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Large quantities of high protein fish meals are needed to sustain cultured species and thus the impact to marine ecosystem has been highly discussed. The aim of this study was to apply a PCR‐cloning methodology for a robust insight into the composition of commercial fish meals and feeds for farmed species of the Greek mariculture, assessing the risk posed by aquaculture to marine ecosystems but also the risk posed by commercial fish feeds to the increase in trophic level of species farmed in Greece. 89% of the sequences were identified to species level and only 11% to genus/family level. Overall, a total of 49 taxa were identified (44 fish species/taxon, five non‐fish species/taxon). Even though small pelagic fish like Engraulis sp. were the main portion, a wide range of species constituted the fish meals and feeds. Plant and animal species were also detected as an alternative protein source. Feed products employed in Greek mariculture still contain large portions of fish meals which increase the mean trophic level of farmed species causing a farming up trend. The results emphasize that such molecular methodologies are needed to certify aquafeeds allowing fish feed producers to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable aquaculture.  相似文献   
Changes in 17-estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), testosterone (T), 11-ketotestosterone (11KT), and 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20-P) levels were correlated to changes in gonadosomatic index (GSI), vitellogenin concentration (Vg), ovarian and testicular histology during the annual reproductive cycle of the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus. The production of E2, E1, T and 17,20-P was confirmed by analysis of the steroidogenic activity of ovaries. In females, the average concentration of E2 was lower than 2 ng ml–1. E2 values first increased significantly at the stage of endogenous vitellogenesis and remained high during exogenous vitellogenesis. E1 levels were lower values than E2 (less than 300 pg ml–1), but they increased at the beginning of exogenous vitellogenesis. Estrogens concentrations followed similar pattern to Vg and were significantly correlated. Mean levels of T were mostly lower than 1 ng ml–1. They followed a pattern similar to that of E2 except for a further increase observed at the stage of final maturation. T and E2 levels were significantly correlated. The concentration of 11KT did not change significantly. The levels of 17,20-P ranged between 0.22 and 1.22 ng ml–1 but changes were not related to gametogenesis. In males, the concentrations of T and 11KT fluctuated significantly during the sexual maturity stages, showing a similar pattern and were significantly correlated to GSI changes. T levels increased during spermiogenesis and spermiation stages to reach about 3 ng ml–1. 11KT levels stayed about half those of T. The levels of estrogens showed no significant changes. Level of 17,20-P showed no significant variation related to male maturity. Results are discussed in relation to changes in plasma steroid levels during gametogenesis of other multiple spawner species.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that resistance of Botrytis cinerea to QoI fungicides has been attributed to the G143A mutation in the cytochrome b (cytb) gene, while, in a part of the fungal population, an intron has been detected at codon 143 of the gene, preventing QoI resistance. During 2005–2009, 304 grey mould isolates were collected from strawberry, tomato, grape, kiwifruit, cucumber and apple in Greece and screened for resistance to pyraclostrobin and for the presence of the cytb intron, using a novel real‐time TaqMan PCR assay developed in the present study. RESULTS: QoI‐resistant phenotypes existed only within the population collected from strawberries. All resistant isolates possessed the G143A mutation. Differences were observed in the genotypic structure of cytb. Individuals possessing the intron were found at high incidence in apple fruit and greenhouse‐grown tomato and cucumber populations, whereas in the strawberry population the intron frequency was lower. Cultivation of QoI‐resistant and QoI‐sensitive isolates for ten culture cycles on artificial nutrient medium in the presence or absence of fungicide selection showed that QoI resistance was stable. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study suggest that a high risk for selection of QoI‐resistant strains exists in crops heavily treated with QoIs, in spite of the widespread occurrence of the cytb intron in B. cinerea populations. The developed real‐time TaqMan PCR constitutes a powerful tool to streamline detection of the mutation by reducing pre‐ and post‐amplification manipulations, and can be used for rapid screening and quantification of QoI resistance. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV, Genus Potexvirus, Family Flexiviridae) is a mechanically transmitted viral disease that has emerged as a significant problem of greenhouse tomato crops in Europe and around the world. Although previous studies in Cyprus suggested that the virus was not present on the island, in 2009 tomato fruits from two major tomato production areas exhibited symptoms of yellow mosaic and discolouration, similar to those induced by PepMV. Consequently, an extensive survey was conducted in all tomato producing areas of the country to identify the incidence and prevalence of PepMV in protected and open field tomato crops. Analysis of 3500 leaf samples from tomato plants and weeds with DAS-ELISA and real-time RT-PCR showed that PepMV was present in all tomato growing areas of the island. The virus was detected in both protected and open field tomato plants, as well as in 20 weed species in the families of Amaranthaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Convolvulaceae, Malvaceae, Plantaginaceae and Solanaceae. All Cypriot isolates assayed belonged to the CH2 genotype. Biological assays with two Cypriot isolates showed that they could infect cultivated and weed species including Vigna unguiculata, Solanum melongena, Nicotiana tabacum, Malva parviflora, Sonchus oleraceus, Solanum nigrum, Convolvulus arvensis, Chrysanthemum segetum and Calendula arvensis. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report Chrysanthemum segetum and Calendula arvensis as hosts of PepMV.  相似文献   
Oleander (Nerium oleander L.) is an evergreen shrub of great ornamental interest which, in recent times, has been increasingly used as a flowering pot plant. Plants grown in pots undergo more frequent water stress conditions than those grown in the soil, due to the limited volume of substrate available for the roots. Oleander is a species adaptable to dry conditions and able to survive long periods of drought. It is well known that under water stress conditions all plants reduce photosynthetic activity, resulting in reduced plant growth. In case of severe water stress, leaves undergo strong wilting and senescence resulting in the loss of ornamental value. In the present work, a study was conducted to evaluate the ecophysiological response to water stress in four oleander cultivars previously recognised (on the basis of traits such as size, habit, earliness, abundance and duration of flowering, aptitude for cutting propagation and rapidity of growth) as suitable for pot plant production. Our data confirm the high drought tolerance of oleander. In the studied cultivars, plants submitted to water stress showed only minor variations in leaf gas exchange parameters [transpiration (E), stomatal conductance (gs) and CO2 net assimilation (A)] for at least 10 days without a change in leaf water content [assessed as relative water content (RWC)] for 22 days from the beginning of the stress treatment. During this period, non-irrigated plants maintained the same water status as control plants and were visually undistinguishable from them. Moreover, plants survived without water supply for one month. Following the supply of water again, they were able to restore RWC, gas exchange parameters and instantaneous water use efficiency [A/E ratio (WUEinst)] to the values of control plants. Furthermore, if at the end of the stress period plants appeared withered and were pale green in colour, they regained their normal appearance after they were irrigated again. Although the four studied cultivars showed some minor differences in leaf gas exchange parameters and in the manner in which the latter parameters changed after irrigation was stopped, the response to water stress was essentially the same. Therefore, as far as drought tolerance is concerned, all these cultivars have a good aptitude for use as flowering pot plants.  相似文献   
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