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Agricultural industrialization and the subsequent reliance on pesticides has resulted in numerous unintended consequences, such as impacts upon the environment and by extension human health. Eco‐efficiency is a strategy for sustainably increasing production, while simultaneously decreasing these externalities on ecological systems. Eco‐efficiency is defined as the ratio of production to environmental impacts. It has been widely adopted to improve chemical production, but we investigate the challenges of applying eco‐efficiency to pesticide use. Eco‐efficiency strategies include technological innovation, investment in research and development, improvement of business processes, and accounting for market forces. These components are often part of integrated pest management (IPM) systems that include alternatives to pesticides, but its implementation is often thwarted by commercial realities and technical challenges. We propose the creation and adoption of an eco‐efficiency index for pesticide use so that the broad benefits of eco‐efficient strategies such as IPM can be more readily quantified. We propose an index based upon the ratio of crop yield to a risk quotient (RQ) calculated from pesticide toxicity. Eco‐efficiency is an operational basis for optimizing pest management for sustainability. It naturally favors adoption of IPM and should be considered by regulators, researchers, and practitioners involved in pest management. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Preparations derived from plants were the original therapeutic interventions used by man to control diseases (including parasites), both within humans and livestock. Development of herbal products depended upon local botanical flora with the result that different remedies tended to develop in different parts of the world. Nevertheless, in some instances, the same or related plants were used over wide geographic regions, which also was the result of communication and/or the importation of plant material of high repute. Thus, the Nordic countries have an ancient, rich and diverse history of plant derived anthelmintic medications for human and animal use. Although some of the more commonly used herbal de-wormers were derived from imported plants, or their products, many are from endemic plants or those that thrive in the Scandinavian environment. With the advent of the modern chemotherapeutic era, and the discovery, development and marketing of a seemingly unlimited variety of highly efficacious, safe synthetic chemicals with very wide spectra of activities, herbal remedies virtually disappeared from the consciousness--at least in the Western world. This attitude is now rapidly changing. There is a widespread resurgence in natural product medication, driven by major threats posed by multi-resistant pest, or disease, organisms and the diminishing public perceptions that synthetic chemicals are the panacea to health and disease control. This review attempts to provide a comprehensive account of the depth of historical Nordic information available on herbal de-wormers, with emphasis on livestock and to provide some insights on potentially rewarding areas of "re-discovery" and scientific evaluation in this field.  相似文献   
为了探索烟叶生产过程中各机械的性能及工作效率,2013年在福建省建阳市莒口镇河坝新村开展了烟叶生产全程机械化作业试点研究。结果表明,起垄环节,碎土率方面邵武华友履带式起垄机表现最好(89.9%),沟底积土方面松溪永顺表现最好;覆膜环节,各测试机型表现中等,在效率方面优于人工覆膜;移栽环节,漏栽率上江苏久泰移栽机高于江苏井关移栽机;培土环节,漳州南冠培土机操作简便,掉头灵活,单人操作,单行双侧作业,深受烟农喜爱;拔杆环节,龙岩诚德拔杆机单人操作,操作简便,动力较足,拔杆顺畅,拔杆带土较少,效果较好,适应性较强。  相似文献   
The pH buffer capacity of a soil (pHBC) determines the amount of lime required to raise the pH of the soil layer from its initial acid condition to an optimal pH for plant growth and the time available under current net acid addition rate (NAAR) until the soil layer acidifies to a critical pH leading to likely production losses. Accurate values of pHBC can also be used to calculate NAAR from observed changes in soil pH. In spite of its importance, there is a critical shortage of pHBC data, likely due to the long period of time needed for its direct measurement. This work aimed to develop quick, simple and reliable methods of pHBC measurement and to test these methods against a slow (7‐day) titration used as benchmark. The method developed here calculates pHBC directly from the pH buffer capacity of the buffer solution and the increase in soil pH