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The effect of fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) on the growth, feed utilization, digestive enzymes, gut microflora and resistance to bacterial challenge in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) larvae during a 45‐day feeding trial has been investigated. Artificial diets containing different levels of tuna visceral protein hydrolysate (PH0, PH10, PH25 and PH50) and live foods (Artemia: 5 days, Daphnia: 40 days) were fed to Persian sturgeon larvae. Larvae fed on the PH10 and PH25 had growth, feed utilization, protein content and trypsin activity significantly better than PH0 and PH50 groups (< 0.05). Condition factors, survival rate and pepsin activity were not significantly different (> 0.05). Brush border membrane enzymes to cytosolic enzyme ratio revealed that maturation had been occurred in 41 days post hatch (dph) at moderate FPH levels. In 54 dph larvae, this ratio was not affected by the level of FPH in the diet. No significant differences were observed in the total number of gut microflora or in the resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila (> 0.05), whereas lactic acid bacteria was significantly higher in PH50 (< 0.05). The results of this study show that application of moderate levels of FPH in Persian sturgeon diets could enhance larvae performance due to the early maturation in intestinal.  相似文献   
Replacement of fish meal (FM) with rice protein concentrate (RPC) as a practical diet for the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, was evaluated. Five isonitrogenous (36.6% protein) diets, formulated by replacing 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% of FM by RPC, were fed to shrimp (initial weight of 6.99 ± 0.08 g) five times daily to satiation for 60 days. Relatively high final weight (FW 17.64–18.25 g) and weight gain (WG 10.81–11.39 g) were obtained in treatments up to 50% of the plant protein inclusion. Above this inclusion level, FW (14.93–14.35 g) and WG (7.68–7.23 g) were reduced. Survival was high (≥95%) and similar for all diets. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in tail-muscle composition (moisture, protein, lipid, and ash) among different dietary treatments. Dispensable and indispensable amino acids of the tail muscle of shrimp fed with 25, 50, and 75% RPC were significantly higher than the FM (0%) and 100% RPC diets. A decreasing trend in apparent digestibility coefficient (excluding dry matter) for crude protein (90.52–52.41), ether extract (94.11–80.03), organic matter (87.25–50.16), and gross energy (89.41–55.24) was observed at higher RPC inclusion rates. The results suggest that RPC meal can be a potential candidate for FM replacement up to 50% of the protein in shrimp diets.  相似文献   
Many fish species undergo natural starvation periods. Adaptation to starvation is possible through the activation of behavioral, biochemical and physiological mechanisms. Knowledge of the effect of dietary nutrients on the intermediary metabolism during starvation and refeeding can be useful to improve fish health and optimize aquaculture production. To analyze the effect of dietary nutrients on liver metabolism of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) submitted to starvation and refeeding, four isoenergetic diets differing in nutrient composition were designed: LP-St (38 % protein, 12 % lipid, 36 % carbohydrate), HP-St (44 % protein, 10 % lipid, 30 % carbohydrate), LP-L (38 % protein, 18 % lipid, 25 % carbohydrate) and HP-L (44 % protein, 16 % lipid, 22 % carbohydrate). Four groups of fish were fed 3 weeks to satiety with the corresponding diet, starved for 2 weeks and then refeed 5 weeks to satiety on the same diet. Starvation mobilized the hepatic lipid store to a greater extent than glycogen. Starvation increased superoxide dismutase activity irrespective of the diet, while low protein diets (LP-St and LP-L) increased catalase activity. The oxidative damage decreased after 5 weeks of refeeding. Refeeding the starved fish on the HP-St diet promoted the greatest growth performance. In addition to reporting for the first time the effect of diet composition on growth, liver composition and antioxidant activities in Siberian sturgeon submitted to starvation and refeeding, our findings suggest that refeeding on HP-St diet stimulated the use of dietary carbohydrates and allowed a protein sparing effect in Siberian sturgeon.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to assess the effects of fishmeal (FM) replacement with 0, 350 or 700 g/kg soybean meal (SBM) in combination with the supplementation of lactic acid (LA; 0, 10 or 20 g/kg) in the diets of juvenile beluga sturgeon (Huso huso; 700 ± 30 g). Nine isonitrogenous (400 g/kg protein) and isoenergetic (18 MJ/kg) diets were fed to beluga ad libitum, three times a day, for 60 days. The results showed that replacing FM with SBM without LA significantly reduced fish growth; on the other hand, LA supplementation had positive effects on fish fed diets that FM was replaced by SBM (< .05). Increasing SBM in the diet altered the fatty acid profiles of the fish, reducing long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and the n‐3/n‐6 fatty acids. High amounts of SBM (700 g/kg) caused reductions in the haematocrit, glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood (< .05). In addition, the digestibility of protein, fat, dry matter and phosphorus was reduced when replacing FM with SBM, however, adding LA to the diets increased fish performance (< .05), and this improvement was sharper in 2% LA groups. The number of LA bacteria increased significantly with the dietary supplementation of LA (< .05). Based on these results, replacing 350 g/kg of FM with SBM and adding 20 g/kg LA to their feed do not negatively affect the biological and physiological indices of beluga.  相似文献   
