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Paraoxonase‐1 (PON1) is an enzyme found in serum and follicular fluid that protects cell membrane and circulating lipids against oxidative damage. The aims of this study were to measure the direct effects of recombinant PON1 (rPON1) on bovine oocyte maturation at the molecular level (gene expression) and to measure the carry‐over effects of PON1 on pre‐implantation embryo development in vitro. COCs were submitted to IVM with the addition of 0.0, 0.02, 0.04 and 0.08 mg ml?1 of rPON1, corresponding to an average PON1 arylesterase enzyme activity of 2.2 ± 0.4, 15.5 ± 1.5, 30.2 ± 3.0 and 57.9 ± 5.0 U ml?1, respectively. The results indicated that addition of rPON1 during IVM improved embryo development in a dose‐dependent manner as D7 embryo development was 22.2%, 29.4%, 32.2% and 37.0% for the treatment groups, respectively (p = 0.02). In conclusion, addition of PON1 enzyme during IVM exerted dose‐related positive effects on embryo development rates to blastocysts.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Bean calico mosaic virus (BCMoV), a whitefly-transmitted geminivirus from Sonora, Mexico, was purified, and the genome components were cloned and sequenced. Purified viral fractions and cloned genome components were infectious by biolistic inoculation to bean, completing Koch's postulates for both. The B biotype of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci efficiently transmitted both native virus and progeny virus derived from cloned DNA inoculum. Host ranges of native virus and of progeny virus derived from cloned DNA were identical based upon whitefly and biolistic mediated transmission, respectively. BCMoV has a relatively wide experimental host range among begomoviruses known to infect bean, encompassing genera and species within the Fabaceae, Malvaceae, and Solanaceae. BCMoV has a bipartite genome, as do other New World begomoviruses. BCMoV DNA-A shared highest nucleotide sequence identities with squash leaf curl virus-E strain (SLCV-E) and cabbage leaf curl virus (CaLCV) at 80.1 and 80.7%, respectively. BCMoV DNA-B shared highest nucleotide sequence identity with SLCV-E at 70.7%. The common region (CR) sequences of BCMoV and SLCV-E are 73 to 76% identical; however, modular cis-acting elements within the CR involved in replication origin function and recognition are 100% conserved. Phy-logenetic analysis indicated that BCMoV DNA-A shares a most recent common ancestor with the DNA-A of two viruses that also occur in the Sonoran Desert, SLCV-E and Texas pepper virus (TPV-TAM), and CaLCV from Florida. In contrast, a phylogenetic analysis indicated that BCMoV DNA-B shares a most recent common ancestor with SLCV-E; whereas DNA-B of CaLCV clustered in a separate clade with pepper hausteco virus. Collectively, biological and molecular characteristics indicate that BCMoV is a distinct begomovirus species with the northernmost distribution of any begomovirus isolated from bean in the Americas. Furthermore, the phylogenetic relationships of begomovirus cognate components are not necessarily identical, suggesting that DNA-A and DNA-B of some begomoviruses may have different evolutionary histories.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Cucurbit leaf curl virus (CuLCV), a whitefly-transmitted geminivirus previously partially characterized from the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, was identified as a distinct bipartite begomovirus species. This virus has near sequence identity with the previously partially characterized Cucurbit leaf crumple virus from California. Experimental and natural host range studies indicated that CuLCV has a relatively broad host range within the family Cucurbitaceae and also infects bean and tobacco. The genome of an Arizona isolate, designated CuLCV-AZ, was cloned and completely sequenced. Cloned CuLCV-AZ DNA A and B components were infectious by biolistic inoculation to pumpkin and progeny virus was transmissible by the whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci, thereby completing Koch's postulates. CuLCV-AZ DNA A shared highest nucleotide sequence identity with Squash leaf curl virus-R (SLCV-R), SLCV-E, and Bean calico mosaic virus (BCaMV) at 84, 83, and 80%, respectively. The CuLCV DNA B component shared highest nucleotide sequence identity with BCaMV, SLCV-R, and SLCV-E at 71, 70, and 68%, respectively. The cis-acting