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Adrenomedullin (AM) has been characterized as an endogenous tissue survival factor and modulator of many inflammatory processes. Because of the increased susceptibility of the mammary gland to infection during the time surrounding parturition in the cow, we investigated how milk and tissue content of AM and its binding protein (AM-BP) might be affected by the stage of lactation and the udder health status. Milk and mammary biopsy samples were obtained from Holstein cows 21 days prior to and at various times after calving to represent the dry period and early and mid-stages of lactation. Additional cows received an intramammary challenge with Escherichia coli for immunohistochemical characterization of AM and AM-BP. Milk AM concentrations were relatively constant across the stages of lactation while AM-BP increased two-fold (P<0.04) between early and mid-lactation. Milk AM (P<0.04) and AM-BP (P<0.03) increased as somatic cell counts (SCCs) increased within a given stage of lactation. Tissue content of both (AM and AM-BP) were significantly affected by stage of lactation, lowest in the dry period and progressively increasing to peak at mid-lactation as well as increasing in association with higher levels of SCCs. Following E. coli challenge, AM increased in epithelial cells surrounding mammary alveoli presenting high levels of SCCs. The data suggest that AM and AM-BP are cooperatively regulated in the mammary gland during lactation; changes in localized tissue AM and AM-BP content reflect a dynamic regulation of these tissue factors in the bovine mammary gland consistent with their protective effects within inflamed tissue.  相似文献   


Amaranthus palmeri is an aggressive annual weed native to the United States, which has become invasive in some European countries. Populations resistant to acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors have been recorded in Spain and Italy, but the evolutionary origin of the resistance traits remains unknown. Bioassays were conducted to identify cross-resistance to ALS inhibitors and a haplotype-based genetic approach was used to elucidate the origin and distribution of resistance in both countries.


Amaranthus palmeri populations were resistant to thifensulfuron-methyl and imazamox, and the 574-Leu mutant ALS allele was found to be the main cause of resistance among them. In two Spanish populations, 376-Glu and 197-Thr mutant ALS alleles were also found. The haplotype analyses revealed the presence of two and four distinct 574-Leu mutant haplotypes in the Italian and Spanish populations, respectively. None was common to both countries, but some mutant haplotypes were shared between geographically close populations or between populations more than 100 km apart. Wide genetic diversity was found in two very close Spanish populations.


ALS-resistant A. palmeri populations were introduced to Italy and Spain from outside Europe. Populations from both countries have different evolutionary histories and originate from independent introduction events. ALS resistance then spread over short and long distances by seed dispersal. The higher number and genetic diversity among mutant haplotypes from the Spanish populations indicated recurrent invasions. The implementation of control tactics to limit seed dispersal and the establishment of A. palmeri is recommended in both countries. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   
Response of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), to selection for resistance to insecticides commonly used to control this pest in Murcia (south-east Spain) was studied under field and laboratory conditions. In the field, plots within sweet pepper crops in commercial and experimental greenhouses were treated under different selection strategies: insecticide rotation versus formetanate reiteration, formetanate reiteration versus acrinathrin reiteration, and formetanate reiteration versus methiocarb reiteration. Thrips populations were sampled monthly and bioassayed against methiocarb, methamidophos, acrinathrin, endosulfan, deltamethrin and formetanate. In the laboratory, F occidentalis strains were selected against each insecticide for several generations. To evaluate cross-resistance, each selected strain was bioassayed with the other insecticides. Frankliniella occidentalis populations showed a rapid development of acrinathrin resistance, reaching high levels in field and laboratory conditions. Formetanate and methiocarb resistance were also observed, although development was slower and at moderate levels. Cross-resistances between acrinathrin/deltamethrin and acrinathrin/formetanate were detected under field and laboratory conditions. Formetanate/methiocarb cross-resistance was suspected in laboratory selections, but not in field assays. Simultaneous moderate resistance levels to the three specific insecticides against thrips (formetanate, methiocarb and acrinathrin) were shown in laboratory selection strains, indicating a general mechanism of resistance, probably metabolic.  相似文献   
