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目前,随着我国加入WTO和辽宁省无规定疫病区项目建设,实验室的工作显得尤为重要.实验室的检验是在当前复杂疫病的流行状况下进行确诊的重要手段,尤其是一些重大病毒病如禽流感的确诊中发挥了关键作用.笔者现就对影响HI抗体实验的原因做以简要阐述,供参考。  相似文献   
对芦笋在冷藏及焯烫、冷冻、制罐、清炒等不同加工条件下的感官品质变化与细胞结构变化进行了研究。通过实验可知在各种加工及冷藏条件下,芦笋的感官质量与组织结构中的表皮、薄壁组织、导管等均会受到影响,而且与加热时间的长短、温度的高低及是否受冻有密切的关系。  相似文献   
超滤技术对苹果汁加工中主要芳香成分影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
选用青香蕉苹果和国光苹果为原料,研究了超滤对苹果汁主要芳香成分的影响。苹果汁用国产平板膜超滤机澄清,用顶空动态采样法收集芳香物,用气相色谱法分析芳香成分。通过比较超滤前后青香蕉和国光苹果汁芳香成分的变化,截留分子量为10000daltons的聚砜膜PS—10对苹果汁芳香成分保留有良好效果,优于PS—30,PS—60和PS—80;聚砜膜对醇类芳香成分保留优于酯类芳香成分,并对其截留机理作了初步探讨,认为吸附起主要作用。芳香物回收实验表明,12000Pa,50℃为苹果汁芳香成分回收的适宜条件。  相似文献   
久树(Schleichera trijuage Willd)为紫胶虫的优良寄主,但繁殖困难,对其进行组培研究发现:带绿色叶片的材料不易褐变而紫红色叶片的材料容易褐变;随着绿色叶齿的增加,其材料的污染率也增加,在接种时采400μg/g苄氨青液浸泡可使污染率降低;元江实生苗对昆明培养时间越长,污染率越低。  相似文献   
研究快速城市化背景下港闸区城乡结合部土地利用的特征与问题,分析该区域新一轮土地利用总体规划编制面临的困境,结合地方实际与修编要求提出应对策略。  相似文献   
四川阿坝辐射松引种长期森林健康风险初步评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pinus radiata was introduced to the summer rainfall environments of Sichuan Province, China in the 1990s as a part of an afforestation pmgram for soil and water conservation in the arid and semi-arid river valley area of Aba Prefecture. Within this region a total area of 26 000 ha have been identified through climate matching as suitable and a further 63 000 ha potentially suitable for environmental plantings of P. radiata. The plantations are being established in widely separated small patches on steep and degraded slopes along the dry river valley The newly introduced P. radiata are exposed to two kinds of forest health risks: they may be attacked by (a) indigenous pathogens and pests against which they may not possess any resistance or (b) by inadvertently introduced foreign pests or pathogens. This paper presents a survey of the potential damaging pests and a preliminary assessment of forest health risks facing the P. radiata plantations over a much longer timeframe than the initial phase of introduction and early plantation establishment. An empirical appmach was adopted to evaluate forest health risks by a combination of literature review, examination of historical records of pest and disease outbreaks in the surrounding conifemus forests, field surveys and inspections, specimen collection and identification, and most importantly, expert analysis of the likelihood of attack by specific pests and pathogens and the subsequent impact of such attacks. The assessment identified some specific forest health risks to the long-term success of P. radiata introduction in this area. These risks are closely associated with the indigenous pests and pathogens of the two native pine species, P. tabulaeformis and P. armondii since these pests and pathogens are considered more likely to establish on P. radiata over time. Exotic pests and pathogens are of a quarantine concern at present. Based on the results of assessment, recommendations are pmvided to improve forest vigour and to reduce the forest health risks pos  相似文献   
阎红 《兽医导刊》2020,(8):183-183
猪坏死杆菌病是以坏死梭杆菌为病原的慢性传染性细菌病,临床主要表现为组织坏死。本文针对坏死性皮炎、口炎、鼻炎、肠炎等四种坏死杆菌病的临床症状与诊断结果进行大体分析,围绕紧急隔离、药物治疗与饲养管理三个层面,探讨了对于猪感染坏死杆菌病的具体防治措施,以期为养猪业提供参考。  相似文献   
湿疹是动物皮肤层的炎症,以形成多种形态的斑疹为特征,各种动物都易发生,以羊、犬为最。1发病原因皮肤卫生管理不良,圈舍卫生差及舍内空气流通不畅,环境潮湿、脏污不洁,特别是圈舍里  相似文献   
超滤技术对草莓汁中重要芳香成分影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
选用“宝交早生”草莓为原料研究了超滤技术对草莓汁中重要芳香成分的影响及主要原因。在聚砜(PS)、磺化聚砜(SPS)、聚砜-磺化聚砜共混膜(PS-SPS)三种超滤膜的比较中筛选出适宜草莓汁澄清的PS膜和PS-SPS共混膜;采用同时蒸馏萃取(SDE)法提取、浓缩果汁中芳香成分,作气谱分析,比较超滤前后芳香成分的变化,共混膜对芳香成分的保留率优于PS单一膜,酸类、醇类芳香成分的保留优于酯类的保留。实验确定了超滤中引起芳香成分损失的三种因素:超滤膜的吸附作用、筛分作用、超滤中循环处理引起的挥发作用。  相似文献   
久树(Schleichera trijuga Willd)为紫胶虫的优良寄主,但繁殖困难.对其进行组培研究发现:带绿色叶片的材料不易褐变而带紫红色叶片的材料容易褐变;随着绿色叶片叶龄的增加,其材料的污染率也增加;在接种时采用400μg/g苄氨青液浸泡可使污染率降低;元江实生苗带至昆明培养时间越长,污染率越低.  相似文献   
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