begomovirus replication specificity element, GGTGTCCTGGTG, in the CuLCV-AZ origin of replication is identical to that of SLCV-R, SLCV-E, and BCaMV, suggesting that reassortants among components of CuLCV-AZ and these begomoviruses may be possible. Reassortment experiments in pumpkin demonstrated that both reassortants of CuLCV-AZ and SLCV-E A and B components were viable. However, for CuLCV-AZ and SLCV-R, only one reassortant (SLCV-R DNA A/CuLCV-AZ DNA B) was viable on pumpkin, even though the cognate component pairs of both viruses infect pumpkin. These results demonstrate that reassortment among sympatric begomovirus species infecting cucurbits are possible, and that, if generated in nature, could result in begomoviruses bearing distinct biological properties.  相似文献   
Stenger DC 《Phytopathology》1998,88(11):1174-1178
ABSTRACT Cloned genomes of the CFH, Worland, and Cal/Logan strains of beet curly top virus (BCTV) served as helper viruses to trans-replicate defective (D) DNAs that are incapable of self-replication due to deletions within the C1 open reading frame encoding the replication initiator (Rep) protein. The Logan Rep protein could trans-replicate a Logan-derived D DNA in a transient replication assay conducted in Nicotiana benthamiana leaf disks. However, the Logan Rep protein was unable to trans-replicate D DNAs derived from the CFH or Worland strains. In contrast, the Rep proteins of the CFH and Worland strains could trans-replicate CFH or Worland D DNAs, but not a Logan D DNA. These results indicate that the cis- and trans-acting replication specificity elements of the CFH and Worland strains are compatible and that the three strains of BCTV may be divided into two groupings based upon replication specificity determinants. A comparison of amino acid sequences of the Rep protein for the three BCTV strains suggests that the trans-acting replication specificity element may reside in one or more of 12 amino acid residues that are identical; in two amino acid residues that are chemically similar among the CFH and Worland Rep proteins, yet are different in the Logan Rep protein; or in both. Properties including replication specificity, nucleotide sequence identity, and symptom expression were used as criteria to propose separate species designations for each of the three BCTV strains. In this proposal, the Cal/ Logan strain retains the name BCTV, CFH and the closely related Iranian isolate are designated beet severe curly top virus, and Worland is designated beet mild curly top virus.  相似文献   
以普通小麦为父本,以与小麦亲缘关系较近的黑麦、偃麦草和山羊草等属中7个种的10个品种为母本进行人工杂交,结果表明普通小麦与卵穗山羊草的可交配性最高,其两个品种Ae23和Y100与普通小麦的杂交结实率分别为11.96%和14.10%,与黑麦杂交的结实率最低,授粉496朵,未结1粒,与其他近缘种的杂交结实率介于前二者之间。与倍性高的种相比,二倍体种与普通小麦之间的可交配性要差,其杂种幼胚在培养基上也很难出愈。所得杂种的育性非常低,甚至雌雄蕊均不育。由此看来,自然条件下普通小麦基因漂流到野生近缘种中的可能性非常低,通过转基因小麦田间释放产生“超级杂草”是非常困难的。  相似文献   
Conflict monitoring by the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) has been posited to signal a need for greater cognitive control, producing neural and behavioral adjustments. However, the very occurrence of behavioral adjustments after conflict has been questioned, along with suggestions that there is no direct evidence of ACC conflict-related activity predicting subsequent neural or behavioral adjustments in control. Using the Stroop color-naming task and controlling for repetition effects, we demonstrate that ACC conflict-related activity predicts both greater prefrontal cortex activity and adjustments in behavior, supporting a role of ACC conflict monitoring in the engagement of cognitive control.  相似文献   
We describe the morphological, biological, and molecular characteristics of Cryptosporidium pig genotype II and propose the species name Cryptosporidium scrofarum n. sp. to reflect its prevalence in adult pigs worldwide. Oocysts of C. scrofarum are morphologically indistinguishable from C. parvum, measuring 4.81–5.96 μm (mean = 5.16) × 4.23–5.29 μm (mean = 4.83) with a length to width ratio of 1.07 ± 0.06 (n = 400). Oocysts of C. scrofarum obtained from a naturally infected pig were infectious for 8-week-old pigs but not 4-week-old pigs. The prepatent period in 8-week-old Cryptosporidium-naive pigs was 4–6 days and the patent period was longer than 30 days. The infection intensity of C. scrofarum in pigs was generally low, in the range 250–4000 oocysts per gram of feces. Infected pigs showed no clinical signs of cryptosporidiosis and no pathology was detected. Cryptosporidium scrofarum was not infectious for adult SCID mice, adult BALB/c mice, Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus), southern multimammate mice (Mastomys coucha), yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis), or guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit rRNA, actin, and heat shock protein 70 gene sequences revealed that C. scrofarum is genetically distinct from all known Cryptosporidium species.  相似文献   