Nasal swab samples from clinically healthy California sea lions pups (Zalophus californianus) from six different reproductive rookeries in the Gulf of California were collected to determine the type and frequency of the representative aerobic bacterial microflora of their nasal mucosa. A total of 114 samples were examined and 100 bacterial isolates were identified and typified by microbiological and biochemical standard tests. Fifty four isolates corresponded to Gram positive bacteria (54%) and 46 isolates to Gram negative bacteria (46%). Fifteen bacterial genera were identified, including Micrococcus, Arcanobacterium, Corynebacterium, Moraxella, Neisseria, Escherichia, Kurthia, Acinetobacter, Staphylococcus, Brevibacillus, Bacillus, Klebsiella, Stenotrophomonas, Pseudomonas and Aeromonas. The most frequently isolated genera were Moraxella (24%), Micrococcus (18%), and Corynebacterium (15%). These results show the presence in the nasal cavity of sea lions of several microorganisms. Although considered part of the normal microflora, they may also be opportunistic pathogens for their hosts and may act as a potential natural sentinel of environmental changes.  相似文献   
Camelids have many unique reproductive features that considerably differ from those of other domestic species. Females are induced ovulators with subsequent development of a corpus luteum (CL) with a short lifespan. Plasma progesterone concentration starts to increase on day 4, peaks on day 8–9 and, in non-pregnant animals, basal concentration is reached around day 10–11 post-induction of ovulation. Luteolytic pulses of prostaglandin F (PGF) are firstly detected on day 7 or 8 (approximately on day 5–6 after ovulation), with maximal luteolytic peaks observed between days 9 and 11 post-mating, in coincidence with a high endometrial expression of cyclooxygenase 2, a limiting enzyme in prostaglandins synthesis. Unlike other species, oxytocin seems not to be involved in the luteolytic process in these species. The CL is the main source of progesterone secretion, and its function is required to support pregnancy. Despite constant research efforts, aspects of reproduction and maternal recognition of pregnancy in camelids remain not fully understood. A transient decrease and subsequent recovery in plasma progesterone concentration are observed after day 9 post-mating in pregnant animals in association with a pulsatile release of PGF and a transitory decrease in CL vascularization. Thus, embryo recognition should occur between days 8 and 12 post-mating. In camels, conceptus tissues exhibit aromatizing activity with the capacity to synthesize large amounts of oestradiol. Similarly, llama blastocysts secrete oestradiol-17β during the preimplantation stage, with a higher production during the elongation period. An increase in the endometrial expression of oestrogen receptor α is also observed on day 12 post-mating. All these evidences suggest that oestrogen could be the signal released by the embryo at the time of its recognition in camelids. Besides, nearly 98% of pregnancies are carried out in the left horn. A decrease in the endometrial expression of mucin 1 and 16 genes has been reported, suggesting that these changes are crucial for successful embryo implantation; however, no differences have been observed between horns. Thus, maternal recognition of pregnancy in camelids is a particularly complex process that must occur in a concise time to allow the rescue of the CL and embryo survival.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to evaluate the performance of Litopenaeus vannamei in an intensive photo‐heterotrophic hypersaline system with minimal seawater replacement, and establish relationships between parameters of a stochastic production model and relevant water quality variables. Six experimental 1000 m2 lined ponds were stocked at a density of 120 shrimp m?2 for a 105‐day trial. Salinity increased from 37 to 45 ± 2 g/L, and the water level was maintained with the weekly addition of filtered seawater, equivalent to 1.6% per day. The stochastic model predicted that, at harvest, there is 95% confidence that the system produces between 12.1 and 14.7 t/ha with a mean final individual weight of 13.1 g and a mean survival of 84.2%. Sensitivity analyses showed that dissolved oxygen and individual final weight of shrimp were the main variables influencing yield variance. Nitrogenous compounds were maintained between optimal cultivation levels (NH3–NH4+ = 0.73 ± 0.43 mg/L, N–NO2? = 0.09 ± 0.05 mg/L, N–NO3? = 3.22 ± 0.11 mg/L). Heterotrophic bacteria (6.6 ± 3.4 × 105 CFU/ml) and chlorophyll‐α concentration (108.5 ± 80.2 μg/L) showed a similar development pattern, indicating a strong relationship between bacteria and microalgae during cultivation. Vibrio spp. concentrations were low (1.24 ± 1.42 × 103 CFU/ml). It was shown that the photo‐heterotrophic system could be used in hypersaline conditions, typical of semi‐arid regions, to consistently produce between 12.1 and 14.7 t/ha in 15 weeks.