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四种新烟碱类杀虫剂对蜜蜂的急性毒性及初级风险评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用饲喂管法和点滴法,分别测定了吡虫啉、噻虫嗪、噻虫胺、啶虫脒4种原药及其制剂对意大利蜜蜂成年工蜂的急性毒性,并采用危害商值(HQ)法进行了初级风险评价。结果表明:饲喂管法测得97.3%吡虫啉原药、25%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂、96%噻虫嗪原药、30%噻虫嗪悬浮剂、97%噻虫胺原药、5%噻虫胺可湿性粉剂、96%啶虫脒原药及40%啶虫脒可溶性粉剂的经口毒性48 hLD50值分别为有效成分8.04×10-3、9.46×10-3、7.04×10-3、4.64×10-3、11.8×10-3、5.25×10-3、5.22和6.31μg/蜂;点滴法测得各药剂的接触毒性48 h-LD50值分别为有效成分2.46×10-2、1.33×10-2、3.63×10-2、9.27×10-3、1.52×10-2、2.21×10-2、5.82和5.07μg/蜂。按《化学农药环境安全评价试验准则》的毒性等级划分标准,啶虫脒原药及其可溶性粉剂对蜜蜂的急性毒性均为中等毒,其他6种药剂对蜜蜂的急性毒性均为高毒;根据危害商值(HQ),啶虫脒对蜜蜂为低风险,吡虫啉、噻虫嗪和噻虫胺对蜜蜂均存在高风险。  相似文献   
天然草地机械化改良技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步了解国内外天然草地机械化改良技术,为今后的相关研究提供借鉴与参考,同时探索我国天然草地机械化改良技术的发展方向,对国内外近几年天然草地机械化改良技术进行了总结分析。分析认为,土壤与机具是改良退化天然草地的两大重要因素。国内外草地机械化改良技术主要包括机械化松土、施肥、补播等技术,改良机械有所不同;与国外草地机械化改良技术相比,我国草地机械化改良技术有一定限制,改良机具规格与作业范围有限,专用改良机具研究较少,退化草地土壤与作业机具作用关系的研究较少。我国天然草地机械化改良技术研究的方向是:以退化天然草地土壤为基础元素,进行退化草地土壤与改良机具作用关系研究;针对不同牧草品种与不同作业地形,研究有针对性的改良机具;进行天然草地打孔透气机械研究;探索性研究草地液态肥施肥机械。  相似文献   
小白菜优化配方施肥初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以小白菜为材料,研究了不同施肥处理对小白菜产量、硝酸盐含量、硝酸盐还原酶活性及VC含量的影响。试验结果表明,在土壤1中优化配方施肥在氮、磷用量分别比常规施肥减少42%、61.47%,钾增加29.07%的情况下(N 4.35 kg/667 m~2、P_2O_52.89 kg/667m~2、K_2O 9.68 kg/667 m~2),产量增加20.04%,VC含量增加32.52%,硝酸盐含量降低31.56%;土壤2中优化配方施肥在施用氮、磷分别比常规施肥减少100%、100%,钾增加3.8%的情况下(N 0 kg/667 m~2、P_2O_5 0 kg/667 m~2、K_2O 7.79 kg/667 m~2),产量增加49.19%,VC含量增加101.63%,硝酸盐含量降低51.37%。土壤1和土壤2结果比较发现,在不同肥力土壤中,优化配方施肥处理的小白菜都取得了较高的产量、较好的品质,但在不同肥力土壤中最优施肥量不一样,具体施肥量需要根据土壤肥力和作物种类考虑。  相似文献   
The goal of this experiment was to examine the effects of different light qualities (red, white, blue) and cycles (12L:12D, 8L:16D, 4L:20D, 0L:24D, 16L:8D) on the survival, growth, metabolism and antioxidant defence system of Haliotis discus hannai Ino. Under red and white light at 4L:20D, the body weight‐specific growth rate of abalones was significantly higher than that of the 0L:24D group (< 0.05). At 16L:8D, succinate dehydrogenase activity decreased and lactate dehydrogenase and alanine aminotransferase activity and the lactic acid content significantly rose (< 0.05) in the red and white light groups. Under blue light, reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde content for each light cycle were significantly higher than those of the red and white groups (< 0.05). Under blue, white and red light, total antioxidant capacity (T‐AOC), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity and reduced glutathione (GSH) content gradually rose with increased duration of light exposure. Under red light, significant differences in these parameters were detected between the 4L:20D and 16L:8D groups (< 0.05). Under blue and white light at 16L:8D, values of T‐AOC, SOD, GPX activity and GSH content were significantly lower than those of the 12L:12D group (< 0.05). Overall, these results indicate that red light at light cycles of 4L:20D and 8L:16D is optimal for the culture and production of H. discus hannai, as these conditions promoted food intake, growth and health maintenance as well as normal physiological metabolism of the organism.  相似文献   
