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Objective To characterise the effects of delmadinone acetate on the pituitary-adrenal axis, glucose tolerance and growth hormone concentration in normal male dogs and dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Design A prospective study involving nine normal male dogs and seven with prostatic hyperplasia.
Procedure Delmadinone acetate was administered to six normal male dogs and seven dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia at recommended dose rates (1.5 mg/kg subcuta-neously at 0, 1 and 4 weeks). Three normal controls received saline at the same intervals. Blood concentrations of ACTH, cortisol, glucose, insulin and growth hormone were measured over 50 days. Intravenous glucose tolerance and ACTH response tests were performed before and after treatment in the nine normal animals.
Results A substantial suppression of basal and 2 h post-ACTH plasma cortisol secretion was demonstrated after one dose in all dogs given delmadinone acetate. Individual responses after the second and third administration varied between recovery in adrenal responsiveness to continued suppression. Plasma ACTH concentration was also diminished after one treatment. No effects were evident on glucose tolerance or serum growth hormone concentrations.
Conclusion Delmadinone acetate causes adrenal suppression from inhibition of release of ACTH from the pituitary gland. Treated dogs may be at risk of developing signs of glucocorticoid insufficiency if subjected to stressful events during or after therapy. Neither glucose intolerance nor hyper-somatotropism seems likely in male dogs given delmadinone acetate at the recommended dose rate, but the potential for excessive growth hormone secretion in treated bitches remains undetermined.  相似文献   
Objective To compare cortisol responses to three corticotrophic preparations in normal dogs.
Animals Eight clinically normal dogs (four intact males, four intact females) of medium size.
Procedures Each dog received four treatments on four separate occasions in a duplicated Latin square pattern. Treatments were two adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) preparations given intramuscularly at 2.2 U/kg, one of the ACTH preparations given intramuscularly at 1 U/kg and a synthetic polypeptide with ACTH-like activity (tetracosactrin, cosyntropin) given intravenously at 5 μg/kg. Plasma samples were taken for cortisol assay before and at 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 h after treatment.
Results Plasma cortisol concentrations were similar with the two ACTH preparations and at both dose rates. Tetracosactrin produced smaller mean peak cortisol concentrations, which tended to occur earlier than with ACTH, and smaller values for the area under the curve of plasma cortisol concentration from zero time to 4 h.
Conclusion The findings suggest that canine adrenal function can be tested adequately by giving ACTH intramuscularly at 1 U/kg and measuring plasma cortisol in samples taken at 0 and 2 h, or by giving tetracosactrin intravenously at 5 μg/kg and determining cortisol concentration at 0 and 1 h.  相似文献   
Objective To determine the regional incidence and effectiveness of treatment of failure of passive transfer (FPT) in foals. Design A study of disease incidence. Animals Eighty-eight foals and 57 mares from four studs in the practice area of the Rural Veterinary Centre were tested. Procedure Foals were tested for their serum IgG and total serum protein (TSP) concentration within the first 72 hours of life. Colostrum was collected from mares and specific gravity determined. FPT and partial failure of passive transfer (PFPT) of immunoglobulins was diagnosed when serum IgG concentrations were < 4 g/L and 4 to 8 g/L respectively. Owners of foals diagnosed with FPT were offered treatment with 1 to 2 L plasma (TSP > 70 g/L); 9 (64%) of the affected foals were treated. Results Fourteen foals (16%) had FPT whereas 15 (17%) had PFPT. There were significant differences between the mean TSP concentration in foals with FPT (42.6 ± 4.2 g/L), PFPT (48.1 ± 3.9 g/L) and those acquiring adequate passive immunity (58.9 ± 5.5 g/L) (P < 0.01). Sixteen (29%) mares had pre-suck colostral specific gravity < 1.060 and 12 (71%) foals raised by these mares had FPT or PFPT. The incidence of severe disease (categorised by a sepsis score > 11, positive culture of bacteria from blood or disease requiring hospitalisation) in all foals in the first 2 months of life was 10%. However, none of the nine foals with FPT that received plasma experienced severe disease. In contrast, foals with PFPT had an increased susceptibility to severe disease (P < 0.001) when compared with normal foals. Conclusion Treatment of foals with FPT may reduce the subsequent incidence of severe disease. Pre-suck colostral specific gravity and foal TSP may be used to predict the likelihood of FPT and PFPT. Even though the number of foals studied is small the results highlight the importance of optimal management practices in reducing the incidence of FPT and disease associated with this process.  相似文献   
Some of the predisposing factors for the development of degenerative joint disease, such as fatigue, early training, conformation defects, and others, are outlined. Swimming, a controlled weight-bearing exercise, is discussed and strongly recommended for treatment of degenerative joint disease in the horse. A brief review of counterirritants and vesicants, as well as current therapeutic suggestions, are presented. Cryotherapy, which is a relatively new form of counterirritation, is discussed. The benefits and limitations of radiation therapy are briefly discussed, and gamma rays are felt to be superior to x-rays. The most frequently used antiinflammatory drugs are discussed, and the two main categories, corticosteroids and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, are presented in detail. Among the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, hyaluronic acid, DMSO, and superoxide dismutase are presented and their mode of action, as well as benefits and disadvantages, are evaluated. Joint lavage is an effective tool in the management of joint disease, because it removes degenerative debris and inflammatory cells from the joint. The management of degenerative joint disease generally involves more than one of the therapeutic regimens mentioned. On the other hand, there is not a single treatment combination that is superior in all situations. The clinician treating degenerative joint disease must select the treatment regimen that works best for him and for the case to be treated. Such a choice must be based on a thorough understanding of applicable therapeutic agents and modes of physical therapy.  相似文献   
Objective   To determine the effectiveness of a topical anaesthetic formulation (Tri-Solfen) with or without the administration of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (carprofen) on the pain and distress response associated with ring or surgical castration of ram lambs.
Procedures   Merino ram lambs (n = 78) were allocated to 10 treatment groups: 4 groups of knife-castrated lambs and 4 groups of ring-castrated lambs received carprofen (4 mg/kg SC) and Tri-Solfen; 2 control groups (sham) received carprofen at 0 or 4 mg/kg SC. Measurements included plasma cortisol and haptoglobin concentrations, haematology, and behaviour, including posture.
Results   Knife-castrated lambs had higher peak cortisol and integrated cortisol responses for the first 6 h after treatment and greater concentration s of circulating acute phase proteins than ring-castrated lambs, both of which were significantly different from the sham controls. Tri-Solfen applied to the knife castration wound significantly reduced both the peak plasma cortisol concentration and the integrated cortisol response for the first 6 h and improved lying behaviour in the first 12 h. Carprofen reduced the cortisol response to knife castration at 30 min, but elevated the cortisol responses at 24 and 48 h. Carprofen nearly halved the number of acute pain behaviours associated with ring castration. There were no significant additive or synergistic effects from combining the analgesic treatments. Tri-Solfen applied to the tail wound provided no detectible benefits during ring castration + tail docking.
Conclusions   The physiological and behavioural responses suggest that ring castration has less impact on the lamb than knife castration. The specific analgesic treatments can provide modest amelioration of the pain and discomfort associated with castration. Alternative doses or application methods may enhance their efficacy.  相似文献   
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