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郑敏 《中国农资》2009,(5):29-29
<正>近日,一篇题为《10年内我国将成为钾肥净出口国》的报道在业内引起轩然大波。该篇报道称中国近几年将逐步成为钾肥自给的国家,随着国内外产能的完全释放,到2019年我国将成为全球钾肥的主要出口国。  相似文献   
郑敏 《中国农资》2009,(1):69-69
从仅有两个人的夫妻店发展成为有26名员工,70余家连锁店的山东省安丘地区最大的连锁网络,安丘红太阳农资商贸连锁有限公司的连锁发展颇费周折,以至于一说起这个过程,总经理于志田都是一脸无奈“我当初也是被逼上梁山才办起的连锁”。  相似文献   
郑敏 《中国农资》2011,(40):5-5
从提出倡议要给农资产品配戴上“身份证”,到中国尿素批发价格指数的首发.再到{20lo中国农资流通行业年度发展报告》的正式发布,自去年11月第十一届磷复肥产销会召开后.在短短几个月的时间里,中国农资流通协会就一次次地刷新着中咽农资流通领域大事记的记事簿。  相似文献   
采用正交试验法,研究涂饰工艺对木质体育地板表面滑动摩擦系数的影响,试验因素为面漆涂饰次数、涂料种类和面板砂光目数,试验测试指标为表面滑动摩擦系数。方差分析结果表明,涂料种类与测试指标呈极为显著的影响关系,水性面漆涂饰的试件表面滑动摩擦系数相对较高;其他2个因素与测试指标之间无显著影响关系。砂光目数极可能对表面滑动摩擦系数有一定影响,但这一影响关系被底漆涂饰工艺所覆盖,因此所有试件的表面滑动摩擦系数全部达到了国家标准的要求。  相似文献   
郑敏  王旭波 《中国农资》2011,(40):35-35
常言说“一分耕耘.一份收获”.用在山东天山丰耘生态肥业有限公司就是“一分耕耘,一份实力”。作为后起之秀的天山丰耘却能迅速进入行业知名企业行列.就在于天山丰耘先是“只问耕耘,不问收获”。后来却“桃李不言下自成行”,在深耕企业实力和为农服务之时.顺其自然地也成就了天山丰耘今天的不凡实力.  相似文献   
郑敏 《中国农资》2011,(19):8-8
本周(5月20日一5月25日)记者对国内85家尿素企业出厂价跟踪调查发现.临近6月尿素价格出现大幅上涨.拳周尿素出厂均价已经达到2080元/吨,较上周上涨65元/吨。其中不少尿素企业周涨幅超过100元/吨.目前国内最高出厂报价为广西河池2400元/吨。涨幅加大地区依然集中在山东、河北、河南、安徽、江苏、东北等地.西北地区尿素价格相对平稳且价格偏低。其中明水大化出厂价2120元/吨,  相似文献   
目前绿化树种中,火炬树用作道路两侧行道树和公园绿化,与侧柏搭配的荒山绿化;构树作为村镇树广泛分布,通过自然传播分布范围较广,经常生长在不该生长的地方;葛藤往往伴生于松树、侧柏、刺槐林中。它们的存在,控制和预防不及时将严重影响目的树种的生长,因此对其进行合理防控显得尤其重要。  相似文献   
为了调查广西地区犬细小病毒(CPV)的优势毒株及其遗传变异情况,试验利用PCR方法对采自广西地区的423份犬血清样本进行CPV检测并扩增其VP2基因,利用MegAlign软件进行同源性比对并分析VP2蛋白主要突变的氨基酸位点,同时利用MEGA 7.0软件采用邻接法构建遗传进化树。结果表明:共获得55份CPV阳性血清样本,阳性率约为13.0%。PCR扩增得到大小约为1 755 bp的VP2基因。55株分离毒株之间的相似性为98.6%~100%;分离毒株与国内外参考毒株的相似性为97.4%~100%,与疫苗株Pfizer/vaccine/06的相似性为98.3%~98.9%。扩增序列的推导氨基酸主要在第5,297,370,426,440位发生变异。在55株分离毒株中,有32株为New CPV-2a亚型毒株,20株为CPV-2c亚型毒株,3株为New CPV-2b亚型毒株。55株分离毒株形成3个主要的流行分支,与国内参考毒株的亲缘关系较近,而与国外参考毒株、猫细小病毒的亲缘关系较远。说明New CPV-2a、CPV-2c、New CPV-2b亚型毒株在广西地区流行广泛,正逐步取代CPV-2a...  相似文献   
南水北调工程对东平湖经济发展的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东平湖是南水北调东线工程途经的最后一级蓄水湖,南水北调东线工程实施后,东平湖一级湖将常年高水位蓄水、给库区群众的生产生活和当地经济社会发展带来一系列影响,个别问题还比较严重,充分考虑、妥善解决蓄水和影响经济发展的矛盾,对工程的顺利实施和正常运营管理是十分重要的。  相似文献   
Rice appearance trait is mainly mean grain length (GL), grain width (GW), ratio of length and width (L/W), chalkiness (CH) and transparence (TR). Appearance is the first impression, and rice appearance traits effect significantly the value of commodity. Hybrid rice is relatively low quality, especially on rice appearance quality,which restricts partially its extend and badly export of hybrid seed and rice in China.Shanyou 63, the most famous hybrid rice combination of China, could not be also sustainable application because of its poor qualities. In this studies, We attempt to improve appearance quality of the elite rice maintainer of Zhenshan 97B by using molecular approach of genomic interval targeted introgression. Three