Abalones were reared in a laboratory to determine the percentage response rate, response time, average crawling speed and the time taken to recover an upright posture under nine light‐emitting diode light quality treatments (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, white and grey) and a dark environment. Animals were placed in the centre of an experimental device, and the tropism of each animal was continuously monitored by video. The highest percentage response rate (80% in dark adapted abalones, 60% in light adapted abalones) was observed in the dark environment, followed by red and orange light (27% and 30% in dark adapted abalones, respectively, 22% and 24% in light adapted abalones). Two induction materials (substrate and brown algae Laminaria japonica) were used to assess the effect of light quality on the tropism of abalones, with the highest percentage response rate (76% in the L. japonica treatment, 22% in the substrate treatment) also observed in the dark environment, followed by red and orange light (both 25% in the L. japonica treatment, and 26% and 32%, respectively, in the substrate treatment). The tropism order of the abalones under dark, red, orange and yellow light was as follows: dark > orange > red, yellow, but fewer abalones chose to stay in blue, green, cyan and purple light. The response time (about 700 s) in the dark environment was significantly longer than for the other light quality treatments. Compared with the average crawling speed in the other light quality treatments, abalones were relatively slower (about 3.8 mm s?1) in red and orange light, and the dark environment. The mean time required for the recovery of an upright posture in red light and the dark environment was longer than in the other light quality treatments, with the average recovery time reaching a maximum of 60 s in the dark environment. The results demonstrate the phototaxis and locomotion behaviour of abalones, as well as confirming the necessity of a dark, orange or red environment for their management and aquaculture.  相似文献   
奶牛乳腺健康直接关系到奶牛生产性能,和牧场效益息息相关。如何有效预防奶牛乳房炎的发生,是牧场的重中之重。干奶期是奶牛乳腺机能恢复健康的一个重要阶段,对预防奶牛产后乳房炎的发生有着重要意义。本文利用长达1 年的时间,对635 头奶牛进行分组试验,并追踪观察其产后90 天内乳房炎的发生情况和产奶量情况。通过数据分析发现,奶牛干奶期联合使用抗生素和乳头封闭剂对奶牛进行干奶,比单独使用抗生素干奶,产后7 天的体细胞阳性率降低了28.58%;产后60 天临床乳房炎发病率降低了35.40%,产后90天降低了41.32%;各组之间的产奶量并无显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   
美国山核桃是著名优良干果油料树种。从浙江、云南等省引进性状表现优良的6个美国山核桃品种在长江三峡库区兴山县栽培试验,观测其引种表现,并对树体生长物候期、生长结果习性及丰产性抗性等进行了初步分析,结果表明:在良好的管理条件下产量和质量与原产地基本相同,适宜于三峡库区兴山县栽培。  相似文献   
促进水稻—冬闲农作系统向绿肥稻作系统转型是强化区域耕地质量保护与提升、保障国家粮食安全的有效措施。基于南方稻作区安徽、湖南、广西三省区934份农户调查数据,采用PLS-SEM模型和Bootstrap检验方法,分析知识扩散对农户绿肥稻作系统采纳意愿的影响效果与作用路径,并进一步运用Ordered logit模型揭示异质性农户禀赋对其参与农业知识扩散活动的影响。结果表明:知识扩散对农户绿肥稻作系统采纳意愿具有显著正向的直接影响;外部风险感知与组织信任、生态服务价值感知与组织信任分别在知识扩散对农户绿肥稻作系统采纳意愿的影响中存在链式中介作用;知识扩散通过农户障碍感知对农户绿肥稻作系统采纳意愿产生显著的间接作用;参加合作社、务农经验、教育程度、家庭收入、身体健康状况均对农户参加知识扩散活动具有显著的正向影响。据此,本研究提出开展系统性宣讲培训活动、提高农户组织信任、改善农户禀赋条件等政策建议。  相似文献   
为促进四川省油菜产业的发展,培育适宜稻-油两熟制地区种植的早熟油菜品种,解决稻-油轮作地区作物接茬季节矛盾,避开不良天气对油菜生产的危害,南充市农业科学院油菜研究所以甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育系南A5为母本,以油菜游离小孢子培养并染色体加倍选育获得的胞质不育恢复系23R为父本,配组育成甘蓝型早熟杂交油菜新品种德恒油900,2015年通过四川省农作物品种审定委员会审定.该品种2014年、2015年参加四川省油菜早熟组区域试验,平均产量2 718.00 kg/hm2,较对照德油早1号增产10.05%;全生育期214 d,与对照德油早1号熟期相当;芥酸含量未检出,硫苷含量22.93 μmol/g饼,含油量平均42.95%,具有早熟、优质、高产、稳产、抗(耐)病及适应性广等特点.适宜四川省平坝、丘陵区及类似生态区种植.  相似文献   
在分析南方红黄壤地区粮食生产波动特征的基础上,提出三点弱化粮食生产波动的建议.  相似文献   
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