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Forsberg, M., R. Tagle, A. Madej, J.R. Molina and M.-A. Carlsson. Radioimmunoassay of bovine, ovine and porcine luteinizing hormone with a monoclonal antibody and a human tracer. Acta vet. scand. 1993, 255-262.– A radioimmunoassay for bovine (bLH), ovine (oLH) and porcine (pLH) luteinizing hormone was developed using a human 125 ILH tracer from a commercial kit and a monoclonal antibody (518B7) specific for LH but with low species specificity. Standard curves demonstrated similar binding kinetics when bLH, oLH and pLH were incubated with tracer and antibody for 2 h at room temperature. A 30-min delay in the addition of the tracer gave sufficient sensitivity when analysing pLH. Separation of antibody-bound LH from free hormone was achieved by using second antibody-coated micro Sepharose beads. The assay was validated and the performance compared with that of an RIA currently in use for determination of bLH and oLH (coefficient of correlation: 0.99 and 0.98). Regardless of the standards used, intra-assay coefficients of variation were <10% for LH concentrations exceeding 1 µg/L. The inter-assay coefficients of variation were <15%. The assay was used for clinical evaluation demonstrating the pre-ovulatory LH surge in two cyclic cows, LH pulsatility in an oophorectomized ewe and LH response to GnRH injection in a boar.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Optimized internal quality control (IQC) procedures are important to ensure that only results without medically important errors are used for medical decision-making and to ensure that unnecessary rejection of valid analytical runs is avoided. Additionally, estimates of the analytical performance can be derived from IQC data. In the absence of available species-specific standards of a compound, the use of alternative control materials based on patient samples is a possibility, although investigations on the suitability of this approach are needed. OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study was to plan and implement a simple IQC procedure with control material based on pooled canine serum samples for a turbidimetric immunoassay (TIA) for the determination of human C-reactive protein (CRP) that recently was validated for the determination of canine serum CRP, and to assess the clinical analytical performance of the assay. METHODS: Proposed guidelines for the planning and implementation of IQC procedures were followed by using 2 control materials. Quality requirements of the assay were defined objectively by means of available data on biological variation, and goals for IQC performance were defined according to recommendations (probability of error detection [P(ed)] >.90 and of false rejection [P(fr)] <.05). Analytical performance was evaluated by means of medical decision charts. RESULTS: The control rule of 1(2.5s) (ie, rejection of the analytical run if at least 1 of 2 control materials deviates from the mean by more than 2.5 SD) fulfilled the criteria of predicted IQC performance (P(ed) =.94-1.00, P(fr) =.03). The IQC method was successfully implemented over a 14-week period. The observed coefficient of variation in the period of monitoring was 3.8% (low) and 2.9% (high), which equals excellent analytical performance. CONCLUSIONS: It was possible to plan and implement a simple IQC procedure for the CRP-TIA with control materials based on canine serum samples that fulfilled the criteria of high error detection and low false rejection of valid analytical runs. The assay showed excellent long-term analytical performance over a 14-week period.  相似文献   
A previously published fluorometric method for vitamin A in milk, involving saponification in centrifuge tubes and extraction with hexane, was automated using conventional automated equipment including a filter fluorometer. The extraction and separation steps were affected by the presence of fat, so standards were prepared in milk. The peaks obtained with samples were 95% of steady state values. The coefficients of variation for 10 replicate analyses were 1.9% for unfortified milk and 1.3% for fortified milk. In tests on 19 different milk samples, the results of the automated and manual fluorometric methods differed by less than 10%; a colorimetric method using SbCl3 gave more erratic results and was more lengthy and laborious.  相似文献   
Shadegan International Wetland (SIW) is a unique natural ecosystem with great national and international significance, designated under Ramsar Convention. Located in southern part of Iran, this wetland serves many functions. Among them the rich biodiversity, ecological, hydrological, and economic functions are the most important. Despite the great opportunities for sustainable development of this wetland, it is currently under serious threats from a diverse range of non-sustainable activities. Underestimating SIW’s non-market values in development decisions is a major reason for the conversion and excessive depletion of its resources. The aim of this study was therefore to estimate the economic benefit of SIW as a very useful instrument to reflect the values of this unique ecosystem to society members. A choice experiment (CE) survey was undertaken to estimate the value of different nonmarket attributes of SIW. In addition to the overall model, users and nonusers preferences were also estimated. Random parameter logit (RPL) model was employed to derive the marginal value of the respondents for different attributes of the nonmarket values of SIW. Results indicated the respondents’ positive preferences towards better conservation of SIW.  相似文献   
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Broiler meat is the largest and cheapest protein source in Malaysia. Using the policy analysis matrix (PAM), this study examines the comparative advantage of...  相似文献   
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