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Abstract. For a study of the fecundity of Macrobrachium rosenbergii , a total of 117 berried females were sampled from ponds. Fecundity was found to vary from 1216 to 89747 eggs for prawns measuring 9.0cm to 15.8cm total length and weighing 6.22 to 45.80g. The relationship between fecundity (EN) and total length (TL) was found to be EN = 0.001876 TL6.3617.
The average egg number/g total body weight for prawns having orange, yellow and grey eggs was 1132.7 ± 484.1,766.4 ± 524.3 and 745.5 ± 487.2, respectively, a decrease of 32.3% when orange eggs became yellow and 34.3% when they turned grey. This decrease was probably due to unfertilized eggs dropping off and some eggs being eaten by the brooders during the incubation period.
Egg numbers/g egg weight were found to be 11360.1 ± 1642.1,10715.7 ± 2725.3 and 8634.0 ± 1892.3 for orange, yellow and grey eggs, respectively. When compared to orange eggs, yellow eggs were slightly heavier (6%), but grey eggs were significantly heavier by 31.6%. The increase in the weight of the grey eggs can be explained by the elongation of fully formed organs and appendages by about 17 days post fertilization.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding fermented fish (FF) to layers on laying performance, and polyunsaturated fatty acid and cholesterol levels in eggs and plasma. A total of 96, 13-week-old Babcock B380 pullets were used in this study. They were randomly assigned to four numerically equal groups with eight replicates per treatment, three birds per replicate. All the birds were housed in individual cages. The dietary treatments were: Control diet, without FF; FF3 diet containing 3% (w/w) FF, FF6 diet containing 6% (w/w) FF and FF9 diet containing 9% (w/w) FF. The study was carried out for 16 weeks inclusive of two weeks of adjustment. Weekly feed intake and egg production were recorded. Blood plasma cholesterol and fatty acid profiles were assayed at the end of the experiment. FF did not enhance ( P  > 0.05) egg mass but ( P  < 0.05) decreased egg weight slightly. However, egg yolk cholesterol and plasma cholesterol concentrations were reduced ( P  < 0.05) by FF. The n-6:n-3 fatty acids ratio in the egg yolk (Control = 7.9, FF9 = 6.2) and plasma (Control = 10.6, FF9 = 6.2) were decreased by feeding FF. Moreover, FF was able to increase ( P  < 0.05) the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) concentrations in egg yolk and plasma. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that FF increased DHA and reduced egg yolk cholesterol in poultry eggs.  相似文献   
Effects of earthworm casts on soil nutrient dynamics and their responses to changing moisture availability in subtropical ecosystems remain poorly understood. This study aimed to examine short-term carbon(C) and nitrogen(N) dynamics and their interactions with wetting-drying cycles in three different structural forms(i.e., granular, globular, and heap-like) of Amynthas earthworm casts. The rates of C and N mineralization in the earthworm casts were examined under two different wetting-drying cycles(i.e., 2-d and 4-d wetting intervals) using a rainfall simulation experiment. After three simulated rainfall events, subsamples of the earthworm casts were further incubated for 4 d for the determination of CO_2 and N_2O fluxes. The results of this study indicated that the impacts of wetting-drying cycles on the short-term C and N dynamics were highly variable among the three cast forms, but wetting-drying cycles significantly reduced the cumulative CO_2 and N_2O fluxes by 62%–83% and 57%–85%, respectively, when compared to the control without being subjected to any rainfall events. The C mineralization rates in different cast forms were affected by the amount of organic substrates and N content in casts, which were associated with the food preference and selection of earthworms. Meanwhile, the cumulative N_2O fluxes did not differ among the three cast forms. Repeated wetting and drying of casts not only enhanced aggregate stability by promoting bonds between the cast particles, but also inhibited microbial survival and growth during the prolonged drying period, which together hindered decomposition and denitrification. Our findings demonstrated that the interactions between the structural forms, aggregate dynamics, and C and N cycling in the earthworm casts were highly complex.  相似文献   
L. T. KOK 《Weed Research》1975,15(1):21-25
