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Datura ferox seeds do not germinate when they are incubated intact and in darkness, even after 24 months of dry storage. If allowed to absorb water vapour for 3–4 weeks at 20°C, they lose dormancy, germinating even when incubated in darkness. The breakage of dormancy is directly related to the vapour pressure of the atmosphere where the seeds are stored, and good aeration is necessary for the process to occur. If seeds absorb liquid water, the toss of dormancy is much less than that of seeds stored in a saturated atmosphere. A similar effect is observed when seeds are buried in a soil at field capacity. The results indicate that a certain degree of imbibition, under good gas-exchange conditions, is important for breaking dormancy. As a hypothesis, it is proposed that most of the population remains dormant when not enough O2 is available for (he imbibed seed. The low rate of O2 entry could be due to poor diffusion through the water-saturated seed coat (seeds which absorb liquid water) or to a low O2 level in the surrounding atmosphere (soil at field capacity). One of the possible roles of O2 could be to oxidize the inhibitor(s) present in these seeds. La rupture de la dormance des semences de Datura ferox considérée comme un effet de l'absorplion de l'eau. Les semences de Datura ferox ne germent pas quand elles sont mises au germoir intactes et à l'obscurité, même aprés 24 mois de conservation au sec. Si elles peuvent absorber de la vapeur d'eau pendant 3 à 4 semaines à 20°C, elles perdent leur dormance et germent meme & à l'obscurité. La rupture de la dormance est en relation directe avec la pression de la vapeurd'eau de l'atmosphére dans laquelle les semences sont conservées; une bonne aération est nécessaire pour que le processus se déclanche. Si les semences absorbent de l'eau à l'état liquide, la rupture de dormance est beaucoup moindre que celle de semences conscrvées dans une atmosphére saturée. Un effet analogue est observé lorsque les semences sont ententes dans un sol ayant atteint sa capacity au champ. Les résultats indiquent qu'un certain degriS d'imbibition, sous de bonnes conditions d'changes gazeux. est important pour la rupture de la dormance. Comme hypothtése, il est proposé que la plus grande partie de la population reste dormante lorsqu'il n'y a pas assez d'oxygene disponible pour la semence imbibeée. Le faible taux d'absorption d'oxygéne pourrait étre du à sa fuible diffusion à travers l'enveloppe saturée d'eau de la semence (pour celles qui absorbent l'eau à I état liquide) ou à un bas niveau d'oxygene dans Tatmosphére environnante (cas d'un sol à la capacityé au champ). Un des rôles possibles de l'oxygéne pourrait être d'oxyder les inhibiteurs presents dans les semences. Das Brechen der Keimruhe in Samen von Datura ferox ah ein Effekt der Wasseraiifnahme Samen von Datura ferox keimen nicht, wenn sie bei Dunkelheit gehalten werden; auch nicht, wenn sie zuvor 24 Monate trocken lagerten. Wenn sie bei 20°C, 3 bis 4 Wochen tang Wasserdampf aufnehmen, verlieren sie die Keimhemmung und keimen sogar im Dunketn. Zwischcn dem Brechen der Keimruhe und dem Damptdruck der Luft in der sie gelagert werden, besteht eine direkte Beziehung. Fur diesen Vorgang ist eine gute BelCiflung Vorausselzung. Wenn die Samen flijssiges Wasser aufnehmen, ist der Verlust der Keimhemmung wesentlich geringer als wenn sie in einer gesättigten Atmosphäre gelagert werden. Eine ähnliche Wirkung wird beobachtet. wenn die Samen im Boden bei Feldkapazität gelagert werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass für das Brechen der Keimruhe ein bestimmtes Mass der Aufnahme bei ausreichendem Gasaustausch wichtig ist. Als cine Hypothese wird vorgeschlagen, dass die meisten der Population dormant bleiben, wenn für die mil Wasser vollgesaugten Samen nicht ausreichend O2 verfügbar ist. Der geringe Zutritt an O2 konnte auf die mässige Diffusion durch die wassergesättigte Samenschale (Samen die fliissiges Wasser aufnehmen), oder auf einen geringen O2-Gehalt in der umgebenden Luft (Boden bei Feldkapazität) zurückzuführen sein. Eine der möglichen Bedeutungen die dem O2 zukommen, könnte in der Oxidation des bzw. der Hemmstoffe der Samen liegen.  相似文献   
The objective of this article is to present a new way to incorporate the sectoral dimension within the components of regional growth provided by the traditional shift–share analysis. The new methodology elaborates the way that the dynamics of a specific sector in a region are influenced by the performance of other sectors, the latter decomposed between national, structural, and differential effects. To illustrate this extension of the shift–share method, an application is provided using data for the Spanish region of Extremadura for the period 1990–2004. The results highlight how these new components can shed new insights into the analysis of sectoral and regional economic growth processes.  相似文献   
Objective— To determine the applicability, complications, and long-term functional outcome of the Kishigami Atlantoaxial Tension Band (Kishigami AATB) for management of congenital and traumatic atlantoaxial (AA) instability in toy breed dogs.
