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A group of juvenile Atlantic halibut (mean, SD, 199.5 g, 44.7) was split into two experimental groups: one group was fed in excess twice a day and later five days a week (i.e. Control group), and the other group was starved for 5 weeks and then subsequently re-fed for 10 weeks (i.e. 5/10 starvation/re-fed group). This treatment was repeated for three years until the fish were harvested (mean final weight, 4.4 kg). A size +specific compensatory response was seen; partial compensation was observed in halibut weighing less than 500 g whereas full recovery growth was seen in halibut over 2 kg. Food consumption and feed conversion efficiency was measured during two full 5/10 starvation/re-fed cycles. The Control group consumed 86% more food in the measurement period, whereas the FCE 40% higher in the 5/10 starvation/re-fed group (FCE = 0.95) compared to the Control group (FCE = 0.68). In males lower gonadosomatic index (2.2 vs. 3.0) and plasma 11-ketotestosterone (0.22 vs. 1.26 ng ml− 1) levels in the 5/10 starvation/re-fed group were observed during late winter and spring of 2006 (age 3 years) indicating higher age at 1st maturity. Starvation had a significant effect for improving the quality as starved fish had higher muscle pH (6.4 vs. 6.2), less gaping (0.1 vs. 0.3) and harder texture (61.4 vs. 57.6 N). Overall, the rearing on a repeated 5/10 starvation/re-fed regime for 3 years led to full growth compensation, higher feed conversion efficiency, lower male maturation and improved flesh quality.  相似文献   
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) females (2 SW), maturing for the first time, were reared under one of three temperature regimes (high: 14.3 ± 0.5°C; natural: 10.6 ± 1.0°C; and cold: 6.9 ± 1.0°C) in combination with one of two experimental treatments; an injection of GnRH analogue (GnRHa) contained in biodegradable microspheres, or a sham injection (microspheres only). The six experimental groups were then reared under simulated natural photoperiod for 4 weeks. Blood samples were drawn for analysis of plasma steroid levels and the fish were inspected for ovulation weekly. Batches of stripped eggs were incubated in triplicate incubators in raceways until the eyed stage. Treatment with GnRHa resulted in a substantial advancement and synchronization of ovulation at all temperatures, while exposure to cold water also appeared to advance ovulation slightly. While 75% (warm and cold) to 90% (natural) of GnRHa fish ovulated during the 4-week trial, only 30% of sham-treated females exposed to cold water, and none of the sham-treated fish held at higher temperatures, ovulated during this period. Survival rates of embryos to the eyed-stage were significantly higher for broodstock exposed to cold water. Plasma levels of testosterone (T), 17β-oestradiol (E2), and 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20βP) were all significantly affected by treatment with GnRHa and, to a lesser extent, temperature. The efficiency of GnRHa in counteracting the negative effects of high temperature on ovulation and the associated changes in circulating sex steroids suggest that temperature inhibition operates at least in part at the brain or pituitary.  相似文献   
The spatial scale of environmental factors influencing population dynamics ranges from microhabitat to continental or even global scales. Integration of multiple spatial scales is important in order to understand links between environmental variation and population processes. In the present study, we investigate how multiscale drivers influence the production of stream‐rearing Atlantic salmonids (Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. and brown trout, Salmo trutta L.) measured in terms of abundance. Variation in juvenile production was studied using data from single‐pass electrofishing surveys (measured as biomass per m2) from nine rivers. These data were combined with habitat data ranging from an important in‐stream microhabitat variable (shelter availability) to properties of the catchment. Variation in productivity within and among rivers was affected by both properties of in‐stream habitat and catchment properties. Shelter availability and the proportion of the catchment consisting of cultivated land and lakes influenced biomass positively, while catchment area had the opposite effect. For a different set of rivers (= 20), river gradient and catchment area were shown to positively affect the amount of shelter. Finally, the variables identified in the two preceding analysis were included in the analysis of population productivity using catch statistics from 160 rivers. The proportion of cultivated land and lakes, estimated shelter availability were found to have positive effects. In addition, temperature had a positive effect, while river width had a negative effect. This study shows that combining multiple‐scale environmental factors can explain a substantial proportion of variation in population productivity among and within the populations of Atlantic salmonids.  相似文献   
Plasma vitamin D and vitamin D metabolites were measured in Atlantic salmon parr during smoltification and after transfer to seawater. The fish were fed commercial feed for 5 months under natural light, and Na+/K+ ATPase was measured as an indicator of the smoltification status. No significant differences were recorded in the level of plasma vitamin D metabolites. However, a tendency of increasing plasma concentration of 25OHD3 and also a temporary increase in plasma 1,25(OH)2D3 and 24,25(OH)2D3 were recorded prior to seawater transfer. The minor changes in plasma levels of the metabolites indicate a role of the vitamin D metabolites during parr–smolt transformation, although we do not know whether the increased levels are caused by increased synthesis of the metabolites or by decreased binding to receptors or decreased excretion.  相似文献   
