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  1. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are becoming a widely used tool for the conservation of biodiversity and for fishery management; however, most of these areas are designed without prior knowledge of the basic ecological aspects of the species that they are trying to protect.
  2. This study investigated the movement of two top predators: the Galapagos shark, Carcharhinus galapagensis, and the yellowtail amberjack, Seriola lalandi, in and around the Motu Motiro Hiva Marine Park (MMHMP) using MiniPAT satellite tags to determine the effectiveness of this MPA for the protection of these species.
  3. The Galapagos sharks (n = 4) spent most of their tag deployment periods inside the MMHMP. However, high intraspecific variability was observed in their movement dynamics. Daily individual maximum movements ranged from 17 to 58 km and the maximum distance from Salas y Gómez Island, the only emergent island within the MMHMP, ranged from 31 to 139 km.
  4. The maximum linear distance travelled for a female juvenile Galapagos shark (152 cm total length) was 236 km, which is greater than the maximum distance previously documented for juveniles of this species (<50 km).
  5. For the yellowtail amberjack (n = 1), 91% of the satellite geolocations were within the MMHMP, with a maximum daily distance travelled of 6 km. The maximum distance travelled between points was 111 km and the maximum distance from Salas y Gómez Island was 62 km.
  6. All archival tagged fish spent most of their time at depths of <50 m and never left the epipelagic zone. Daytime versus night-time differences were pronounced in all individuals but showed high interindividual variability.
  7. This study provides a baseline on the movement of these two top predators in the MMHMP and provides valuable insights for the creation of MPAs in the region and elsewhere.
In this paper the authors analyze the two most important interrelated processes of social change in Italian agriculture: first the increasing productive specialization of family farming, both full and part-time, lending to the persistence of small farms but also to their growing integration and complementarity with other economic activities; and second the increasing heterogeneity of agricultural workers accompanied by the destructuring of their strong working-class identity, which had matured in the previous decades. This identity, however, also reflected a deep separation between agricultural laborers, their labor market and institutions, and the rest of the working class. The authors argue that these changes are progressively contributing to the full integration of agricultural social relations within an increasingly complex society. The analysis of these two processes in recent Italian experience shows that this trend towards integration differs totally from the hypothesis often advanced in the past according to which the integration of agriculture would occur through the development of green factories, more and more similar to large Fordist manufacturing plants. On the contrary, at least in present-day Italy, integration means increasing heterogeneity, also of organizational patterns in manufacturing, and growing inter-dependence.  相似文献   
INTODUCTION: Anaesthesia in lambs undergoing experimental surgery may develop problems associated with age-related immune incompetency: a postoperative complication in a 3 week old Scottish blackface lamb after spinal surgery is presented. CASE HISTORY AND MANAGEMENT: Both lamb and ewe were in good condition. The ewe was vaccinated against Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium tetani 5 weeks pre-partum. There were no apparent problems with the lamb's intake of colostrum. Pre-anaesthetic medication was intramuscular medetomidine (10 μg kg(-1)). Anaesthesia was induced and maintained with sevoflurane in oxygen. Morphine (0.5 mg kg(-1)), meloxicam (0.6 mg kg(-1)) and ketamine (1 mg kg(-1) followed by 10 μg kg(-1) minute(-1)) were administered intravenously (IV) for perioperative analgesia. Atracurium (0.5 mg kg(-1) IV, followed by 0.17 mg kg(-1) injected when the first twitch of the four, train-of four count was palpated) was used to improve muscle relaxation. The lamb's trachea was intubated and the lungs mechanically ventilated to maintain normocapnia. Intrathecal morphine (0.2 mg kg(-1)), IV meloxicam (0.3 mg kg(-1)) and edrophonium (0.5 mg kg(-1)) were administered before recovery. Operative and initial recovery periods were unremarkable. Three hours after surgery the lamb became depressed. Tachycardia (180-250 beats minute(-1)), tachypnoea (30 breaths minute(-1)), poor peripheral perfusion and cold pelvic limb extremities were present mimicking severe pain, and/or hypovolaemic shock. Analgesics - morphine (total dose 1.3 mg kg(-1)) - and IV fluid therapy boluses - crystalloids (300 mL), colloids (120 mL) and fresh whole blood (60 mL) - failed to ameliorate clinical signs and so the lamb was euthanized 10 hours after surgery. Post-mortem findings supported a possible diagnosis of peracute Clostridium perfringens enterotoxaemia. CONCLUSION: Clostridium perfringens enterotoxaemia should be considered when clinical signs of severe pain and/or hypovolaemic shock fail to respond to analgesics and fluid resuscitation in lambs after major surgery.  相似文献   
An SPME-GC/ion trap method was exploited to determine the chromatogram of volatile compounds of organic olive oils of southern Italian regions. The method is based on the assay of the terminal species of the "lipoxygenase pathway", which are present in the volatile fraction of the sampled compounds. Ethyl isobutanoate was used as internal standard in either the EI or CI ionization mode. The absolute concentration values of each analyte were evaluated through good-to-excellent calibration curves. Case studies on oils obtained from different cultivars or harvesting times are presented. The quantitative data for each compound were subjected to principal component analysis to characterize the different cultivars of this work.  相似文献   