F2 populations were constructed to study the classical and molecular genetic of rice appearance traits, at the same time, molecular marker-asisted toimprove the main maintainer line, Zhenshan 97B were performed. There some following results:Three F2 populations were constructed based on crosses of Guangluai 4×Jiafuzhan (GJ popu.), Minghui 86×Jiafuzhan (MJ popu.) and Zhenshan 97B×Jiafuzhan (ZJ popu.). ZJ popu and GJ popu were produced to reconstruct the linkage maps related with rice appearance traits based on BSA, and detect QTL of target traits based on IM.In ZJ popu, 9 QTLs of target traits were detected. The interval, RM169~RM516 on Chromosome 5, was genetic locus of GW, L/W, CH and BW, and the explained variances were 10.9%, 14.9%, 12.0% and 14.2%, respectively.RM214 on chromosome 7, RM339 on chromosome 8 were genetic loci if CH and BW, and the explained variances were 9.4%, 10.0%, 11.0% and 12.1%. besides there is a genetic locus, RM347, of G/W on chromosome 3, and the explained varance was 10.3%. In GJ popu, 5 QTLs of rice appearance traits were detected. The interval, RM169-RM516 on Chromosome 5, were also the genetic loci of GW, CH and BW, and the explained variances were 9.0%, 12.5%, and 13.6%, respectively. RM264~RM80 on chromosome 8 was the genetic loci of GW amd L/W,and the explained variances were 14.7% and 13.4%. The genotypes of all QTLs, except RM214, from Jiafuzhan contributed to improving riee appearance traits.The research was to improve the rice appearance quality of Zhenshan 97B by introgressing QTLs of rice appearance traits from Jiafuzhan, a donor parent, by means of MAS in the process of recurrent backcrossing, 4 SSR markers were used to detect the target genotypes from donor parent, and 70 SSR primers to identify the genetic background of recurrent parent. Consequently, there were 19 target individuals in BC3, in which the mean value of GL, GW, L/W, CH and BW were 6.06±0.04mm, 2.50±0.02mm, 2.43±0.02, 29.5±2.7 and 29.4±2.7%, respectively,and the mean homologous degree (HD) to recurrent parent is up to 98.22%. Compared to Zhenshan 97B, GL, CH and BW decreased 0.17 mm, 34.9% and 34.5% respectively and however L/W increased 0.19. which accounted separately for 25.37%, 54.79%, 54.57% and 10.50% of thedifference of every trait between two parents. It is very luckly to find a individual, 13BC2-3BC3 line, whose GL, GW, G/W, CH and BW were 6.04 mm, 2.43 mm, 2.49,2.5% and 2.5% separately, There is very important signification for it to be used in hybrid rice breeding improving appearance traits. In the research, MAS efficiency of 3 loci (with 4 markers ) was 5.68% and coincident degree was 73.08%.  相似文献   
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