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the protection conferred by an experimental inactivated vaccine against infectious coryza, three challenge trials were undertaken using 112 1-day-old broilers. The vaccine "Hepa Inmuno NC" included bacterial antigens of Avibacterium paragallinarum (serogroups A, B, variant B, and C) as well as antigens of Newcastle virus and hepatitis virus. Fifty-six broiler chicks were vaccinated at the first day of life at the hatchery while another 56 chicks were left unvaccinated. Three infection trials were conducted simultaneously using each of the three serogroups A, B, or C of Av. paragallinarum. In each trial, 17 vaccinated and 17 unvaccinated broilers were used. Challenge was performed at day 31 of life by injection, into the left infraorbital sinus, of approximately 1 x 10(5) colony forming units of the corresponding Av. paragallinarum strain. Clinical signs were recorded on day 2 postchallenge. All broilers were euthanatized and both infraorbital sinuses were bacteriologically examined for the presence of Av. paragallinarum on day 5 postchallenge. In comparison with the unvaccinated broilers, the vaccine significantly reduced the number of broilers with clinical signs after challenge with serogroup B, and significantly fewer vaccinated broilers were positive for the presence of Av. paragallinarum after challenge with serogroup C. On the other hand, no significant protection was observed when broilers were challenged with Av. paragallinarum from serogroup A. Despite the high infection rates in vaccinated chicks after an experimental infection with Av. paragallinarum, it was possible to reduce colonization of Av. paragallinarum (serogroup B) and clinical signs (serogroup C) in broiler chicks by vaccination at the first day of life. Further cross-protection trials should be done, including other Av. paragallinarum strains in the vaccine, especially those from serogroup A.  相似文献   
Mountain forests are traditionally used for cattle grazing during the dry season in southern Bolivia. To evaluate browsing intensity and damage to young trees and shrubs, a forest grazing area was monitored for about 3 months in both 2006 and 2007. Three similar paddocks of about 3 ha each, consisting of grassland and forest in a ratio of about 1:3 were stocked with 0.9, 1.6 and 2.6 tropical livestock units per ha (equivalents of 250 kg of body weight), reflecting low, medium and high stocking densities. Six 5 m × 5 m plots were mapped out within each paddock in 2006. Three additional plots per paddock were added in 2007. Within plots, the individuals of 18 woody species were coded and evaluated weekly for intensity of browsing. Intensity was quantified using five-scale categories reflecting the proportions of plant tissue removed (0 = no browsing, 1 = 1–25%, 2 = 26–50%, 3 = 51–75% and 4 = 76–100%). Across all plant species, the average category of browsing intensity, as determined in the post-grazing evaluation, was affected (P < 0.001) by stocking density. Browsing intensity increased in an approximately linear manner from 1.58 to 2.18 and 2.77 with low, medium and high stocking density, respectively. There was no significant difference between years. Most woody species followed the same general response pattern to stocking density, although some species were only noticeably browsed at high stocking density while a few others were intensively browsed at all stocking densities. The onset of browsing on woody species was observed only after some weeks had passed, indicating that herbaceous plants were preferred as a forage resource. The proportion of fatally damaged individuals, as assessed about 8 months after grazing in 2006, were 10.6%, 8.6% and 11.4% for low, medium and high stocking density, respectively. The percentage of completely browsed individuals increased with stocking density, but 80% of those plant individuals recovered following a resting period of 8 months. However, although most woody species recovered from browsing and fatal damage was infrequent, long-term changes in woody plant species composition and structure caused by grazing cannot be excluded. High stocking density in particular may reduce the vigour of heavily browsed species.  相似文献   
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