Objective-To investigate the effect of intraoperative extradural morphine administration on postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing thoracolumbar spinal surgery to treat disk extrusion. Design-Prospective clinical trial. Animals-26 client-owned dogs undergoing thoracolumbar spinal surgery. Procedures-Animals were randomly allocated to receive morphine (0.1 mg/kg [0.045 mg/lb], extradurally) or no treatment (control group). Following preanesthetic medication with methadone (0.25 mg/kg [0.11 mg/lb], IM), anesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with isoflurane or sevoflurane in oxygen. Lidocaine and fentanyl were administered during surgery in both groups at fixed rates. In the morphine administration group, morphine was splashed over the dura mater immediately prior to wound closure. Postoperative analgesia was assessed for 48 hours by assessors unaware of group allocation, and methadone was administered as rescue analgesic. Demographic characteristics, urinary output, days of hospitalization, and perioperative use of analgesics were compared via a Mann-Whitney U test. Results-Demographic data were similar between groups. In the morphine administration group, 2 of 13 dogs required postoperative methadone, and in the control group, methadone was administered to 11 of 13 dogs. The total number of doses of methadone administered in the 48 hours after surgery was 28 in the control group and 3 in the morphine administration group. No adverse effects were recorded in any group. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Intraoperative extradural morphine administration was effective in reducing postoperative analgesic requirement. Dogs undergoing thoracolumbar spinal surgery benefited from topical administration of preservative-free morphine administered directly on the dura mater as part of analgesic management.  相似文献   
The effect of different polishing techniques on loss of mineral elements from rice grains was quantified using a panel of indica and tropical japonica genotypes, previously classified as differing in ease of polishing. Gradients in mineral elements across the bran-endosperm interface were quantified using micro-scaled precision abrasive polishing in combination with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy. Frictional polishing, similar to that of commercial mills, i.e. 8–10% loss of grain weight, reduced the concentration of Fe, Mg, P, K and Mn by 60–80% in all genotypes. Following gentler polishing (3–5% weight loss), genotypes classified as difficult to polish showed smaller decreases in Fe, Mg, P, K and Mn compared to genotypes classified as easy to polish. The concentration of other elements, e.g. Zn, S, Ca, Cu, Mo and Cd, showed comparable reductions (<30%) irrespective of polishing technique or ease of polishing. The different patterns of polishing losses of minerals reflected their distribution within the grain. Five-fold differences in the reduction of Zn concentration during polishing were observed for different genotypes which started with similar Zn concentrations in the unpolished grain, thus showing clear potential for selecting genotypes with reduced polishing losses of Zn.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to characterize corpus luteum vascularization and its association with plasma progesterone concentration in early stages of pregnancy, when maternal recognition of pregnancy is expected to occur. In all animals, both plasma progesterone concentration and corpus luteum vascularization increased from Day 6 to Day 8 post-mating and afterwards in non-pregnant llamas they started to decrease to reach basal levels around Days 12 to 14 post-mating, while in pregnant animals, both variables remained elevated until the end of the study. A lineal positive relationship between corpus luteum vascularization and plasma progesterone concentration was observed in pregnant (r2 = .46, p < .0001) and non-pregnant llamas (r2 = .66, p < .0001). Pregnant animals showed higher plasma progesterone concentration and corpus luteum vascularization than the non-pregnant ones from Day 12 post-mating until the end of the study (p ˂ .05 and p ˂ .01, respectively). These results suggest that maternal recognition of pregnancy should occur before Day 12 post-mating in order to expand luteal lifespan, maintaining corpus luteum vascularization and progesterone production. Also, the assessment of CL vascularization area could be a useful and non-invasive method for early pregnancy diagnosis due to its association with plasma progesterone concentration.  相似文献   
Olive fruits are seriously deteriorated by pre and postharvest damage due to the attack of insects, such as Bactrocera olaea, which strongly alters the quality of olives. Defence response in olive fruits injured both by pathogens and by mechanical damages has been associated with the enzyme β-glucosidase, which specifically hydrolyses oleuropein, producing highly reactive aldehyde molecules. In situ detection of ~-glucosidase activity in olive fruit tissues following injury, which simulates Bactrocera oleae punctures, is reported. The assay was performed in two cultivars showing different degrees of susceptibilities to fly infestation. In both cultivars, the histochemical assay for β-glucosidase showed that within 20 min after the injury, a strong ~-glucosidase activity could be observed in the damaged tissues. Thereafter a progressive enzyme inactivation occurred starting from tissues around the boundary of the injury with decrease of the enzyme activity and stopped after 3 h. Whereas the mass of active cells reached a distance of (300±50) μm from the edge of the injury. Biochemical analyses showed that in extracts of the injured fruit, β-glucosidase activity rapidly increased within 20 min from injury, thereafter decreasing and reaching values comparable with those in intact fruits. Following puncture, the oleuropein contents did not change significantly in the high susceptibility cultivar, whereas it rapidly decreased in the cultivar showing low susceptibility. The results strongly suggest that olive fruits susceptible towards fly infestation could be related to the ability of the oleuropein-degrading-β-glucosidase to produce the highly reactive molecules in the damaged tissues. As a consequence of puncture, high level of peroxidase activity was detected. This feature also suggested that this enzyme could play a key role in the defence response against insect injuries.  相似文献   
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