Knowing the effect of dietary nutrients on physiological parameters, especially oxidative stress, during fish rearing can be useful to improve fish health and optimize production in aquaculture. In this study, four iso‐energetic (2 × 2 factorial design) diets differing in nutrient composition were submitted to the Siberian sturgeon juveniles, to analyse biochemical and physiological responses. The juveniles were fed for as long as 10 weeks with the following diets: low protein–high carbohydrate (CHO): lipid ratio (LP‐St), high protein–high CHO: Lipid ratio (HP‐St), low protein‐low CHO: Lipid ratio (LP‐L) and high protein‐low CHO: Lipid ratio (HP‐L). It was shown that HP‐L diet significantly induced higher growth performance in the juveniles than LP‐L; however, there was not a significant difference between them with other treatments. HSI was increased by higher dietary CHO: L ratio. The result obviously showed the higher dietary fat led to an increase in sturgeon body fat content. In addition, dietary protein and CHO: lipid ratio significantly affected plasma metabolites (glucose, cortisol, cholesterol and triglyceride) but did not affect IGF‐1 and insulin levels. Based on enzyme activities results, incorporation of high protein (44%) in the diet induced lower amylase activity and carbohydrate digestion in the sturgeon juveniles. Moreover, antioxidant enzyme activities in this species were more influenced by lipid than other nutrients. In conclusion, using appropriate carbohydrates (~30%) in the sturgeon diet helps to spare protein. Furthermore, it is suggested to decrease the amount of lipid in high protein diet, to improve higher sturgeon fillet quality and less oxidative damage in liver.  相似文献   
As algae and their concentrations are important factors for mass culture of rotifer, two experiments were conducted to find the effects of two types of algae, Chlorella sp. and Scenedesmus obliquus, and three concentration of chosen algae (0.1 × 106, 1 × 106, and 10 × 106 cells/mL) on growth and fatty acid composition of freshwater rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus. The result of the first experiment showed that the maximum density of rotifer was significantly higher when fed with Chlorella sp. (478 individuals/mL) than fed with S. obliquus (328 individuals/mL). Mean population growth rate (r) was 0.61 and 0.44 for rotifer fed with Chlorella sp. and S. obliquus, respectively. The amount of highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) in rotifer fed with Chlorella sp. (3.32%) was relatively more than those fed with S. obliquus (2.65%). Then, Chlorella sp. was selected based on better performance. In the second experiment, the maximum rotifer density of 108 ± 8, 489 ± 47, and 493 ± 51 individuals/mL was reached after 5 d for the respective Chlorella sp. concentrations; at concentration of 10 × 106 cells/mL, the maximum density of 1820 ± 47 individuals/mL was obtained. Mean growth rate at mentioned concentrations was 0.18, 0.42, and 0.51/d, respectively. Increase in algal concentration was associated with a relative increase in HUFA and decrease in monounsaturated fatty acid.  相似文献   
The effect of time‐dependent protein restriction (PR) and refeeding were investigated on growth, body composition, fatty acids (FA), amino acids (AA) and nonspecific immune functions in the juvenile Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri; 75 ± 5 g). Test diets included: T1 (control) and T2 fish fed diets containing 400 and 300 g/kg protein respectively during the whole experimental period, T3 (every other day) and T4 (every other week) fish were fed diets containing 300 g/kg protein (PR) and refeeding with diet containing 400 g/kg protein respectively, and T5 fish fed a diet containing 300 g/kg protein for 3 weeks and a diet containing 400 g/kg protein for 5 weeks, were fed to the fish for 56 days by visual satiation. Unlike ration T2 and T5, feeding treatments of T3 and T4 showed an increase in fish growth and body composition (p < 0.05) and they were very close to the control group (> 0.05). Regarding the fatty acid profile, although the percentage of highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) declined significantly in the T2 and T5 groups, the saturated fatty acid (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) indicated no change among the treatments. In addition, the T2 and T5 groups demonstrated a reduction in essential amino acids (EAA) with a simultaneous increase in nonessential amino acids (NEAAs), which was significant from that of controls and other groups (< 0.05). In terms of nonspecific immune parameters (serum lysozyme activity and alternate complement activity [ACH50]), treatment 3 has an appropriate result that did not have a significant difference with the control group (p > 0.05), but there was significant difference with other groups (p < 0.05). As a result, the T3 treatment can be used in sturgeon aquaculture practically without any negative impacts on biological or physiological indices.  