among sampling periods, being more southwesterly in April and more northeasterly in June. Simple multiple regression models based on seaweed biomass and geographic distribution (latitude) explained between 35% and 43% of the variation in juvenile yellowtail abundance in spring. Associations with spatial and temporal variations in hydrographic conditions did not contribute to explained variation in a meaningful manner. The results presented here indicate that, off the southeast coast of Japan during April, yellowtail juveniles are likely to be most abundant when seaweed biomass is high, occur offshore, and are bounded by the western extent of the Kuroshio Current near the 19–20°C SST isotherm.  相似文献   
The effects of supplementary corn silage (CS) of either 2 or 4 kg of dry matter (DM; S + 2 and S + 4, respectively) above the energy requirement for milk production and maintenance for grazing dairy cows (S) were determined. Time‐restricted grazing was used to compare the feed intake, milk production, and nitrogen and energy use of lactating cows. The experiment was carried out on two different pastures using a 3 × 3 Latin square design for each pasture. Cows were grazed for 5 h on a rotational grazing system and were fed concentrate (1 kg per 5 kg of milk yield). Herbage intake was measured using a weighing technique. To calculate the energy and nitrogen use, whole feces and urine were collected. There was no statistical effect of the pastures. Herbage intake decreased by the addition of CS (P = 0.02). The reduction of herbage DM intake per unit consumption of supplementary CS towards the S group were 0.80 and 0.45 kg for the S + 2 and S + 4 groups, respectively. The total DM intake for the S + 4 group was higher than that for the S and S + 2 groups (P = 0.02). Milk yield did not differ among treatments, even though the total DM intake for the S + 4 group was higher than that of the S and S + 2 groups. Nitrogen and energy use did not differ with the addition of CS.  相似文献   
Ten lactating cows were used to determine the effect of feeding non-fibrous carbohydrate (NFC) supplement before grazing on feed intake and nitrogen (N) utilization throughout a grazing season. The experiment was conducted from June to September. Cows grazed twice a day (2.5 h × 2) under a set stocking system and were fed NFC supplement (1 kg/4 kg of milk yield) 2 h before grazing (PRE) or immediately after grazing (POST). Cows were also fed a grass and corn silage mixture ad libitum. Herbage dry matter intake (DMI) was greater for PRE than for POST throughout the experiment and decreased from June to September. Conversely, silage DMI was less for PRE than for POST throughout the experiment and increased over the grazing season. Consequently, total DMI for PRE did not differ from that for POST. Milk urea-N concentration and urinary urea-N excretion in June did not differ between the treatments, whereas that after July was higher for PRE than for POST. Proportion of urinary N excretion to absorbed N intake in June was lower for PRE than for POST, but that after July was higher for PRE than for POST. Feeding NFC supplement before grazing would improve N utilization when cows eat large amounts of herbage high in N.  相似文献   
To study the effects of supplementary probiotics on dry matter intake (DMI), daily gain (DG), digestibility, ruminal pH, and fecal microbial populations and metabolites in ruminants, two reversal trials were conducted by using four Suffolk ewes fitted with rumen cannula. The ewes were fed with oat hay and with concentrate and oat hay in the ratio of 60 : 40 in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. The ewes in the treatment groups were supplemented with 10 g/day/head probiotics for 49 days. Fresh fecal samples were collected to measure microbial populations and metabolites. On days 43–47 total feces was collected to measure digestibility, and on the days 48 and 49 ruminal pH was measured. No significant difference of DMI, DG, dry matter digestibility, and ruminal pH was observed between the control and treatment groups. The probiotics treatment tended to increase crude fiber (P = 0.11) and organic cell wall digestibility (P = 0.18). In the final week, probiotics treatment significantly increased the fecal population of Bacilli (P < 0.05) and mold (P < 0.01) in experiment 1 and 2, respectively. No significant difference of fecal VFA and ammonia concentrations between the control and treatment groups was observed. The supplementary probiotics changed population of some microbial strains in the feces and possibly the large intestine of ewes.  相似文献   
In the mammalian testis, the ubiquitin-proteasome system plays important roles in the process that promotes the formation of mature sperm. We recently identified zygote-specific proteasome assembly phaperone (ZPAC), which is specifically expressed in the mouse gonads and zygote. ZPAC mediates a unique proteasome assembly pathway in the zygote, but the expression profile and function of ZPAC in the testis is not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the possible role of ZPAC during mouse spermatogenesis. First, we analyzed the expression of ZPAC and 20S proteasome subunit α4/PSMA7 in the adult mouse testis. ZPAC and α4 were expressed in spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and round spermatids. In elongating spermatids, ZPAC was expressed until step 10, whereas expression of α4 persisted until step 12. We then examined the expression profile of ZPAC and α4 in a mouse model of experimental unilateral cryptorchidism. Consistent with appearance of morphologically impaired germ cells following cryptorchidism, the ZPAC protein level was significantly decreased at 4 days post induction of experimental cryptorchidism (D4) compared with the intact testis, although the amount of α4 protein persisted at least until D10. Moreover, intense ZPAC staining was co-localized with staining of annexin V, an early indicator of apoptosis in mammalian cells, in germ cells of cryptorchid testis, but ZPAC was also expressed in germ cells showing no detectable expression of annexin V. These results suggest that ZPAC plays a role during spermatogenesis and raises the possibility that 20S proteasome mediated by ZPAC may be involved in the regulation of germ cell survival during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
Recovery policy for chub mackerel stock using recruitment-per-spawning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The stock abundance of chub mackerel ( Scomber japonicus ) in the Pacific Ocean off Japan declined in the 1980s and remained at low levels through the 1990s. There were recruitment successes in 1992 and 1996. However, the cohorts born in these years were heavily fished before the age of maturity and chub mackerel has not begun to recover. To investigate the effects of conserving immature fish, we created four recovery policies: (i) policy 0, actual fishing mortality during the 1990s; (ii) policy 1, conserve strong year classes; (iii) policy 2, apply the average fishing mortality in the 1970s–1980s after 1992; and (iv) policy 3, a 55% reduction of the mortality adopted by policy 2. Policy 3 was considered to be the best in terms of final stock abundance and total catch from 1992 to 1999. We also calculate the future projection of stock and catch under these three policies as well as using average fishing mortality from 1993 to 1999. Using average fishing mortality from 1993 to 1999, the stock will not be recovered within the next 20 years. Even under the best policy, the risk that the final stock is not recovered to 3 million tons within the next 10 years is 40%.  相似文献   
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