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Observations on transplacental infection with bluetongue virus in sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-four ewes were inoculated with 1 of 2 strains of bluetongue virus type 4 at 40, 60, or 80 days of gestation. Two ewes aborted, 2 ewes died, and 1 was killed during the experiment, but their fetuses were recovered. At term, 2 mummified fetuses, 4 dead lambs, and 17 clinically healthy lambs were produced by 12 sheep, and the remaining 7 sheep were barren. Porencephaly and cerebellar dysgenesis were found in term lambs born to sheep inoculated at 40 and 60 days of gestation. Radiographic examination of 12 fetuses showed developmental ages far less than their chronologic age; 8 fetuses had skeletal growth-retardation lines, which were also observed in the dead lambs. A systemic lymphoreticular hyperplasia was observed in the dead lambs and in all lambs at 12 weeks of age; in 4 of the latter, granulomatous reactions were present in the liver and kidney. Lungs of the full-term lambs were reduced in weight and showed poor alveolar development and mononuclear cell infiltration, which persisted in the 12-week-old lambs. It was concluded that bluetongue virus is capable of causing not only gross abnormalities of the CNS, but also generalized growth retardation and fetal lymphoreticular hyperplasia.  相似文献   
The uterine and umbilical vessels of 12 pregnant ponies were catheterised to study foetal metabolism. The effects of this procedure on maternal and foetal cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic and adrenocortical activity were monitored during and after surgery. Premedication with acepromazine-butorphanol-detomidine was followed by induction of anaesthesia with detomidine and ketamine and maintenance, using mechanical ventilation, with halothane in oxygen and nitrous oxide. Mean maternal arterial blood pressure was greater than 70 mmHg during anaesthesia and arterial oxygen tension remained over 100 mmHg. The foetuses were adequately oxygenated but were hypercapnic and lactic acidaemic. Most maternal and foetal blood gases and metabolites had returned to normal by 24 h, although foetal plasma lactate fell more slowly. The maternal adrenocortical discharge was less severe than reported previously and plasma cortisol had fallen to basal levels by 48 h after surgery. Foetal plasma cortisol remained low and did not change during or after surgery. Arterio-venous metabolite and gas tension differences across the uterine and umbilical circulations were slightly greater at operation than in the recovery period, suggesting that uteroplacental perfusion may have been impaired during surgery. Post-operative recovery of the mare and foetus was satisfactory and subsequent problems associated with the foetal catheters were not related to the anaesthesia or surgery.  相似文献   
Plasma cell myelomas in horses have been reported infrequently. Data from 10 cases, 9 from the literature and 1 new case, are used to characterize the disease in the horse. Hot-blooded horses (7/10), specifically Quarter Horses (4/10), were most often affected. Median age at diagnosis was 11 years (range, 3 mo-22 yr) and both male (5) and female horses (5) were represented equally. Clinical findings included weight loss (6/8), anorexia (4/8), fever (4/8), limb edema (4/8), pneumonia (3/8), rear leg paresis/ataxia (3/8), epistaxis (3/8), palpable lymphadenopathy (2/8), and bone pain (2/8). Anemia (8/8) was present routinely, and in three horses, RBCs were macrocytic. Leukopenia (2/8), thrombocy-topenia (2/8), and circulating plasma cells (3/8) were variable findings. Except for abnormal protein concentrations and hyponatremia (3), abnormal results from serum biochemical analysis including hypo-cholesterolemia (1), hypercalcemia (1), and azotemia (1) were reported infrequently. Hyperproteinemia (8/9), hypoalbuminemia (7/9), and hyperglobulinemia (8/9) were characteristic but not invariable findings. Monoclonal proteins (7/7) were detected in the α2, β, or γ region by serum electrophoresis. The paraprotein's heavy chain, determined in four horses, was a subclass of IgG. Three horses had decreased concentrations of normal immunoglobulins. Variable proteinuria (trace to 4+) was detected by routine urinalysis in four of six horses. Bence Jones proteinuria was detected in one of five horses (heat precipitation) and monoclonal proteins were detected in two of three electrophoresed urine samples. Three of the horses had lytic bone lesions detected radiographically. Bone marrow aspirates were diagnostic in two of five horses. Atypical plasma cells or increased numbers of plasma cells or both were present in histologic sections of bone marrow in six of eight horses. Common extraosseous sites of plasma cell infiltration included lymph nodes (8/8), kidney (5/8), spleen (5/8), liver (3/8), lung (3/8), brain (2/8), and orbit (2/8). Two horses had intracellular and extracellular crystalline deposits.  相似文献   