Abstract Diel changes in littoral fish assemblage were studied in four reservoirs in the Czech Republic (Central Europe). The sampling was performed by beach seining in an unstructured littoral zone. Perch, Perca fluviatilis L., roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.), bream, Abramis brama (L.), carp, Cyprinus carpio L., ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernua (L.), pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (L.), eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.) and A. brama × R. rutilus hybrids exhibited higher densities at night. Only bleak, Alburnus alburnus (L.) exhibited higher densities during the day. The number of species was higher in night hauls, and mean body size of roach and bleak was also higher at night. Diel changes in fish densities resulted in the change in species composition between day and night. The study has implication for the sampling design to assess littoral fish assemblages using beach seine netting and recommends night sampling for a representative assessment or sampling during both diel periods for a robust assessment.  相似文献   
In innate immune responses, activation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) triggers direct antimicrobial activity against intracellular bacteria, which in murine, but not human, monocytes and macrophages is mediated principally by nitric oxide. We report here that TLR activation of human macrophages up-regulated expression of the vitamin D receptor and the vitamin D-1-hydroxylase genes, leading to induction of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin and killing of intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We also observed that sera from African-American individuals, known to have increased susceptibility to tuberculosis, had low 25-hydroxyvitamin D and were inefficient in supporting cathelicidin messenger RNA induction. These data support a link between TLRs and vitamin D-mediated innate immunity and suggest that differences in ability of human populations to produce vitamin D may contribute to susceptibility to microbial infection.  相似文献   
Deployment of resistant varieties is a key strategy to mitigating economic losses due to arthropod‐transmitted plant pathogens of perennial crops. In many cases, the best available resistant traits for introgression confer only partial resistance. Plants displaying partial resistance have lower pathogen titres than susceptible counterparts, but remain hosts for the pathogen. As partially resistant varieties maintain yield after infection, infected plants are unlikely to be rogued (i.e. removed). Accordingly, there is a risk that partially resistant plants could serve as a source of inoculum for pathogen spread to susceptible plants. Here, a mathematical model that tracked spread of an arthropod‐transmitted pathogen in a plant population consisting of susceptible and partially resistant plants was used to identify a threshold acquisition rate from partially resistant plants that resulted in limited spread of the pathogen from partially resistant plants to susceptible plants. The acquisition threshold from partially resistant plants varied with parameters influenced by disease management decisions such as number of vectors per plant, vector turnover, replacement of susceptible plants, and proportion of plants that were partially resistant. In model simulations, effects of deploying a partially resistant variety on disease incidence in a susceptible variety depended on the extent to which pathogen spread among susceptible plants was suppressed and acquisition rates from partially resistant plants. Collectively, the results indicate that risk of partially resistant plants serving as inoculum sources could be assessed prior to deployment, thereby enabling design of complementary disease management tactics to minimize economic losses in susceptible varieties following deployment.  相似文献   
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