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Controlled tissue expansion using a 100 cc rectangular silicone elastomer expander was performed in the mid-antebrachium and mid-crus of eight adult mixed-breed dogs. Two expander inflation schedules were followed. Group 1 dogs (n = 4) underwent expander inflation using 10 cc sterile saline every other day, and group 2 dogs (n = 4) underwent expander inflation using 15 cc sterile saline every other day until the nominal volume (100 cc) was attained. Significant mean postexpansion increases in skin surface area of 94.1 cm2 (35.9%) and 108.9 cm2 (37.3%) were measured in the antebrachium and crus, respectively (p < .05). In a second procedure, the expanders were removed and skin flaps were developed from the redundant tissue generated during the expansion process. Single pedicle advancement flaps and transposition flaps were used to cover surgically created defects measuring 5 times 10 cm in the antebrachium and cms. Single pedicle advancement flaps consistently measured 10 × 10 cm and could be advanced to cover defects involving one third of the mid-antebrachial or mid-crural circumference. Transposition flaps were rotated up to 170 and the donor site defects were easily closed under minimal or no tension. Complications included an abscess in one dog and seroma formation in four dogs. Differences in success or complication rates between group 1 dogs and group 2 dogs were not observed; an accelerated inflation schedule using 15 cc sterile saline every other day was recommended.  相似文献   
Spawning of fishes takes place across a wide area of the North Sea. However, more intense spawning is seen in restricted areas, indicating that such areas present favorable conditions. To update information on fish spawning in the North Sea and analyze potential linkages to hydrographic characteristics, an internationally coordinated survey was conducted in the winter/spring of 2004. Oblique hauls for fish eggs and larvae and vertical profiles of temperature and salinity were carried out at 393 stations across the entire North Sea. The hydrography was strongly influenced by the interfacing of water masses of different salinity, and frontal zones were seen along all coastal areas and off the Dogger and Fisher Banks. Total abundances of eggs and larvae, including fish species such as cod, haddock, plaice, long rough dab and sandeel, peaked in the vicinity of the frontal areas. Hence our findings indicate that the main spawning locations of fish are linked to recurrent hydrographic features such as salinity fronts. Such a linkage may provide survival advantages, as the fronts present favorable feeding conditions, and the related physical processes may confine egg and larval dispersal and transport them towards suitable nursery habitats.  相似文献   
Evoked potentials were produced by anodal stimulation over the motor cortex in six dogs. Potentials were recovered from the cranial thoracic and caudal lumbar portions of the spinal cord, and the radial and sciatic nerves. Evoked potential averages were recorded every 1.5 minutes during 40 minutes of aortic occlusion and during 40 minutes of reperfusion. Mean amplitudes of evoked potentials recovered from the caudal lumbar spinal cord decreased to 50% of original values at minute 12.2. Upon release of occlusion, the evoked potentials returned to baseline levels and remained there throughout the period of reperfusion. Sciatic nerve amplitudes decreased to 50% of original values at minute 4.5. In no subject could wave forms be recovered after minute 9.0. Upon release of occlusion, the evoked potentials returned to baseline levels and above, then deteriorated to 29 +/- 12% after 40 minutes of reperfusion. We concluded that transcranially induced evoked potentials were highly sensitive to spinal cord ischemia. Evoked potentials recovered from the sciatic nerve were consistent with functional grey matter immediately upon reperfusion, but deteriorated during reperfusion.  相似文献   
Effects of desmopressin acetate (1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin [DDAVP]) on plasma von Willebrand factor (vWf) were studied in 12 purebred Doberman pinschers confirmed to have von Willebrand's disease (vWd) (plasma vWf antigen [vWf:Ag] concentrations, less than 30 U/dl). Twelve dogs had subnormal plasma botrocetin cofactor (BCf) activity and 11 dogs had prolonged buccal mucosa bleeding times. Tranquilization of three dogs with lenperone and three dogs with xylazine did not induce significant changes in mean plasma vWf:Ag concentrations or mean BCf activities. Thirty and 120 minutes after administration of DDAVP (1 micrograms/kg subcutaneously), there was significant shortening of the mean buccal mucosa bleeding time. Ten dogs responded to DDAVP with increases in BCf activity which exceeded 10 U/dl at 30 or 120 minutes, or both, after the drug was administered. At the same time, increases in plasma vWf:Ag concentrations were smaller than the increases in BCf activity. It was shown by multimeric analysis that primarily the higher molecular weight forms of vWf increased in plasma in response to DDAVP.  相似文献   
Reasons for performing study: To date, no information is available on the true biological elimination half‐life (T1/2) of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) in the equine species. Such data are required to better evaluate the optimal time to acquire the cTnI sample following acute myocardial injury. Objective: To determine the T1/2 of equine cTnI. Methods: Four healthy ponies received i.v. injections of recombinant equine cTnI. Plasma cTnI concentrations were measured with a point‐of‐care cTnI analyser at multiple time points after injection. Standard pharmacokinetic analysis was performed to establish the T1/2 of cTnI. Results: The average T1/2 of cTnI was determined to be 0.47 h using a single rate elimination model. Conclusion: The elimination of recombinant equine cTnI following i.v. administration is very rapid. Establishing the T1/2 of troponin provides critical information in understanding the clinical application of this cardiac biomarker in equine practice.  相似文献   