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of enriched Artemia by fish and soybean oils supplemented with vitamin E on growth performance, lipid peroxidation, lipase activity and fatty acid composition of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) larvae. For this purpose, five experimental diets including non‐enriched Artemia (control diet), Artemia enriched with soybean oil supplemented with 15% and 30% vitamin E (S15 and S30 diets) and fish oil supplemented with 15% and 30% vitamin E (F15 and F30 diets) were used. The larvae were fed to apparent satiation four times per day for 22 days. The results indicated that fish fed enriched Artemia had no significant differences compared with those fed non‐enriched Artemia in terms of growth and survival, but increase in vitamin E levels from 15 to 30% improved growth performance of larvae. Vitamin E content in fish fed S15 and S30 diets was significantly higher. Fish fed non‐enriched Artemia had significantly higher thiobarbituric acid and lower lipase activity. The highest HUFA and n‐3/n‐6 ratio were observed in fish fed F15 and F30 diets. Our results demonstrated that fish oil can completely replace with soybean oil in larval diets. Therefore, using S30 diet is recommended for feeding of Persian sturgeon larvae.  相似文献   
Spirulina has been highlighted as a valuable complementary ingredient in aquafeeds due to its high protein and vitamin content, in addition to other nutritional benefits. To evaluate the effect of dietary spirulina inclusion in fish meal sparing (FMS) on juvenile Caspian brown trout as a slow‐growth fish, a complete randomized experimental design was developed with five treatments: 0% (control), 2% FMS (13.2 g/kg spirulina in diet), 4% FMS (26.4 g/kg spirulina in diet), 6% FMS (39.6 g/kg spirulina in diet) and 8% FMS (52.8 g/kg spirulina in diet). Six hundred juveniles (11.0 ± 1.0 g) were assigned to 15 experimental tanks. Although this fish is sensitive to diet composition, fish fed the 6% FMS and 8% FMS diets had a significantly higher weight gain rate (239.51% and 231.27%) and specific growth rate (1.74% bw per day and 1.71% bw per day) compared with those fed the control diet. Furthermore, 6% FMS and 8% FMS treatments had statistically higher protein efficiency (0.76 and 0.78), lipid efficiency (1.89 and 1.94) and statistically lower feed conversion ratio (2.47 and 2.41) compared with other treatments, respectively (p < 0.05). In terms of whole‐body composition, the higher amount of protein and lower content of lipid were observed in fish fed the 8% FMS diets as compared to control. Although no significant differences in ash and moisture content were observed, the highest protein deposition (157.3 g/kg) and the lowest lipid content (77 g/kg) in whole body were reported in fish fed 8% FMS diet. Based on the fillet fatty acid outcome, fish fed the 8% FMS diet had significantly higher saturated fatty acids (SFAs), C20:3n‐6, C18:3n‐3, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and total n‐3 fatty acids as compared to those fed the control diet (p < 0.05). Accordingly, increasing dietary spirulina content significantly enhanced the amount of these fatty acids in fish fillet. As regards of whole‐body amino acid profile, arginine and lysine in fish fed 6% FMS and 8% FMS diets were higher and lower than in those fed the control diet, respectively (p < 0.05). Fillet and skin colour parameters, such as luminosity, redness and yellowness, significantly increased with spirulina supplementation with the 8% FMS treatment displaying higher values than the control. In summary, according to our results, 8% FMS (52.8 g/kg spirulina in diet) treatment improved juvenile Caspian brown trout growth, carcass composition and pigmentation.  相似文献   
The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of two levels of vitamin E (100 and 300 mg/kg diet) along with two levels of lipid (9 and 14%) and their interaction on growth performance of Indian white shrimp and consequently to evaluate the fatty acid composition and lipid stability of its muscle tissue during frozen storage. Growth of juvenile Indian white shrimp was not significantly affected by dietary vitamin E and lipid levels. Muscle lipid content of shrimp fed diets with 14% lipid was significantly higher than that of with 9% lipid. Obvious effects of the increase in dietary lipid level on muscle fatty acid composition were significant decrease in proportion of 16:0 and increase in proportion of 20:5n-3. The content of vitamin E concentration in shrimp muscle reflected dietary vitamin E concentration and ranged from 6.68 to 14.8 mg/kg muscle corresponding to two (100 and 300 mg/kg) levels of vitamin E in fish diet, respectively. Subsequently, results showed that by increasing the concentration of vitamin E from 100 to 300 mg/kg in diet, the rate of lipid oxidation in the muscle tissue during frozen storage was reduced and, as a result, caused higher HUFA retention in muscle of shrimp fed diet with high lipid level.  相似文献   
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