Osteolytic defects were detected radiographically in the distal sesamoid bone of a 16-month-old Bralers heifer, in the middle phalanx of a 14-month-old American Gray Brahman bull, and in the distal phalanx of a 3-year-old American Gray Brahman bull. The articular cartilage was damaged in each animal because of osteolysis or pathologic fracture. After each animal was anesthetized and positioned in lateral recumbency, the lesions were curetted and packed with cancellous bone harvested from the same animal's tuber coxae. Basic postoperative management involved stall rest and immobilization of the graft site with a fiberglass cast (42 to 79 days), after which a support bandage was used for approximately 2 weeks. Recurrence of lameness has not been observed in these animals for 60 months, 58 months, and 21 months, respectively. These cases exemplify the benefit of using an autogenous cancellous bone graft for treatment of severe osteolysis of a digit in cattle.  相似文献   
Twenty-five domestic rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars were evaluated in a simulated rice/crawfish double cropping system in southwest Louisiana during 1983 and 1984. Wide variation was observed among cultivars in parameters believed to be important for maximizing productivity in such a system. Mean maturity ranged from 99 (Labelle) to 118 days (Starbonnet), while height ranged from 76 (Bellemont) to 130 cm (Della, Nato). Significant differences in grain yield response were observed, with yields ranging from 4,101 (Bluebelle) to 6,665 kg/hectare (Newbonnet). Straw dry matter production varied greatly, from 3,831 (Bellemont) to 9,170 kg/hectare (Della), and was positively correlated with plant height (r = 0.64; P = 0.0001). Ratoon biomass production was negatively correlated with both grain yield (r = -0.39; P = 0.0001) and maturity group (r = -0.69; P = 0.0001). Plant senescence at grain maturity also varied greatly and appears to be a factor in post-harvest ratoon capability. Early or very early maturing cultivars with both proven grain production and good ratooning capability appear best suited. Cultivar selection should be based upon individual farm situations and currently employed agronomic practices.  相似文献   
Conadal production was studied in Loxechinus albus (Molina, 1782) maintained in cages suspended from a long-line in the Estero Castro, Chiloé for 3 mo during the austral summer. The sea urchins were fed either an artificial diet or a natural diet consisting of the macroalgae Macrocystis pyrifera and Ulva sp. Both diets were tested for four size ranges: 40–45, 50–55, 60–65 and 70–75 mm diameter. For all four size ranges, highest gonad production was with the artificial diet. Gonad production was greatest in the 40–45 mm individuals with an increase of about 1,400% and 750% in the wet weight of gonads in individuals fed the artificial and natural diet, respectively. With the three other size ranges, the increase was nearly 100% with the artificial diet and nearly 0% with the natural diet The gonad index showed similar patterns, being highest in the smallest individuals. Small individuals fed the artificial diet would provide the most cost effective aquaculture as production is best. It is not necessary to grow L. albus to the minimal legal size for fisheries (70-mm diameter) for cost effective gonad production.  相似文献   
Four hundred and ninety horses were anaesthetised with halothane for clinical surgical or diagnostic procedures following induction with either detomidine/keta-mine, detomidine/thiopentone, xylazine/ketamine or guaiphenesin/thiopentone. Routine clinical monitoring was performed during anaesthesia. All horses developed hypotension (mean arterial pressures below 80 mm Hg) and respiratory depression (significant fall in respiratory rate and arterial carbon dioxide tension above 7 kPa (53 mm Hg)) consistent with the recognised effects of halothane. All anaesthetic procedures incorporating xylazine or detomidine resulted in lower pulse rates (28–35 per min) than after guaiphenesin/thiopentone (36–44 per min) and there was greater respiratory depression after techniques employing thiopentone rather than keta-mine. Development of hypotension was delayed after techniques using the α2 adrenoceptor agonist agents (xylazine and detomidine), particularly detomidine. Prernedication with acepromazine did not affect any of the physiological variables measured after techniques employing detomidine. Recovery to standing was fastest after xylazine/ketamine (31±1 min) and slowest after detomidine/thiopentone (53±2 min). Recovery quality was best after detomidine/thiopentone and all techniques employing an α2 adrenoceptor agonist agent resulted in smoother recovery than after guaiphenesin/thiopentone. This study demonstrates that most of the physiological effects of individual induction agents are overridden by the cardiovascular and respiratory depressant effects of halothane. The study also shows that detomidine is an acceptable sedative for use before general anaesthesia with halothane in horses.  相似文献   