and corresponding decrease in pH of the buffer solution following mixing and equilibration. The pHBC values calculated using Adams and Evans or modified Woodruff buffers were in accord with those measured by slow titration. Buffer methods are easily deployed in commercial and research laboratories as well as in the field. The advantage of using buffer solutions to calculate pHBC instead of lime requirement is the broad application of this soil property. The pHBC of a soil is an intrinsic property that would not be expected to need remeasurement over periods of less than decades. Recurring lime requirement can be calculated from the soil's pHBC, initial and target pH values. A large proportion of the variability in pHBC was explained by the soil organic carbon content. This relationship between pHBC and soil organic carbon content allowed us to develop local pedotransfer functions to estimate pHBC for different regions of Australia.  相似文献   
Summary Foliar absorption consists of penetration of a cuticular membrane and uptake by living cells within the leaf. A detailed analysis of nutrient absorption by these two systems has revealed that ionic penetration of the cuticular membrane is by diffusion, and that the coupling between active transport and metabolism is at the cellular level. Urea penetrates the cuticular membrane and is absorbed by leaf cells much more rapidly than are nutrient ions. Furthermore, urea facilitates penetration and absorption of other materials simultaneously applied. Penetration of nutrient ions through cuticular membranes has been localized by microautoradiography as occurring around stomatal pores and along periclinal cell walls. Chelation of metals such as iron, manganese and zinc reduces the rate of foliar absorption, but increases the translocation of the absorbed nutrient. At the cellular level the nutrient ion is absorbed and the ligand is excluded.
Zusammenfassung Blattabsorption erfolgt durch Eindringen in Kutikularschichten der Membran und durch Aufnahme durch die lebenden Zellen innerhalb des Blattes. Eine detaillierte Analyse der N?hrstoffabsorption nach diesen beiden Systemen zeigte, da? die Ionen-Aufnahme über die Kutikularmembran durch Diffusion und da? die Koppelung des aktiven Transports mit dem Stoffwechsel im Zellbereich erfolgt. Harnstoff dringt durch die Kutikularmembran ein und wird viel schneller als N?hrstoff-Ionen durch die Blattzellen absorbiert. Weiterhin erleichtert Harnstoff das Eindringen und die Absorption anderer, gleichzeitig applizierter Substanzen. Die Fixierung der Eindringungsstelle von N?hrstoff-Ionen in Kutikularmembrane wurde durch Mikroautoradiographie ermittelt. Das Eindringen erfolgt um die Stomata-?ffnungen und entlang der periklinalen Zellw?nde. Metallgelate von Eisen, Mangan und Zink mindern die Zellabsorption, vermehren aber die Translokation der absorbierten N?hrstoffe. Im Bereich der Zellen werden N?hrstoff-Ionen absorbiert, aber Verbindungen ausgeschlossen.

Résumé L'absorption foliaire consiste en une pénétration à travers la membrane cuticulaire, et l'assimilation par les cellules vivantes à l'intérieur de la feuille. Une analyse détaillée de l'absorption des éléments nutritifs par ces deux systèmes a révélé que la pénétration des ions à travers la membrane cuticulaire se fait par diffusion, et que le couplage entre le transport actif et le métabolisme se fait au niveau cellulaire. L'urée pénètre à travers la membrane cuticulaire et est absorbée par les cellules de la feuille beaucoup plus rapidement que ne le sont les ions nutritifs. D'autre part l'urée facilite la pénétration et l'absorption d'autres substances appliquées simultanément. La pénétration des ions nutritifs à travers la membrane cuticulaire a été localisée par microautoradiographie comme se faisant autour des pores stomatiques, et le long des parois des cellules périclinales. La chélation de métaux tels que fer, manganèse, zinc, réduit la vitesse d'absorption foliaire mais augmente la vitesse de transport de l'ion nutritif absorbé. Au niveau de la cellule, l'ion nutritif est absorbé, et le complexant est exclu.

Report No. COO-888-51 in cooperation with the Division of Biology and Medicine of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, Contract AT (11-1)-888. Journal Article No. 3692 of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   
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