Two 2-year-old pacers, a 3-year-old pacer and a 2-year-old-trotter with acute forelimb lameness were admitted for nuclear scintigraphic examination. Horses were grade 3-4/5 lame. There was increased radiopharmaceutical uptake (IRU) in the distal cranial medial aspect of the humerus in one horse and along the caudal humeral cortex in the other three horses. Two of the four horses were affected bilaterally. Radiographic abnormalities consisted of thickening of the caudal cortex of the mid-diaphysis of the humerus but radiographic changes were not present in all horses. All horses were managed with stall rest initially then stall rest with hand-walking followed by limited turn out for a total of four months. None of the horses had raced before injury. One horse has returned to race training and the other three horses have returned to racing. Average time to return to racing was 329 days. Humeral stress fractures in Standardbred horses are rare. Diffuse patterns of IRU have not been reported in the humerus and are likely indicative of severe stress remodeling. Standardbred racehorses with stress fractures or stress remodeling of the humerus appear to have a good prognosis for return to racing.  相似文献   
Objective —To compare two external fixation clamp designs for their ability to resist movement of a fixation pin in relation to the connecting rod. Study Design —Two designs of external fixator clamps were attached to connecting rods mounted on a jig for mechanical testing. Fixator pins were placed perpendicular to the connecting rod. A mechanical testing machine was used to deflect each 3.2-mm pin at a distance that was 25 mm from the center of the clamp bolt. Both clamp designs were tightened to 4.4, 6.1, and 7.8 newton-meters (N m) torque, and loads were applied in a position ramp through 4 mm and resisting loads were measured. Two clamp orientations were used during load application, such that the deflection of the pin tended to tighten the clamp bolt or tended to loosen the clamp bolt. The tests were videotaped to determine mode of failure. Comparisons of the load/displacement curves for the two external fixator clamp designs were made using nonlinear equational curve fitting methods. The resultant plateau and rise coefficients were compared using analysis of variance. Results —Slippage of the pin in relation to the clamp occurred with the Kirschner-Ehmer clamp tightened to 4.4, 6.1, and 7.8 N-m, and slipping of the pin in relation to the clamp occurred with the experimental clamp design tightened to 4.4 and 6.1 N-m but not to 7.8 N-m. At 7.8 N-m, the 3.2-mm pin deformed plastically with the experimental clamp design. Increasing the torque of the clamp bolt resulted in superior plateau coefficients for both clamp designs. At each level of tightness and in each clamp orientation to applied pin load, the experimental clamp design provided greater plateau coefficients than did the Kirschner-Ehmer clamp design. At 7.8 N m of tightness, the Kirschner-Ehmer clamp and bolt bent, whereas only slight plastic deformation of the experimental clamp design occurred. Conclusions —The experimental external fixator clamp was more secure in resisting fixator pin movement at all levels of tightening compared with the Kirschner-Ehmer-type external fixator clamp. At 7.8 N m of tightening, the new clamp design did not allow slippage of the pin within the clamp. Clinical Significance—The experimental external fixator clamp should result in greater rigidity of fixator configurations, in addition to providing design features that allow addition of a clamp between two installed clamps, sleeved predrilling of pilot holes for all pins, measurement of pin depth, and placement of positive profile pins at all sites.  相似文献   
The vascular and microvascular anatomy of the equine deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) within the digital sheath was studied by injecting the vasculature with either colored latex or barium sulphate for radiographic, microangiographic, histologic, and computed tomographic (CT) evaluation. Consecutive 4-mm thick two-dimensional CT slice data were reconstructed to 3-dimen-sional volumetric images to enhance spatial evaluation of the blood supply. Gross dissection and angiographic studies identified three major vascular sources. Above the fetlock, the DDFT was supplied by either a branch of the medial palmar artery (Arteriae digitalis palmaris communis II) or a branch of the medial palmar digital artery (A. digitalis [palmaris propria III] medialis). Below the fetlock, the DDFT was supplied by branches from the lateral and medial palmar branches to the proximal phalanx (Ramus palmaris phalangis proximalis). The most distal aspect of the tendon received small branches from the medial and lateral palmar digital arteries. Using histology and microangiography we observed an extensive and uniform intratendinous vascular network above and below the fetlock, with a relatively avascular region of tendon palmar to the fetlock. The most distal 2.0 to 2.5 cm of the tendon within the sheath was heavily infiltrated with fibrocartilage along its dorsal aspect.  相似文献   
Infusion of the vasopressin analogue DDAVP into five normal dogs at doses of 0.1-2.0 micrograms DDAVP per kg body weight induced dose-dependent increases in the plasma content of coagulation factor VIII and von Willebrand factor. Plasma concentrations of von Willebrand factor (determined antigenically as factor VIII-related antigen and functionally as coagglutinin cofactor activity) and coagulation factor VIII were measured immediately before and at 10, 30, and 120 min after 10-min intravenous infusions of DDAVP. The greatest increases in coagulation factor VIII were produced with the 2.0 micrograms/kg dose. Ten minutes after infusion the mean increase in coagulation factor VIII was 32 units/dl (concentrations of all indices were reported relative to concentrations in a standard canine plasma pool, arbitrarily assigned a concentration of 100 units/dl) and this increase did not change significantly throughout the duration of the experiment. At 10 min post-infusion, the mean factor VIII-related antigen concentration increased 81 units/dl (dose = 2.0 micrograms/kg) and did not change significantly for the duration of the experiment. The maximum mean increase in coagglutinin cofactor activity, 141 units/dl, occurred 10 min after infusion (dose = 1.0 microgram/kg). Coagglutinin cofactor activity decreased significantly from peak activity by 120 min post-infusion.  相似文献   
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