1. We demonstrate that Barred-Rock and Isa-Brown hens can discriminate between the presence of 2 different humans and use this information as a cue for whether or not to make an operant response. 2. This demonstration in domestic fowl, the first of its kind in any avian subject, is consistent with a growing body of evidence that many species, including agricultural animals, are surprisingly adept at differentiating between humans. 3. Such a discriminative ability carries considerable implications for issues related to husbandry, production and welfare.  相似文献   
Blood and bone marrow smears from 49 dogs and cats, believed to have myeloproliferative disorders (MPD), were examined by a panel of 10 clinical pathologists to develop proposals for classification of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in these species. French-American-British (FAB) group and National Cancer Institute (NCI) workshop definitions and criteria developed for classification of AML in humans were adapted. Major modifications entailed revision of definitions of blast cells as applied to the dog and cat, broadening the scope of leukemia classification, and making provisions for differentiating erythremic myelosis and undifferentiated MPD. A consensus cytomorphologic diagnosis was reached in 39 (79.6%) cases comprising 26 of AML, 10 of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), and 3 of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Diagnostic concordance for these diseases varied from 60 to 81% (mean 73.3 +/- 7.1%) and interobserver agreement ranged from 51.3 to 84.6% (mean 73.1 +/- 9.3%). Various subtypes of AML identified included Ml, M2, M4, M5a, M5b, and M6. Acute undifferentiated leukemia (AUL) was recognized as a specific entity. M3 was not encountered, but this subclass was retained as a diagnostic possibility. The designations M6Er and MDS-Er were introduced where the suffix "Er" indicated preponderance of erythroid component. Chief hematologic abnormalities included circulating blast cells in 98% of the cases, with 36.7% cases having >30% blast cells, and thrombocytopenia and anemia in approximately 86 to 88% of the cases. Bone marrow examination revealed panmyeloid dysplastic changes, particularly variable numbers of megaloblastoid rubriblasts and rubricytes in all AML subtypes and increased numbers of eosinophils in MDS. Cytochemical patterns of neutrophilic markers were evident in most cases of Ml and M2, while monocytic markers were primarily seen in M5a and M5b cases. It is proposed that well-prepared, Romanowsky-stained blood and bone marrow smears should be examined to determine blast cell types and percentages for cytomorphologic diagnosis of AML. Carefully selected areas of stained films presenting adequate cellular details should be used to count a minimum of 200 cells. In cases with borderline diagnosis, at least 500 cells should be counted. The identity of blast cells should be ascertained using appropriate cytochemical markers of neutrophilic, monocytic, and megakaryocytic differentiation. A blast cell count of > 30% in blood and/or bone marrow indicates AML or AUL, while a count of < 30% blasts in bone marrow suggests MDS, chronic myeloid leukemias, or even a leukemoid reaction. Myeloblasts, monoblasts, and megakaryoblasts comprise the blast cell count. The FAB approach with additional criteria should be used to distinguish AUL and various subtypes of AML (Ml to M7 and M6Er) and to differentiate MDS, MDS-ER, chronic myeloid leukemias, and leukemoid reaction. Bone marrow core biopsy and electron microscopy may be required to confirm the specific diagnosis. Immunophenotyping with lineage specific antibodies is in its infancy in veterinary medicine. Development of this technique is encouraged to establish an undisputed identity of blast cells. Validity of the proposed criteria needs to be substantiated in large prospective and retrospective studies. Similarly, clinical relevance of cytomorphologic, cytochemical, and immunophenotypic characterizations of AML in dogs and cats remains to be determined.  相似文献   
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