The introduction of 200 n.m. exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in the late 1970s required increased collaboration among neighbouring coastal states to manage transboundary and straddling fish stocks. The established agreements ranged from bilateral to multilateral, including high‐seas components, as appropriate. However, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea does not specify how quotas of stocks crossing EEZs should be allocated, nor was it written for topical scenarios, such as climate change with poleward distribution shifts that differ across species. The productive Northeast Atlantic is a hot spot for such shifts, implying that scientific knowledge about zonal distribution is crucial in quota negotiations. This diverges from earlier, although still valid, agreements that were predominately based on political decisions or historical distribution of catches. The bilateral allocations for Barents Sea and North Sea cod remain robust after 40 years, but the management situation for widely distributed stocks, as Northeast Atlantic mackerel and Norwegian spring‐spawning herring, appears challenging, with no recent overall agreements. Contrarily, quotas of Northern hake are, so far, unilaterally set by the EU despite the stock's expansion beyond EU waters into the northern North Sea. Negotiations following the introduction of EEZs were undertaken at the end of the last cooler Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) period, that is, with stock distributions generally in a southerly mode. Hence, today's lack of management consensus for several widely distributed fish stocks typically relates to more northerly distributions attributed to the global anthropogenic signal accelerating the spatial effect of the current warmer AMO.  相似文献   
Photoperiod and temperature modulated the seasonal pattern of ovarian gene expression of P450 aromatase, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone receptor and Luteinizing Hormone receptor in Atlantic salmon broodstock.  相似文献   
A new nutrient‐based evaluation system for feedstuffs and pig diets is proposed. The proposed system is based on (i) an identification of those organic nutrient fractions that, according to their absorption, metabolism and utilization, are relevant for determining the value of the feed, and (ii) biochemically‐based calculations of the potential physiological value of these fractions. The system is further based on a flexible stepwise evaluation in which the fundamental properties of the feed are related to its utilization in actual situations. Step 1 is characterized by single feedstuffs according to the digestible amounts of those nutrient fractions which are relevant for feed formulation, i.e. essential amino acids, other N‐compounds, ileal digestible carbohydrates, fermentable carbohydrates, fatty acids and other lipid compounds. Step 2 involves complete diets with three complementary properties, measured according to their potential value for the pig: protein value (i.e. amount of digestible ideal protein), “fat value”; (i.e. amount of digestible triacylglycerols) and the “complemental energy value”; (i.e. potential metabolic energy generated directly from the residual digestible nutrient fractions). Step 3 predicts the production value, either a standardized value determined by standard mathematical equations, or the actual value determined by the use of computerized pig models.  相似文献   
Juvenile Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, that had been fed rotifers as larvae (R group) had significantly lower growth rates (SGR) at high-ambient ammonia (UIA?=?115?C120???g?l?1) than did juveniles that had been first fed with natural zooplankton (Z group). Overall specific growth rates (SGRs) were 5?C11% higher in the Z group at the control ammonia (UIA?=?1?C2???g?l?1) treatments. An interaction between larval rearing history, oxygen and ammonia levels was found, as SGR decreased with decreasing oxygen levels at high ammonia in the R group, while the SGR in the Z group were less affected by hypoxia. At high-ambient ammonia, the SGRs were 5% (mild hyperoxia, 101?C104% O2 in effluent water), 28% (normoxia, 83?C88% O2 in effluent water) and 86% (hypoxia, 57?C69% O2 in effluent water) higher in the Z group, compared to the R group. The present findings indicate that larval rearing environment could influence the adaptability to environmental changes and growth performance during later juvenile stage in cod. These findings have implications for the optimization of Atlantic cod culture.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to examine the long-term effect of continuous light and constant temperature and their interaction on growth, feed intake, gill Na+, K+-ATPase (NKA) activity and early sexual maturation in Atlantic salmon pre- and post-smolts. The fish (mean initial weight = 15.9 g ± 0.4 SE) were reared on two photoperiods (continuous light, LL and simulated natural photoperiod, LDN, 60°25′N) and on two constant temperatures (average 8.3 and 12.7 °C) from June to July the following year. This resulted in four experimental groups abbreviated as LL8, LL12, LDN8 and LDN12. Growth in freshwater was highest in the LL12 group and final weight of this group was 70–330 % higher than in the other experimental groups, and our findings further demonstrate that the growth-enhancing effect of continuous light alone corresponds to a 4.5° increase in temperature. Overall, the highest feed intake was registered in the LL12 group, whereas no differences in feed intake or growth were observed between the LL8 and LDN12 groups, and the lowest feed intake and growth in the LDN8 group. Both temperature groups on LL developed peak levels in gill NKA activity in October–November, 4–5 months prior to the natural season for the parr–smolt transformation. Fish at 12 °C showed peak levels in NKA activity 4–6 weeks before the fish on 8 °C. The proportion of mature males was higher at 12.7 °C (66 %) compared to 8.3 °C (11 %). Highest maturation was seen at LL12 (82 %). For the salmon industry, this means that long-term rearing at LL and 12.7 °C will improve growth but also leads to higher maturation proportion. By rearing fish at LL8, it is, however, possible to achieve high growth and low maturation simultaneously.  相似文献   
Producing a larger post-smolt in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) could shorten the production time in sea cages and potentially reduce mortality. Knowledge of the biological requirements of post-smolts in closed-containment systems is however lacking. In the present study, the effects of salinity and water velocity on growth, survival, health, and welfare of Atlantic salmon reared in RAS were examined. Salmon smolts were stocked in three separate RAS with salinities of 12, 22, and 32‰ and subjected to high (1.0 body lengths per s−1) or low (0.3 body lengths second−1) water velocity. Growth performance, survival, welfare, and physiological stress responses were monitored until the fish reached a bodyweight of around 450 g. Growth rate was higher at lower salinity and higher water velocity generally had a positive effect on growth in all salinities. Feed conversion ratio was lower at 12‰ compared to the 22 and 32‰ when the fish were between 250 and 450 g. Higher mortality, elevated plasma cortisol levels, higher incidence of cataract, and a higher expression of stress-induced genes in the skin (iNOS, Muc5ac-like) indicated a negative effect of higher salinity on fish welfare. Male maturation was low (<1%), and not affected by salinity or water velocity.  相似文献   
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