Study Design— Case series.
Animals— Toy breed dogs (n=8) with congenital or traumatic AA instability.
Methods— The AA joint of each dog was surgically stabilized through a dorsal approach using the original or a modified version of the Kishigami AATB. Pre- and postoperative neurologic status, radiographs, and complications were reviewed. Follow-up examination was performed at 1 and 12 months.
Results— Functional improvement occurred in 5 dogs; 1 dog did not improve or worsen and 2 dogs were euthanatized at owner request. Adequate reduction and stabilization was achieved in 7 dogs based on immediate postoperative radiographs; failure of reduction was evident in 1 dog. No relevant complications occurred.
Conclusions— Kishigami AATB may be acceptable as an alternative method for dorsal stabilization of AA subluxation in toy breed dogs in which use of ventral screws or pins is challenging. Experience with this technique in a larger population is necessary to compare our results to those reported by ventral approach.
Clinical Relevance— The surgical technique described is effective, safe, and simple in the surgical treatment of AA subluxation in toy breed dogs.  相似文献   
Understanding the factors that lead to variation in the timing of breeding in widespread species such as red deer (Cervus elaphus) is crucial to predict possible responses of wild populations to different climate scenarios. Here, we sought to further understand the causes of inter‐annual variation in the reproduction timing of female deer in Mediterranean environments. An integrative approach was used to identify the relative importance of individual, population and climate traits in the date of conception of free‐ranging deer, based on a dataset of 829 hinds culled during 12 years. We found that a population trait, density, was the most important factor explaining the variation in conception dates, with greater densities causing later conception dates. Body mass was the second in importance, with heavier females conceiving earlier than lighter ones. Almost equally important was the spring real bioclimatic index, a measure of plant productivity, causing later conception dates in the least productive springs (drier and hotter). Another climatic component, the end of summer drought, showed that the sooner the autumn arrives (greater rainfalls and cooler temperatures) the earlier the conception dates. Interestingly, age class was found to be a minor factor in determining conception date. Only older females (≥10 years old) conceived significantly later, suggesting reproductive senescence. This study highlights not only the importance of population and individual traits but also the influence of climatic parameters on the deer reproductive cycle in Mediterranean environments, giving valuable insight into how reproductive phenology may respond to seasonality and global climate changes.  相似文献   
Three oceanographic surveys carried out in the Sicilian Channel during the spawning season (June to July) of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) showed a close relationship between anchovy reproductive strategy and important hydrographic structures. A time series of satellite‐derived sea surface temperature images of the Sicilian Channel were analysed by means of empirical orthogonal functions and the dominant empirical modes were studied in detail. The first empirical mode captured much of the original variance and reproduced the trajectory of the Atlantic Ionian Stream (AIS), the principal hydrodynamic feature of the area. The time coefficients of modes 1 and 2 had seasonal signals which, when combined, accounted for the enhancement of the thermal front, clearly visible off Cape Passero (southernmost coast of Sicily) during summer. As the area constituted the principal nursery ground of the Sicilian Channel anchovy, the combination of the time coefficients of these modes was considered a potential indicator of the food particle concentration usually associated with oceanic fronts, which provided the energy requirements for larval growth. Mode 3 described the north/south displacements of the mean AIS trajectory, which modified the surface temperature regime of the anchovy spawning habitat. Therefore, the time coefficients of this mode were used as a potential indicator of anchovy spawning habitat variability. The capability of time coefficients of modes 2 and 3 to modify the main pattern depicted by mode 1 were tested successfully against in situ oceanographic observations.  相似文献   