Host specificity studies on Ceuthorhynchidius horridus (Panzer), a weevil which attacks thistles at the rosette stage, revealed that the larvae of this insect were able to complete development in musk thistle (Carduus nutans L.), plumeless thistle (Carduus acanthoides L.) and bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.); but not in two closely related economic species, artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) and safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L). Adult weevils showed feeding preference for the three thistles over artichoke; there was no feeding on safflower. Weevils that fed on thistles readily oviposited in artichoke as well as in thistles, but not in safflower. Feeding on artichoke was minimal and artichoke-fed weevils produced a subnormal number of eggs. Few larvae feeding in artichoke survived to the third instar; larval growth rate was slow and none pupated. Safflower did not support larval development or adult feeding. Recherches sur la spécificite de l'hôte chez Ceuthorhynchidius horridus (Panzer) (Coleoptères: Curculionidae) en vue de la lutte biologique contre le chardon penché et le chardon à feuilles d'acanthe Des recherches sur la spécificité de l'hôte chez Ceuthorhynchidius horridus (Panzer), un charançon qui attaque les chardons au stade rosette, ont révélé que les larves de cet insecte étaient susceptibles d'un développement complet chez le chardon penché (Carduus nutans L.) le chardon à feuilles d'acanthe (Carduus acanthoides L.) et le chardon commun (Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.), mais non sur deux espèces très voisines; l'artichaut (Cynara scolymus L.) et le carthame (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Les charançons adultes ont manifesté une préférence à se nourrir des trois espèces de chardons plutôt que de l'artichaut. Le charthame n'a pas été consommé. Les charançons nourris sur les chardons ont déposé facilement leurs Æufs sur l'artichaut aussi bien que sur les chardons, mais pas sur le carthame. La consommation sur artichaut a été minimale et les charançons élevés sur artichaut ont produit un nombre d'Æufs plus élevé. Quelques larves élevées sur artichaut ont survécu jusqu'au troisième stade larvaire. Le taux de croissance des larves a été lent et aucune n'a formé de pupes. Le carthame n'a pas permis le développement des larves ni Ia nourriture des adultes. Untersuchungen zur Wirtsspezifität von Ceuthorhynchidius horridus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) zur biologischen Bekämpfung von Carduus nutans L. und C. acanthoides L. Untersuchungen zur Wirtsspezifität von Ceuthorhynchidius horridus (Panzer), einem Rüsselkäfer, der die Disteln im Rosettenstadium befällt, zeigten, dass sich die Larven dieses Insekts in Nickender Distel (Carduus nutans L.), Weg-Distel (Carduus acanthoides L.) und Gemeiner Kratzdistel (Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.) vollsändig entwickeln können, nicht hingegen in den zwei nahe verwandten Arten Artischocke (Cynara scolymus L.) und Färber-Saflor (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Ausgewachsene Rüsselkäfer zogen zum Fressen die drei Distelarten der Artischocke vor, auf Saflor wurde kein Frass beobachtet. Rüsselkäfer, die auf den Disteln frassen, legten ihre Eier sowohl in Artischocken als auch in Disteln ab, jedoch nicht in Saflor. Der Frass an der Artischocke war gering und die Rüsselkäfer auf diesen Pflanzen legten weniger Eier als normal. In den Artischocken überlebten nur wenige Larven das dritte Stadium, wuchsen langsamer und verpuppten sich nicht. Saflor begünstigt nicht die Entwicklung der Larven oder den Frass der erwachsenen Tiere.  相似文献   
Acute and chronic effects of spring application of 2,4-D on adult C. horridus (Panzer) were examined by determining dose-mortality response and adult vitality. LC50 values for males (70.2 kg/ha) and females (61.4 kg/ha) corresponded to 41.7 and 36.6 times, respectively, the recommended application rate of 1.68 kg/ha. Survival of weevils treated with 1.68 kg/ha was not different from untreated controls, but higher doses (16.8–147.8 kg/ha) caused significantly greater mortality. Adult vitality, measured by number of feeding marks per weevil and rate of weight change. was unaffected by the herbicide. When thistle infested fields were sprayed with 1.68 or 2.24 kg/ha of 2,4-D the host plants died, but the survival, reproduction, and population increase of C. horridus were not affected.  相似文献   
Distinctive channel patterns in the floors of alluvial clay depressions in Iraq and Sudan as well as in other parts of the arid zone have been described as gilgai in the past though their morphology differs from examples of gilgai as originally described in Australia. The soils on which the channels develop vary considerably and do not always contain large proportions of expanding lattice clay. The formation of the micro-relief may not necessarily involve heaving of the subsoil as in the Australian gilgai. It is formed rather by a process of uneven settling and compaction, the patterns of channelling being controlled by pre-existing surface irregularities. If the formation of the micro-relief does not involve heaving, it is probable that the channels will not reform after reclamation. The term‘tabra channels’ is suggested for the feature.  相似文献   