In humans, administration of recombinant human thyroid stimulating hormone (rhTSH) allows radioactive iodine dose reduction and higher efficacy in the treatment of multinodular goiter and thyroid cancer. A similar effect might be expected in dogs with thyroid carcinoma. However, if rhTSH leads to an increase in thyroid volume, it must be used carefully in dogs with large thyroid tumors to avoid compression of key anatomical structures. The aim of this study was to determine the short‐term effect of rhTSH on thyroid volume and echogenicity, measured by ultrasonography, in healthy Beagles. Seven beagles were divided randomly in two groups in a prospective placebo‐controlled blinded cross‐over study. On day 1, one group received 100 μg of rhTSH intravenously and the other group received placebo. After a wash‐out period of 3 weeks, the groups were crossed over. Evaluation of thyroid echogenicity, homogeneity, shape, capsule delineation, and measurement of thyroid length, width, and height were performed by the same observer at baseline, and at 6, 24, and 48 h after injection of rhTSH and placebo. There was no significant difference between the effect of rhTSH and placebo on thyroid volume (P=0.397), echogenicity, homogeneity, or capsule delineation. Time had a significant effect on thyroid volume (P=0.027). No adverse effects after rhTSH administration were noticed. The effect of rhTSH on thyroid volume in dogs with thyroid carcinoma needs to be assessed.  相似文献   
Six isonitrogenous [450 g kg−1 crude protein (CP)] and isoenergetic diets (23 kJ g−1) with six levels of defatted soybean meal inclusion (0, 132, 263, 395, 526 and 658 g kg−1) in substitution of fish meal were evaluated in gilthead sea bream of 242 g initial weight for 134 days. Fish fed diets S0, S13, S26 and S39 had a similar live weight (422, 422, 438 and 422 g, respectively) but fish fed diets S53 and S66 obtained the lowest final weight (385 and 333g, respectively), and similar results were presented in specific growth rate (SGR). Fish fed diets S53 and S66 also obtained the highest feed conversion ratio (FCR). Quadratic multiple regression equations were developed for SGR and FCR which were closely related to dietary soybean level. The optimum dietary soybean levels were 205 g kg−1 for maximum SGR and 10 g kg−1 for minimum FCR. Sensorial differences were appreciated by judges between fish fed S0 and S39 soybean level, but after a re-feeding period of 28 days with diet S0, these differences disappeared.  相似文献   
A sutured tenorrhaphy technique that incorporated an autologous tendon graft was compared mechanically and histologically with a sutured tenorrhaphy at 6, 12, and 24 weeks after repair. Tenorrhaphy was performed in the forelimb tendon of the deep digital flexor muscle and the graft was taken from the hindlimb tendon of the lateral digital extensor muscle; one forelimb site included the graft, whereas the other forelimb site was not grafted. Tenotomies were made immediately proximal to the insertion of the accessory ligament into the tendon of the deep digital flexor muscle. Grafted and nongrafted tenorrhaphies were sutured with 2 polydioxanone in a modified double locking-loop pattern. Limbs were supported with a bandage and an extended elevated heel shoe that maintained the dorsal hoof wall angle at 70° to 75°; this support was removed at 12 weeks and dorsal hoof wall angle was maintained at 40° to 45° for the remainder of the study. Gap formation (2.5 ±.3 cm) was evident at all tenorrhaphy sites at 3 days on ultrasound examination. In grafted repairs, the breaking stress was increased ( P <.001) between 6 weeks (2.56 ±.44 MPa) and 12 weeks (17.69 ± 7.68 MPa), with grafted tendon having a greater breaking stress than nongrafted tendon (8.77 ± 2.5 MPa; P <.05). No differences in breaking stress were evident at 24 weeks. At 12 weeks, repair tissue in grafted tendon was histologically more mature, had less cellularity, better fibroblast orientation and more homogeneous collagen matrix than nongrafted tendon. Polydioxanone suture was still evident histologically at 24 weeks and was associated with minimal cellular reaction. Incorporation of an autologous tendon graft improved the mechanical properties and histological quality of the repair tissue in equine flexor tenorrhaphies at 12 weeks but not at 24 weeks after repair.  相似文献   
This paper reviews an interactive, policy-oriented simulation model and introduces the addition of a water module. This module enables policymakers to estimate and analyze those direct and indirect socioeconomic effects on a regional economy, occurring over time, which are attributable to regional water supply constraints and water allocation decisions. In addition, this paper presents a hear-programming-based approach which can guide the user in making water parameter adjustments for a chosen objective. An empirical demonstration of the procedure based on the Minnesota state economy illustrates its usefulness.  相似文献   
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