Two winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) cultivars, tolerant to glyphosate and glufosinate, were compared with a conventional cultivar at three sites over 4 years, in 3‐year crop rotations in the UK. The winter oilseed rape was grown in Years 1 and 4, with winter cereals, which received uniform herbicide treatments, in the intervening years. The second winter oilseed rape treatments were applied to randomised sub‐plots of the original plots. Weed densities were recorded in autumn and spring and weed biomass was measured in summer. At most sites, there was only one application of glufosinate or glyphosate, whereas two products were often used on the conventional variety. The timing of glyphosate and glufosinate application was, on average, 34 days later than that of the conventional broad‐leaved weed control treatments. Overall weed control, across all sites and years, was not statistically different between the conventional, glyphosate and glufosinate treatments. However, glyphosate achieved higher control of individual weed species more frequently than the other treatments. Glufosinate and the conventional treatments were similar in performance. The treatments in Year 1 sometimes affected weed populations in the subsequent cereal crops and, in rare instances, those in the rape in Year 4. Carry‐over effects were small after most treatments. In general, weed survival was greater in the oilseed rape crops, irrespective of the treatment, than it was in the intervening cereal crops.  相似文献   
Aneuploid and intervarietal chromosome substitution lines of wheat ev. Chinese Spring were used to study the effects of homoeologous chromosomes 7A, 7B and 7D upon adult plant resistance to yellow rust ( Puccinia striiformis). Chromosomes 7B and 7D carry factors upon their short arms which interact to influence resistance. The results can be explained if there is a single locus determining resistance upon the short arms of chromosomes 7B and 7D. These loci may be homoeo-allelic; however, no evidence was found for a corresponding locus upon the short arm of chromosome 7A. Three homologous variants of the factor on 7DS were found but no variation was found for the factor on 7BS.  相似文献   
2‐Deoxy‐2‐[18F]fluoro‐d ‐glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) is becoming increasingly available as an imaging modality in veterinary medicine. The purpose of this study was to report semiquantitative standard uptake values (SUV) of malignant and nonmalignant tissues and organs in canine cancer patients. FDG PET/CT was performed in 14 dogs including, nine mesenchymal tumors, four carcinomas, and one incompletely excised mast cell tumor. A generally higher FDG uptake was observed in carcinomas relative to sarcomas. Maximum SUV of carcinomas ranged from 7.6 to 27.0, and for sarcomas from 2.0 to 10.6. The FDG SUV of several organs and tissues, including regional brain uptake is reported, to serve as a reference for future FDG PET studies in canine cancer patients. Several potential pitfalls have been recognized in interpretation of FDG PET images of human patients, a number of these were also observed in this study.  相似文献   
Genetic modification techniques, in particular novel gene editing technologies, hold the yet unfulfilled promise of altering genetic traits in farm animals more efficiently than by crossbreeding, allowing for a more rapid development of new cattle breeds with distinct traits. Gene editing technologies allow for the directed alteration of specific traits and thereby have the potential to enhance, for instance, disease resilience, production yield and the production of desired substances in milk. The potential implications of these technological advancements, which are often combined with animal cloning methods, are discussed both for animal health and for consumer safety, also with consideration of available methods for the detection and identification of the related products in the food supply chain. Finally, an overview is provided of current regulatory approaches in the European Union (EU) and major countries exporting beef to the EU, for products from animals bred through established practices as well as modern biotechnologies.  相似文献   
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